Dark Promises: Midnight

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Dark Promises: Midnight Page 6

by Elisa Adams

  He paused for a brief moment and caught her gaze. “I have to know one thing before we take this any further. Are you protected?”

  “If by protected you mean birth control, then yes. I get a shot every three months.” She frowned, scrunching up her nose. “Is that your concern?”

  “Yes. I don’t need to worry about diseases. My immune system is too strong to be affected by them or to carry them. But pregnancy is another matter altogether.”

  “A vampire can still procreate?”

  She really had a lot to learn. “Yes. It’s difficult with a human, but definitely not unheard of.”

  “Well, I’m all set so there’s nothing to worry about.” Her voice was barely above a whisper, but it held a husky quality.

  He moved between her legs and positioned the head of his engorged cock at the entrance of her cunt. He paused, watching her carefully for a last-minute objection. When he found none, he slid his cock all the way into her. She moaned softly, rolling her head back against the pillow.

  For a long moment, he couldn’t move. She felt so hot and tight, so right, that he wanted to savor the sensation. She looked up at him through half-lidded eyes, her expression filled with desire and tenderness.

  He didn’t want her tenderness. He didn’t deserve it, not after what he’d done to her. But he’d take it, and anything else she had to offer him tonight. He couldn’t possess her like he wanted to, but at least they’d have a little while before she left him to go back to her real life.

  He couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept with a woman he actually cared about. It had been hundreds of years since he’d allowed himself to care in that way. Amara could change all that, if he’d let her. He didn’t plan on it.

  Her moans of protest finally goaded him to move. With each stroke, staying in control of his primal side, the part of him that was more animal than human, got more and more difficult. He wanted to ravish her in every possible way, mark her so that she would know she was his forever.

  But he would not hurt her. The more he repeated that, the harder it got to stick to it. And if she kept digging her nails into his back like that, he was going to do something they’d both regret. He suckled her breasts, laving her puckered nipples until she whimpered.

  “More,” she cried when he pulled his mouth away.

  He trailed his tongue along her collarbone, up her throat, across her jaw. She tasted like soft, clean woman, a mix of sensual and innocent—a flavor that left him reeling. He nipped her neck gently in several places, earning another few scratches along his back.

  She raised her chin, exposing her neck like an offering. As much as he’d like to sink his teeth back into her, he couldn’t. Not yet, when he’d so recently fed from her. And definitely not when he was so short on willpower. He’d never intentionally hurt her, but accidents had been known to happen in these situations.

  She apparently sensed his reservations. “Let go, Marco. Please. I need everything from you.”

  She arched her back and dug her nails into his sides, shattering the last of his control. With a savage groan he pounded into her, each stroke harder than the last, no longer caring about anything but being inside her and the pleasure her body brought to all of his senses.

  He sank his teeth into her neck again, needing just one more taste of her. It was a very integral part of his climax, and it would also increase the intensity of Amara’s. He knew she felt the change right away by the hitch in her breath.

  She met him thrust for thrust, arching her back and clawing at him in a very feline way. She screamed when she came, her nails scratching him deeply enough to draw blood. He knew she’d left welts in his skin and the pain was enough to send him over the edge into his own climax, his hot seed spurting inside her.

  He collapsed on top of her, too spent to move. He groaned against the warm flesh of her neck. Amara wriggled against him and sighed contentedly. She ran her hand down his back, stopping when she found the scratches she’d left.

  “Did I really cut you that badly?”

  He rolled onto his back. “It’s no big deal. I’ve been cut worse in my lifetime.”

  “Yeah, but I didn’t want to hurt you.”

  “Sometimes a little pain can be a good thing.” Actually, it’d been more like a lot of pain, but he wasn’t going to tell her that yet.

  Her breathing was still a little heavy, which didn’t surprise him. In fact, she should have been exhausted by now. He certainly was. “Are you okay?”

  She laughed. “Why wouldn’t I be? I just had the best sex of my life.”

  He nodded, in total agreement. Who would have thought he’d be so compatible with a woman he’d kidnapped? “Are you feeling okay?”

  “Sure. I feel like I’m floating somewhere above the bed.” She laughed a little. “I’ll let you know when I come back down.”

  He couldn’t help himself. He smiled at her honest, open manner. “You should sleep for a while. You’re going to need it.”

  “I’m okay.” She yawned. “I guess I am a little tired.”

  He leaned down and kissed the top of her head, listening to her breathing finally slow. In no time, she was asleep. She needed the rest a lot more than he did. If he was any kind of a man he’d walk away now before things got even more complicated.

  Unfortunately for her, he’d never claimed to be chivalrous. At his best, he was arrogant, greedy, and self-centered. He made sure he always got what he wanted, and right now, for some strange reason, he wanted to cuddle. That was another new thing for him, but he was going to go with it while he had the chance. He’d berate himself for it later, he was sure of it, but he’d enjoy what he could get for now.

  He never stayed the night, or the day if that was the case, but he could make an exception for Amara since she was in his bed. He wrapped her in his arms and joined her in sleep.

  Chapter 7

  Amara woke up alone some time later. The side of the bed where Marco had been was warm. He hadn’t been gone long. She stretched, her entire body stiff from their lovemaking.

  Or was it just sex? It had felt a lot more complicated and emotional than that, but she didn’t know how Marco felt. She blinked, her senses slowly returning. She didn't know Marco at all. She'd just had wild, out of control, totally uninhibited sex with a complete stranger. Okay, she'd really lost it now.

  Not that it really mattered, the man was a vampire. She had no future with someone who was a different…well, she still wasn’t sure how to describe what he was, except that he drank blood.

  She was no longer certain about the undead part. He definitely had a heartbeat. She’d felt it pounding right along with hers. He breathed—his breath had been hot and erotic against her sensitive neck. Heck, if the man could procreate then he had to be alive in some form.

  Alive or not, it didn’t change the fact that her lover was a vampire. Believing that was still a stretch, even after he’d drunk her blood. That was a feeling she could get used to. She’d never come so hard in her life. Her clit still ached. Her vulva throbbed. In fact, if he was still in bed with her she probably would have jumped him without a second thought.

  Did he feel what she had? Was his climax as strong as hers, or was she just another fuck for him? If he’d stayed, she could have asked. Where had he slunk off to in the middle of the night—day—whatever it was. She’d spent so much time in this room she’d lost track of when she was.

  He’d enjoyed himself. He’d probably deny it later like a typical male, but he’d had just as good a time as she had. Maybe better. Take that, Derek! No more boring Amara in the bedroom. Marco seemed to bring out her wild side. Maybe she owed it to herself, and her next lover, to fully explore this new set of possibilities. If Marco was willing, she was definitely able.

  What was it like for him to drink her blood? The thought of tasting someone’s blood had always turned her off, but now she was a little curious. Marco had felt so good inside her. Did feeding off of her increase his pleasure? Would s
he feel the same if she…

  Wait a second. Was she going mental? Humans did not drink blood. Humans didn’t think about drinking blood. Well, not unless they had some serious mental issues. She was human, therefore it was not okay for her to fantasize about drinking Marco’s blood.

  End of discussion.

  Where was he, anyway? She got out of bed and rummaged through the bags he’d left on the floor. Pulling out a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, she got dressed. The clothes were a little bit baggy, but it was better than putting on the dirty stuff she’d stripped out of before her shower.

  She was surprised that when she tested the doorknob, the door swung open. Hmm. He’d left it unlocked. Did that mean she was free to roam about his house? Or did he just want her to go home? Maybe he’d changed his mind about keeping her here now that he found out she was so easy.

  She groaned. What an impression he must have of her. She didn’t usually jump into bed with a guy she’d just met. Her only excuse was that she’d been under a lot of stress lately. She’d finally snapped.

  The downstairs of the house was dim, the only source of light a few wall sconces. The walls were dark beige only a few shades lighter than the hardwood floors. Antiques made up the majority of the decor, stuff he’d probably been collecting for years. A lot of it he’d probably bought new.

  That was a scary thought.

  She wandered into the kitchen and got a glass of water. She drank it down quickly, but winced at the oddly metallic taste it left in her mouth. The clock on the stove read eleven o’clock, and the sky was black beyond the kitchen window. That meant she’d slept through an entire day.

  How did that happen? She normally lived on a few hours’ sleep every night. When did she get to be so lazy that she slept for nearly twenty four hours without blinking an eye?

  The back door was cracked open, the sound of crickets filling the night air. She pulled the door open all the way and stepped outside. Marco was sitting on a wooden bench on the deck. He glanced up when he saw her, and for the first time he actually smiled. “Did you sleep well?”

  She nodded. “I guess. Why did you let me sleep so long?”

  He shrugged. “You needed your rest. I had no right to take blood from you.”

  “If I didn’t want you to, I would have said no.” She sat down next to him, her leg brushing against his knee. She tried not to let him see that even the small touch affected her, but she was learning there wasn’t much she could keep from him.

  “You didn’t want to be kidnapped. That didn’t stop me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “This is new. The big, bad alpha-vamp is actually showing remorse.”

  “Don’t start.” The warning tone was plain in his voice.

  “What are you going to do, bite me?” She raised an eyebrow in challenge. “I have to warn you, though, I liked it.”

  He shook his head and laughed. “You were supposed to.”

  “Is it always like that?”

  “Pleasurable? Yes, unless I deliberately choose to make it painful. During sex, the pleasure it brings is incomparable. How else would we be able to get anyone to agree to it?” He paused. “But like it was between us, that was unusual. It’s not always so strong.”

  “But it is, sometimes?” She was getting worried. What she’d felt was almost too intense to bear.

  “Once in a while.”

  “How often?”

  Marco sighed. “I don’t remember the last time it was so good. Is that what you wanted to hear?”

  She shook her head. No, it was the exact opposite of what she wanted to hear. She could deal with good. Hell, she could deal with great. But earth-shattering was another matter entirely. She didn’t know how to handle her feelings when she knew nothing could ever come of them. Besides the obvious differences in lifespans, she knew practically nothing about him. She still wasn’t sure if she wanted to stay, but the thought of another round of his particular brand of sex made it tempting.

  “I suppose you want to go now.” He didn’t look happy about it. Good. Perhaps it was his turn for a couple of lessons.

  “I’ll think about it.”

  He looked surprised, but he covered it quickly. Heaven forbid the man show a little emotion beyond anger or annoyance.

  The more she thought about it, the more she considered staying for a couple of days. Being here with Marco was certainly better than sitting around in her townhouse, waiting for the bills to pile up while she was unable to get another job. She’d rather be here for a little while than out waiting tables at some sleazy restaurant again.

  His expression cleared. He’d come to a decision. “There’s nothing to think about. You’re not going anywhere.”

  Well, staying sounded like a good idea until he opened his big mouth. Who did he think he was, trying to force her into it? If she did anything, it would be of her own free will. “You left the door unlocked.”

  “My bedroom door. Just the bedroom door. The outside doors will remain locked unless I’m with you.”

  She shook her head. “Wait a second, after last night you’re still going to keep me prisoner here?”

  He nodded. “That was the whole point of bringing you here. This isn’t a social excursion.”

  She took a deep breath and counted to ten, trying to control the urge to punch him. Why was it so difficult for him to admit he’d had a good time? “I explained to you that I’m done with those movies. What more do you want from me?”

  “What would you do if I let you go now? Would you run to your friends, the tabloids, and tell them about me? I put myself, and a lot of others, at risk when I told you what I really am. I have to know I can trust you before I let you go.”

  “Please. I live on the outskirts of L.A. Do you know how many psychos there are running around thinking they're vampires?” she asked. “Besides, what makes you think you can’t trust me? You barely even know me.”

  “That’s exactly why I need to keep you here for a little while longer. Trust is a very hard thing to earn, especially when I get the feeling you’re looking for a way to escape.”

  “Can you read minds or something?”

  He laughed. “No. I can’t read minds. For some reason, though, I’m in tune to you.”

  She was in tune to him also, but she wasn’t going to share that knowledge just yet. It might be something she could use later, unless he decided to stop trying to control her life. “So you’re going to keep me here, against my will, until you feel you can learn to trust me?”

  “Are you really here against your will?”

  She had to think about that one. On the one hand, she would do anything to get free. On the other hand, what would she go back to? She had no life, no job, and no friends that weren’t interested in her money. What was left?

  Marco. And what a hell of a consolation prize he was.

  He continued. “Consider this a vacation in the surreal. Relax and enjoy yourself. When I send you home, feel free to alert the authorities. Trust me on this—they will never find me.”

  And she’d be all alone. As uncertain as she was about him and what they had going on, she didn’t like the thought of never seeing him again. “What would you do if I left?”

  “Move on. It’s what I always do, when I’ve been some place for too long.”

  “You’d just leave? Just like that? No goodbyes to anyone?”

  “I don’t have many close friends. It’s just not a safe thing for me to do.” He got up from the table and walked to the deck railing, staring out into the blackness of the night. “The few friends I have understand my situation. Ellie, the woman who brought your clothes, is probably the only one I’d miss. But I never stay away from her for long.”

  Ellie? Jealousy rose in her, confusing her. She had no claim to Marco. She didn’t want to claim him in any way. Right? He’d kidnapped her. He came into her house and took her, brought her here and locked her in his bedroom for days on end.

  And he was the best lover she’d ever ha
d. That had to count for something. At least it did to her. She didn’t know anything about his sexual practices. For all she knew, vampires had wild orgies all the time.

  “Who is Ellie?” She spoke slowly, not sure if she really wanted his answer.

  Marco laughed. He turned from the railing and walked over to her. “Are you a little worried?”

  She shook her head quickly. “Of course not. I’m just…curious.”

  “Curious.” He took a deep breath. “Ellie is a close friend, and nothing more. In some ways she’s like a little sister to me. In others, she’s more like a mother hen. It’s a complicated relationship, one I’ll explain some other time. You’ve heard enough for a while, I think.”

  “So you two never…”

  “Ellie and I have never slept together. We never will, either.”

  Maybe she was a hideous beast. She smiled, feeling a little better. “Oh. Is Ellie a vampire, too?”

  He shook his head. “No, Ellie is not a vampire. But she is the only woman I’ve ever met who understands me.”

  That remark stung. “I understand you.”

  He raised a brow. “Do you? I don’t think so.”

  She waved a hand in the air. “Please. You’re not that hard to understand. When you want something, you take it. You don’t ask, because that would be a sign of weakness. Women have no place in your life, except as toys. When you get mad, you act first and worry about the consequences later. You’re impulsive, arrogant, and feel like you’re entitled to whatever you want. Thinking about the other people involved is secondary.”

  She cocked her head to the side and waited for his response. He said nothing.

  “Don’t bother to deny it, because I can see in your eyes how right I am.” She shook her head. “And believe me, it has nothing to do with you being a vampire. That just seems to be a group of traits most men have.”


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