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The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.
Adomnan, St 148, 160
Annat, Garbh Eilean 108–9, 167–70, 173, 205, 288
archaeology: blackhouse excavations 145–7, 186, 211–25, 230, 232–3, 244, 271
found objects 245–9, 263–4
pottery sherds 245–9
Shiant survey 104–15, 203
Bagh, Garbh Eilean 51, 86, 109, 111, 205, 287
Bagh, Chiann Neill, Eilean Mhuire 208
Barber, John 152, 153
Beccan mac Luigdech 164–6, 168
Bhrollum, Loch 35, 328
birds 1, 13, 28–9, 71, 109, 177–202, 275–6
barnacle geese 67–71, 127, 130, 132–4, 152, 337
eggs 180–1, 185, 325
as food 182, 186, 189, 266
fowling 49–54, 58, 186–8, 309, 326
fulmars 29, 31, 173, 177, 287
gannets 25, 27–9, 183–4, 276, 369–70
guano 275
guillemots 29, 78, 105, 139, 177, 178, 180, 189, 192, 208, 275
gulls 177, 192, 212
hawks 198
kittiwakes 45, 73, 177, 192, 275
larks 213
owls 276
oystercatchers 23
puffins 3, 49–51, 58, 105, 110, 178, 179–80, 181–3, 185–95, 275, 325, 355
ravens 3, 198, 201, 227
razorbills 105, 177, RSPB 357–9
sea eagles 122, 144, 194–202
shags 3, 73, 177, 180–2, 194–5, 192, 276, 287
shearwaters 43
skuas 3, 112–13, 128, 177, 276
snipe 108, 276
wrens 179
blackhouse 218, 239–44, 254, 258, 260
excavations 108, 145–5, 186, 211–25, 229, 232–3, 238, 244, 263
food and cooking 222–3, 244, 266
furnishings 240–1
Blue Men 38–41
Stream of 51, 56, 59, 72, 110, 227, 297
boats: birlinn 15–17, 19
Bronze Age 117
fishing boats 47–8, 95
joint-ownership 256
losses 48–60, 219, 226–7, 329
model Zulu 332–3
see also Freyja
Boxer, Charlie 22–3, 24
Bronze Age 100, 114, 121
cairns 114–15
farms 175
grave 115
hoards 124
houses 109, 113, 115, 167
torc 97, 115, 121–6
wreck 116–18, 121
Brooke, Mike 194
cairns 114–15
Campbell, Annie 59
Campbell, Donald & family 121, 197, 317–18, 321–36
house of 64, 322–3, 342
leave Shiants 67, 335
Carmichael, Alexander 243, 269
Carmina Gadelica 257–60
cattle 235–6, 241–2, 254, 280–1, 332, 361
caves 3, 54, 368–9
Charlie, Bonnie Prince 249, 251
Čihaková, Linda 145–6, 217, 221, 232
Clancy, Dr Thomas Owen 143, 160, 165, 168
Clearances 46, 268, 270–1, 302–5, 315, 317–18, 323, 325, 345
Cleidh, Loch 35
Columba, Saint 147–8, 160, 164–6, 170
communality 255–60
Cowie, Trevor 97, 124
cragganware 245–7
cross stone 146–54, 157, 163–4, 225–6, 227–30
Cunningham, Bullet 328, 353, 367
/> Cunningham, Kenny 95, 96–7, 99, 118, 123
Damhag 33–4, 41, 43, 130, 176
Daniell, William 78–9, 144. 263, 307, 308
Defoe, Daniel: Robinson Crusoe 156–7, 344
Dodgshon, Prof Robert 204, 207, 236
Eilean an Tighe (E na Cille) 52, 45, 129–30, 169
birds 67, 70, 179, 198
boat-shaped stone setting 173–4
Bronze Age cairns 114
buildings 63–5, 105–8, 112, 298
cattle 361
cemetery 145, 168–9
central valley 108, 205, 212
church and chapel 144–5, 169–70, 229, 315
farmland 108, 218
farmsteads 205, 212
geology 86–7
hermitage 144, 169
inhabitants 217, 220, 225
kilnhouse 254
landing beach 61–3, 105, 108
name of 52
Norse houses 172–3
sheep and shepherds 52–3, 290, 300–1
water supply 63, 66, 105, 108
Eilean Mhuire 44, 55, 141
birds 67, 70, 178, 195, 208
farmsteads 205, 218
fertility 86, 111–12, 143–4, 218, 236
geology 86, 116, 244
inhabitants 217, 219
name of 142
ruins 112, 142
sheep 73, 111, 281, 287
water supply 112
Eishken estate, Pairc 196, 197–9, 293, 294, 302, 304, 335
Elwes, Captain H J 195–6
famine 163, 223–4, 237, 265–6, 313, 321
farming 86, 205, 267, 364
acreage 236–8
field walls 205–6
grazing 267, 269, 280–1
hay 311–14, 315
joint farms 255
ploughing 256
run-rig system 206–7
see also cattle
fish 22, 27, 277
limpets 222–3, 265–6
lobsters 1, 3, 277, 328
salmon 340
sandeel 191–4
Fisher, Ian 150–1, 153
fishing 22, 46–8, 276–7, 318
fishing boats 47–8, 95
lost 48–9, 329
Flodabay, Harris 14, 16, 17–18, 23, 25
flora 1–2, 51, 103, 108, 109, 130–1, 141, 173, 182, 212
Foster, Patrick 167, 173, 254, 263
archaeological survey 104–14, 203
Barra excavations 104, 212
establishes cemetery site 145, 168
Shiant excavations 211–12, 232
Fraser, Simon 316–17, 335
Freyja 47, 63, 147, 367
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