One More Night (Backstage Pass Book 1)

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One More Night (Backstage Pass Book 1) Page 59

by Ali Parker

  I stood up and swallowed the bile in my throat. I wouldn't tell her. I couldn't. It would ruin everything. I needed one night pressed up against her just in case things went to shit. I could cling to the memory of being loved for one night in my life. Like really, truly loved.

  Because without a doubt... I might be falling for her, but she'd already fallen for me.

  I'd hate myself in the morning... but tonight was mine.

  I just wouldn't tell her.

  I couldn’t.

  To Be Continued…


  Bright Lights Billionaire #4

  Getting ahead couldn't be harder...

  With the pressure of completing school and burying her mother off of her shoulders, Riley moves into focusing solely on her career as an actress. Her coach, the infamous Clayton Welms, is older, confident and full of surprises. His strength draws her in, but nothing can seem to quench the fire she feels when she's around Ethan. Too bad he's lost in his own problems and unwilling to give her more than a few moments here and there.

  Ethan's life is unraveling at the seams, and he does what he does best as a leading actor - he pretends that everything is great. He moves through his scenes with ease and forces himself to ignore the anger burning inside of him at the unfairness of his troubles. Clayton seems to have Riley under a spell of sorts, and Ethan has to figure out if he's willing to force himself back into the limelight in the beautiful girl's life. Maybe it's best to turn away and forget any of the feelings that drove him toward her in the first place.

  Or maybe it's time to stop planning so damn much and improvise a little more. Act on the fly. Steal the girl and make her his own if that's what his heart desires. He's not too sure about his heart, but other parts are screaming for her attention.

  Time to grow up, stand up and steal her back?

  Hell yes.

  Chapter 1


  "Where is Ethan?" Liam, Ethan's older brother, called back to us from the grill.

  "No clue." I stood up and smiled, feeling like everything was right with the world for the moment. Ethan and I were going to spend the night in each other's arms. What that meant for the future was still fuzzy, but irrelevant. I needed him like a freezing man needs a small fire, and something told me that he needed me just as well. "You need something?"

  "Lots of things, but I'd get in trouble for listing them in front of you. My brother seems to have taken a liking to you." Liam wagged his eyebrows, making him impossibly cute in his own way. He wasn't his brother, but I could easily see why someone would be attracted to him.

  I glanced back at my best friend, Charlotte and Liam's buddy, Cole. They were laughing over something and lost in their own world.

  Liam's voice was closer, pulling me from my thoughts. "You wanna come grab a platter and hold it for me while I pull everything off the grill?"

  "Yeah. Absolutely." I gave him a warm smile and followed him into the kitchen. I couldn't help but glance down the hall to see if Ethan was hiding out on the phone or something.

  "He's upstairs, I think. The bedroom light was on up there from what I could tell outside." He knelt and pulled a large platter from under the kitchen counter. "Let's get this meat off the grill and then you go check on him."

  "Okay." I followed Liam outside as warmth rushed through the center of my chest and took up residence in my tummy. Ethan's attention was all I wanted from the moment I met him, and I'd been fighting myself as hard as I could to deny that fact. Tonight would be a release in more ways than one.

  "So you've been acting for a long time, right? I feel like you already answered this on my boat when we met. Tell me again. I’m a dumbass. You’ll get used to it.” Liam smiled and opened the grill, backing up as hot smoke billowed out.

  "I've been involved in drama my whole life, but I just got the opportunity to do something with it thanks to Eon opening up the set for outsiders."

  "I've been involved in drama my whole life too. Most of it has a name." He worked to get the meat on the platter I held and chuckled softly before continuing. "You know... Sherry, Dana, Liz. Those gals."

  I snorted, my wine having loosened up my composure. "Ethan said to watch out for you."

  "Me? Fuck that. You gotta watch out for him. With me, you know what you're getting."

  "And what's that?" I lifted an eyebrow and put my free hand on my hip.

  "Sex and maybe breakfast if you're really good in the sack." He closed the grill and took the platter from me. "That seems like a pretty fair deal."

  "It does, but the question is whether you're telling these drama queens up front what exactly is included in the package deal." I followed him back in the house as he chuckled again.

  "You might have a point there, though I'd rather we talk about something else. You're making me feel like I'm the creator of this drama in my life."

  I patted his back before walking toward the hall. I called over my shoulder, "You said it... not me."

  "I like you already. If Ethan fucks up..."

  I rolled my eyes at the playfulness in his voice. From what I could tell of Ethan and Liam's relationship, there was no way in hell Liam would step on his brother's toes - no matter what. The notion of Ethan fucking up wasn't too terribly far-fetched though. Whatever relationship we'd concocted so far was nothing less than a hot mess. That wasn't going to change anytime soon.

  Tomorrow would come soon enough. I had enough worries to fill today. Sleeping with Ethan was all I wanted, and yet trying to put one foot in front of the other as I walked up the long winding staircase to the second floor, I wasn't sure how coordinated I would be in bed. I could barely keep my balance.

  "Ethan?" I yelped and reached for the railing as I missed the last step and almost fell.

  "Hey. Be careful, beautiful." Ethan rounded the corner, reaching out and holding me up.

  I smiled so wide it hurt. "You keep showing up right in the nick of time."

  "It's a gift?" He moved back, pulling me with him before sliding his strong hands down my arms and squeezing softly. "Food ready?"

  "Yeah, but I'm not hungry for food." I took the step between us and pressed myself to his strong chest as liquid courage forced me to push us into what we both wanted.

  "No?" He brushed his thumb over my cheek and slid his fingers into my hair, cupping my head and gripping me tightly. As if he were in complete control of what was soon to happen.

  My breathing got off kilter and I let my eyes flutter closed. "No. I wanna taste you instead."

  "It's a lot to handle, Riley. You sure?" I could hear the smile in his voice.

  Laughter bubbled up inside of me, and the moment was broken. I opened my eyes and pushed at his chest. "You just have to bring up the size of your cock, don't you?"

  "Seems like a good time to do it." He smiled and the world faded. The man had to be the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. Why in the world he would want anything to do with me was a complete mystery. And maybe he really didn't want much more than a night, but he was pulling off a great show if that were the case.

  "Someone needs to put you in your place." I moved past him, stumbling a little.

  "Whoa. Be careful, baby." He moved up behind me and gripped my elbow, steering me toward the only room with a light still on.

  "I like to live on the edge." I hiccupped and laughed again. Wine was the bane of my existence. Being poor most of my life meant not drinking anything but beer, which funny enough didn't have the power that wine did to turn me inside out.

  I stopped in front of the bed and let out a soft sigh as the door closed behind me.

  "How far do you like to be dangled over the edge?" He pressed his chest against my back and leaned down, brushing his lips by my neck.

  Chill bumps raced across my skin. "Depends on who's anchoring me to safety."

  "A bastard." He slid his hands over my hips and wrapped one arm around me under my breast. His free hand pressed against the front of my sex, tapping me softly. "A really
bad guy that just wants to know what it feels like to be loved by you for the night. Tell him no."

  "Not in a million years." I lifted my hands to reach back and run my fingers down the back of his head. "I'm not sure I could."

  He sucked my earlobe in his mouth and growled softly. "And if you could muster the self-denial to tell me to fuck off, you'd want me to press you, wouldn't you?"

  "Yes," I whispered and undulated my hips, wishing like hell I was out of my dress. "Don't take no for an answer with me."

  "Is that permission to have you all to myself, Riley? Whenever I want?" He patted me once more before gripping my dress and tugging it up to my waist. His fingers pressed into the top of my panties and I groaned and gripped his hand tightly as I panted.

  "What do you want?" I turned my head and lifted my chin until I could see him.

  He spread me open and ran his finger along the soft skin I wanted him to worship. Leaning down, he pressed his mouth to mine and cupped my face with his free hand as he pulsed his middle finger against my entrance.

  "I wanna hear you come. More than anything else. I wanna feel it. Taste it. Bathe in it. You up for that?"

  I pressed my hips forward, fucking myself as he tightened his hold on me.

  "Just sex," I mumbled and lifted my foot to rest it against the bed in front of us.

  He pressed another finger inside of me and licked at my mouth. "Is that all you want?"

  "Tonight? Yes." I rocked against him as pressure built up deep inside my stomach. "I want to feel you on top of me."

  "Behind you?" He pulled his hand from my panties and stepped back before jerking me around. "Underneath you?"

  The pressure of being whipped around was a little much. I reached up and touched the side of my head as the room spun. Blinking seemed to help a little, but not much. Another odd laugh left me.

  "You okay, Riley?" He moved down, bending at the knees and getting in my line of sight. "You've had too much to drink."

  "Have I?" I moved a few steps back until my knees hit the bed. Sitting sounded good. Laying sounded better. "I need to just lay down for a... for a..."

  "For a minute?" He moved up onto the bed and dropped down beside me on his side. "Take all the time you need."

  I turned my face toward him and laughed again. "Are you really here?"

  "Oh yeah! I wouldn't be anywhere else." He reached up and brushed the back of his fingers by my face. "I got some bad news tonight."

  His words were a little slurred, but I wasn't sure if it was me being drunk, or him having one too many drinks. "You're so fucking hot." I pulled him down and offered him what I could only hope was a sexy kiss.

  My first mistake was closing my eyes. It felt too damn good to close them. I mumbled something before letting the darkness move in and take me away from what could have been the best moment of my life.



  I jerked up in bed the next morning and groaned. It felt like my face might crack.

  "Ugh. How much wine did I have?" I glanced around, finding myself in an odd bedroom, fully dressed, and alone. "Where the hell am I?"

  Where I wanted to jump up and figure things out, my body wasn't willing to cooperate in the slightest. I sat on the edge of the bed for a few minutes and tried to get my bearings about me.

  The play went great at UCLA. I came to Liam's for dinner and...

  "Ethan." I stood up and glanced back down at my dress. Why was I still dressed? Didn't we?

  Aggravation pumped through me, inviting my head to start pounding as a lovely side effect. I opened the bedroom door and walked down the hall, down the stairs and paused by the bottom step.

  "She's the best fit for the job, Chris. I don't give a red rump what you guys think. So the fuck what if she's got tits we could share and still have room on the merry-go-round. We're hiring her. Period." Liam's voice was loud and tense.

  Who was he talking about, and where the hell was Ethan?

  Indecision tore at me. Go into the kitchen and see if Ethan was there or sneak out the front and what? I rode over with Ethan in the stretch limo.

  Lights flashed around my vision as the headache got worse, and I knew I was going to be sick. I hobbled over to the bathroom in the hallway, slammed the door and hit my knees in front of the toilet. Embarrassment should have been my go-to emotion, but I was too lost in trying to empty the contents of my stomach to give a shit who heard.

  "Riley? Fuck. You need me to-" The door opened as I lifted my hand and grunted loudly.

  "No!" I turned and vomited again as my knuckles turned white around the edges of the porcelain throne.

  "Ethan will fucking kill me if I don't help you."

  The feeling of Liam's hands in my hair, pulling it back as I let myself heave one more time was off... odd. It should have been Ethan helping me, though that sounded a million times worse.

  "There you go. Get it all out. Fucking wine gets people all the time." He rubbed my back with his free hand until I turned and swatted him away.

  "Stop it. That's making me feel worse." I pulled my hair from his grasp and pressed my forehead to my hand. "I'm sorry. Just give me a minute. Okay?"

  "Yeah, sure. I thought you were supposed to hold a chick's hair. Like you do in a blow job. You know?"

  I glanced over at him and lifted both my eyebrows. "Get. The. Fuck. Out."

  "Hot." He smirked and turned, closing the door behind him.

  So it wasn't just Ethan that acted like an idiot when it mattered most.

  It obviously ran in the family.

  Chapter 2


  I tapped the seat beside me, knowing I was making a colossal mistake. Leaving Riley to wake up at Liam's place alone was just plain stupid, and yet I had no choice, or I'd convinced myself of the fact. After lying beside her and watching her sleep all night, I was fucked ten ways to the wind. Making love to her would have been magical, but it's not all I wanted. The need to hold her close to me, to memorize the laugh lines around her pretty mouth and trace the perfect arch of her little brown eyebrow tore me in two.

  Lust might have started the game we were playing, but love was going to suffocate me under its mighty power. Everyone around me believed in the power of love, and I'd scoffed at it for all of my life. There was nothing left to laugh about as I lay there next to her and dreamt of a future that surely couldn't be mine.

  "Relationships in the movie business never work. Look at D. Look at Trish." I ran my hand down my face, which only left the sweet smell of Riley filling my senses. I growled and pressed my fingers to my nose, breathing in deeply as my cock twitched violently and started to swell.

  Some part of it was sex. It had to be. But it wasn't the same as it had been the millions of times I'd tried to get laid in the past. It was different this time - driven by deep emotion.

  At the last minute, I pressed the button on the panel beside me in the back seat. "Can you take me to twenty-five Langley Drive?"

  "Of course, Mr. Lewis," a deep voice resounded from the front seat. The fucking limo driver had sat outside all night long. I didn't even want to see the bill from that charade I'd put on.

  There was no reason for me to go home and pace the floors all damn day. Deza was pissed at me, and rightly so, but I needed someone to talk to, which was always her. She was something like a best friend, mentor, mother, sister, hot-sexy agent to me.

  I smiled at the thought and let memory after memory of us together take me from my worries. The bliss lasted a few minutes more than usual, which was a nice break. Our conversation from the night before doused my arousal in ice water and woke me up from my nice walk down memory lane.

  Not only was I fighting against the shit from the club incident where I was drugged and most likely raped in a coat closet, but now someone was filing suit against me for being their baby-daddy. I couldn't make that shit up. No one could.

  Deza was going to kill me if I didn't get my shit together soon. I might as well pick out my caske
t, because behaving was a far worse death than dying.

  "Maybe if she'd let me have Riley." I snorted and brushed my hand down my face again, bringing my libido back to life. As if Deza or Frank, or anyone really, had the right to tell me who I could and couldn't have in my life. I gave them that control over me. I always had.

  "Here we are, Sir." The deep voice filled the console of the back seat where I sat, jolting me from my thoughts.

  "Thanks, man." I got out of the car and walked around to the driver's side window. "You take cards?"

  "It'll be charged in to the studio. No worries, Mr. Lewis."

  "No way. They'll have another reason to hang up a noose." I pulled out my wallet. "Sorry about last night. My girlfriend got a little tipsy and we passed out."

  "None of my business." The guy took my card and processed it as I stood in the cool early morning. It was beautiful. Peaceful. Deza chose her house most likely for those effects alone.

  "Thanks." I took my card and turned to walk toward the two-story white brick house.

  "Um, Sir?"

  I glanced back. "Yeah?"

  "Did we need to go get your girlfriend, or...?"

  "No. She's good with my brother." I slipped my hands into my pockets and thought through her reaction to waking up without me. "You know. On the other hand, how about you go back over there and grab her for me? Just take her wherever she wants to go. Bill that to the studio."

  "Yes, Sir." He looked unsure, but rolled up the window and drove back in the direction we came.

  "Shit," I mumbled under my breath and walked languidly to the door. It seemed like someone was always out to strangle me, and usually it was Deza. Now I was adding Riley to the list; however, her being a little pissy was far better than her having her feelings hurt.

  She wouldn't be hurt by me leaving, right?

  "No way." I reached up and knocked on the door before checking my watch. Saturday morning at eight... Deza was an early riser, right?


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