by Naomi Klein
Pipes, Richard
Pohanka, Bob
paraded as successful free-economy
rejects effects of shock therapy
Polanyi, Karl
political donations, hollow government and
Ponce, William
Popov, Gavriil
Potanin, Vladimir
Pou, Pedro
created by economic shock therapy
indifference to
See also disaster capitalism; wealth
Prado, Fernando
Prebisch, Raúl
price shocks, developing countries and
Prince, Erik
prison psychology
abuse allowed in
privatization of
private enterprise, importance attached to
beneficiaries of
corruption and
enforcement of
growing mistrust of
in Guatemala
hidden costs of
in Honduras
in Iraq
in Israel
in Lebanon
in Nicaragua
opposition to
at the Pentagon
of services to wealthy suburbs
in Sri Lanka
surge of by the U.S. government and military
in Thatcher’s U.K.
of torture and “security”
See also disaster relief, privatization of; government services, privatization of; military activity, privatization of
Procter & Gamble
protectionism, virtues claimed for
“psychic driving,”
Purina (corporation)
Puryear, Jeffrey
Putin, Vladimir
Qaeda, al-. See al-Qaeda.
Quigley, Bill
Rabin, Yitzhak
racism, rising levels of
Rahim, Ahmed al-
Ramaphosa, Cyril
Ratakul, Pichit
Rather, Dan
Reagan, Ronald
administration of
reconstruction. See disaster relief
recruiting (military), privatization of
Red Cross
Red Herring,
Reddaway, Peter
Redlener, Irwin
Reed, Adolph Jr.
Regaining Sri Lanka (program)
“rendition” of “persons of interest,”. See also CIA, “extraordinary rendition” and
Renuka (Sri Lankan tsunami survivor)
Research Triangle Institute (RTI)
Reza, Shah Pahlavi
Rice, Condoleezza
Rice, Marilyn
Ridge, Tom
Ridge Global
Riggs Bank
Rilke, Rainer Maria
Robb, John
Robert, Karen
Rockefeller, David
Rockefeller, Nelson
Rodrik, Dani
Rogers, William
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
on “war millionaries”
Rosen, Len
Rosenberg, Alfred
Rosencof, Mauricio
Roy, Sara
Royal Dutch/Shell (oil company)
Rozanski, Judge Carlos
RTI. See Research Triangle Institute Rubin, Bob
Rumsfeld, Donald
corporate background of
financial conflicts of interest and
his hollow parallel spy agency
remakes the Pentagon
resignation of
his reverence for Milton Friedman
black market economy of
Chicago School influences in
economic shock therapy and
economic shock therapy imposed on
market collapse in
See also Soviet Union
Rutskoi, Aleksandr
Sachs, Jeffrey
advice of to Solidarity
Sader, Emir
Sadli, Mohammad
Sáenz, Orlando
Sadr, Moqtada al-
Safe Island Program (Maldives)
Safi, Ali Abdel Hakim al-
St. Bernard Public Housing (New Orleans)
Salient Stills
Salk, Jonas
Salomon Brothers Inc.
San Francisco International Airport
Sánchez de Lozada, Gonzalo (“Goni”)
Sanchez, Ricardo
Sandy Springs, Georgia
Saudi Arabia
Saunders, Frances Stonor
Save the Children
Scahill, Jeremy
social democracy in
economic successes in
Scheflin, Alan
Schell, Orville
Schmitt, Carl
schools, vouchers for and privatization of
Schrage, Michael
Schultz, Theodore W.
SC Johnson & Son
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Searle Pharmaceuticals
secret police
Selowsky, Marcelo
sensory-deprivation experiments
September 11
disaster capitalism and
as excuse to impose unpopular policies
lessons to be learned from
See also Davos Dilemma
Service Corporation International
Shanahan, John N. T.
Sharon, Ariel
Shaw Group
Shell. See Royal Dutch/Shell
shelters, permanently temporary
Shleifer, Andrei
Shock and Awe (military doctrine)
Shock and Awe (document)
the shock doctrine
failures of
shock therapy
applied in Russia
its dependence on disorientation
inoculation against
presumed necessity of
See also economic shock therapy; electroshock therapy
Shultz, George
Sifton, John
Silicon Valley Graphics
Siniora, Fouad
Sisulu, Walter
Sithe Independence Funding Corp.
Sitto, Nouri
Sjaastad, Larry
Skokov, Yury
Slovo, Joe
Smith, Adam
Smith, Gerard
Smith Barney
Snobelen, John
Snyman, Rassool
social class. See class distinctions (social)
socialism (democratic), fears of
social safety nets, funding cuts to
social spending
enforced cuts to (see also social safety nets, funding cuts to)
privatization and
social workers, assaults upon
societies, resistance to forced change in. See also “blowback”
Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology
Solandt, Omond
solidarity (human), portrayed as a disease
Solidarity (Polish Union)
Somoza Debayle, Anastasio
Sontag, Susan
Sooka, Yasmin
Soros, George
Sosa, Mercedes
South Africa
ends apartheid
Reserve Bank of
“shocks” applied to
Southern Cone. See also Argentina; Chile; Uruguay
South Korea
economic depression in
economic success of
yields to IMF demands
Soviet Union
; breakup in
economic shock therapy demanded of
social democracy in the
See also Russia
Spade Defense Index (stocks)
resistance to fascism in
Sparks, Allister
Spielberg, Steven
Sri Lanka
economic development plans for
economic shock therapy for
effects of shock therapy in
immediately after the tsunami
at the time of the tsunami
Sri Lanka Tourist Board
Ssangyong Information and Communication
Stalin, Joseph V.
Stals, Chris
Standard & Poor’s
Stark, Gen. Sergio Arellano
State of Denial (Woodward)
Steed, Michael
Steele, James
Stern, Andrew
Stiglitz, Joseph
Stolz, Richard
“structural adjustment,” disaster capitalism and
subcontracting, waste and injustice associated with
Suharto, Gen. Raden
Suharto, Tommy
rates of in Russia
rates of in South Korea
suicide bombers
Sukarno, Achmed
Sullivan & Cromwell
Summers, Lawrence
surveillance, of the public
Suskind, Ron
Sutton, Frank
Swire, Peter
Talbott, Strobe
Tamil Tigers
Tant, Hugh
Task Force to Rebuild the Nation (Sri Lanka)
Tel Aviv Stock Exchange
Telmex (phone company)
“Tequila Crisis,”
denial of its use and support for
effectiveness of
fostered deliberately
See also War on Terror
attacks of
conditions amplifying
corporate sponsored
as an excuse for arrests
as an excuse for lawbreaking
as a form of shock
government supported (See also CIA; cultures, “cleansing” of; electroshock; torture; unions(labour), assaults upon)
Terrorism in the Grip of Justice (Al Iraqiya TV show)
terrorists, attempts to find
Thabit, Adnan
Thabo Mbeki and the Battle for the Control of the ANC (Gumede)
economic depression in
economic success of
post-tsunami economic effects in
resistance to shock therapy in
yields of IMF demands
Thames Water (utility)
Thatcher, Margaret
administration of
and the “ownership society”
Thomas, Gordon
Thomas, Richard
Tiananmen Square, confrontations in
Tintner, Gerhard
Tittawella, Mano
Tizard, Sir Henry
Tofiq, Mohamad
Tomasella, Sergio
circumstances favoring the use of
as “curing”
dehumanization and
manuals and methods of
as a means to elicit information
as a means of extortion
methods for surviving
as metaphor for disaster capitalism
widespread use of
See also under electroshock; terrorism; and specific nations (e.g. Chile, torture in)
Townley, Michael
Toye, John
Trainor, Bernard
Travelers Group
Trinidad and Tobago, IMF’s treatment of
Triple Canopy
Trireme Partners
Troiani, Pedro
Truglia, Vincent
Truth and Reconciliation Commission(South Africa)
Truth, Torture and the American Way (Harbury)
the tsunami (December 2004)
aid money and
devastation from
local relief work following
Tsunami Survivors and Supporters (Thailand)
the Tupamaros movement
Turkey, IMF loans and
Tutu, Archbishop Desmond
Ullman, Harlan
Undurraga, Sergio
in Argentina
in Bolivia
in Chile
in Germany
in Indonesia
in Iraq
low values of seen as primary
in Malaysia
in the Philippines
in Poland
in Russia
as a sign of market restrictions
in South Africa
in South Korea
in Thailand
in the U.K.
in the U.S.
Uniform Code of Military Justice (USA)
Union Carbide
Unión Fenosa
unionism, corporatism as the nemesis of
unions (labor)
assaults upon
in Communist Poland
post-9/11 status of
their influence on government policy
United Fruit Company
United Nations
Charter of the
Iraqi anger over its support for Bremer
sanctions imposed by
See also UNICEF
United Nations Convention on Genocide
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America
United Nations High Commission for Refugees
United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights
United States. See U.S.
University of California (Berkeley)
University of Chicago
University of Chile
University of Indonesia
University of the South (Argentina)
University of Tucuman (Argentina)
aftermath of the 1973 coup in
its Chicago School revolution
U.S. Export-Import Bank, government debts owed to
U.S. government
precarious debt load of
privatization of services provided by
spending on privatized services
U.S. government contracts
awarded without competition or oversight
increased numbers of
See also disaster capitalism
U.S. military forces
“hollow” corporatism and the
privatization of services for
U.S. Treasury Department
augments Asia crisis
economic shock therapy demanded by