UNTOUCHED (Midwest Alphas) (Book 1)

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UNTOUCHED (Midwest Alphas) (Book 1) Page 4

by Kiss, Tabatha

  “I like to hit the gym with the guys every now and then,” she says, nodding her head. “I’m not super competitive about it though. I just think it’s fun. You should try it sometime. There’s nothing like it.”

  “I think I’ll pass,” I say, staring at the purple ring around her eye.

  “Suit yourself.” She looks back to the fight in progress. “Excuse me. It looks like he’s gonna tap out…”

  My eyes fall back to the ring and sure enough, the fighter on the floor taps furiously against his opponent’s knee. The opponent, clad in white, blood-splattered shorts, has him pinned to the floor with his knee pressed against his throat. Silence falls on everyone, leaving the sound of gurgling in the air.

  Amy enters the ring and shoots a warning glance at the fighter on top. He lingers on the other fighter’s throat, seemingly disinterested in his plight, and puts a little more force on his body before bouncing off of him.

  I inhale deep, not realizing that I was holding my breath the entire time. A few guys enter the ring to the help the beaten boy off the floor while the winner in blood-splattered shorts walks around the ring with his red fists held high, drawing the shouts of the satisfied crowd.

  “That’s another win for Pike the Punisher, last year’s reigning Alpha from St. Louis!” Amy shouts, gesturing towards the fighter as he steps off the stage. I watch with wild adrenaline, sliding further into the crowd, closing in on the stage with a morbid curiosity.

  Amy signals to the crowd to silence them. “It’s the final fight of the night, folks,” she begins. The crowds goes wild, firing off shouts of excitement and disappointment at the idea of their fun ending so soon. “But it’s the one you’ve all been waiting for!” She points to the left as a fighter enters the ring. He’s as short as I am, but built like a truck from head to toe.

  “In this corner, we have Burt the Brute from Jefferson City!”

  This fighter is obviously popular, as the crowd begins a loud and slow chant of his name as he paces around the stage.

  “And in this corner,” Amy continues, pointing to the right. She waits a moment and the crowd goes silent again. “We have our very own, Tobias the Untouchable!”

  I freeze and my eyes fall on him as he steps into the ring. The piercing shouts for him rattle my ears, far louder than any other fighter so far.

  Tobias stands still, wearing nothing but a pair of tight, black shorts. My eyes once again take in his body. The bruises have faded to a subtle blue, but I can’t say the same about his thick muscles. I bite my inner cheek, completely entranced by him. He doesn’t pace back and forth like the others to draw the crowd’s attentions. He lets them come to him, his face frozen solid like a marble statue, and the crowd adores him for it.

  Amy backs out of the ring and closes the cage behind her. She grabs a whistle hidden on a chain around her neck and brings it to her lips.

  A sudden wave of fear trembles me. Blood still lies splattered beneath their feet inside the cage. I look up at Tobias again, remembering the mess of a fight I witnessed just moments before. I want to shout out and stop him, but it wouldn’t do any good in a crowd as loud as this.

  Amy blows the whistle and the fight begins.

  Burt moves in fast, his fists knocking blows at Tobias with hard precision. Tobias stands his ground, blocking each one of them, keeping his hands in front of his face at all times.

  “Come on, pretty boy!” Burt cries out above the crowd. “Let me mark up that handsome face!” He lands a punch against Tobias’ already bruised ribs. Then another. And another. I see Tobias pushing out his hips, allowing for the Brute’s fists to rough him up.

  He doesn’t even flinch. He waits with wide eyes until Burt drops his form. It’s only for a brief moment, but it’s long enough for Tobias to strike. His bare fist connects with Burt’s jaw, sending him backward into the fence. He hits him again with a flurry of moves, almost moving fast enough to be a human blur.

  Burt stumbles forward and shoves Tobias backward. Tobias moves out of the way, but keeps a tight grip on the Brute’s arm. He swings him around and slams his knee into Burt’s stomach, sending him toppling to the floor.

  I stand on my tippy-toes, begging to get a closer look at them both, but I can barely see what’s happening. The next thing I know, Tobias is on his knees, somehow knocked down by a sneak attack from Burt. I cringe as Burt digs his sharp nails into Tobias’ back. Tobias twists around to break free of him and slams Burt backward against the cage again. His fists collide with Burt’s face and a red mist spills into the air.

  The crowd screams for him and chant’s Tobias’ name over and over again until Burt tumbles to the mat in a silent clump.

  I stand still with shaking knees, watching Tobias’ dark face. His eyes twitch back and forth behind his fists, still raised in a fighting stance, waiting for Burt to get back up. But Burt doesn’t move.

  Amy climbs into the ring and taps Burt’s cheek. “Aye, Burt!” she shouts.

  A few seconds pass and finally, Burt’s eyes flutter open. He raises his fist, but it quickly drops back down and he taps against the mat.

  Amy jumps back to her feet. “And we have a winner!”

  The room crashes with excitement. They reach out and grip the cage, shaking it back and forth so much it may collapse. Tobias drops his fists and steps out of the ring without saying a word.

  I look for him, but somehow, I lose track of him as he drifts off into the roaring crowd.


  I step outside and take a long, deep breath. I’ve lived in the city my entire life. I like to consider myself pretty well-versed with the world, but I’ve never seen anything quite as brutal as that before. My fingers shake. My teeth chatter. Part of me wants to run away and never look back, but another part of me wants to see it all over again. I can’t help myself. Adrenaline rocks my nerves, reacting to the frightening display of power I just witnessed.

  I look around the parking lot and watch as the excited people climb into their cars and race away. My eyes fall on a motorbike near the back of the building and I wonder how I didn’t notice it when I first came in.

  Tobias’ bike.

  I walk over to it and reach out to run my quivering fingers along the handlebars. The cool metal touch shoots through my skin, traveling up my fingers to ignite my digits.

  “So, what are you in for?”

  I look up to see Amy standing in front of me wearing a long, black coat to cover her exposed skin. “What?” I ask.

  “What are you in for?” she asks again.

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  She rolls her eyes and steps forward. “Oh, come on. Everyone knows Charlie takes in troubled strays,” she says. “Is it booze? You seem like a booze girl. No offense. Or drugs? Weed? Heroine?” She gasps. “Meth? This is Missouri, we’re kinda known for that here.”

  I shake my head. “No,” I say. “I’m just visiting my uncle for the summer.”

  “Bullshit,” she smiles and raises her hands, “but I won’t press it.”

  I clear my throat. “So, you run this stuff?” I ask, shifting the focus.

  She grins and performs an exaggerated curtsy. “Guilty.”

  “No offense, but… how?”

  Amy licks her lips and stands up a little taller. “It’s my birthright,” she says. “My mother founded this branch of the Midwest Alphas nearly fifteen years ago and now, it’s mine.”

  “The Midwest Alphas?” I ask.

  “There are four branches in the state; St. Louis, Jefferson City, Springfield, and here,” she explains. “Each year, we stage an underground tournament for local fighters to show their stuff. The fighters travel around between branches and participate in fights chosen at random. They get defeated once, and they’re out for good until the next year. Eventually, only two remain and the winner becomes the Alpha. It’s a fun tradition — one that brings me lots and lots of cold, hard cash. The final battle is in two weeks in St. Louis. You should come. The more people
that do, the merrier my wallet is.”

  “Maybe…” I chew on my lip.

  “Your cousin is the local favorite to win it all, but he’s got some pretty stiff competition to get through before then.”


  She nods. “Anyway, I have to get going. There’s a half-naked, sweaty man waiting at my door as we speak.” She presses her fingers against her lips and blows me a kiss. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight,” I say as I watch her stride across the parking lot. She passes by the school’s entrance as Tobias steps outside. He’s fully clothed now, his body covered in a shirt, his jacket, and some tight jeans. He walks down the stairs with his head down, ignoring the shouts of those driving by that recognize him.

  Underground fame and glory.

  Amy stalls beside him and lays a hand on his shoulder. “Nice moves tonight, Toby,” I hear her say.

  Tobias reaches out and wraps his fingers around her wrist. He speaks to her with a hushed tone, his eyes staring into her bruised face. “You want to tell me what’s going on with you?”

  She smiles back at him with a dismissive chuckle and pulls her hand away. “Sorry, Toby,” she says. “You had your chance.”

  “Amy—” he growls.

  “Goodnight!” she sings as she continues on towards the parking lot. I blink when I see the rather expensive looking sports car she climbs into. Maybe this gig really is profitable for her.

  Tobias watches her go for a few moments before finally turning back towards his motorbike.

  “That was quite impressive,” I say to him as he travels closer.

  He stops in his tracks and he fires up at me with angry eyes. “What the hell are you doing out here?” he growls, adjusting his pace to take wider strides in my direction.

  “Amy invited me,” I say. I step away from him, but he quickly bridges the small gap between us.

  “How do you know Amy?” he asks.

  I shrug. “I met her in the market.”

  He sighs and shakes his head. “I’m officially uninviting you. You can’t be here.”

  “What are you gonna do?” I ask him. “Tattle on me?”

  “I mean it — this isn’t the place for you.”

  The anger in his eyes burns my skin. It reminds me of the night I met him and how his furious demeanor jolted me to the core. “It’s not like I’ve never seen a bum fight before,” I joke.


  His eyes fall over my shoulder, following the deep voice that spoke his name. There’s a subtle shift in his gaze as his anger turns to fear. “Get behind me,” he whispers.

  “What?” I ask. I start to look over my shoulder, but he grips my arm to stop me.

  “Claire, get behind me.” He moves with a quick jerk, sliding himself in front of me before I can say another word.

  “Well, well, well…”

  I follow the voice and peak around Tobias’ thick shoulder to see a fighter walking towards us in street clothes. I recognize his face immediately: Pike the Punisher. The winner with the blood-stained shorts.

  He grins at Tobias with perfect teeth. “I thought you would have been knocked out of the bracket by now, Tobias,” he says.

  Tobias keeps his arm back to hold me in place behind him. “Sorry to disappoint you, Pike,” he says.

  Pike cranes his neck to get a better look over Tobias’ shoulder. His eyes fall on me and I feel Tobias grip my arm a little tighter. “And who is this?” he asks.

  “She’s nobody,” Tobias spits.

  “She don’t look like nobody to me.” Pike licks his lips at me. “What’s your name, darling?” he asks.

  “She’s not from around here—”

  “It’s Claire,” I interrupt.

  Tobias’ head jerks back to scold me and I immediately feel like I’ve made a huge mistake.

  “Claire…” Pike tastes my name. “I like it.” He takes a step closer with wide eyes, scanning my face as if to memorize it. “I’ll see you next week, Tobias,” he mutters, still staring at me. “Keep fighting like that and it should be you and me in the ring together soon.”

  “Looking forward to it,” Tobias says.

  He nods at me before turning away and walking towards his car.

  Once he’s gone, Tobias spins around and pulls me in closer. “Stay away from him,” he seethes.


  “Claire.” His grip loosens, but his eyes keep their hold on me.

  I search his intense gaze and feel the emotion behind his words. “Okay,” I say, nodding my head. “I’ll stay away from him.”

  He drops my arm and takes a quick step back. “How did you get out here?” he asks.

  “I… uh,” I give a short smile, cowering a little bit. “I stole Charlie’s truck.”

  He tilts his head in annoyance and heaves a thick sigh.

  Chapter 5

  Now Hit Me

  “Why do you call yourself Tobias the Untouchable?”

  He looks over at me from the driver’s seat of Charlie’s truck. “I don’t,” he replies. His eyes drift back to the road. “They do.”

  “Then why do they call you Tobias the Untouchable?”

  It’s obvious that Tobias doesn’t want to answer my questions, but I can’t stand this silence. We’ve been on the highway for over ten minutes and we’re coming dangerously close to the farm. I know that once we get there, it’ll be back to business as usual and I don’t want that. Business as usual is strange and lonely.

  “No one’s been able to touch my face,” he answers.

  “That’s it?” I ask.

  He shrugs. “That’s it.”

  “How long have you been fighting?”

  “A few months.”

  I turn to look at him, my eyes drawn to his face. It is indeed clean, with no marks or visible scarring of any kind, not like Pike or Burt or even myself. Then I remember the bruises on his chest and ribs. “You leaned into those hits,” I say. “I saw you.”

  “Well, if I get hit in the face, then my dad will notice.”

  I nod, easily imagining the kind of reaction Charlie would have to this sort of thing. “I won’t tell him,” I say.

  Tobias looks at me again. “Thank you,” he says.

  “And… in exchange, I expect you not to tell him that I took off.”

  “And stole his truck.”

  “Well…” I nod. “Yeah. That, too.”

  “Just don’t do it again,” he warns. “You’re biting the hand that feeds you.”

  “He lets me feed myself actually,” I chuckle.

  “This isn’t funny.”

  “I know.” I tighten my lips. “I’ll be good. Besides, I won’t be here much longer anyway.”

  “Where you going?” he asks.

  “Back to Chicago. I turn eighteen soon and they can’t keep me here against my will.” His eyes linger on me a little longer before returning back to the road. A thick-aired silence falls on us again. I wait, hoping that he’ll break it, but he keeps his eyes forward. “So…” I mutter. “Did he tell you why I’m here?” I ask.

  His hand shifts on the steering wheel. “He said you were a complicated young woman,” he answers.

  “That’s it?” I ask.

  He shrugs. “That’s it.” I bite my lip, wondering if I should say something more, but he continues on. “But that’s just old cop talk for sex and drugs. I didn’t ask any questions.”

  My cheeks fall pink and I hope that it’s not noticeable in the dark. “That’s about it, I guess. Well, one more than the other.” I feel his eyes on me, but he says nothing. “Drugs,” I say quickly.

  “Obviously,” he says.

  I raise an eyebrow. “Obviously?” I repeat.

  “A more mature woman wouldn’t be so embarrassed at the accusation of having sex.”

  “I’m not embarrassed…” I sigh. “We never even went all the way.”

  “We?” he asks.

  I hesitate with trembling lips. “Rick and me.”
  Tobias’ eyes go wide and his lips curl. “You were dating your stepbrother?”

  I shake my head. “No. We were just… jeez, I don’t know. Having fun, I guess. I knew it was wrong, but he was… persuasive.”

  “Well, that explains their reaction then,” he mutters.

  “We almost…” I let the words fall, “but we got caught.”

  “And they sent you here?”


  “Seems a little extreme.”

  “It didn’t help that we took off afterward and got busted by the cops with drugs and booze.”

  Tobias shakes his head. “Yeah, that sounds like Rick.”

  “He never mentioned you,” I say.

  “We haven’t seen each other in years,” he explains, “but you hear things about family, you know.”

  “Yeah.” My eyes fall to his hand on the wheel and I notice it gently twitching in the passing streetlights. “I guess that makes us step-cousins or whatever, if that’s even a thing.”

  “Guess so.” His eyes flick in my direction and fall to my split lip. “Is he the one that gave you that?”

  I bite my cheek. “It was an accident.”

  “An accident?”

  “It was my fault.”

  “Things like that don’t just accidentally happen, Claire.”

  “Well, this one did.” He looks back at the road and doesn’t reply. I watch him slide his hands across the steering wheel. They shiver and shake, the tremble traveling up his arms. “Are you okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah,” he answers quickly, following my eyes. “I just get a little revved up after a fight, is all.”

  I nod and turn back to the road. Shortly after, the farm comes into view. Tobias flicks the headlights off as we slowly approach the house and park the truck in its spot. I help him roll his motorbike out of the truck bed and he pushes it towards the barn.

  “Your dad’s a heavy sleeper,” I note as I pull the barn door open.

  “He wasn’t always, that’s for sure,” he says as we step inside. I slowly close it again, shutting the both of us inside as he reaches up and flicks on the lights above us. “I think his cop senses have dwindled over the years.”


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