Perfectly Unexpected

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Perfectly Unexpected Page 3

by Brandy Michelle

  Sliding open her floor-to-ceiling glass doors, we leave talk of lovely memories and enter the party zone. Looking around, I would estimate close to thirty people are milling around the patio. A few girls lie in the poolside lounge chairs while several guys are finishing a game of pool beer bong with a floating table. Tanner makes a winning shot, and jumping up and down, he high fives his partner. He looks up, wanting to make sure everyone witnessed their victory, when his eyes find me. He says something to his friends and climbs out of the pool, making his way over.

  I catch myself admiring the way the water rolls down his skin, taking notice of every defined line of muscle.

  “Eyes are up here, sweetheart,” Tanner says, and I’m embarrassed he caught me checking his body out. “I’m fucking with you. Please keep looking. We can even take this inside, and I can give you a private show.”

  His eyes are full of mischief, and he’s wearing his panty-dropping smile. It has been a long time since I have allowed myself to enjoy the pleasure of a man, and I know if given the opportunity, Tanner would rock my world.

  “Keep dreaming, Tate.” I slap him playfully, hitting his solid abs.

  He grabs my wrist and pulls me closer. “Of you, I always will.” His lips brush against my ear as he whispers his foolish promise, and a shiver runs across my skin. “Now, let’s get you a drink.”

  I shake my head in an attempt to clear the images of me and Tanner away and follow him to the tiki bar. Luckily, I have met the majority of people here at some point throughout the years and each one is extremely good looking. Just as my car sticks out in the driveway, I feel the same surrounded by all these beautiful people.

  When Tanner finishes working his magic behind the bar, he hands me a strawberry margarita that tastes divine. His friends are calling him back into the pool, and after I assure him I am fully capable of being alone, he runs and cannonballs into the water, splashing the girls lying out. They all squeal in unison before laughing it off as one of Tanner’s wild antics.

  I am hanging out with a couple of the girls talking about an upcoming wedding while sucking down my margarita as they casually speak about dropping tens of thousands of dollars left and right. Before I know it, my glass is empty, and I’m excusing myself from the group to walk over to one of the coolers in search of water. Reaching in to grab a bottle, I feel a familiar jolt when I bump into another arm, and I pull back swiftly, feeling as if I have been electrocuted.

  “Twice in one day.” His voice is smooth, and the chuckle that follows does something to my insides.

  “I’m sorry. I guess I’m just on a roll today.” I look up as he hands me a water from the cooler before getting himself one.

  “No worries.” He repeats his response from earlier today. His mood still seems to be lighter, and his eyes are back to being softer. “So what are you doing on the sidelines? Why aren’t you out there with the rest of the bunch?”

  His arm moves to the direction of the pool, and I follow the motion, laughing when I see the guys wrestling around in the shallow end like a bunch of teenage boys.

  “This is more my speed,” I say, motioning to the empty lounge chair next to me before sitting down.

  Logan follows suit and takes a seat on the chair next to me. “Same with me. Tanner always managed to have enough fun for the two of us.”

  From what I have gathered by listening to Tanner discuss his brother, Logan has been fully committed to his career since the moment he landed it. Even during their time growing up, Logan always wanted to be the best at what he did while Tanner was happy just to coast by.

  Reaching down, I lift my sundress and pull it over my head, stuffing it into my bag. “I can definitely see how that would be true.”

  I turn to look at Logan, and his eyes are roaming up and down my body, making me glad I picked this bikini with the extra lift in the top. His gaze meets mine, and I am locked in a trance with his navy irises. My body heat rises as the outside world seems to fade away, leaving just the two of us. Logan begins to inch his way closer when a squeal comes from the pool, bringing the moment crashing down.

  We turn our attention to the pool and find Tanner midair with Bethany wrapped in his arms. Her screaming continues even after they hit the water. I laugh, watching Bethany go into instant attack mode when she comes up from the bottom by hitting Tanner against his chest. He grabs her hands and pulls her into a tight embrace, whispering something in her ear. I don’t know their exact history, only that they grew up together, but I can see some sort of connection between the two of them.

  “So that doesn’t bother you?” Logan asks, bringing my attention back to him.

  “No,” I say, confused, wondering what he means. “Why would it?”

  His eyes begin to harden, much like they were last night, and he is about to respond when a girl drops herself into his lap.

  “Logan, take this shot with me,” she whines in a drunken baby voice that might as well be nails scratching a chalkboard. In her hands, she has two shot glasses with limes resting on top and a shaker of salt.

  The drunk girl leans down and licks his neck before sprinkling salt across the trail she left. I am a forgotten memory as Logan focuses on the girl seated on his lap. Seeing enough, I stand, heading off in the direction of the bathroom Bethany pointed out earlier. I sure would like to know what is constantly crawling up Logan’s ass because I can’t keep up with his constant mood changes lately.

  Washing my hands, it dawns on me that I left my bag outside. I wish I had thought to grab it because I am no longer in the mood to stay and hang around McGroucho. With any luck, he will have wandered off with the tequila girl and won’t be around to shoot daggers at me. Then again, this is my day to relax, and I shouldn’t allow Logan’s moodiness to ruin it for me. Plenty of other people I can hang out with are here, and I will make it my goal to avoid him.

  With my head held high, I exit the bathroom, and as fate would have it, I collide with Logan, losing my footing. His hands grip my waist, keeping me upright while causing a burning sensation where his fingers press into my bare skin.

  “I thought you left,” he says through his teeth, and I don’t have to look up to see that he is pissed off that I am still here. I also can’t miss the disdain in his voice.


  “Nope, just needed to use the ladies’ room,” I say, wondering why his hands are still on me if my presence is such a bother to him. I don’t dare comment on that because I am enjoying his touch too much. “I’m surprised you even noticed my absence.” I meet his glare and witness his eyes soften just a tad.

  “Of course, I noticed,” he says. Stepping closer, he pushes me back against the wall. “I shouldn’t, but I did.” His lips are mere inches from mine, and it takes all my strength to keep myself from making the desired connection.

  “Why shouldn’t you?” I ask, my heart rate increasing by the second as my gaze flitters from his navy eyes to his full lips and back again.

  “You know, I’ve always had this pull to you, Brenna. Even when I was with Melody, my eyes always had a way of finding you in a crowded room. You’re so different from everyone else. You’re so real.”

  My breathing picks up, and I notice the rise and fall of his chest under his snug shirt. His grip tightens against my waist, and his thumbs begin to move in light circles on my bare skin.

  “And now?” I ask, barely recognizing my own lust-filled voice.

  Logan caresses my cheek with the tip of his nose and softly grazes the edge of my ear with his lips, causing my eyes to close.

  He abruptly removes his hands from my body, and I am afraid to open my eyes and have the moment be over. “I don’t poach on my brother’s territory.”

  I don’t register what he whispered into my ear right away because I am so turned on that I can’t even think straight.

  “I’m not,” I say, opening my eyes to an empty hallway.

  What just happened?

  And why does Logan think I’m Tanner’s

  Yeah, we flirt a lot, but guys talk, and I’m sure Tanner has told him that’s all it is. Nothing is going on between us.

  After getting myself under control, I finally make it back out to the patio, and thankfully, Logan is nowhere to be found. Everyone seems preoccupied, so I use it to my advantage and grab my bag, escaping before anyone notices.

  When I get to my car, I send Tanner a text letting him know I was not feeling well and headed home. There is no way I could relax after what happened in the hallway, and I was shamelessly left hot and bothered from Logan’s touch.

  Chapter 4

  Tuesday morning, Richard greeted me when I entered the doors of The Welch Law Firm. April had started calling yesterday morning before the sun came up wanting to know if I could work at the law firm. I lied to her and said it conflicted with my other job, but in reality, I had drunk a bottle of wine after leaving Bethany’s, trying to make sense of Logan. Needless to say, the only progress I made was polishing off the entire bottle in record time.

  April called again last night as I was heading home from work to tell me Richard was desperate and willing to offer more money. After informing me that was unheard of for someone to do, she said he must really like me.

  “Brenna, thank God you’re back. Yesterday was terrible. The girl they sent couldn’t get anything right all day.”

  “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.” I laugh, thinking the work hadn’t been that hard last week.

  “It’s true. I was waiting around all day for files involving a top priority case I’m working on, and right before the end of the day, I come up front and find them sitting on her desk where they had been since being delivered that morning at ten. And that was just the beginning of our issues.”

  My jaw drops as he goes on about the mishaps of the day before. April has told me in the past of their constant revolving door of employees because no one wants to put the effort in their work. People just seem to have become lazy these days, but I have always taken pride in everything I do. Growing up, I knew I wanted to make more out of my life than my mother and those around me. I worked extra hard in school and picked up any job I could in order to save money and plan my escape. Even now, I work two jobs so I can pay all my bills and continue building my savings.

  I spent the first part of the day sorting through the files on the desk and connecting all incoming calls to their proper extensions. Everyone in the office seems to be extremely happy to have me back today, and some even murmured complaints about the girl from yesterday. I find it flattering to hear how much they appreciated me after only working here for one day.

  There has still been no word from Lynne, which shouldn’t come as a surprise to me. I almost broke down last night and called my mother just to check on things but then thought better of it. We haven’t spoken in a couple of years, and it’s better kept that way.

  Pushing send on the email I just typed for Richard, I look up when I hear the bell above the door, expecting to greet a delivery person or client. Instead, Logan is standing in front of my desk. How do I go from never seeing him to finding him around every corner I turn?

  “I didn’t expect you to be here.” He shifts on his feet with his hand shoved in his pants pocket, looking uneasy but still painfully handsome. His facial hair has grown in more since our last encounter, and my fingers itch to touch it.

  “I’m just filling in. How can I help you?” I ask, keeping my voice neutral. He doesn’t need to know how much seeing him is affecting me now, and he definitely doesn’t need to know how he left me panting like a dog on Saturday, wanting nothing more than to have his hands on me again.

  He steps closer, relaxing just slightly. “I’m here to see Richard.”

  I open the calendar on the computer, and not seeing his name down, I ask, “Do you have an appointment?”

  Instead of answering, he smiles over my shoulder, and even though it isn’t directed at me, it affects me just the same.

  “Logan, you’re early.” Richard walks around the front of the desk and embraces Logan in a manly hug slash back slap.

  “I finished my business quicker than expected.”

  “Have you met Brenna? She has been a lifesaver around here.”

  Logan turns and smiles at me before answering. “Yes, we actually already know each other. Are you ready for lunch?”

  “I had a big case come in today, and I’m backed up, so I was just about to call you and reschedule.” Richard looks genuinely upset to be missing out on their lunch, and I know how swamped he has been since this morning.

  “Let me know when things slow down. You work too hard, Uncle Richard.”


  “Now you sound like your aunt. Listen, you came all this way, so why don’t you let Brenna fill in for me?”

  Logan’s gaze darts to me in surprise, as though he has forgotten I am still sitting here, before looking back to his uncle.

  “That’s not necessary,” I protest, not wanting to deal with Logan’s mood swings today.

  “Nonsense. You have been hard at work today and need a break.”

  “I’m sure Logan has other things to do. Besides, I brought my lunch today.”

  Something changes in Logan’s demeanor and even his posture relaxes. “I don’t mind. We already have reservations at The Bistro. I wouldn’t want them to go to waste.”

  The Bistro certainly sounds better than the ham sandwich and bag of potato chips I brought today, but I can’t help but wonder if maybe Logan is medicated because his mood sure has some highs and lows.

  “Perfect,” Richard says, patting Logan’s back. “It’s settled then. Tell them to put it on my account, Logan.”

  He nods. “I’ll have her back in an hour.”

  “Take your time.” Richard waves him off. “Do me a favor and talk up your favorite uncle. I’m trying to get Miss Brenna to continue helping me out.”

  “I’ll do my best.” He laughs, saying goodbye to Richard.

  When it is just the two of us, I start to feel uncomfortable and begin to think of ways to get out of this impending lunch. What if he has another asshole moment and I am stuck with him at a restaurant? And what will Richard think when he learns I am beginning to dislike his nephew?

  “Shall we?” Logan asks, tapping on the desk to get my attention.

  “You really don’t have to do this,” I say, trying to give him an out, knowing this isn’t how he planned to spend his afternoon.

  “I want to.” I am surprised by the sincerity in his voice and eyes.

  One thing I have learned recently is Logan’s mood always reflects in his eyes. I have become pretty good at reading him just from looking into them, but it’s also extremely easy to lose myself in their depths.

  Reluctantly, I pull my bag from the drawer and follow him to the door, which he holds open like a gentleman. The streets of downtown stay busy, and parking is usually always an issue. Richard gave me a pass for the garage at the end of our block so I don’t have to fight for spots in the public lots. It surprises me when Logan escorts me to a black Range Rover parked on the street in front of the law firm.

  “Wow, how did you manage to score this spot?” I ask, knowing how rare it is for there to be open street parking.

  “Must be my lucky day.” He rests his hand on my lower back, guiding me to the opened passenger door.

  Our ride to The Bistro remains quiet until Logan gets a phone call. He apologizes before taking it, and I turn my attention to the window, not wanting to eavesdrop on any more of his conversations. His call lasts the entire ride, and he uses an excuse of a meeting to get off the line. From the pieces I did overhear, I can only assume it was a work-related call.

  The valet opens my door, and Logan meets me on the sidewalk, discreetly passing the younger guy money and picking up his ticket. His hand returns to the small of my back as we enter the restaurant and doesn’t leave until we are seated at the table. I enjoy being around this side of Logan, and I can only hop
e the other side doesn’t rear his ugly head.

  “So how long have you been working with my uncle?” Logan asks after we place our lunch orders.

  “Actually, I have only been there today and Friday. I pick up jobs occasionally through a temp agency between my nights at the bar.”

  “Sounds like you are wanted more full time. Are you not interested in that?”

  “The offer was unexpected. It would be impossible to do both jobs, and I enjoy my nights working at Déjà vu. Ian took a chance on me when I first applied for the job, and I feel loyalty toward him.” I take a sip of my ice water, and Logan’s eyes follow, watching my lips wrap around the straw.

  He looks away and clears his throat. “I know Ian would appreciate your loyalty and hate to lose you, but he would understand.”

  “So Richard is your uncle?” I ask, needing the subject change. I have stressed myself out enough thinking about Richard’s offer.

  “Yes, my mom’s brother. He and my aunt Ruth practically raised us. Uncle Richard has always been more of a father to me than my own.” I can hear the love in his voice as he talks about his aunt and uncle.

  Tanner had given me a brief rundown of their family, so I knew they didn’t see much of their dad and had lost their mom when they were young. I am happy they have their aunt and uncle because it’s tough when you are forced to grow up on your own.

  “It has been a pleasure working for him, and I am giving thought to going to full time for him until Rita returns.”

  “Brenna,” he says my name almost in a plea, but before he can finish, our lunch is delivered, leaving Logan looking relieved.


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