Light Speed

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Light Speed Page 18

by Arkadie, Z. L.

  His eyes regard me with pure lust. Once I’m completely bare, he’s suddenly on top of me, inside of me, pleasuring me. “I’m going to make love to you until the sun comes up and only make love to you.” He pushes himself deeper into me. “I’ll fuck you twice another day.”



  Telman growls and I cry out loud. I can’t deny that this feels insanely good. And we do have the time to do it since we have to wait until sundown. But I can tell that just like me, he’s itching to get into Ol so we can finally get our hands on that damn Scepter of Gant.

  “Navi,” he says, as he continues humping me.

  “What,” I breathe, fighting the urge to moan.

  “Does Adore know the Scepter of Gant was stolen…fuck…” he grunts with pleasure, “…from the Mtknv?”

  “Yes.” Shit. It’s coming. I’m about to come again.

  “She knows we can’t give it back?” he asks, grunts. “Under, any, circumstances,” he winces.

  “Yes…” I sigh, feeling that damn orgasm working on me.

  “She’s okay with that?”

  “I meant, no!” I cry and the noise I unleash is way too high for my tastes.

  When I stop trembling and open my eyes, there’s Telman watching me with a satisfied grin. He loves it when I lose the battle against an orgasm. My head is clearer afterwards..

  “I was thinking…” I whisper, sinking into the mattress.

  “You could think through that?”

  I chuckle. “Listen, Mag Star said not go into the city, right?”

  He frowns, wondering where I’m going with this. “That’s what I heard,” he says in a highly curious tone, still working on top of me.

  “Let’s just go through it.”

  “And go where?” he asks breathlessly.

  “To the surface?” I moan as he shifts his hips faster.

  “There’s a surface?” he grunts out.

  “Yes…” I strain to say.

  Telman flips me around and now I’m on top of him. He’s still hard inside and is grabbing me by the waist as he swiftly moves my hips back and forth.

  “Then let’s go…” He swiftly flips me around and now I’m on my knees, he’s behind me, pounding the hell out of me. I throw my arms up, wrap them around his neck and let go the way he loves it, moaning a chorus of oohs and ahs while reeling from the little ones until the big one hits. That’s when I lose my mind and cry out at the top of my lungs. He’s so damn good at this and I love the way he grunts and growls with his mouth this close to my ear. He knows I want to hear what I’m doing to him just like he likes to hear what he’s doing to me.

  “That was long overdue,” I sigh as I drop onto the bed and he flops down on my back.

  “Before we go,” he says, then bites me in the neck. My entire body is experiencing an orgasm as he drinks from me. It only stops when he lifts his face to bellow out a growl.

  Now, we’re done.

  Telman and I get dressed in a hurry. There’s a faint sound of Chex growling as we walk into the hallway on our way to the yellow strip by the window. I figure we’ll open it, close it, and hurry up and get the hell to the surface before the heat can fry us. Should be easy.

  “Ah,” Adore whimpers from afar, singing the universal song of sex. And really, hearing them getting it on doesn’t make me cringe or anything; I don’t even care anymore. It’s too late to go back to how things were at this point, and really, I don’t think I want to. I’ve never had Adore out here with me like this, and I like having her this close.

  “I don’t remember this room being empty,” Telman says as we walk into what’s supposed to be a living room.

  “You have to turn the furniture on,” I tell him as I shoot over to the yellow strip to show him how to activate the furniture. “There are no set buttons for anything. The module works with the voice and the mind. But I noticed that it counts,” I say as I put two fingers on it.

  “Why would it have to count?”

  “When Mag Star put one finger on the glass she gave it one command and two fingers for two.” I put two fingers on it.

  “Furniture and open window,” I say, and think for backup.

  We wait in a heightened state of anticipation.

  Nothing happens.

  Telman gives me that, “What now?” look.

  I try it again but this time giving it only one command, the most important one. “Open,” I say past clenched teeth.

  “Where are you going, Na’ta?” no one other than Adore asks. Both Telman and I jump, startled, and turn to see her wearing a pal’k and Chex shirtless in a pair of black pants. Her cheeks are flushed and her crop of hair messy. They must’ve stopped in the middle of a passionate moment and gotten dressed in a hurry.

  “Out,” I hiccup, feeling jittery, like I’ve just got caught doing something wrong by Felix Benel, only it’s not him, it’s my good and pure, never-does-any-wrong sister.

  “But you’re not supposed to go out there. You’ll injure yourself in the heat and we’ll be delayed even longer.”

  “I’m quick, remember?” I try to control how snippy I sound because I don’t want to get into another absurd argument over nothing with her.

  “I don’t understand. Where is your destination?” she asks.

  Suddenly I remember: she entered the hub through a portal not the old fashioned way like I did.

  “The surface is where the Ugu Mag live. They don’t stay in the city because they’re built high. And I can’t be cooped up in here a minute longer.” I smirk as this thought comes to my head. “And Telman and I don’t have the same sexual appetite as you two. I mean, the fucking has got to stop at some point doesn’t it?”

  Adore doesn’t chuckle at my sarcastic joke but Chex does.

  “What are you going to do when you get there?” Chex says before Adore can ask another patronizing question. It’s her way of questioning me into submission, admitting my fault and changing my direction. She gets it from Father.

  “To the surface?” I can’t help but say that with a smile. I have wanted to explore it ever since hiking through the woods with Mag Star. I just got nothing but good vibes all the way around. “You know, go for a swim or something. And we don’t even have to wear clothes down there,” I add to hopefully inspire Adore to come along. I know how much she hates wearing clothes. An adventure like this may help her get the stick out of her ass.

  Chex lifts his eyebrows suggestively at her and surprisingly she does the same.

  Chapter 11

  Dag Fun

  Each one of us has already tried to open the window by using the yellow panel.

  “The only way out is to break the glass.” Chex says.

  Telman steps up to examine the window. “But is this even glass?” He taps on it and listens to the vibration.

  “What about your light Adore? You can use it to power up things, can’t you?” Na’ta asks, ignoring Telman and Chex. She knows that destroying any part of our father’s dorm is not an option. She, as I, would rather stay as she called it, “cooped up” in his dorm than mar Father’s property.

  “The i’lek’u does produce electrical currents,” I say as I touch the strip. I summon the light to the tip of my fingers and cautiously say, “Open.” To my relief the glass rolls up.

  The heat immediately overtakes us and before I can comprehend the intensity of the stifling discomfort, my skin is cooling. I’m being fully submerged in water and then I’m out.

  The four of us are drenched as our feet sink into soft grass. The blades are equally as green as the grass in Enu and with the warm air taking me in its arms, when I close my eyes it feels like I’m home. But I can’t keep them closed for long, not with the blue lake as bright as the sky fanned out before us. There are wispy trees with leaves that appear to flutter on the branches plopped throughout the water and a shallow mist rises above it. I’m caught in a lingering moment of awe.

  “Nice stop, Navi,” Telman says, surveying t
he scene with his eyes narrowed to slits.

  He tilts his head to incline his ear eastward. “Do you hear that?” he asks, beaming at Na’ta with excited bright-gray eyes.

  “I hear it.” Chex scowls. He intuitively reaches toward his body but he didn’t wear his coat or shirt. Instead he sniffs the air twice. “Humans.” He frowns perplexed by his verdict.

  “And look,” Na’ta points up. We follow where the tip of her finger leads.

  A blue satiny substance streaks up into the sky, then again in red, orange, yellow, purple, white, and a mixture of other colors. Pretty soon the sky changes. These hues paint the atmosphere like a massive sheet swirling with a multitude of colors over the land. And there’s music, string instruments echoing my favorite chords. It has to be a festival, a feast, a celebration!

  “Somebody’s excited,” Na’ta mutters, smirking at me. “Always up for a party.”

  Only now do I feel my mouth pulling in opposite directions forming a broad smile. That is right. I love celebrations!

  I shrink under the power of Chex’s adoring gaze. My feet are eager to take me toward the music. There’s even a sweet aroma in the air: food is roasting. I wonder if the Ugu Mag consume the flesh of beasts. Earth humans do.

  “I’ll go scope it out,” Telman says, and then glances at Chex and me. “Just to make sure they don’t filet invaders.”

  Na’ta nods her approval. They work solidly as a team. I have never seen them communicate so efficiently in such a manner. Usually when I’m with both of them, we are in Enu and Na’ta has returned after antagonizing the sea creature who guards the gates of a buried universe. Of course then I thought she and Telman engaged in such actions for their amusement, but from what Na’ta said earlier, it was Father who sent her into the arms of peril. However, I’m still confused about why she would choose to keep that from me.

  Telman is gone and then before we can feel his absence, he’s back.

  “Oh, yeah,” he says emphatically. “We should join this fun, but we should leave our clothes right here.”

  “They really don’t wear clothes?” Chex asks, suddenly slightly ambivalent.

  “They really don’t,” Na’ta replies sarcastically and lifts her arms and turns to face Telman. “Hit me vamp.”

  Before I can blink my eyes once, she’s naked. Chex quickly turns his head, refusing to look at her. “Wait. You’re doing that right here?” He thumbs toward Na’ta. “I see her? And you see her?” He’s thumbing toward me now.

  Both Telman and Na’ta grin at him; they’re very tickled by Chex’s reaction. “He’s already seen her naked a million times,” Na’ta says with a sniff. “And I’m not putting my clothes back on because you can’t take it. I thought you were all into this….”

  “We don’t have to do this if you’re uncomfortable,” I say to Chex.

  Na’ta lets out a forceful sigh. “It’s just my tits and a pubic bone. You’ve been previewing Adore’s ever since I joined you. And don’t worry; you’re a male. Telman had to pick his jaw off the ground the first time he saw Adore and Tapeetha in the raw. Just let your jaw drop, we don’t mind.”

  What she says is true.

  “That’s not it,” Chex barks. “There’s nothing about you that turns me on.”

  “Ouch!” Na’ta says, grinning facetiously. “That doesn’t even hurt.”

  “Then what the hell is it?” Telman asks, losing patience.

  “I don’t know; it’s respect for Ad’ru.” He looks at me.

  “Oh,” I say liberally, “I don’t mind. The body is not meant to be covered. I only wear the pal’k when I’m among Earth creatures.”

  Chex studies me. I wonder what he’s searching for. But at the end of his study he says, “Okay, then let’s join them.”

  I smile and raise my arms like Na’ta did. “My turn.”

  Chex takes a cautious side-eyed glance at Telman, who’s still grimacing impatiently. But he does it. Suddenly the warm and wet air glazes my bare skin. I haven’t felt this free in a long time. After noting how happy I am, Chex kisses me gently on the lips.

  “Hey, Chex…” Telman shakes his hands, which is his way of asking what in the world is he doing. He thinks this is not the time for a kiss. Telman and Na’ta are not kissers or hand-holders. They rarely watch each other in that same lustful way that our other sisters and their bonds gape at each other. I chuckle softly, realizing that I have finally joined their ranks. I have a vampire who lusts for me and I for him. Finally—I understand.

  When we are all undressed, Na’ta tucks our clothes away in a safe place. This is an enjoyable walk. The grass beneath our feet is sumptuous, like that of a well-tilled valley, and the trees are bushy and abundant, like a dense forest. The winged fowls whistle and squawk from the branches and over there in the distance, my eyes behold their first primate.

  I come to a stop. The primate and I observe each other curiously.

  “Go on,” Chex tells Na’ta and Telman, “We’ll catch up.”

  I can’t see Na’ta’s reaction but I can feel it. She’s not happy about leaving me behind, but soon she streaks off with Telman. Chex steps up beside me and curls his arm around my waist. That’s when the creature jumps up and down, flailing its bony, brown hairy arms while warning me in throaty coots.

  “It’s saying blood drinker,” I translate.

  “You can understand the chimp?” Chex’s tone rings curiously.

  “Yes…” I’m barely audible because I’m just as surprised as he is. “Rek tek con’um lek’um,” I call out in Enuian.

  “What did you just say?” Chex asks without taking his eyes off the primate.

  The primate coos again.

  “I told him that I let you drink my blood.”

  “What’s he saying now?”

  “He wants to greet me but he can’t if you’re close. He says you’re predator.”

  “Smart animal,” Chex mumbles. I believe I hear sadness buried deep in his tone.

  The primate finally springs up into a tree and hops from one branch to another. We watch it until it journeys out of our sight.

  “What would you have done if I wasn’t here to interfere with you and the chimp?” Chex asks, grinning. I detect that he is being humorous.

  I gaze far off as my fantasies paint pictures in my head. “I think we would’ve played.”

  “Played? How?”

  “In the trees.” I turn to see that his grin has enlarged.

  “Is that what you do in Enu all day long, play?”

  “Yes,” I answer frankly.

  “You’re shitting me, right?”

  “If you’re asking if I’m being truthful, then yes. I swim the seas, climb the mountains; explore the forests, caves, valleys, and all the other hidden gems of our land.” I sigh nostalgically. “That was my life. Before….”

  “Me,” he asks quietly.

  “Before the moment I was beguiled out of my universe."

  The silence holds the voices of birds and my ears behold so many types of them. I always wished there were animals and insects in Enu. Sometimes the Weks take the form of both but they are not the actual beings.

  Chex draws me into him and presses his forehead against mine. “So she can talk to chimps and likes to play.” His gaze seeps deeper into my eyes and now his man part is growing against me. “Sorry, but that turns me on… Ad’ru?” he pleads.

  “What is it?” I’m concerned about whatever might be troubling him.

  “I want to play with you,” he whispers through heavy breathing.

  I look up because more colors drift across the sky. This time as the light of the sun reflects through the sheer materials, it sends shades of colors against our skin. I’m so eager to see more but Chex’s lips and tongue are sliding down the side of my neck, down my collarbone until one of my nipples is warmed by his wet mouth. My body quivers.

  “But shouldn’t we join…” A piercing moan escapes me as his fang, gently stimulates the tip, sending a tingle do
wn the inside of my thighs.

  All of a sudden I’m lying against the grass. The blades are as cushiony as a bed of air poppies. His kisses and nibbles trickle down to my female parts and when he finds that familiar spot and spreads my legs, I know we’re not going anywhere soon.

  “Shit, you’re so soft,” he exhales before his tongue laps around my clitoris.

  I have nothing to hold on to. I cannot let my fingers rake the grass. I whimper and whine and he offers no reprieve. Through my heavy panting and squeals, I can barely hear him comment on how good I taste and beg me not to come yet because he loves it when I squirm.

  But I can’t hold off. I push the back of my head hard against the grass. “Ah!” I open my mouth and the cry echoes through the trees.

  “On your knees,” he commands.

  My legs are still shivering and he’s already lost patience. Unable to wait until I get in position he flips me and in the next moment, I’m on all fours. He bends down to lay on top of my back while holding me firm against him with the one arm curved around my belly.

  “I’m going to fuck you, twice,” he whispers in my ear.

  And now he’s inside of me, shifting his man part in and out of me so fast, that I can hardly stand the pleasure. I certainly will have to wait to see what’s beyond the woods.



  “Vestop has a high sex drive, doesn’t he?” Telman asks while searching over his shoulder. At first, like me, he was expecting them to show up, but they’re not joining us any time soon.

  I force a hard breath out of my nose. “Don’t all you vampires? If I didn’t put the brakes on you, you’d be screwing me into oblivion. Because there’s no way I can refuse you when you get me going.” I too look off in the direction from where they should be arriving. “Adore needs to learn how stop him before he starts touching.”

  “You better change your attitude or I’ll put these fingers on you.” He holds up his hands and shakes them at me.

  I can’t help but chuckle. I don’t know whose idea it was to give these damn Selells such sexual power over us. I thought we were supposed to work together to save the universes, not fuck.


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