One More Night (Backstage Pass Book 1)

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One More Night (Backstage Pass Book 1) Page 38

by Ali Parker

  "Oh. Right." I glanced down and gave her a sheepish smile. "I really wanted to make Riley jealous, so I kinda told her that you were my crush."

  "Your crush?" She laughed and touched the side of my face. "That's so damn cute."

  "All right. Stop it." I cupped my hand over hers and searched her face. She wasn't teasing me in a malicious way from what I could tell. "It didn't work as you'll see." I nodded toward the dance floor. "Her Channing Tatum-looking boyfriend is spinning her around the dance floor a little too well."

  "Hmmm." Trish turned and moved to stand beside me as I slipped my hands into my pockets.

  "I got a hard-on during our audition the other day."

  "No. Really?" She glanced over at me with surprise on her face.

  "I know, right? First time since I was a kid with too much gusto." I wagged my eyebrows and turned back to watch Riley. "There's something about her."

  "You know that you need to be careful. Falling for a co-worker is death to an actor’s career." She pressed her head against my arm and chuckled softly. "And just so you know, they aren't together."

  "Who isn't together?" I turned my face toward her and thought about kissing her forehead just in case Riley was watching, but decided against it. I might be a class-A asshole, but having anyone believe that Trish was cheating on her new man was out.

  "Riley and her date." She moved away from me and seemed to be studying them. "I've watched lots of romance films in my life. You know, trying to get better. I swear I can do just about anything but fake lust."

  "Yep. You do suck at faking the sexy stuff." I laughed as she yelped and popped me in the stomach playfully.

  "You turd." She turned back toward the floor. "I shouldn't help you for that."

  "Please? Pretty please with a big juicy cherry on top? A cherry I'd like to-"

  "All right. Jeez." She laughed nervously. "See the way he grips her hips as they dance close? He wants control of her but doesn't have it."

  "What? How do you know that?"

  She turned to face me. "If you and I weren't lovers, but you wanted us to be. How would you hold me while we were dancing?”

  I glanced out at the dance floor and then back to her as I turned to face her. "I guess I'd grip your hips to remind you who should be in control. Seems like the natural way to act. But I'd do that if we were together too."

  "No you wouldn't." She shook her head.

  I chuckled. "Yeah. I would."

  "Nope." She slid her hands up my chest and moved closer. "Play with me for a minute."

  "I thought you'd never ask." I reached out and gripped her hips tightly.

  "No, you buffoon. Really. Close your eyes and imagine me to be the one woman that lights up your nights with more passion than you ever deserved. We aren't just lovers, we're in love. You belong to me and me to you." She reached up and brushed her fingers over my eyes. "Close your eyes and imagine it."

  I closed my eyes and gave her a cocky smirk as I sucked in a quick breath of air and sank down into character. She was Riley within seconds though I barely knew the poor girl. I'd been with a million women over the last ten years and yet no one had stained my desire the way she had. I yearned to simply take her to bed for one night to see if she was everything I'd built her up to be. I'd most likely be disappointed as I was every time I took my clothes off, but the possibility was there of finding something different, something overwhelming and right.

  "Now... Reach out and hold me like we're dancing in the kitchen. It's just me and you, Ethan, and I'm her, whoever she is." Trish slipped her hand up over my chest and grasped her hands together just behind my neck.

  I kept my eyes closed and ran my hands down her extended arms, over her sides and down to cup her ass tightly. I leaned down and pressed my face to the crook of her neck and breathed in deeply.

  "Yeah. They aren't together." I moved back and turned to the floor as Trish took a shaky breath and moved away from me.

  "Remind me not to play match maker again." She fanned herself and walked toward the drink table. "You're too much for even me."

  "That's right, girl. Don't forget it either." I moved to the edge of the floor and watched them for a few more minutes. My mind wanted to fold and agree to the fact that she was taken, but too much of it didn't add up. There was heat between her and Jace, but it was a familiarity, a comfortable heat. Something like Deza and I might experience if we ever let ourselves start fucking. Maybe that was it. Maybe they were just fuck buddies.

  "You look lonely." Riley smiled as she walked toward the edge of the floor. Jace was headed toward the bar, which gave me the only chance I might get that night.

  "Me? Never. All the voices in my head keep me company." I offered her a hand. "Dance with me again?"

  "Sure." She slipped her hand into mine and moved out onto the floor before turning to face me. "So how is it that you're in love with Trish and she's married?"

  "It sucks, right? Nothing ever really is fair in love and war." I gripped her wrists and tugged her closer before lifting her arms and clasping her hands around my neck for her. "She's taken and I just have to get over it."

  "I would say that you already have." She glanced down, but moved in closer, pressing her sexy little body against mine and starting my show and tell below my belt all over again. The sadness that brushed across her face caused me to pause in the middle of the dance floor.

  "What are you talking about? I'm not here with anyone. How have I moved on?" I forced myself to stop making up shit in my head and start asking. I'd have a million lies spun around Riley and her actions before we left for the night if I wasn't careful.

  "The blond that slept over last week." She glanced up at me as her expression tightened. She was closing down on me.

  I softly ran my hands over her hips and gripped them tightly. I couldn't seem to force myself to finish the deal. To slide them over her ass and pull her in closer, to speak a million words without having to open my mouth.

  "I don't know what blond you're referring to." I swallowed hard. Her nearness had desire swelling in my stomach and pressing a hot ball of need up my chest. Every part of me wanted to experience her. Why, though? She was stunning no doubt, but it wasn't just her looks. I'd held a million beautiful women in my arms over the years. It was her denial of me, her authenticity to remain unmoved by my shit. I loved it.

  "Never mind." She licked at her lips and turned to smile at someone.

  I glanced over to see Jace watching her like a hawk.

  "Hey. My brother is taking me, Deza and Frank out for a trip to Catalina Island for the day. I'd like for you to come with us, unless you're busy." I wanted to grip her chin and force her to look back at me, but it would give away too much.

  "Saturday?" She turned her attention back to me. "Yeah, let me just ask Jace what we have going on."

  I smiled. "Yeah. Do that for me."

  She was lying, and I almost loved the effort she was putting into making me jealous. The asshole in me wanted to tell her just how cute it was, but I let it go. Not letting her on to just how jealous I was would be a much better bet.

  Chapter 6

  Two Days Later


  "Are you sure I can't go with you?" Charlotte gave me the saddest look I'd ever seen on her face.

  "No, but next time I'll make sure they let me bring a friend, okay? Today we're going over stuff for the movie. You know they can't have anyone else hear that but those of us who signed our lives away to them." I turned around in the bathroom, making sure the white cotton dress I had over my shorts and bikini top looked the part. Casual, but elegant.

  "Isn’t Ethan's brother going? He's not signed his life away." She flopped back on my bed and let out a long groan. "Besides. I want to meet him. He's so funny in Ethan's bio."

  "I guess I need to read this damn biography." I ran my fingers through my short hair before grabbing a tube of hooker-red lipstick and putting a little one. I needed more color in my face, and Nancy wasn't exactly
available to help a sister out. Funny how quickly I'd come to want the attention that my future was going to provide.

  "Did you hear me? Liam didn't sign a confidentiality agreement." She sat up and huffed again.

  "You don't know that, and I'm the new kid on the block, Char. Ethan has them wrapped around his fingers. He's Ethan Lewis. Hell, he has the world wrapped around his fingers." I rolled my eyes at the thought and let my mind move back to the party the week before.

  I'd forced myself to ask about the blond who spent the night at his house after our pseudo-meeting, but he seemed confused. Maybe I should have mentioned that he was moaning like a whore in the early morning light of the weekend. Maybe not. It really wasn't any of my business. I wanted to know who she was, but the truth would only send me scurrying toward dark emotions that wouldn't help either of us.

  He could live his life, and I'd live mine.

  "Make sure you take sunscreen." Charlotte got up and walked out of my room. "I have some in the kitchen, in the cabinet above the stove."

  "In the kitchen?" I slipped my feet into my sandals and grabbed my bag. "You know that stuff doesn't keep you from getting burnt while you're cooking, right?"

  I laughed at the look she gave me. She was upset about not going with me on the day trip to Catalina Island with Ethan and the crew, but it wasn't within my control to take her.

  "You're dumb." She pulled the bottle from the cabinet and tossed it to me. "Have you heard from your mom? Did you tell her about signing the papers for the movie?"

  "No. I need to try and call her before we leave for filming in Rio. Her phone wasn't picking up last night when I tried, which of course can't mean anything good." I let out a long sigh and tried to stifle the need to cancel my plans and go in search of her. She was a grown woman and yet was still making decisions like she was a wayward teenager. Without much to live for, she seemed to be searching out situations and people that could pull her from the edge of apathy toward truly living. Somehow it felt like she was on the road to self-destruct, much like my brother Derick had been.

  "I'll be here if she needs something." Charlotte pulled me into a hug. "Have fun, okay, and don't break Ethan's heart."

  "What? Don't be silly. He's got his heart locked into a tiny box somewhere in that big, strong chest of his." I rolled my eyes as I pulled back. "I can assure you that he's quite safe."

  "You think that, but he's just flesh and blood, Riley." She squeezed my shoulders and walked languidly back toward the bedroom. "Have fun and don't do anything that I wouldn't do."

  That left the door open for a whole host of fun things to try...


  "Ethan, you didn't tell me she was stunning." A handsome guy with dark brown hair and warm brown eyes reached for my hand as I walked up to the yacht where some familiar looking people stood around talking.

  "Yes, I believe I did, and if I didn't, there was a reason for it." Ethan moved up beside me and put his arm over my shoulders. "Riley Phillips, meet my devious older brother, Liam Lewis. He's a scoundrel and a half, so watch him very closely."

  Liam shook my hand and rolled his eyes. "Don't listen to a word he says. He's just worried I'll steal his girl, his house and his job."

  "All in the same damn day, no doubt." Ethan released me and walked toward the boat. "Let's go peeps. Time to get this show on the road, or water as it were."

  "Nice to meet you." I gave Liam a shy smile and pulled the strap to my bag up farther on my shoulder as Deza moved in closer and gave me a warm smile.

  "The pleasure is all mine, pretty lady." Liam winked and jogged to catch up with Ethan.

  "Wow. He's hot." I glanced over at Deza.

  "And a total asshole. Keep that in mind." She crossed her arms over her chest.

  "It might run in the family." I laughed and took the hand that Frank offered as we moved up onto the platform that led to the boat.

  "Morning, Riley. You look pretty today." He gave me a warm, fatherly smile.

  "Morning. You do too." I chuckled and moved past him, unable to keep my eyes from moving down and checking out Ethan's ass in his shorts. He had to be the sexiest man I'd ever laid eyes on. I wanted to see under the layers of clothing, and yet to do so would only muddy the already tainted waters between us.

  He hopped down into the boat beside his brother and turned, lifting his hands to offer me help.

  "I got it, but thank you." I moved to the side and hopped down beside him. "I love the water. Thanks for the invite."

  "Of course. We were going to discuss a few scenes from the film, so you had to be here." He winked and offered Deza help too. She took it and thanked him before kicking off her sandals and pulling off her top. Ethan whistled playfully at her, and I couldn’t help but enjoy their relationship. If he and I didn't turn out to be lovers, I had to hope we could at least be really great friends like they were.

  "Look but don't touch." She wagged her finger at him.

  "Damn. I thought I was your type." His lip turned down into a frown.

  "Not even close, Mister. Your skin is far too light for my liking." She shrugged and turned to walk toward the edge of the boat.

  "I can get it dyed. I'm sure Nancy has something that would help us out. No need to let our love only go skin deep, Deza." He glanced over at me as his lip rose in a sexy smirk. "You like black men too, Riley?"

  "Who doesn't?" I dropped my bag and purse on the boat beside me and kicked off my sandals. "They have incredible packages they usually bring to the relationship."

  "Amen to that, sister." Deza glanced over her shoulder and laughed loudly as Ethan's expression changed with his emotion.

  "I have a great package, thank you very much." He put his hands on his hips as Frank laughed and walked to join us at the edge of the boat.

  "You need one for someone to put up with your personality." He patted Ethan on the back and moved to the other side of me as we laughed.

  "You guys love me, and hate that it's keeping you up at night. I know jealousy when I see it." The sound of his voice rolled over me as I pressed my forearms to the railing and let my eyes move across the turbulent sea. It was beautiful and breathtaking, much like the handsome man behind me.

  "All right beautiful people." I turned as Liam stopped beside Ethan and smiled. "Just a few rules on the boat today. No jumping off the side while we're moving, and no pushing Ethan off either. He's my retirement plan and if you harm him, I'll be forced to work until I'm at least forty. That's not happening, so behave."

  We laughed as Ethan rolled his eyes and glanced over to his brother. To say Liam was handsome would have been an understatement. He was as good looking as his little brother and seemed to have a great personality, much like Ethan did as well. I wanted to know more about him seeing that he was the only person in Ethan's life from what Charlotte had told me.

  "He's all of our retirement plans. No one is hurting the goods," Frank added his two cents.

  "Keep it up, and I'll make sure to act a fucking fool in Rio." Ethan shrugged and gave us an adorable grin like only he could.

  "Something tells me that you're going to do that no matter what we do." Deza moved over to him and pulled him into a hug from the side. "You've yet to grow up."

  "Grow up? Who said anything about growing up?" His eyes moved over my face as he smiled. "Riley can be the grown up on the crew. She'll help you guys keep me in line."

  "We don't have the funding to pay her to put up with you." Deza squeezed him as he groaned loudly. "I say we throw him overboard. Who's with me?"

  I laughed and turned my back to them, enjoying the comradery, but feeling a little like I was on the outside looking in. It would take some time to get used to working with a close-knit group, but I'd get it down eventually.

  "So Ethan tells me that you're a film student at UCLA." Liam moved up beside me and leaned against the railing, but left a comfortable distance between us.

  "I am. I should graduate in May if I can work with my professors to help me out
during these trips we're taking. They're all pretty excited for me, but rules are still rules." I smiled at him. "What do you do for a living?"

  "I own an advertising agency that caters to women." He clasped his hands together and turned a little more toward me. "We have more female CEOs in Cali than anywhere else in the world. It just made sense to set up shop after college and cater to them, you know?"

  "Brilliant targeted marketing. I love it." I glanced back out at the water. "And you never wanted to be an actor like Ethan is?"

  "Hell no." He chuckled. "No offense, but having people pretend to love you in the business world is hard enough. I can't imagine having to do that shit on the big screen. Everyone thinks they know you, but they don't."

  "Right." I glanced back to see Deza, Frank and Ethan laughing about something. The happiness on Ethan's face as he interacted with the other two members of our intimate-sized team warmed me. There was so much more to him than he was giving me access to. Maybe time would help forge a bond between us.

  "He thinks you're quite special." Liam slipped his hands into his pockets. "I'd say he just might be right."

  "Oh yeah?" I stood up and tilted my head to the side, studying Ethan's older brother closely. "And how would you know? You've just met me. It would seem that you, Mr. Lewis, are as much of a playboy as your younger brother."

  "She's figuring us out, Liam. I told you she was beautiful and dangerous." Ethan moved up beside me as he tugged his polo over his head.

  "Stop showing off." Liam popped him in the stomach and walked back toward the center of the boat.

  "I'm not showing off. I just want some sun on my chest." He licked at the side of his mouth and turned his gaze onto me. "Was that showing off?"

  "I don't think so, but maybe your brother knows something we don't." I laughed and reached down, pulling my dress off and tossing it toward the pile of stuff that belonged to me. I glanced down and fixed my bikini top to make sure I had full coverage.


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