Under Your Skin

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Under Your Skin Page 25

by Shannyn Schroeder

  He sighed to cover his excitement. He’d wanted to wait until the right time to show her. “It’s in my car.”

  “Why would you leave it there?”

  He traced a finger across her collarbone. “If I brought it in with me, you would’ve wanted to see it. I had other plans involving your body.”

  She shivered but gave him another shove. “Go get it.”

  He ran out barefoot and bare-chested, immediately regretting the move. The concrete and grass froze his feet. By the time he got back to the living room, his toes were numb.

  Norah continued to bounce excitedly on the couch. Her anticipation rattled his nerves in no way a client ever did.

  He slid the art on the table and stepped back to wait for her response.

  She picked up the paper and studied it but said nothing. She was uncharacteristically quiet for so long, he assumed she was trying to figure out how to tell him she hated it.

  “I can change whatever you don’t like. This is just a draft,” he lied. He’d spent hours drawing and erasing and choosing the right colors.

  She looked up with teary eyes and a gorgeous smile. “I love it.”

  He released a long breath and joined her on the couch. He watched as she traced the cursive letters of her daughter’s name.

  Brushing her hair over her shoulder, he wrapped a hand on the back of her neck. “Give it some time before you decide not to make changes. This is forever.”

  “I know. You delivered everything I wanted. Her name is pretty. I’ve never known a guy with such perfect penmanship.” She paused and narrowed her eyes. “Too perfect. You did the letters on the computer.”

  “Normally, I do, but I wrote this.” To prove it, he grabbed a napkin and wrote the name again. “I told you it’d be custom.”

  Her gaze returned to the art.

  “What about the colors?”

  “Kai, stop worrying. It’s perfect.” She leaned over and planted a soft kiss on his lips.

  With every move, every interaction, she drew him deeper. He was no longer sure he’d be able to let go.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Kai was nervous. He hadn’t been nervous about a tattoo since his first one. Then again, he’d never done work on someone he cared about before. A simple business transaction didn’t matter. But putting his mark on Norah was a different story. He’d had sex with women who later came to him for a tattoo, but he’d had another artist do the work. No one even knew the connection. Norah was different. He couldn’t explain why she was different, this tattoo was different, but it was.

  He’d waited at the studio all night. The artists and clients were gone for the day and he’d locked the shop. Norah had stayed at home until his mom was settled in bed and then came to the studio. He wanted complete privacy for this work. He definitely didn’t want to get in the middle of Norah and Tommy.

  While he readied his station in the back room, Norah wandered around the front, looking at the art on the walls. “Did you draw all of these?” she yelled.

  He came to the door and leaned against the frame. “Most of them. Puck has some up there and so does Tommy.”

  “Does that mean you’ll take a picture of mine and put me on your wall of fame?” She walked back toward him.

  “No.” He didn’t want her to know how personal this was for him. He pointed behind him. “I’m ready.”

  She took a deep breath. “I hope I am.” She slid past him, her body brushing his. “Does it hurt a lot?”

  “At the beginning it will, but then your body gets used to it.”

  She plopped on the chair. “Sure.”

  “I can’t imagine it hurts any more than having a baby.”

  She smirked. “But I had some good drugs to get me through that.”

  He grinned. “Do I need to get the pussyball?” He remembered her joking about the tennis ball on one of her first visits to the studio.

  She grunted. “Now I am offended. As if those of us who actually have pussies can’t handle a little pain.” She lifted her hips and shimmied out of her jeans. Then she added, “I’d like to see a man give birth.”

  As he watched the jeans peel from her body, he tried to focus. She wore the bright blue panties again. The ones she’d worn the first time they’d had sex. Images of her bucking beneath him had his dick twitching.

  This was probably why it wasn’t a good idea for him to do work on someone he was involved with. She slid the panties off next and rolled to her side. “Like this?” she asked.

  “Yeah.” He got the thermal image she’d already squealed and gushed over and applied it to her skin. He started the machine. “Ready?”

  “I think so.”

  With his hand on her thigh, he pushed away thoughts of all the ways he’d touched her over the last month. Right now, she needed to be nothing more than a canvas. She hissed with the first touch of the gun, but she didn’t flinch.

  He worked in silence for a few minutes and paused. “You okay?”

  “Yeah. It’s like you said, you kind of get used to it.”

  He resumed work, but she still said nothing.

  “I never figured you to be a cadaver.”

  She turned her head to look at him. “Excuse me?”

  “Someone who doesn’t talk while getting a tattoo. It’s like working on a corpse.”

  “I was trying not to distract you.”

  His gaze traveled from her naked thigh to her hip. “Trust me. Conversation is the right kind of distraction.”

  “Why do you hang out with Rooster?”

  “What do you mean?” Not quite the conversation he’d hoped for, but better than silence.

  “I feel like you don’t really like him.”

  “We’re friends.”

  “But he’s a friend you only see when you have a poker game at your house. A friendship shouldn’t have parameters like that.”

  He knew what she was getting at, but he didn’t know if he could explain. “Rooster and I have history. You know that. I can’t live in his world anymore. I can’t get caught up again. But I can’t tell him to fuck off either.”

  “Do you want to?”


  “Tell him to fuck off.”

  “Sometimes. He showed me the ropes in jail. Kept me safe. I owe him.”

  “From almost ten years ago? If he’s not doing anything to change his life and you don’t want what he’s doing, maybe it’s time to cut him loose.”

  Her thigh tensed and he took a moment to rub it to relax. “Still okay?”

  She licked her lips. “Yeah.”

  “When I told you to talk, I didn’t mean discuss my life. Most people talk about themselves.”

  “I lead a boring life. I don’t have any friends.”

  “What about school?”

  She released a soft sigh. “I have one. I’m applying for a loan to pay for it. I’ll be starting again in January.”

  It was another reminder that she had a life far removed from him. They dropped back into silence and he worked quickly and efficiently.

  As he finished up filling in the dragonfly, she looked over her shoulder at him. “Is it wrong that I’m getting really turned on by this?”

  Christ. He’d thought her silence was bad. Could she make this any more difficult? He paused in his work and glanced up at her. “What part is turning you on?”

  “All of it. Sitting here half naked, you running your hands on me, marking me permanently.” She wiggled a little and he wondered if she was getting wet.

  “Hold still and let me finish.” His voice was more gruff than usual, mostly because she could turn him on with a look. And that look was bearing down on him right now.

  A little while later, satisfied with the color, he said, “Done.”

  She jumped up on her knees and twisted and bent to get a good look at the tattoo. He smiled and handed her a mirror.

  “The skin is irritated, but that’ll clear up.” He waited for a reaction.

  She swall
owed hard and looked down at him with tears in her eyes. “It’s amazing. Even better than I thought it would be.”

  Leaning over, she kissed him, long and deep. “Have you ever had sex in here?”

  The thought had never occurred to him. “No.”

  “Good. I like to do new things.” She climbed off the chair and pulled him to stand. She quickly undid his pants and pushed them to his knees. He was already semihard from watching her. “Sit down.”

  He took her spot on the chair. She leaned over and took him in her mouth, making him go from half-hard to let’s-fuck in thirty seconds. She fished into her pants pocket for a condom and rolled it on.

  Without another word, she climbed on him and took his cock in one motion. She pulled her shirt over her head. He tugged the cup of her bra down and rose to take a nipple in his mouth. Her sigh was nearly a moan. Careful of her tattoo, he gripped her sides and forced her up and back down. Where she seemed content to wiggle and slide, he wanted to thrust. She gripped his hair and tugged as she rode him.

  “I’m close,” he growled into her ear.

  Her hand slipped between them. “Not yet. I want it together.”

  Kai held on to the last bit of control he could as Norah stroked herself, her fingers colliding with the base of his cock. Her muscles started pulsing and when she went rigid in his arms, he fell with her.

  He held her close as they both came back. She surrounded every inch of his being. In that moment, Kai knew that when she walked away, he’d be the one left in the ashes.

  * * *

  Norah felt happier than she had in a really long time. The routine of going to work and spending time with Kai gave her purpose. She was looking forward to going back to school in a few months, and the experience of caring for Lani gave her the idea to work as a home healthcare worker while she earned her degree.

  For the first time in forever, her life was on track. She flew down the steps to get ready for work and came to a sudden halt when she saw Jimmy sitting in the kitchen. It was ten in the morning. “Shouldn’t you be at work?”

  “Going in late. Wanted to talk to you.”

  “Okay.” Anytime Jimmy wanted to talk, it wasn’t good. She eased into a chair at the table.

  “What’s going on with you and this guy Kai?”

  Tommy and his big mouth. “We’re seeing each other.”

  “But he’s your boss.”


  “There’s no ‘technically.’ Is he paying you?”

  Damn, that made it sound like she was a hooker. “He pays me to take care of his mom. When I’m off the clock, we hang out. We enjoy each other’s company.” She tried to lighten the tone. “This isn’t a case of sexual harassment. Just two people who are attracted to each other.”

  It was almost weird talking to Jimmy like this. She was comfortable in a way she never thought she would be. Like they were equals.

  Jimmy ran a hand over the top of his head. “He’s not a good guy, Norah. He’s a felon.”

  “You ran a background check on him?”

  “Don’t look at me like I’ve done something wrong. I find out you’re involved with someone—and not from you, I might add—I want to know who he is.”

  Norah took a long, slow breath to control the snap of anger she wanted to release. “I get that you feel protective of me, Jimmy. But I’m an adult. Kai told me about his past. And it is his past. We all make mistakes. It doesn’t have to define who we are.”

  “It’s nice to think, but in some ways, our past does define us. Something like being a felon follows him everywhere. It limits his prospects.”

  “He seems to be doing fine running a successful tattoo studio in spite of those limitations.” She pushed away from the table and threw her arms around her big brother. “Thanks for looking out for me.”

  “I guess that means you’re still going to date him.”

  “Yeah. We like each other and while it started out as an escape from life, I think we have a chance at something more.”

  “Isn’t this a little soon after Ella and what’s-his-name?”

  Norah had no doubt Jimmy remembered Avery’s name. “What’s soon? I haven’t had a boyfriend since Avery, which was months ago. Kai and I are taking it slow.” Kind of. Maybe.

  Jimmy sighed the way she imagined a worried father would. “Be careful.”

  Norah smiled. “I try.”

  “This whole letting-you-be-an-adult thing sucks.”

  She laughed. “Just think—it’ll be worse when you have your own kids. And if there is a God, those kids will be just like Moira.”

  “Better watch what you wish for. Karma’s a bitch.”

  She liked this new relationship with Jimmy. She was finally feeling like she belonged here as an O’Malley; she was one of them.

  Norah drove to Kai’s feeling light. This was a feeling she could get used to. When she unlocked the door to Kai’s house, she was met with a surprise. Lani stood in the middle of the living room alone, with no cane.

  “The therapist told me to go without.”

  Norah rushed forward. “Oh my gosh. Congratulations!” She hugged Lani, which might not have been exactly professional, but the woman was more a friend than a patient.

  Lani returned the hug and said, “Still not ready for dancing, but she wants me to try our walk without the cane.”


  “I should be ready to move back to Jaleesa’s soon.”

  As much as she liked seeing Lani make progress, it was a sad reminder Norah wouldn’t be needed much longer. She’d soon be out of a job. And she didn’t know what that meant for her and Kai. They’d originally agreed that when Lani was better, they were over, but things were different between them. At least they were for her.

  Kai came from the kitchen and kissed his mom on the head. “She’s pretty proud of herself.”

  “She should be.”

  “I have to get to the studio. Should be home by ten.” Then he bent and planted a quick kiss on Norah’s lips.

  The movement startled her. For everything they’d done together and for all his talk about his mom knowing everything, he’d yet to do anything in front of Lani. “Have a good day,” he murmured against her lips.

  A smile broke across her face. This day got better and better.

  Norah and Lani went for a walk, which was shorter and a little slower than their usual walks but Lani succeeded without the cane. The improvement was amazing. It was hard to believe that barely two months ago she’d gotten out of the hospital with her knee replacement.

  That meant Norah and Kai had been a couple for much less time, but it felt longer. She kept reminding herself not to build things up in her head, but then Kai did things like kiss her good-bye in front of Lani and she began to think she wasn’t alone. Her afternoon was quiet and while Lani napped, Norah started a new job search.

  Regardless of what happened between her and Kai, once Lani moved back in with Jaleesa, she’d have to find a new job. Her goal was to bank as much money as she could before school started so she would need less in loans. Great in theory, not so easy in reality.

  After dinner, Norah helped Lani plan another book club meeting. She insisted Norah join them this time. Norah agreed and immediately downloaded the book onto her phone. Lani was amazed and wanted Norah to teach her how e-books worked. Norah made a mental note to tell Kai that an e-reader would make a great Christmas gift for his mom.

  By the time Lani went to bed, Norah was exhausted. She curled up on the couch and relaxed with some old Friends reruns. She couldn’t help but be jealous of the friendships those fictional characters had. She’d make friends once school started. Or if she got a job in an office or something, she’d have coworkers. She’d been isolated for so long.

  A thump at the front door startled her. She sat up and listened. Kai wouldn’t have forgotten his key; he kept everything on one ring. A moment later a soft knock followed. Norah eased off the couch and went to the door. She p
eeked through the peephole. Rooster. What was he doing here?

  She opened the door. “Hey.”

  His eyes popped wide when he saw her. “Shit. If you’re here, that means Kai’s not home, right?”

  “He’s still at work.” She checked her phone. “But he should be home soon.”

  Rooster leaned heavily against the door frame, one arm wrapped around his middle. Norah knew Kai only had Rooster over for poker night, so something was off. He pushed off the wall with a wince.

  “You’re hurt.”

  He wavered. “I’ll be fine.”

  Norah looked over her shoulder to make sure Lani hadn’t woken. She was torn. This was Kai’s friend, even if Norah wasn’t particularly fond of him. She sighed. “Come around back. You can wait for Kai in the kitchen.”

  She closed the door and locked up. On her way through the house, she checked on Lani and closed her bedroom door. In the kitchen, she waited at the door for Rooster. It took him forever to walk around the house. When he walked in, she realized why. He was bleeding.

  “Oh my God. What happened?”

  “A fight.” He was slightly out of breath.

  She couldn’t let him sit here bleeding all over the place. “Take your jacket and shirt off.”

  She went to the bathroom to grab the first-aid kit and when she came back, Rooster was still struggling with his jacket. She yanked at the sleeves and pulled the bloody shirt off him. The gash on his side wasn’t too deep. She didn’t think it would need stitches, but she was no doctor. Tugging on a pair of gloves, she got to work.

  He hissed like a baby when she cleaned the wound and she had to remind him to be quiet so he wouldn’t wake Lani. By the time she had the bandage in place, Rooster was feeling more like himself because he started flirting again.

  As Norah cleaned up the mess, he asked, “So you and Kai are a real thing?”

  “We’re something.” The last thing she would do was label her relationship with Kai for someone who would surely bring it up to Kai.

  She sat near him at the table. “You’ve known Kai a long time, right?”

  “Since we were boys. Came up together.”

  Norah wanted to ask questions, learn everything she could about Kai from this man who’d known him for so long. Before she could formulate a question, Kai came in from the living room. He took one look at the situation and anger blazed in his eyes. Norah tried to see what he saw and realized she was sitting with Rooster, who was shirtless, in Kai’s kitchen, talking quietly.


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