Torrid Teasers Volume 18

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Torrid Teasers Volume 18 Page 2

by Sherrill Quinn, RaeLynn Blue

  Anna took a step back. “H-how did you get in here?"

  "You wished me here.” He walked toward her and she changed direction, putting the recliner between them. Completely ignoring her, he went straight to her spindly tree, giving her a view of his gorgeous and oh-so-biteable ass.

  "Ah, poor wee sprite,” he murmured. “Feelin’ a bit ragged, aren't you?” He touched the tree with one long index finger. Her eyes went round as the scruffy limbs sprouted full, thick needles, sending the ornaments lightly tinkling. When he drew his hand away, the tree stood tall and full and looked nothing at all like the little Charlie Brown Christmas tree it once had been.

  "How did you do that?"

  The man turned to face her again and her eyes were drawn once more to his impressive erection. She was no expert, not by a long shot, but he had to be the length of her arm from elbow to wrist and she doubted she could wrap her fingers around his girth.

  Boy-howdy, when she hallucinated, she did it right.

  "I'm of the Winter clan,” he said in answer to her question. “We have a connection to things of Christmas.” He touched the bow on his erection, then wrapped his fingers around his cock just under the ruddy crown.

  "Clan?” Anna did her best to stay with him. But watching him stroke his cock was damned distracting. Not to mention, it was giving her all sorts of naughty ideas. She was flushed and getting hotter by the minute. Hardly aware she was doing it, she pulled at the neckline of her t-shirt and fanned herself with it, and tried to unobtrusively blow air between her breasts to cool off.

  "The Winter clan of the Water Elementals.” His hand left his cock and came up to his head to tuck his thick brown hair behind one ear. One pointed ear. “We each have to serve fifty years at the North Pole. I've only ten to go.” A frown flitted across his face, then was gone. “Until recently, I headed up Delivery."

  Her head tilted to the side. “Y-you're ... Santa?” Her eyes widened and the theme to Twilight Zone started playing in her mind.

  He frowned. “No, lass. Kris Kringle, our patriarch, is Santa. But I'm the one—well, my division is—who plans the route each year. We have to account for all the new housin’ and relocations in the world. With over six billion people on the planet, believe me, it's not easy."

  "I imagine it's not.” This was too surreal. Even if he was the most gorgeous specimen she'd ever seen, with his wide shoulders, long torso and hard, lean hips, he had to be one cookie shy of a dozen if he thought he was an elf. “How can you have already put in forty years?” she asked, shaking her head as she registered what he'd said. “You don't even look like you're thirty."

  A smile played on his sexy mouth, quirking one corner. “I'll see my two hundredth year on January first. Among my people, I'm considered to be a youngster."

  A youngster at two hundred years old. She couldn't believe she was actually considering he was serious. Although, glancing at that pointed ear, she conceded the evidence was right in front of her.

  Her gaze went back to her Christmas tree, which he'd fixed with his finger. She shivered, wondering just what that finger could do for her. Even as her pussy clenched with hot, raw need, Anna's fingers tightened on the top of the recliner as she tried to anchor herself in reality. The chair under her fingers was real. Her hallucination, on the other hand, had pointy ears. Kris Kringle. Water Elementals. North Pole.

  Good God. She had a tall, dark and naked elf in her living room.

  * * * *

  Jazz stayed still, letting Anna get used to him. Her breath came in quick, short puffs from between full, sensuous lips. Startled passion darkened her cocoa-colored eyes. Her dark hair was cut short, curling around her face like a sprite's wings. She stood there, pulling the neckline of her top out of shape.

  His gaze drifted to her breasts, straining and hard-tipped against the material of her shirt. Whatever fear she might feel at having a strange man in her house, it was tempered by her arousal.

  And her arousal amplified his. His cock was as stiff as a pike and if his balls got any harder, he was afraid they'd explode. But as much as he wanted to draw her underneath him and fuck her snug pussy hard and fast, he knew he needed to first earn her trust.

  "I'm not here to hurt you, sweetheart,” he said, keeping his voice soft. Moving back a few steps, he sat on the couch, his hands resting on his thighs. “I'm your Christmas present."

  "You're my what?"

  "You've been wishin’ for a man for Christmas.” He shrugged, keeping his gaze on hers, striving to be nonthreatening. “I'm here to fulfill that wish."

  She made her way around the recliner, holding onto it as if her balance were impaired, then dropped heavily onto the chair. Rubbing her middle finger on the line between her brows, she closed her eyes and sighed. She started to speak, then stopped. She sighed once more. “So, you're telling me you work for Santa Claus."

  "Aye.” He kept his gaze on her, watching for any physical signs that would clue him into what was going on in her mind.

  "And you want me to believe that you're my Christmas present."

  "Aye.” Jazz leaned forward and rested his elbows on his thighs, clasping his hands loosely between his knees. While she didn't seem prepared to run from him, she also didn't appear to be completely convinced, either.

  Her lashes swept up and she stared at him with dark eyes full of warring emotions: hope and lingering fear; gratitude and disbelief. “I don't think..."

  When she trailed off, Jazz slowly got up from the sofa and went over to her. Pushing her thighs apart, he settled on his knees between her legs. “Don't think,” he whispered, holding her gaze with his. “Just feel."

  Reaching out, he snagged the back of her neck with one hand and drew her down to meet his kiss. Parting her soft lips with the slide of his tongue, he swept inside, drawing her sweet taste back into his own mouth.

  By the ancestors, she tasted good. Fresh. Intoxicating.

  As he broke the kiss, he felt her sigh against his lips and heard the disappointment in that slight sound. He could so easily become addicted to her. Who'd have thought he'd be so entranced with his assignment? With a moan, he drew her out of the chair and onto the floor, settling her on top of him as he dove back into her mouth.

  She traced his heavy pectoral muscles, scraping lightly across his nipples with her nails. He shuddered under her, his heavy cock, throbbing with need, trapped between their bodies. Groaning into her mouth, he slid his hands under the hem of her t-shirt. Giving her time to deny him, he slowly pushed the top up over her full breasts.

  He stared at them transfixed, then brought his hands up to cup them, rubbing his thumbs over the sensitive tips already puckered with need. This time, she was the one who moaned, arching into his touch. He rolled them over, bracing his weight on his left elbow as he leaned down and drew one peach-tinted nipple into his mouth.

  Her skin was silky smooth against his tongue and he drew strongly on her, needing this connection nearly as much as she did. He couldn't explain it. All he knew was that he wanted her with a depth of desire he hadn't felt in a very long time.

  Moving to her other breast, he licked over the pebbled peak. She moved restlessly under him, sliding her mound against his erection. He groaned and sucked on her nipple, feeling it lengthen against the roof of his mouth. Another brush of her sex against his cock dragged a groan from deep in his chest. He wanted to be inside her more than he needed to breathe.

  Her gasping moan thrummed through him. He stood and, in a smooth movement, picked her up. “Bedroom?” he growled. He needed to taste all of her, and he'd be damned if he was going to do it on a hard floor when there was a soft bed nearby.

  "Down the hallway.” She twisted her fingers in his hair and drew his face down. Her mouth opened over his, her tongue sliding between his lips like hot, wet silk. Her tongue danced and mated with his, stealing his breath.

  Jazz lifted his head so he could see to navigate down the narrow hall. As he walked, her mouth drifted over his collarbone a
nd shoulder, each soft caress sending blood pounding into his hard rod. When he reached her bedroom, he got a quick impression of femininity and grace, but the king-sized bed in the middle of the small room held his attention.

  Two long strides brought him to the bed and he placed her gently on the edge. He knelt between her legs, his hands resting on her hips. Looking up at her, he tightened his fingers. “Let me taste you, lass. Let me make love to you."

  She swallowed. Holding his gaze, she nodded her head.

  "Lift your hips.” Jazz cleared his throat, trying to dispel the lingering huskiness his arousal caused. When she raised her butt, he drew both sweatpants and underwear down her slender legs, then dropped the clothing to one side. Placing his hands on the inside of her knees, he gently urged her legs apart, his gaze fastened on glistening pink flesh guarded by dark curls.

  * * * *

  Anna watched him watch her, his eyes dark with lust and need. He slid his big hands under her knees and pulled her forward so her ass was poised on the very edge of the mattress. He paused, his nostrils flaring with his deeply drawn breath, then he ran his fingers over her sex.

  She sighed and pressed against his hand. He strummed through her folds, seemingly in no hurry, but she could see the hard thickness of his cock, the pearly drop of pre-cum hanging on the tip. When she started to bend to take him in her hand, he pressed his free hand against her chest and shook his head.

  "Not yet, darlin',” he said, his voice low and hoarse. “I won't last if you touch me."

  "The bow..."

  With a strained smile, he jerked the ends of the ribbon and the bow fell apart, falling to the floor. Again she reached for him, wanting to feel his smooth hardness in her palm, and once more, he held her back.


  "Later,” he interrupted. His brogue was more pronounced, the r in the word later turning into a rolling burr. “I'll let you touch me later.” He gave her a small push.

  She got the point and lay back, stretching her arms above her head. If her sexy Christmas present—and she accepted that's what he was—wanted to pleasure her, who was she to say no?

  His warm mouth pressed against her inner thighs, one at a time, back and forth, creeping slowly toward her sex. His goatee rasped against her sensitive skin, making her shiver. Then his lips were on her clit, pulling, tugging the distended nub into the heat of his mouth. When he gently scraped the sensitive flesh with his teeth, Anna shuddered, feeling the shock of that erotic contact all the way to her toes.

  He spread her legs wide, nibbling at the fleshy lips of her pussy. Drawing first one and then the other into his mouth, he sucked and licked until she squirmed. She raised her hips, pushing onto his face. He speared her with his tongue, licking the juices flowing from her wet channel.

  "By all the ancestors, you taste so good.” His breath fanned against her and she gasped. “Like honeysuckle and vanilla. With a hint of somethin’ tart. Lovely.” His voice was deep and dark and worked on her nerve endings, shivering through her with sensual magic. Big hands gripping her buttocks, he lifted her to his mouth. He filled her with his tongue while his long fingers made delicate explorations between her ass cheeks. He tickled her sensitive back opening, pressing at the responsive ring of flesh as his tongue probed her sex deeper and deeper still.

  "Jazz!” She hung there, caught in the erotic caress of his mouth and hands, her body tightening with every lash of his tongue, every flutter of his fingers. Her hands came down to grasp his head, her fingers tangling in the silk of his hair. He swiped through her folds with the flat of his tongue. Just as his mouth latched onto her clit, his finger pressed through the puckered opening of her ass.

  Anna screamed, her orgasm exploding without warning. She arched into his mouth, crying out again and again as his finger probed deeper, harder, thrusting in and out in the same sensual rhythm as the suction of his mouth on her clit.

  His movements slowed and he resisted her tugging at his hair to draw him over her. Even as the last shudder rolled through her body, he began again. He was easy at first, drawing his tongue lightly through swollen, sensitive folds, dipping into her channel to draw her heavy fluid into his mouth. His finger kept pressing into her ass, thrusting steadily in and out.

  Then, with skill and great fervor, he sucked and licked and nipped, groaning as she cried out and lifted herself to his mouth. He added another finger to the one probing her backside, stretching her, the small pain quickly sliding into extraordinary pleasure. Another climax roiled through her and she arched into his mouth, a long, low groan coming from her as the pleasure spiked and spiked and spiked.

  As she came down from her orgasm, he rested his face against her mound. His lashes swept up, his ocean blue gaze meeting hers. He slowly withdrew his fingers from her ass and she clenched with a renewal of arousal. “That was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

  She felt the blush that rolled under her skin and didn't know if she was embarrassed or elated at his assessment. Maybe it was a little of both.

  "You've no need to be embarrassed.” He turned his head and pressed a kiss against her sex, his tongue flicking against her clit. She jumped and moaned, just that one touch ramping her arousal once more. “You're beautiful anytime, but especially when your passion overtakes you."

  He rose to his feet and leaned over her. Pressing a kiss to the corner of her mouth, he whispered, “I'll be right back,” then walked away. She rose up on her elbows to watch his very fine ass leave the room. She heard water running from the bathroom, and in seconds, he was back and scooting her up onto the bed.

  He came down over her, his knees on either side of her hips, his hands flat against the mattress, bracketing her ribs. She put her hands on his thick wrists, ran them up to his biceps and lightly squeezed. She loved how hard he was, how his muscles bunched and flexed with his movements.

  Her gaze traveled over the dark hair covering his broad chest, then followed it as it trailed down his flat abdomen, circled his navel and fanned out below to frame his large shaft. His rigid sex arose thick and long, the head shining and wet with his arousal. Anna reached for it, only to have him lightly knock her hand away.

  "I'm not kidding, lass,” he muttered, his brows dipping. “Maybe after I've had you a few times—” He broke off, shaking his head as he looked at her lying underneath him. “Hell, maybe after I've had you a few hundred times, I'll last long enough for you to touch me. You touch me now, I'll spurt all over your hand."

  "And that would be bad?” she asked, with a frown of her own. Her pulse quickened at the thought of him having her a few hundred times.

  He slid one big hand under her neck and pulled her up to him for a quick, hard kiss. “When I come for the first time with you, I want to be snug inside you, with your sweet little pussy grippin’ me like a tight fist."

  Lowering her head back onto the pillow, he stretched out on top of her, resting on his elbows, his hands framing her face. His tongue slid over the seam of her lips. When her mouth opened, he surged inside. He stole her breath with his passion, then gave it back again.

  When he drew back, his thumbs sweeping slowly over her cheeks, she lifted lids heavy with passion and stared at him. Her breath came in little pants, her fingers gripped his wide shoulders.

  "You can't know what you do to me,” he murmured, lowering his head to her neck. He mouthed kisses from the dip in her throat over to the sweet spot where her shoulder met her neck. He stroked his tongue against the pulse in her throat, his lips curving against her skin as she shuddered in response. Another flick of his tongue and she moaned. His mouth came back to hers, roughly possessive in its ferocity.

  "Jazz, please...” Anna slid her hands over his chest and down his back to finally clutch at his hips.

  He reared up. With his jaw held tight, he said, “I should use protection."

  "I haven't been with anyone in a really long time,” she said softly, “and it's not the right time of the month.” She sifted his hair throug
h her fingers, tucking the long strands behind his pointed ears. At her touch, his eyes flared and she couldn't resist adding, “Do you have any weird elf germs I should know about?"

  He flashed a grin even as he dipped his hips and scrubbed the tip of his cock through the swollen folds of her sex. “We don't have germs, sweetheart. Weird or otherwise. Why do you think we live so long?"

  She rubbed lightly against his shaft, exulting in his sudden inhalation and clenching of muscles under her hands. Then it was her turn to gasp. With a flex of his buttocks, he began a slow, maddening entry. He captured her mouth with his in a deep kiss, gripped her hips in his hands and held her still as he pushed in and in.

  And in.

  Anna broke away from his mouth, dragging in a deep breath, then buried her face against his neck. Her sex was tender and sensitive from her earlier orgasms. The delicious stretching of her muscles around his thick length bordered on painful, but she slid her hands to his ass and pulled him against her.

  This kind of pain, she could handle, encourage even. His possession was like nothing she'd ever experienced—gentle, inflexible.

  Seemingly endless.

  Closing her eyes, she gasped against the moist flesh of his neck and still he pushed in until he was fully gripped inside her. He remained locked against her, not moving for long moments. She could feel his pulse in the turgid flesh of his cock and a whimper escaped from her parted lips.

  Pushing his shoulders up until she could look at him, she saw his face was stark with need, his skin taut across high cheekbones, his jaw held tightly. His eyes were the color of a storm-tossed sea and held a slight sheen that told her without words he was as moved by this union as she was.

  Shivering, she tried to concentrate, tried to make her mind work through the riot of her senses. Her pussy felt stretched beyond capacity, his cock a hard wedge of invasion. Her nipples were diamond-hard points, her breasts heavy and swollen.


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