All About the Money (A Jesse Watson Mystery Series Book 7)

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All About the Money (A Jesse Watson Mystery Series Book 7) Page 8

by Ann Mullen

  “Is it important?”

  “Of course, it is. If she just found out, the police would use that against her. They’ll say she killed Andrea when she discovered the baby was yours. They’ll accuse her of luring Andrea here on the pretense of settling the matter, but murdered her instead. This could turn into a real disaster.”

  I looked at Billy and said, “We can check phone records.”

  “We’ll need to search Andrea’s desk and anything else she had access to,” Billy added. “The sheriff has her car, so searching it is out of the question.”

  “But the sheriff already said there would not be any charges brought against Savannah. It was self-defense. She was just protecting herself. She didn’t mean any harm to come to Andrea.”

  “They don’t know about the pictures, yet, but they’ll find out.”

  “What pictures?”

  “The ones Savannah had in her possession. Pictures of Andrea, the baby, and you.”

  “Oh, no,” McCoy moaned. “I didn’t want Savannah to ever see those.”

  “She didn’t know about the baby?”

  “Yes, she knew about my son, Kaleb. I had to tell her. I couldn’t live with the guilt, and it wouldn’t be fair to him. But I didn’t want to rub it in with those photos.”

  “Good,” Billy said. “It’s good that you told Savannah the truth and that she’s known about it all along. It wasn’t news to her.”

  “How did she handle it when you told her?” I asked.

  “She wasn’t happy to say the least, but we tried to work it out.”

  “I can’t believe she didn’t dump you the minute she learned of your indiscretion,” I snapped. “I know I would have.” I looked at Billy. “And don’t even say anything funny this time, Injun.”

  Billy smiled, but didn’t make a remark. He knew when it was time to step back.

  “At first, she told me it was over, but then I convinced her to give me another chance. We’ve been working on it. It’s been a long road.”

  “From what you’ve told us, and the fact that Savannah said that Andrea just showed up without being invited, I don’t think the sheriff has a leg to stand on. Pictures or no pictures. It was clearly a case of self-defense. Let’s go see Savannah.”

  Without another word, Billy turned, pushed on the closed door, and then walked in. He motioned for us to follow. McCoy was reluctant, but as soon as I took him by the hand, he followed. He dropped his head as he started to walk inside. I let go of his hand and put my hand under his chin, raising his head as I did so. “It’s too late for that, pal,” I said. “Be a man. Stand up and take your punishment. Don’t be a wimp.” McCoy straightened up and prepared to take his medicine.

  Savannah, both hands bandaged from her encounter with Andrea and a huge bandage on her forehead from the fall, sat up in bed and yelled, “Get him out of here. It’s his fault I’m in this mess! I don’t want to ever see him again! You lying, cheating, no-good rat!”

  Tears filled McCoy’s eyes.

  As much as I wanted to punch him out for what he had done to Savannah, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. He’d made a mistake—a big one. It’s not as if McCoy sent Andrea to get rid of his wife, so he could take up residence with her and their love child. He adored Savannah. He just made an egregious error in judgment—one he would have to live with for the rest of his life.

  Or… did he choose his mistress and his son over his wife. Did he plan this out? Was he behind the whole thing? That thought just suddenly popped into my head, but I brushed it aside. My imagination was playing tricks on me again. What could I have been thinking? Yet, that thought just kept hanging around.

  A nurse rushed in and asked, “Is everything all right in here? We can hear you all the way down the hallway.”

  “Everything’s fine,” Billy stepped up and said. “Mrs. Kelley is distraught, but she’s going to be okay.” He ushered the nurse out of the room, returned to Savannah’s bedside and said, “You need to talk with your husband. If not to straighten out your marriage, at least to figure out how you’re going to handle the police and the press. You’re going to need to stick by each other. This isn’t over yet.”

  McCoy walked over to Savannah and said, “Billy’s right, Savannah. Now is not the time to turn our backs on each other. I love you. I’ll do anything to fix this. Just give me a chance.”

  “I’ve given you too many chances, McCoy. This is it for me. There’s nothing you can say or do to change my mind. What little trust I had left in you is long gone.”

  McCoy stepped back like a beat dog. He walked over to the door, stopped, and then leaned against the wall in silence.

  “You might want these,” I said as I pulled the packet of photos out of my pants and handed them to her. “I thought I was helping you, but I’m beginning to wonder it you didn’t send me after your keys because you knew I’d snoop around.”

  “I did,” Savannah replied. “I knew you’d see the photographs, and I hoped you’d hide them for me. Taking them was probably the best thing you could have done. If they had fallen into Sheriff Hudson’s hand, I’d hate to think what would’ve come of it.”

  “You used me.”

  “Yes, I did. I didn’t know what else to do. I’m sorry.”

  Savannah had a surprised look on her face when I said, “I guess I can forgive you. I don’t know. I’m going to have to think this one over.” I stepped back.

  Surprised, indeed! Savannah Kelley was used to getting her way. This wasn’t the norm for her. Perhaps this would give her something to think about. Later, I would tell her that I wasn’t mad anymore.

  Billy looked at Russell Shank, and then at Savannah. “It’s time for the truth if you want our help. We’re not going to put our necks on the line unless you tell us everything.”

  Savannah closed her eyes and said, “My head’s killing me. I can’t tell this story again. It hasn’t changed since the last time I told it.”

  “Humor me,” Billy said, determined to get his way. “Just answer a few questions.”

  “Hasn’t he already told you everything there is to tell?” she asked as she pointed to McCoy. “Surely, by now he’s told you all the sordid details of how he slept with his secretary, got her pregnant, sired a son with his harlot, and then sent her to kill me.”

  “What?” McCoy said as he rushed back over to her bed. “Did she tell you that? I would never do that. I love you.”

  “Yes, my dear. She said you planned the whole thing, and that you sent her to kill me. At first, I didn’t believe her, but the more she ranted, the more I wondered how much truth there was to her accusations. I mean, you did have an affair with this woman.”

  “One night! That’s all it was. One lousy night. I can’t help it if she didn’t use birth control.”

  “And you were too stupid to use a condom? God only knows what kind of diseases I might wind up with because you couldn’t keep your pants zipped.”

  “I was drunk. How many times do I have to say it? I was drunk!”

  “That’s enough,” Russell said, stepping closer. “There’s no need for shouting. You’re upsetting my client. Savannah isn’t well.”

  “You can say that again,” McCoy said in a loud tone. “She’s lost her mind. I had nothing to do with Andrea’s sick plan. She went nuts when I told her I was leaving the company and moving away, but I had no idea she would do something like this. I didn’t think losing her job would be so devastating. I told her I would do my best to find her another one. I paid her rent, bought her a car so she’d have something decent for my son, and I gave her plenty of money. She seemed content with the arrangement. She let me see Kaleb anytime I wanted to. The minute I told her I was leaving, she went off on me, but I thought she got over it. I guess she didn’t.”

  “Stop!” Savannah demanded. “I don’t want to hear his name ever again. He’s not my child.”

  “Why? Because you’re jealous? You can’t have your own kids…”

  Oops… />
  Savannah gasped. “Get out of here!” she screamed at him. The look on her face clearly showed that she was embarrassed by his announcement that she was infertile. No woman wants that broadcast.

  McCoy turned to walk out of the room when Savannah dropped another bomb on him. “She was stealing money from you. I bet you didn’t know that, did you? She wanted you, but until she could have you, she spent her free time stealing money from your accounts. Not just one account, mind you, but all of them! I’m surprised she didn’t steal any of my money. I guess I keep an eye on mine closer than you do. Why am I not the least bit surprised?”

  “That’s a lie! Why would she steal from me when I gave her plenty? I provided her with everything she needed.”

  “Because she could! You idiot!”

  The nurse returned and demanded that we keep the noise down, or we’d have to leave. It was our last warning. The next time she had to return would be the last.

  “That’s all right by me,” McCoy remarked. “I was just leaving.” He turned and stormed out of the room.

  Before leaving the room, the nurse apologized for the long wait, and said that the doctor would be back very soon. Then Savannah could go home.

  “I’m curious, Savannah,” I said as I walked back over to her bed. “How did Andrea get past your security gate?”

  “I asked her and she said she got the code from McCoy.”

  “Did she steal that as well, or did he give it to her?”

  “She said that he gave it to her.”

  “Why don’t we go on the assumption that pretty much everything she told you was a lie,” Billy said. “The woman surely wanted your man, but I don’t think he wanted her. Maybe that’s why she tried to get rid of you. She thought he’d come running back to her once you were out of the picture. They do share a son together. That’s a mighty strong hold on someone.”

  “How many times has he cheated on you?” I broached the subject. “Is this the second, third, or fourth time? Were there other women who wanted your husband?”

  “No, it was just this one time as far as I know. He could’ve had more affairs. They say men who cheat once, usually cheat again.”

  “Cheating… lies… they’re all the same,” Billy said. “One small lie is nothing but a big lie in the making. If this is the only lie he ever told you, then you’re pretty lucky.”

  “I sure don’t feel lucky. Why didn’t the two… three… of them just run off together and leave me alone? I could live with that, but I can’t live with her being a part of our lives. I don’t want her or her son in my life.”

  “Because he didn’t want her,” I said. “He wants you. You know your husband. Do you think he would choose her over you?”

  “No, but he might choose his son over me. He always wanted a child.” Savannah started crying. “Having a child has always been important to McCoy. He’s told me that over and over.”

  Russell reached over, picked up a box of Kleenex, and then handed it to her. “Here you go,” he said. “You might want to think about what Billy and Jesse are trying to tell you. McCoy would be a fool to pick anyone over you. If you were my wife, I’d never leave your side.”


  Billy asked Russell if he could speak in private with him out in the hallway. There was no doubt in my mind that he was going to tell him to back off—Savannah was his client not a perspective love interest.

  After they left, I walked over closer to Savannah, leaned down and said, “We’re here to help you because we care about you, but if you lie to us again, or try to use us in any way, I ‘ll personally see to it that you burn for it.”


  “I’ll write you off as a friend, and I’ll tell my mother why.”

  “You don’t have to threaten me. I already said I was sorry. I won’t hide anything from you ever again. I promise.”

  “Sometimes sorry just doesn’t cut it. You of all people should know that.” I turned and walked out of the room. Let her chew on that for awhile. Much to my surprise, when I stepped into the hallway, Russell and McCoy were on the floor, throwing punches. I looked up at Billy, who was standing up against the wall with his arms crossed.

  “Aren’t you going to stop it” I asked him. “They’re going to kill each other.”

  “I’m not even going to try. I know better than to get into the middle of two men fighting over a woman. I’m the one who’d wind up getting hurt. They’re on their own.”

  “I don’t blame you,” I said as I backed up against the wall next to him. “Let the hospital security team handle it.”

  A few seconds later, two armed security guards arrived. They broke up the fight, and then ushered both men out of the hospital.

  “They won’t go to jail, will they?” I asked Billy.

  “I doubt it, but they will be temporally banned from the hospital.”

  “I guess we should go back in and talk with Savannah. I had some pretty harsh words for her before I walked out. She probably needs someone to talk to. If I play my cards right, I might even get the truth out of her.”

  That was a joke, but trouble was on the horizon. I could see it coming.

  Chapter 7

  The minute the words were out of my mouth, Sheriff Wake Hudson appeared from around the corner with two of his deputies following behind him. One of those deputies was Cole James.

  Cole was my first love interest when I moved to Stanardsville. Somehow, he still has the power to make my heart flutter whenever I see him… even if it’s only a little flutter. I guess that will go away in time. I have my man.

  “Nice little triangle we have going on here,” Sheriff Hudson said. “I saw them haul out McCoy Kelley and Russell Shank. I knew they were going to come to blows over Savannah. She’s a mighty attractive woman.”

  “Don’t go getting yourself involved with her,” I said. “She has enough men fawning over her. She doesn’t need any more.” I looked directly at Cole and said, “Hello, Cole. How are you doing?”

  “Just fine, thank you,” he replied, emotionless. “And yourself?”

  “Fine,” I replied, telling myself to let it go. He can be as cold to me as he wants to be. I no longer cared. Those days have come and gone.

  “What are you doing here?” Billy asked the sheriff.

  “I have some questions for Savannah.”

  “You can’t question her without her attorney present,” I said, sternly. “And the hospital just kicked him out, so you’re out of luck. Stay away from her. I know the law.”

  “And which one just got kicked out?” Cole asked, almost coldly. “Her husband or her new boyfriend?”

  Now where did that come from? Why was Cole being so nasty when it came to Savannah and the men in her life? Unless…

  The sheriff shot Cole a dirty look, and then turned back to me. “Jesse, you know me,” he said. “I’ll advise her of her rights before I question her. I’ve been at this job too long to make a mistake like that.”

  “If you’re going to advise her of her rights then that means you’re going to arrest her. It was self-defense. You said so yourself. You can’t be serious about taking her in.”

  “We have new information that might dispute Mrs. Kelley’s story.”

  “What new information?”

  “You know I can’t comment on an ongoing investigation.”

  Billy and I stared at each other in disbelief, both of us sharing the same thought. It was quickly becoming apparent that Savannah had many secrets according to Sheriff Hudson’s statement. But what were those secrets?

  “And you’re going to arrest her right here in the hospital? It can’t wait until she gets home? Do you have any idea how much the press is going to love this? I saw a Channel 29 News van outside. They’ll have a field day with this.”

  “She’s a flight risk.”

  “Says who? You can’t think for a minute that Savannah’s going to run, do you? That’s nuts!”

  “She’s rich, and murder is a serious

  I gasped at the thought. I was shocked and upset. Sheriff Hudson was here to arrest Savannah! I wanted to scream at him and tell him he was out of his mind, but I didn’t. The look on his face was too scary, and I didn’t want to get arrested.

  The sheriff hesitated, turned to Billy, and then said, “Oh, by the way. We just arrested two teenagers and charged them with arson in the Flo Garner case. A neighbor came forward and gave us a description of the two guys she saw hanging around just before the place went up.”

  “Are you sure they’re the ones who did it?” I asked, trying to seem like I had calmed down somewhat.

  “Oh, yeah,” he replied, and then smiled. “This isn’t the first time these boys have had a run-in with the law. I knew who they were the minute the witness gave me their description. Plus, it didn’t hurt that the daughter of the neighbor knew the boys—names, addresses, the whole bit. She went to school with them before they dropped out. She said that the kids at school were afraid of them. They’re nothing but trouble. That’s for sure.”

  “Did you get a confession out of them?”

  “No, they lawyered-up. Got themselves a big-time Charlottesville attorney—Roger Damon.”

  “Never heard of him,” I said.

  “He’s good. Unfortunately, he gets a lot of bad guys off.”

  “Do you think he’ll get them off? You have enough evidence on the boys, don’t you? You know they did it.”

  “No, he won’t get them off. He’ll plea bargain. They’ll do some time. How much just depends. We have two eyewitnesses who can place them at the scene, so we got ‘em. We just have to put them away.” The sheriff turned and walked into Savannah’s room. His deputies followed. Someone closed the door.

  I looked at Billy and said, “I guess that lets Downer Rhodes off the hook. They caught the guys.”

  “Not necessarily. Punk kids like that don’t have the kind of money it takes to hire an attorney like Roger Damon.”

  “Do you know… never mind. I’m sure you do. You know everybody. Was Roger Damon an old friend of yours or Jonathan… or …”


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