Do You Take This Cat [Wind River Pack 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Do You Take This Cat [Wind River Pack 4] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 8

by Missy Martine

  Rennia knew what he was feeling. Her fathers had always said that even humans would experience the mating heat. They just didn’t know what it was. She would have to be very careful to make sure the two of them didn’t go too far. She was already having a hard time keeping her wolf contained. The cat was a little more laid-back, but even she wanted to be closer to their mate. She smiled. “Okay, we’ll see where this takes us. But in the meantime, I’m gonna show you some of my favorite places.”

  Grinning, Ray stepped back and held his arm out toward the door. “After you, princess. I’m at your mercy today.”

  Giggling, Rennia headed out the door.

  * * * *

  Remus slowly savored his coffee as he watched the sexually charged game of verbal volleyball between his headstrong daughter and grizzly bear Zander Temple. He wasn’t even sure Eloise was aware of her attraction to the large, National Council enforcer. It didn’t make any sense. If they were true mates, one or the other of their animal sides should have given a signal. Could it be that both of them were too stubborn to listen to their other half?

  Eloise ran her fingers through the long strands of her hair and growled softly. Remus sprayed coffee all over the table when Zander let out a hearty laugh and small claws pushed their way out of his daughter’s fingers.

  “You’re nothing but a Neanderthal!” Eloise cried.

  “Why?” asked Zander. “Because I speak the truth. It’s ludicrous to be planning some big wedding here on the mountain when we’ve got multiple search crews combing the countryside for whoever is stalking your pack. Let them elope so we can keep the number of people around to a minimum. This wedding is going to bring more strangers, and, I’m willing to bet, more humans here on the mountain. It’ll be even more difficult to keep watch on everyone to keep them safe. Send them to Vegas and then throw them a party when this situation has been resolved.”

  Eloise shook her head. “You don’t understand.”

  “Then make me understand. I don’t enjoy ruining your day. Help me see it your way.”

  She glanced at her father and then took the seat next to Zander at her mother’s kitchen table. “This pack is in an extremely depressive state. Ever since the pups were taken last month, everyone has been up in the air, tense, like waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

  “What’s that got to do with the wedding?”

  “It’s a way to bring everyone together in a celebration of something. Everyone’s so happy that Kati is joining the pack. They want a chance to welcome her and show her that she’s accepted even though she’s human.”

  Remus put down his cup. “She’s right, Zander. The pack members have been in a much better frame of mind since the women started planning this wedding. They needed something to bring everyone together, and this wedding is it.”

  Zander shook his head. “The problem is you’ve changed the date.”

  Eloise frowned. “Why on Earth should you care if they get married a little sooner?”

  “Because I had made arrangements for you to have some extra security, and it’s not possible to have the same plans for the new date. Other events take precedent, and I just don’t have enough men to go around.”

  “You really think we’ll need extra security for a pack wedding?” asked Remus.

  Zander shrugged. “I’d rather be on the safe side than speculate that everything will go according to plans. Like I said, a wedding is bound to bring strangers to the mountain, and your pack won’t recognize everyone that’s here. There’s a lot of room for error.” He got up and walked over to look out the window. “I guess there’s no use in worrying needlessly. I have a couple of men I can bring, and of course I’ll plan on being here.”

  Remus smirked. “You’re planning on coming to the wedding?”

  The grizzly bear turned to glance briefly at Eloise and then turned his attention to Remus. A dull, red tint began working its way up his neck. “Sure, I’ll be here to help out.”

  “I appreciate all the help you can give us, Zander,” said Remus. “I want to do everything in my power to keep my family safe.”

  “Have the men found anything during their searches yet?” asked Eloise.

  Zander shook his head. “No, but they’re just now beginning to go through the caves south of here. I expect to have a full report by noon.”

  Eloise stood and moved to the door. She pulled it open and stepped out onto the porch. Looking back over her shoulder, she smiled. “Then I’ll come looking for you around lunchtime to see what they’ve found.” Grinning, she took a step away and let the screen door slam. “Who knows? I might even let you buy me lunch.”

  Remus snickered as his daughter sauntered off and Zander’s mouth dropped open. “Searching the area is fine, but I want some extra men out by Zack’s place. I’m really uncomfortable with the idea of someone watching his mate.”

  “Yeah, it would be a disaster for someone to get a hold of the little healer. Can’t you get them to move in closer to the rest of the pack for now?”

  Remus got up and moved to the stove to pour some fresh coffee into his cup. “Believe me, I’ve tried to talk some sense into that boy, but he’s not willing to give up their home. He said Aurelia, damn, I mean Jennifer, has been in hiding almost her entire life. He’s not gonna let anybody run him out of their own home.”

  “It’s not easy thinking of her with a different name, is it?” Zander, with the National Council’s help, arranged for Aurelia Salazar to ‘die’ and gave her a new identity so no one would look for her anymore. Her ability to heal by the touch of her hands made her a prime target for a lot of unscrupulous governmental types.

  Sighing, Remus sat down and blew carefully on his hot coffee. “We have to get all this settled soon, Zander. My mate is not handling the stress well.”

  Zander frowned and glanced nervously toward the hall. “Where is Maddie this morning?”

  “She’s out with the girls working on the wedding plans. I think all this business with pups kidnapped and strangers lurking around is giving her nightmares. It’s too much like déjà vu. She woke up crying Constantine’s name the other night.”

  “If I remember correctly, he’s the human doctor that kept her away from her family for so many years.”

  “That’s right. He was working in concert with Dr. Kaugh in sharing his research and findings.”

  “I never really understood everything that happened back then. The file they have on her is extremely sparse.”

  Remus snorted. “It had better be. Maddie was a child when she was in a boating accident. She was in a coma for a while, and Dr. Constantine was the doctor taking care of her. Her father had kept her heritage a secret from her and Michael, so they had no way of knowing that Dr. Constantine was very much aware of the shifters in this area. He’d known Maddie’s grandmother before she died.”

  “How did he become Maddie’s doctor?”

  Remus shrugged. “He’d been watching the family closely, and I think he just jumped at the chance when she was brought in after the accident. It was a perfect chance for him to get his hands on someone that actually had the genes he was hoping to study.” He placed his coffee cup on the table and folded his hands together. “When Maddie woke up from the coma she exhibited her new ability.”

  “You mean the telekinesis.”

  Remus chuckled. “Yeah! It scared the crap out of her father the first time she sent her dinner plate flying through the air at his head.”

  Zander laughed. “That would have been worth seeing.”

  “Unfortunately, her father’s fear is exactly what Constantine needed to persuade him to commit her to his private hospital. He assured the family he was working toward helping her learn to control her gift so she could once again live in the real world.”

  “Instead, he was studying her shifter genes. I’ve just never understood what he was hoping to find.”

  “I’m not entirely sure he had a real agenda in mind. He was sharing his findings from all the b
lood work and brain scans with Dr. Vincent Kaugh out in California. He’s the one that had the master plan.”

  “When did you find out about Kaugh’s plans?”

  “After we eliminated Constantine, Kaugh showed up with copies of everything Constantine had done. We had destroyed all his research here, but we had no way of knowing he’d shared it.”

  “I know quite a bit about Kaugh. That man is as loony as they come. I studied some of the data we retrieved when he was caught and the man was certifiable.”

  “You don’t have to tell me. At one point he kidnapped Maddie and Michael to get samples of their DNA. It was his hope to create a whole new breed of shifters, ones that were answerable to him and only him. He had the insane notion he could mix human DNA with wild animals and get a new, fiercer breed of shifter. These new beings would have the strength and cunning of the wild animal and the brain and reasoning power of the human. Some of his failed experiments still give me nightmares to this day.”

  “Well, there’s no reason to fear Kaugh anymore. He’s carefully locked up in the most secure facility the National Council runs. There’s no way for him to get loose.”

  “I don’t fear Kaugh, Zander. His main facility was rumored to be over the Canadian border, and we never located it. The man didn’t do all his evil alone. You have to wonder who might be carrying on his work.”

  * * * *

  Rennia pointed up the hill. “You see that house up there?”

  Ray turned to study the wooded hillside. They’d parked his truck a ways back and hiked a trail that led up into a small park. He could see a ranch style house that looked to be constructed of weathered cedar and burnt orange brick. “Yeah, that’s really nice.”

  “If somebody asked me what my dream house would be, I’d have to give them a description of that place. It’s got those big bay windows all the way around the place to take advantage of the view.”

  “We’re not actually on the mountain, are we?” The last thing he wanted was to risk running into his sister’s furry friends.

  Rennia sighed. “No, this isn’t part of the mountain. Everyone around here considers it a park, but it’s actually land owned by the man that owns that house.”

  “He doesn’t care if we trespass?”

  She laughed. “Why don’t you ask him? He’s coming down to check us out.”

  Ray watched as the man made his way down the rocky slope. Thin and balding, he appeared to be in his late fifties. He was dressed in an old, tattered sweater that hung on his bony frame. His face was angular and chiseled with smile lines at the corners of his eyes and bracketing his mouth. His hair lay in soft silver waves around his weathered face.

  Suddenly, a laugh bubbled out of the old man’s throat. “Rennia, my girl. It’s so good to see you. It has been a while since you visited my lake.”

  “I know, and I’m so sorry. I’ve just been so busy trying to get the club ready to open.”

  He nodded. “I understand. Your family kept me informed of your progress.” He glanced at Ray. “Who’s your new friend?”

  Rennia smiled and took Ray’s hand. “This is Ray Mathews. He’s visiting from New York. And, Ray, this old coot is Sebastian Conway, otherwise known as Sebby to everyone. It’s a long, standing tradition in these parts to try and guess his age.”

  Sebby snorted. “Good luck with that. Ain’t none of these young folks ever gonna get it right.” He winked at Ray. “I’m a lot older than I look.”

  Rennia tugged on Ray’s arm and gave a little finger wave to the old man. “We’ve got to get going, Sebby. I’m trying to show him as much of the area as I can since he’ll be going home soon.”

  The old man smiled. “All right, girl. You two youngins move along. Take him up to the lake. Some of the wildflowers are still blooming.”

  Ray allowed himself to be tugged along. “It was a pleasure meeting you, sir.”

  Sebby chuckled. “You, too, sonny. You be good to this little girl. She’s something special.” After waving one more time, he started back up the hill.

  “Seems like a nice old guy,” said Ray.

  “He watches out for everyone and makes sure the kids don’t do anything they shouldn’t on his property.”

  “Where’s this lake he was talking about?”

  “It’s not much further, and it’s definitely worth the hike.”

  “Then lead on, my lady. I’m anxious to see it.”

  Rennia smiled and started down a path strewn with pine needles and cones. Ray could hear squirrels chattering and the wind disturbing the leaves as he made his way over the knobby roots and uneven ground. It was difficult because he only wanted to watch the sway of Rennia’s hips as she led the way.

  * * * *

  Rennia let her fingers trail over the rough tree bark as she made her way up the hill. The scent of the pine and spruce trees mingled with the faint trace of decaying leaves. The wind ruffled the leaves in a small tree nearby, scattering the small squirrels still on the search for winter stores. They chattered excitedly as they made their way from tree to tree. The sky was pale, with smudges of gray clouds lying low. As she topped the hill she spotted the blue curves of the small lake, its waters glinting beneath the autumn sky.

  “Wow,” said Ray. “This place is beautiful. Does the lake have a name?”

  Rennia shrugged. “Most around here just refer to it as Sebby’s lake.” A breeze winnowed along the water’s edge, tossing the floating leaves and waterlogged sticks floating near the bank. Small air bubbles drifted up from the depths making small ripples in the gently flowing waters. She watched Ray from beneath her lashes as he skimmed a small stone across the water. She wanted her mate. She wanted to duplicate the love and trust that shone from her parents’ eyes when they looked at each other. What will he do when he finds out about my deception?

  * * * *

  Ray watched as Rennia picked up a polished stone from the ground. Her long fingers with tapered nails glistened as she absently fondled the smooth stone. He took three agonizingly slow footsteps toward her, his eyes roving her face. Her head was back, her brown hair shining in the afternoon sunlight. Her skin looked freshly scrubbed and glowed with a hint of natural color in her cheeks. The gloss on her lips reflected a bead of light as if she’d just passed her tongue along them, leaving them provocatively wet. He was overcome with an almost uncontrollable urge to take her in his arms. He’d never felt this kind of attraction for any woman in his life.

  Rennia gazed out toward the lake. “This has always been my favorite place to come when I wanted to work out problems in my head. It’s one of the few places around here that you can pretty much be assured of being alone.” She dropped down to sit in the grass, curling her arms around her knees. She glanced up at Ray. “Come and sit with me, and let this place take all your problems away.”

  * * * *

  Sunlight massaged warmth into her back as she closed her eyes, letting go of all the stress from her efforts to get the club open on time. Instead, she filled herself with the smell of the fresh air, the sound of the water gently slapping against the shore, and the feathery slide of the wind blowing her hair across her shoulders. When she felt Ray settle beside her, she lay back in the soft, sweet smelling grass, lacing her fingers behind her head. She watched as the small clouds made their way across the bluish gray sky.

  “What are you thinking so hard about?” asked Ray.

  She sat up and watched as he took her hand. He rubbed a thumb lightly across the back of her fingers while she covered his face, hair, and body with her eyes, letting her hand remain passively in his. She met his searching gaze and couldn’t breathe. A fierce longing for her mate moved through her, exploding like a small bomb in her stomach, spreading to her extremities. Ray smoothed a hand across her forehead to her hair, tilting her head back. His touch felt cool and soothing, his body strong and supporting. Leaning closer, he kissed her softly, stroking her tongue with his own. Her animals howled within, certain they were about to claim t
heir mate.

  Ray pulled back. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered. So very beautiful.” Then, his mouth was on hers, demanding. He thrust his tongue between her lips, claiming her with such passion she felt lost, sucked under, left gasping for breath. They clung to each other in the hot sunlight with the sultry breeze wafting around them. She sank into his hard chest, letting his warmth comfort her. She felt his hand slide down her back, fingers at her waist, and then depart as he quickly got to his feet. Breathing shallowly and slowly, she calmed her rapid heart rate enough so the sound of it pounding in her ears would subside.

  Ray held out his hand. “Come on, pretty lady. I can’t take much more of this. I want you, Rennia. And I don’t want our first time to be here in the dirt and grass.” He bit his bottom lip and swallowed. “Will you come with me back to your place?”

  Rennia allowed him to pull her to her feet. Making love with him could be a risk. She’d have to make sure her wolf didn’t take control and mark him. Gazing into his eyes, she made her decision. She wanted to have at least one night with her mate. If he turned away after finding out the truth, she’d always have this one night. Smiling, she caressed the side of his face with one of her hands. “Let’s go back to my place. I want you, too, Ray. More than you can imagine.” A smile broke out over his face as he turned and began leading her back down the trail.

  Chapter 7

  Nathaniel hung up the phone, smiled, walked over, and opened the office door. He glanced at his young secretary. “Find Quentin and tell him I need to see him right away. It’s urgent.”


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