All About the Money (A Jesse Watson Mystery Series Book 7)

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All About the Money (A Jesse Watson Mystery Series Book 7) Page 5

by Ann Mullen

  Helene started to say something when Billy butted in. “Let’s not get into this until we know for a fact what the truth is. Savannah was upset and in such a state. I think she told us part of the story, but I think there’s more. We’re going to find out everything shortly.”

  Mom changed the subject. She looked at me and said, “I have to pick up Eddie at the airport, and then I’m going home. We’ll go by and check on Savannah.”

  “She might be in jail,” Helene teased.

  “She will not be in jail!” Mom retorted. “You keep talking like that and they might come and get you. They’ll throw you in jail for slander.”

  “What? They don’t put people in jail for that.”

  I listened to their friendly banter and thought about how nice it was to have such a good family. I looked around and thought about how so much else had changed… especially our house. When Billy and I first got married, his house wasn’t as big as it is now. There was a living room on the right, an eat-in kitchen on the left, and a utility room behind the kitchen—with a doggie door that Billy had installed just for our pets. Between the living room and the dining room was a hallway that led to our bedroom, and to the upstairs. Additional bedrooms were on the second floor. Since then, Billy has added on to accommodate my mother and other guests. We now have several more bedrooms, more bathrooms, and a huge family room in the back. I had hoped that Mom would sell her house in Dogwood Valley and move in with us now that we had so much more room, but then Eddie came into her life. That was okay. I wanted Mom to be happy.

  “Going by to see Savannah is a good idea. She’ll need the support of her friends.” I looked at Billy. “Has anyone told McCoy?”

  “Russell called him from the hospital early this morning and told him so he wouldn’t hear it on the news. McCoy said he would come back as soon as he could.”

  “I’d sure like to be around when he arrives,” I said. “I wonder what he’s going to make of this. How’s he going to feel when he finds out Savannah killed his secretary?”

  “He’s probably going to be in shock,” Helene said, adding her thoughts. “Shocked that his wife killed his mistress.”

  “Helene!” Mom snapped. “That’s a terrible thing to say.”

  “It’s the truth,” Helene snapped back. “Your friend is a murderer!”

  “Ladies!” Billy jumped in. “I don’t want you two to argue over this. We know you both have different opinions, but there’s no need to get into a scrabble over it.”

  “We’re not going to get into a fight,” Mom snickered. “We’re just having an intelligent conversation. It’s not my fault that Helene can’t see the truth when it’s right in front of her eyes.” Mom chuckled again. “Helene and I don’t agree on a lot of things, but that doesn’t matter. We’ll get over it. Right, Helene?”

  “Right, Minnie. We’ll just wait and see what develops.”

  “After breakfast…” Billy started to say when we heard Flo Garner’s name mentioned on the news. “Turn it up,” he said, turning around and pointing to the TV. “There’s something about Flo on the news.”

  “Oh, no!” Mom said. “I hope she’s all right.”

  Flo was all right, but it seemed that her office had been burned down to the ground last night. Someone had broken in and doused the place with gasoline, and then set fire to it. The building was a total loss.

  The phone rang, so Billy went to answer it while the rest of us listened to the news broadcast. The minute he said Flo’s name, everyone’s ears perked up. We could tell from the conversation that she was extremely upset. Billy kept telling her to calm down.

  When the call was over, Mom asked, “Is she okay?”

  “She’s fine, but she’s in a state. She still claims that Downer Rhodes is going to kill her. She swears that he’s the one who set fire to her place of business. She wants us to stop him.”

  “How can we do that? We don’t know for sure if he’s the one who burned down her office. We don’t even know if he’s out to do her harm. It might be all in her head.”

  “She’s convinced he’s out to get her. I told her we’d stop by her office, have a look at it, and then come by her house. She has a plan she wants to discuss with us.”

  “What kind of plan?”

  “She didn’t say.”

  “That’s strange,” Helene said. “I saw Mr. Rhodes the other day. He doesn’t look like the kind of man who would do something so awful. They say he killed his partner… for the money.”

  “He probably did it so he could have his partner’s wife,” Mom said in a sneaky manner. “She’s his mistress.”

  “You don’t know that,” Helene gasped. “Why would he want his partner’s wife when his wife is so beautiful? And she’s real nice.”

  “My point exactly,” Mom replied. “Just like Savannah. Why would McCoy want that woman when he has her? It just doesn’t make sense. I know that’s not his baby in that picture. It just can’t be. He wouldn’t do that to her, would he? No man in his right mind would do something like that to a wonderful person like Savannah. She’s kind, generous, and she really cares about people.”

  “Yeah, she’s a real Girl Scout,” I said, adding my two cents worth. “People make mistakes. Maybe McCoy slipped. He might’ve been lonely without Savannah. They didn’t live together for awhile.”

  “That’s no excuse,” Helene said.

  “You’re right,” I agreed. “That’s no excuse, but it could very well be the reason he was messing around with that woman… if he was.”

  Mom became somber. “I feel so bad for Savannah. She doesn’t deserve to be in a mess like this. I hope you’re wrong about McCoy. I hope this was all a big mistake. What kind of man does that to his wife?”

  “The cheating kind,” Helene whispered.

  “Soap opera time is over, ladies,” Billy said with a smile. “We have work to do, people to see, and brains to pick.”

  Mom and Helene laughed like school girls. They adored Billy. He could always put a smile on their face. He has always been the best he could be to everyone… everyone except the bad guys. Bad guys just didn’t stand a chance. And we all love Billy for the way he is—good and tough.

  The schedule for the day had been planned out by the end of breakfast. Mom was going to pick up Eddie from the airport, return to her home in Dogwood Valley, and would not be back for an overnight stay for a few days… unless an emergency came up… which it usually did.

  Eddie has stayed overnight at our house more than once. Of course, he sleeps in a separate bedroom than Mom. There was no way my mother would’ve shared a bed with a man in someone else’s house unless she was married to him. Whether or not they’ve had a sexual relationship is anybody’s guess. She has her ways, but she’s also come into her own since the death of my father. I guess you have to when you reach that age. Why wait? Who knows?

  Helene, our nanny, was going to take the children horseback riding with Sarah and Chief Sam, have a picnic lunch under a tree somewhere on the property with them, and then return home for the rest of the day. She would have her cell phone on at all times. She told us not to worry.

  Our plan was to go to Savannah’s house, check out Flo’s problem and then make a pit stop at Blackhawk & Blackhawk Investigations—the detective agency that now bears both our names on the front door. Now that we have a family, and the fact that our cases keep us running from one place to the other, we spend very little time at the office. So, we hired Lila Grayce on a permanent, fulltime basis. After going through a few undesirable candidates, Lila, 48, divorced with two well-behaved teenage children, is the best office manager/secretary (other than me) anyone could ever hope for. And having someone so reliable allows Billy and me the freedom to enjoy our work instead of just doing it. Other than being dangerous, sometimes our life can be very exciting—like when we catch the bad guy… and no one gets shot. But… as I’ve said many times before, plans don’t always go as you expect.

  While we were en route
to Savannah’s house, Billy received a call from Russell Shank saying that McCoy had arrived, and was in a rage. Russell was just making sure that we were on our way. He said that the scene was not pleasant. McCoy and Savannah had been arguing for over twenty minutes. All Russell could do was stand back out of the way and make sure things didn’t escalate into something physical.

  Billy assured him that nothing was going to happen. Married couples argue. Their argument might be different than most, but McCoy would never harm Savannah. Billy was confident of that.

  “I hope you’re right,” I said as Billy closed up his cell phone and then threw it up on the dash. “Hmmm… I guess you’re not really so sure that the tension at the Kelley household is under control. McCoy isn’t…”

  “It’s not McCoy,” Billy replied. “It’s Savannah. Russell said she wasn’t herself. She’s been acting weird. She was out of control and saying all kinds of ridiculous things.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like, she should’ve killed Andrea and McCoy… not just Andrea.”

  “That’s not good.”

  “No, it’s not. Russell doesn’t know what to make of it, and he’s wondering if there’s something that’s not being said. He wonders if she planned the whole thing. That’s what he told me, but I don’t think he meant it.”

  “Why does he think that? What did she tell him?”

  “That the cruise to Bermuda was a last resort to save their marriage.”

  “But they seemed so happy. You were there. You saw them together. Did they strike you as a couple who were on the verge of divorce?”

  “No, they didn’t, but that doesn’t mean anything. People have been known to put up a front for the public, especially someone who’s a celebrity. Savannah has to maintain a good image. Her readers will desert her if she doesn’t. It makes me wonder.”

  “Maybe she’s saying all this strange junk because of the pain killers. After what she’s been through, you know they gave her pain killers at the hospital. They had to. They stitched up her battered body. They give you drugs for the pain, don’t they?”

  “It depends on the extent of the injuries.”

  Surprised by what Billy had just said about Savannah’s behavior, all I had left to say was, “Boy… is my mother going to be upset if all this is true! She’ll never get over it.”

  “Neither will Savannah’s readers… her lifeline… her moneymaker.”

  “It all comes down to the money. Money rules the world.”

  “I guess you could say that.”

  “That’s what Savannah told us about Andrea. She said that Andrea had been stealing money from McCoy’s firm. Everything that happened yesterday was about money. Am I right?”

  “We’re about to find out.”

  When we reached Savannah’s house and pulled up in the driveway, McCoy was standing by his car, putting a travel bag in it. He was packing up to leave.

  Sirens wailed in the background.

  Billy and I stared at each other with that strange look we give each other when we know something bad has happened. We jumped out of the truck and ran over to McCoy.

  “What’s going on?” Billy asked McCoy. “You’re leaving?”

  “Not just yet,” McCoy replied. “I’m waiting for the ambulance, and then I’m leaving. Savannah doesn’t want me around anymore. She told me to get out and never come back. She hates me.”

  “What happened?” I questioned him. “Is she all right?”

  “She attacked me, so I tried to push her away, and when I did, she fell and hit her head. Her new friend Russell is with her. She doesn’t need me anymore. She has him to take care of her.”

  McCoy was distraught. I could hear it in his voice. His eyes were red as if he’d been crying, and his hands were shaking something terrible. His life and marriage were falling apart very quickly.

  “I’m going in to check on her.”

  “I’ll stay out here with McCoy,” Billy said. He patted McCoy on the back and then told him, “It’s going to be all right, buddy. Everything’s going to work out. You’ll see.”

  “I doubt that, Billy,” McCoy replied. “But thanks for the pep talk. I needed it, buddy.”

  I turned, ran to the house, and stormed through the back door as if my pants were on fire. I cried the minute I saw Savannah laying on the floor. She had blood in her hair, and there was blood on the floor around her. She looked as if she was bleeding to death.

  “She’s unconscious,” Russell said as he continued to hold the rag to her head, applying pressure to the site as he did. “She’s lost a bit of blood, but I think it looks worse than it is.”

  “I sure hope so,” I said in between my tears.

  “Head wounds always bleed profusely,” he said. “Don’t worry. The ambulance will be here soon, and they’ll take care of her.”

  “What happened?”

  “She slapped McCoy and then tried to jump on him. She was furious. He tried to push her away, but they both tumbled to the floor. She hit her head on the coffee table.”

  “I can’t believe it! Savannah attacked him?”

  “People do strange things when they get mad, and she was furious.”

  “That’s quite obvious,” I added. “I would’ve never pegged Savannah as a person who would freak out like this. She’s always been so reserved.”

  “As I said, people do strange things when they get angry, and she was really angry.”

  “This couldn’t have been very pleasant for you. I’m sorry you had to be in the middle of this.”

  “You mean, since you know I have a thing for Savannah? You can say it. It’s all right. I’m crazy about her. I know she’s married, but I can’t help myself. But from the way it looks here, I’d say their marriage was toast.”

  “I’ve known for awhile. I saw it in your eyes the first time you met her. Last year. Remember?”

  “Yes, I remember it well.”

  Russell had been visiting a client at UVA Hospital when he first met Savannah. This was during the time of her stalker incident. When he locked eyes with her, that’s all it took. He was smitten. Being a man of honor, he never acted on his feelings… until now. She needed help, and he was here to give it to her.

  Savannah groaned and tried to sit up.

  “She’s coming around,” Russell said. He continued to hold her as he told her everything was going to be all right. “Take it easy, Savannah. You have a nasty cut on your head.”

  She looked up at me and asked, “What are you doing here, Jesse? Where’s McCoy?”

  “He’s outside,” I replied as I bent down next to her. “He’s waiting for the ambulance to arrive. Billy’s with him.”

  “You’re such a good friend.” She closed her eyes and went limp.

  I looked at Russell. He looked back at me as if to reassure me that Savannah was okay.

  The sirens grew louder as the Greene County Rescue Squad, once again, pulled into the driveway of Savannah Kelley’s home. Sheriff Hudson and three of his squad cars followed. The place was chaotic. Nobody had been arrested, but the day was still young. Billy stood next to McCoy while they loaded Savannah into the ambulance.

  Everything had gone into the crapper. Savannah and McCoy’s marriage was most likely over. There was probably no way to salvage it now after recent developments. Too much water under the bridge. I felt sick to my stomach as I stood by and just watched everything crumble. Billy and I had a relationship with Savannah and McCoy. It started out as a case by accident, and then turned into a friendship. We shared time together. We’ve been through a lot.

  The press began to show up in full force in a very short period of time. It was as if someone had been watching, and then alerted the media. Savannah was being carted off to the hospital—for the second time in two days… followed by her lawyer… not her husband. Gossip heaven. Not only was she a celebrity, but she was a celebrity with criminal activity going on in her life. And, so far, I was the only one who knew about Russell’s infatuat
ion with Savannah. That little tidbit alone would add another gallon of gasoline to an already burning inferno.

  All local channels were running a live feed of the scene. Within minutes, channels from Richmond, Henrico, and the Tidewater areas showed up. This was big news. It was all the sheriff could do to keep the press at bay. Finally, in a desperate attempt to clear the area, he ordered his men to physically push them back if necessary, and then close the gates.

  An hour later, the area had been cleared of the press, and the gates to Savannah’s home had been opened to let us out. McCoy was not detained—he was going to the hospital to check on his wife. Billy and I left to go visit Flo. We had done all we could do for them now.

  Mom called me on my cell phone to tell me about Savannah being on the news. She said she was watching everything play out on live TV. Eddie’s plane was late, so she was sitting at the airport waiting on him. She wanted the real details from me.

  “You can’t trust the press,” she said. “We know they get things all mixed up. They never get the whole truth.”

  “I haven’t seen the news,” I told her.

  “But you were there. What happened?”

  “McCoy showed up, and then Savannah attacked him.”

  “What? You can’t be serious, Jesse. That little thing attacked McCoy? I find that hard to believe. He’s a big guy and she’s so small. She wouldn’t stand a chance against him. What was she thinking?”

  “Believe it, Mom. She…”

  “Oh, Eddie’s plane just landed,” she interrupted me. “I have to go. I’ll call you later.” She ended the call.

  I looked at my cell phone, and then turned to Billy and said, “She hung up on me. Eddie’s plane was delayed, but it just landed. She’d been waiting on him when she saw the news about Savannah, so she called me because she wanted the real dirt. She knows how the press is.”

  “She’ll call back. I bet she’ll have a lot of questions for you. She’ll want to know everything.”

  We continued on Rt. 33 until we reached the turnoff onto Coyote Road. When we were just a few houses away from Flo’s office, Billy said, “Don’t be surprised if you feel strange when you see the place. It’s going to bring back memories and sad feelings.”


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