One More Night (Backstage Pass Book 1)

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One More Night (Backstage Pass Book 1) Page 14

by Ali Parker

  Sleeping with only one girl? My skin prickled when I realized that she was suggesting exclusivity. Monogamy, even if we weren’t dating. It wasn’t something that sat right with me, but on the other hand, the thought that another man would be touching her if I didn’t agree to this was even worse. Much worse was never getting to fuck her again.

  That same pang of possessiveness, of relentless need that I’d felt before, twisted in my gut. I was in. Whatever the fuck being in was.

  “I can live with that,” I told her, surprising myself by agreeing as much as I seemed to have surprised her. I just didn’t know for how long. I’d never been tied to only one pussy before, so I had no way of knowing how long it would take before either of us got bored.

  But as long as that one pussy was hers, I was everything but bored right now. Hers was the golden standard of pussies as far as I was concerned. “So long as we’re clear that we are still friends with benefits and nothing more, I can agree to not fuck anyone else while we’re at it.”

  A small, but radiant smile started spreading on Alicia’s lips as her hand lifted to my cheek. “Really?”

  “Yeah, really,” I said, smirking a little. “I’m not an animal. I can control myself. It’s a two-way street, though, right?”

  Alicia nodded and leaned her forehead against mine. “You have my word. If I’m sleeping with someone, I’m only with them. So, I’m only with you.”

  Bringing her lips to mine, she slid her tongue over them and kissed me passionately. My hands circled her waist, and I pulled her close to my chest, splaying my fingers across her back as I held her to me.

  Christ, she felt so damn good. Her lips were soft and pliant as they moved with mine, and she tasted like spearmint and sunshine. I didn’t care how cheesy that sounded, it was true, and it also wasn’t like I was planning on ever saying it out loud.

  As my hands were twisting into her hair and our kiss grew more frenzied, there was a knock on the door, and Nick called out from outside. “Dude, open up.”

  I groaned at his interruption, but I also knew Nick well enough to know that he wasn’t leaving until I did. It didn’t hurt to try, though. “Go away. I’m busy.”

  “Come on, man. This will only take a second. I’m trying to be decent here.”

  Alicia scampered off my lap, smiled, and held her hand out to the door. “Go ahead.”

  With a deep sigh, I shook my head at both of them, even though Nick couldn’t see me as I headed for the door. As soon as I opened it, Nick stepped inside and didn’t react to finding us together or to how obvious it was that we’d just fucked.

  “Hey, Alicia,” he said, his hazel eyes shining green as they always did when we came offstage. It was Nick’s tell that he was buzzed, excited, and high on adrenaline.

  Alicia’s hair was wild from having my hands in them, her lips slightly swollen and pink, and although mine were covered in scruff, I was pretty sure they looked the same. It wasn’t like I was hiding the fact that I was sleeping with Alicia from the band. We were just way past the fuck and tell stage of our lives.

  Sure, we still laughed about the crazy chicks and occasionally bragged about an exceptionally good blow job and that kind of thing, but that was it. If we all had to sit down and dissect every sexual experience, we might as well pack it in and spend the rest of our lives gossiping.

  “What do you want, Masters?”

  He looked sheepish and clasped the back of his neck with his hand, gripping at his black hair. “So, I was making out with this chick earlier, and things got a little heated, so I took her to the nearest dressing room. Turned out that was yours. I was just coming by to say sorry if we knocked anything over and to warn you not to sit on that couch. I told you I was trying to be decent here.”

  Nick laughed when Alicia jumped up and looked at the offending couch as if it had bitten her. I caught her eye, and everything suddenly made sense. She had heard someone screwing in my dressing room, it just hadn’t been me.

  We burst out laughing at the same time as we figured it out, while a mildly confused expression crossed Nick’s features, and his eyes darted between the two of us.

  “Looks like I’m too late. I’m just going to get out of your hair then.”



  The sun was long gone by the time I was ready to leave the arena. The parking lot was mostly empty, and my little Audi was lonely where she sat near the exit to the backstage area. I slipped past the metal barriers, unmanned now that the important people were gone, and I made my way to my car.

  I left Jared a few hours ago after Nick’s revelation that he had been the cause of the moaning woman in Jared’s dressing room. The immensity of the relief I felt when he’d said that was dizzying. Jared had also walked with me when I went to check in with the official photographer of the day to make sure that he had my details and could send me all the pictures that he’d taken of the crowd and the band.

  On the way, we’d run into Dom, who thanked Jared again for sitting with him for their final run through before the show. Not once after speaking to either Nick or Dom did Jared say I told you so or bring up the fact that he clearly hadn’t done what I’d accused him of. I appreciated that, but I still felt a bit like a paranoid, overreacting girlfriend.

  I wasn’t usually paranoid or prone to overreacting, and I certainly wasn’t his girlfriend, a fact he’d again reiterated when we talked, but that didn’t change the way that I felt about how I’d reacted this afternoon. At some point, I was going to have to put some thought into why I’d flown right off the handle.

  It wasn’t like I’d jumped to an irrational or unreasonable conclusion at having heard the noises coming from his dressing room, but I guessed I could’ve just asked before I went off on him. What was done, was done, though. Jared seemed to be happy to leave it in the past, but I’d still apologize sometime.

  A full moon hung low in the sky, lighting my way, along with the arena lights behind me, and I was coming up to my car when I realized that something was off about it. Upon closer examination, I saw that my rims were sitting on the ground, and my tires were slashed.

  What the fuck. Walking all the way around the car, I realized that whoever had done it wasn’t playing around. They’d slashed all four of my tires.

  “Crap,” I muttered, then released a string of curses into the night that would have made a sailor proud enough to present me with a medal. “Give me a break.”

  I looked over to the car parked nearest to me and noted that its tires were fine.

  Just my luck.

  Dropping to my haunches on the ground, I set my tote bag down on the grass between my feet and started digging for my phone. Its light was blinking from the bottom of my bag to alert me that I had unread messages and notifications, but those could wait. The light made finding the phone easy in the darkness, and I rose to my feet to call for a tow truck, eager for this day to finally end.

  The towing company told me that it would take them at least half an hour to get to my location. I sighed, irritation buzzing in me like a living thing. But it wasn’t like I could move the arena closer to the city to have them be there faster, so I thanked the woman and ended the call.

  I just stood there for a couple of minutes after, looking up at the moon, and silently cursed my bad luck. Stuck in a darkened parking lot by myself for half an hour, at least, was not how I’d planned for my night to go. A bubble bath, a glass of wine, and my e-reader, that was my plan.

  But it didn’t look like that was happening any time soon. Running my hands through my hair in frustration, I came up with a new plan. I would read all those unread messages and notifications on my phone, reply to the emails that needed my attention, and get some work done while I waited. Then when I finally got home, I could relax guilt free.

  Found you, pesky little silver lining!

  Headlights from a car pulling out of the VIP lot adjacent to this one hit my eyes when it turned the corner to get out, and I quickly shi
elded them, wondering what a strange scene this must be. A woman standing alone in the dark, staring at the moon with her hands in her hair next to a car that couldn’t go anywhere.

  To my surprise, the car slowed when it neared me, and I could make out now that it was a limo behind those headlights. The window rolled down to reveal Jared’s slightly confused face. He’d put his beanie hat back on his head, and only the hair at the nape of his neck curled slightly out from under its edges.

  His eyes glittered almost black from inside the limo as he leaned with his elbows on the window, his head slightly to the side.

  “What are you still doing here?” I asked him. I’d thought they’d all left hours ago.

  His gaze flickered to my car and then back to me. “Beers with Matt. What happened to your car?”

  “Someone slashed my tires. I’ve called for a tow, but they said it was going to take at least half an hour for them to get here from the city.”

  Looking back at my car, he lifted one tattooed arm with his index finger out, pointing toward my car, and a half smile spread on his lips. “For the record, I didn’t do that.”

  I laughed, remembering how I’d chewed him out when I thought he’d egged my car, and then I realized that accusing Jared of doing things he hadn’t done was becoming something of a habit for me. I’d have to keep that in mind in the future.

  “I know. I didn’t think it was you.”

  An easy smile lit up his dark eyes. “For once.” He opened the door to the limo, slid across the long back seat, and patted the space he’d vacated. “Come on, I’ll give you a ride home. You can let the towing people know that they can just pick up your car and let you know when it’s ready. Or I can call my people. Your choice.”

  “No, that’s okay. I’ll just let them know I won’t be here, but I will take you up on the ride.”

  Jared smirked, but then patted the seat again. “There are so many things I can do with that line about you taking me up on the ride, but since you just had your tires slashed, I’ll let it slide for now.”

  “Thank you,” I said, sliding in beside him. “I appreciate the pass. I know it must be killing you to hold back on all the innuendo that’s running through your head right now.”

  I closed to the door and laid my head back onto the headrest. Jared laughed and gave the driver my address, then scooted closer to me, his arm around my shoulders and mischief in his eyes when he looked into mine. “No problem. I’ll let you make it up to me next time. Fair warning, you’re going to sit through double the amount of comments, and you can’t shush me.”

  I groaned, lifting my head as I shook it. He nodded his at the same time as I looked away from him. This was my first time in a limo, and it was as luxurious as I’d always imagined it would be.

  “Why aren’t you driving your Rock Star Special, or that other sports car you told me about the other day?”

  “Rock Star Special? I know for a fact that pop stars and actors have Rovers, too.”

  I smiled. I loved it when Jared was playful. No. Nope. I stopped that thought in its tracks. Not loved, I corrected myself. I liked it when Jared was playful. It wasn’t a side of him I got to see too often, and I didn’t know if it was a side anyone else ever got to see.

  “Point taken. The question remains the same, though, why the limo when you have your own fancy cars?”


  I rolled my eyes, giving him a teasing smile. “No, I want you to lie to me.”

  “Okay then, I use the limo for—”

  Nudging his shoulder with mine, he stopped with whatever he was about to say and grinned. “You drive a tough bargain, always wanting the truth from me. Having the limo is nice when I want to get totally wasted.”

  “Is that the Jared Larsen I hear making a responsible decision?” I laughed, widening my eyes and pressing my hand to my heart like he’d shocked me. “Well, I never.”

  Jared threw me a look that said Really? But he couldn’t quite contain his own laughter. “Don’t tell anyone I know how to make those. They might expect me to make them more often.”

  Crossing my heart, I told him, “It will be our secret, but you know this means that I might expect you to make a few every once in a while?”

  “The horror. No, I don’t think I will. It would deprive you of too many opportunities to yell at me, and we both know that is one of your favorite pastimes.”

  “Possibly. If the limo is nice when you want to get drunk, why is it that you’re sober?”

  His eyes widened as if I’d mortally offended him, but I could see that he was still playing. “Me, sober? Never. On a more serious note, though, you’re right. We should definitely do something to rectify the situation. The few I had with Matt might have put me over the limit, but that’s about it.”

  Sliding his delectable body forward, I missed the weight of his arm on my shoulders as soon as he removed it. He tapped a button on a control panel next to him I hadn’t noticed, and a portion of the paneling that I’d thought was simply the side of the vehicle slid back to reveal a bottle of champagne and six crystal flutes. The champagne was even sitting in ice.

  “Wow. Being a rock star must be such a tough life. “

  Glancing at me over his shoulder, he flashed me a quick grin as he pulled the champagne and two flutes closer. “It is, but someone’s got to do it. Nobody told me how hard it was going to be when I volunteered as tribute.”

  I laughed at his expression of mock seriousness and sat back in my seat as I watched him expertly uncork the bottle, with it releasing only a slight popping sound. He held both flutes in one hand to fill them. When he was done, he handed one to me, and I gratefully accepted it. After the day I’d had, relaxing in the back of a limo with Jared, sipping champagne, and joking around was like my own personal slice of heaven.

  “Thank you,” I said, savoring the cool bubbles of the dry champagne as I sipped it.

  “No problem.” He set the champagne back in its bucket and settled back in his seat, champagne in his one hand and my thigh in the other, as if sliding his palm onto my leg was the most natural thing in the world.

  The skin on his knuckles was decorated with the word “HOLD.” I knew that the knuckles on his other hand spelled out “FAST.” I’d googled the term. It meant “battle the storm,” among other things. Chunky silver rings sat on two of his fingers, tapping against my leg.

  “Some luck you’ve been having with your car lately. First the eggs and now this.”

  “I know, my poor baby,” I bemoaned my bad luck. “I wonder how many other cars got their tires slashed. Since the other people didn’t linger that long after the show, they’d probably already gotten their tows by the time I finished up.”

  Jared nodded. “Yeah, it seems there is always one idiot at a concert with a streak of vandalism that they can’t contain. Sometimes, it’s tagging the walls of the venue. Other times, it’s this I guess.”

  “True.” There were no security cameras around where I’d been parked, so I didn’t even have a chance at catching the perpetrator this time. Jared and I slipped into a comfortable silence as we sipped our champagne. As I thought back over the events of the day, I realized that I still owed him an apology.

  “I’m sorry about accusing you of sleeping with that groupie earlier.”

  He shrugged and didn’t look like he cared much. “Water under the bridge. Besides, I got awesome, angry sex out of it. Don’t sweat it.”

  “It was pretty awesome,” I agreed, wondering how he could just let things go so easily. It had to be a superpower or something.

  His fingers started trailing up and down my thigh, sending awareness of his touch rocketing through my body. Just that slight touch was enough to have me wanting him again. The effect that he had on my body was something I would never be able to explain.

  “You know what else is awesome? Limo sex. You had it before?” His eyes darkened in a way that was now familiar to me and told me that I wasn’t the only one being affec

  “Nope, this is my first time in a limo, actually.”

  Squeezing my thigh, he leaned his head closer to me and his lips were so close that I could practically taste them on mine. “You want to have it?”

  I glanced at the driver, sitting only a few feet away, and Jared followed my gaze. “Don’t worry about him. He has earphones in, and there’s a privacy shield.” As he said it, he placed his champagne flute in a cup holder next to his leg and hit another button on the control panel. A partition slid up between us and the driver, allowing us complete privacy from him.

  “Okay.” I pointed beyond my window. “Even if I wanted to, we’re only about ten minutes away from my place.”

  Jared didn’t answer me. Instead, he leaned over and pressed down on a tiny button next to what looked like an intercom. Seriously? Who needed all this stuff in a vehicle?

  “Johnny, take the one-hour detour.”

  The one-hour detour?

  He’s done this before. Of course. I tried not to wonder how many times and whether it had been in the same limo, on this same seat. I couldn’t go there. I’d known who Jared was and what his history was like before I’d gotten myself into this. If I allowed myself to start wandering down that path, I would only drive myself crazy.

  I focused on the part of me that found it mildly amusing that this was apparently so much of a common occurrence that there was a name for it. The driver’s voice crackled through the intercom not a second later. “Sure thing, Mr. Larsen.”

  No questions asked. Jared’s world was a strange, strange place, but being part of it was thrilling. Once this thing between us was done, it was highly unlikely that I would ever get the opportunity to have sex on the backseat of a limousine again, and I didn’t want to waste a single opportunity with Jared.

  It was kind of exciting, actually, the thought of being with him with the driver only a few feet away.

  “You got any other objections I should take care of?” he asked me, sliding a hand into my hair and bringing my face closer to his. “Or can we do this now?”


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