Catherwood, Ann (daughter), 218, 416
Catherwood, Anne Rowe (mother), 194, 278, 279
Catherwood, Caroline (sister), 392
Catherwood, Elizabeth (daughter), 223
Catherwood, Frederick
as architect, ix, 9, 12, 13, 204–205, 215, 218, 399/505n2
architect-surveyor apprenticeship, 12, 195, 198
aunt Elizabeth, 195, 204
biographer. See Von Hagen, Victor Wolfgang
birth, 193
builder of ruins theory, 366–367, 393
to California, 426–428, 437, 438
Gold Hill Quartz Mining Co., 437–440, 447
London’s Banking Institute, 439
camera lucida, 31–32, 126, 127, 210, 255, 281, 321, 350
Caslon lawsuit, 280, 306–310
cheap version of Incidents of Travel in Central America, 447–448
childhood, 194–196
death, 452
description of, 14, 15, 193, 261, 437–438
illustration stoicism, 129, 350
self-portrait, 193, 217, 352/499n3, 395
emerald ring lost, 243
Hay partnership, 203–204, 206–209, 207, 215–216
homeward bound, 274–277
illustration accuracy
Catherwood perfectionism, 127, 129
Chichén Itzá, 337
Copán, 130, 132, 377
Incidents of Travel in Central America, 280–281, 285
Palenque, 191, 255, 263
Views of Ancient Monuments, 395
Yucatán, 298, 300, 391/497n9
illustration difficulties, 124–127, 125
illustration engravings, 281, 282
illustration including Stephens, 319, 448
illustration of Xampon in moonlight, 325–326
illustration “romanticism,” 280
illustration stoicism, 129, 350
illustrations surviving fire, 357
as illustrator, ix, xii, 14, 31–32, 261
Jerusalem Dome of the Rock, 210–213, 212, 215, 217
Jerusalem tourist map, 11, 106, 209, 213, 215, 221
John L. Stephens ship, 443
malaria, 273, 315–316, 320, 325, 329
marriage to Gertrude, 213–214, 307
marriage troubles, 278–279, 279–280, 306, 309–310, 400
Mary Ann to Honduran gulf, 9–11, 15, 223
missing, 449–452, 451, 452
mule throwing off, 33, 260
name carved, 106, 129
panorama hall cost, 220
cost of fire, 357
panorama hall fire, 356–357, 400
panorama hall lintel storage, 303, 356
panorama projects, 13, 14, 216–220, 219, 221, 280
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, 392, 395/505n22
Quiriguá first sight, 181–183, 182
as railway man
Demerara Railway Co., 399–400, 415, 416–417
Panama Railroad, 416, 418, 421–422, 423–424, 426–428, 440
surveyor, 447
Rome, 12, 196, 197–200, 204
Royal Academy of Arts, 195, 198, 205, 310
self-portrait, 193, 217, 352/499n3, 395
sextant, 293
Stephens partnership, ix, 11–15, 32–33, 181, 193, 220–223, 415–418, 427, 439/510n10, 443–445, 447, 448
Stephens retrieving from Copán, 139, 142, 143, 144
Stephens’s burial vault, 444, 446
Tennessee to Yucután, 290–291
Views of Ancient Monuments, 357, 390–391, 393–395, 394, 396, 402
Lady Westmorland, 199–200
Catherwood, Frederick, Jr. (son), 214, 220, 222, 416, 443–444
Catherwood, Gertrude (wife), 14, 213–214, 216, 218, 221, 223, 278–280, 288, 306–310, 400
Catherwood, James (brother), 278, 279, 307, 309
Catherwood, John James (father), 194, 204, 279
Catherwood, Nathaniel (uncle), 195
Catherwood, William (grandfather), 194
Catherwood v. Caslon, 310
caves, 302, 326–328
cemetary graves by class, 39
cenotes, 270, 271, 296, 303, 326, 332, 339, 351, 385
Central America, xv, 19, 421
Asian origins, 55
British imperialism, 137
capital locations, 134–135, 228/486n3. See also Guatemala City
Catherwood theory on ruin builders, 366–367, 393
El Salvador federal base, 139, 154, 159–160
European invasion and, 56–57, 229/486n4
French award for ruins description, 249/490n10
geology of, 51
maps, xv, 19, 421
Morazán controlling, 149–151
Stephens’s theories on ruin builders, 285–288, 294/497n8, 358, 359–362
United Provinces of Central America, 11, 137
U.S. diplomats to, 26–28, 29, 137
U.S. diplomats withdrawn, 136–137, 161/481-2
water route across, 161–165
Century Association, 401–402
Chagres fever, 4
Chagres River, 4, 410, 418, 419, 420, 430, 432, 435
Champollion, Jean, 118/479n5
Charlemagne (ship), 81
Charnay, Désiré, 456
Chatfield, Frederick, 137–138, 143, 156, 175, 189, 455, 455/513n5
Chauncey, Henry, 411, 412
Chemax, Yucatán, 342
Chichén Itzá (Yucatán), 335, 336, 339, 456
Aztec similarities, 334
ball court, 337, 338
Catherwood illustration accuracy, 337
cenotes, 332, 339
columns, 338
departure of expedition, 340
description, 333–339, 335, 336
differences from other sites, 334, 386
elaborate stonework, 334–335, 337
equinox sun, 337/499n7
first sight of, 332–333
House of Dark Writing, 333
journey to, 330/498n3, 331
Mayan collapse, 385
name meaning, 331
Norman book, 359/500n8
Nunnery, 335
Puuc style, 337
Pyramid of Kukulkán, 337/499n7, 339
timelines, 333, 386
Toltec influence, 385–386
Chimborazo (Ecuador), 68
Chiquimula, Honduras, 39–41, 40
cholera, 148, 152, 185, 416, 422, 429, 441
Chronicle of the Maya Kings and Queens (Martin & Grube), 363/502n1
chultuns (cisterns), 303, 326
Ciudad Vieja, Guatemala, 228/486n3
Clark, Lewis Gaylord, 222
Clark, William, 69–70
Classic Maya era
building projects’ size and scope, 383
Coba, 353
Copán, 119, 130–131, 240, 295, 361, 368
end of, 240
height of, 238
Labphak, 328–329
Mayapán as last post-classic, 295
Palenque, 295, 361, 368
El Petén as heartland, 230, 240, 368
timeline of ruins, 295
Toniná, 238, 240
Clermont (ship), 398, 442
Coba (Yucatán), 353
Cocaña, Diego Vigil, 159–160, 170
Coe, Michael, 250–251, 363/502n1, 373
Cogolludo, Diego López, 294/496n6, 300/497n10, 315, 346, 358/500n6
Collins, Edward Knight, 449, 450
Columbia College (New York), 74–75
Columbian Exchange, 54–55
Columbus, Christopher, 355, 420, 434
Columbus, Diego, 355/500n5
Conquest of Mexico (Prescott), 284, 391/504n11, 392
Conquest of Peru (Prescott), 391/504n11
Constantinople, 84–85, 86
Copán (Honduras), 377, 457
18 Rabbit, 363–364, 365
altar to kings, 377
ball court, 364
British Museum speci
mens, 455
Catherwood illustration accuracy, 130, 132, 377
Classic Maya era, 119, 130–131, 240, 295, 361, 368
Copán pocket, 58–59
decline, 365–366
first sight of ruins, 59–65, 118–120
Galindo investigating ruins, 117, 118, 169, 249/490n10
García de Palacio and Maya, 119–120
Don Gregorio, 57–58, 121, 123, 132, 143
Guatemala City via, 38, 39
huts near ruins, 122, 129
Iximche versus, 230–231
Maudslay inspired, 456
Mayan civilization edge, 363
Mayan kings, 130–131, 363–365, 376–377, 378
Morazán vs. Carrera, 181
quarries, 129
stelae, 60–62, 61, 364, 365, 459
Stephens buying, 122–124
Stephens’s theories on builders, 285–288, 294/497n8
timeline, 386
Utatlán versus, 230–231
Copán Calel, 56
Copán River, 51–52, 123
Copán Valley, 52–53, 56–57
Cortés, Hernán, xii, 21, 56, 134, 245, 287
Costa Rica, 137, 147, 154, 161, 162
Cozumel, Yucatán, 340, 342, 344–346, 345
Crosby, Alfred W., 55
Cuchumatanes, 235–236
daguerreotypes, 290/496n1, 291–292, 298, 315, 317, 321, 323, 333/499n5, 340, 349, 357, 359, 359/500n8, 389, 448
Darwin, Charles, x, 52, 69
Davies, John, 200
De Nouvelle, Captain, 156, 158, 159
De Witt, Charles G., 26–27, 112, 135–136, 153, 154, 161/481n2, 161/481n4
del Río, Antonio, 246–249, 249/489n9, 250, 251
Delano, Alonzo, 437–438
Delmonico Hotel (New York), 435
Delmonico’s restaurant (New York), 272, 273
Demerara Railway Company, 399–400, 415–417
dengue fever, 410, 429
Description de l’Égypte (French scholars), 201
Diaper, Frederic, 218
Díaz, Juan, 342, 345, 352
Díaz del Castillo, Bernal, 345
Dickinson, Daniel S., 112
Dictionary of Architecture, 202
Diego Paredes, Victoriano de, 433
British expedition, 145
Chagres fever, 4
cholera, 148, 152, 185, 416, 422, 429, 441
dengue fever, 410, 429
diplomatic hazards, 26–29
dysentery, 428, 429
European invasion and, 54–57, 229/486n4
“exposure,” 423–424
hepatitis, 429, 442, 443, 444
malaria. See malaria
“medicos,” 121–122, 148, 158
Panama railroad, 3–4, 428, 429
the plague, 85–86, 90, 203
lazarettos, 86, 91
smallpox and conquests, 55, 56, 229/486n4
Stephens’s throat infection, 81–82, 83, 85, 95, 96
Tuloom abandonment, 352
typhus, 250, 429
yellow fever, 354
Dome of the Rock, 210–213, 212, 215, 217
Dugga and Catherwood, 205–206, 391/504n8
Dupaix, Guillaume, 237–238, 240–241, 248, 249, 249/489n9, 249/490n12, 250
Durante, Mariano, 37
dysentery, 428, 429
Dzibilnocac (Yucatán), 329
Ecuador volcano, 68
Catherwood and Hay, 206–209, 207
Catherwood expeditions, 12, 92, 198–199, 201–203
cost of obelisk of Luxor, 184
“Egyptomania,” 201
hieroglyphics, 12, 118/479n5
the plague, 86, 90, 203
Stephens’s explorations, 12, 86, 90–95, 92
timeline vs. Maya, xiv
See also Nile River
El Alouin, Sheik, 97, 98–100, 101, 103–106
El Mirador (Guatemala), 369–370, 372
El Petén. See Petén, Guatemala
El Salvador, 137, 139, 147, 154, 159–160
El Sol (ship), 344, 347
Elizabeth (Catherwood aunt), 195, 204
Elizabeth I (Queen of England), 194
engravings of illustrations, 281, 282
equinox sun of Chichén Itzá, 337/499n7
Estacheria, José, 246, 246/488n3
Everett, Edward, 391–392
Fane, John, 199
Fensley, Captain (ship master), 268
Ferrera, Francisco, 155–156
Figueroa, General, 175–176
fireflies, 243, 254
Flores, Guatemala, 145–146
Forsyth, John, 11, 136, 153, 154, 161/481n2, 161/481n4, 169
France, 10, 31, 184, 249/490n10, 461. See also Napoleon I
Freidel, David, 363/502n1, 374
Friedrich, Joseph (Baron von Racknitz), 249/489n9
Friedrichsthal, Emanuel von, 333/499n5
Fulton, Robert, 398
Galindo, Juan (John), 38, 117–121, 138, 161, 169, 190, 249/490n10, 252/493n27
Gallatin, Albert, 391/503n6, 391/504n9, 402
Galvez, Juan José, 342
García de Palacio, Diego, 119–120
Garcia Morales, Petrona, 152
garrapatas. See tick attacks
Gold Hill Quartz Mining Company, 437–440, 447
gold rush to California, 3, 4, 411–412, 413, 414, 418, 431, 437, 454
Golfo Dulce, 24, 25
Graham, Ian, 458
Grant, Ulysses S., 441
Great Britain, 10, 17–19, 137–138. See also Palenque British expedition
Greece, xiv, 12, 82–83, 84, 91, 200
Gregorio, Don, 57–58, 121, 123, 132, 143
Griffiths, John Willis, 408
Grijalva, Juan de, 342
Grube, Nikolai, 363/502n1, 365
Gualán, Guatemala, 37
British imperialism, 137
Central American republic, 147
Church reestablished, 155
Galindo ruins report, 120
Guatemala City. See Guatemala City
Izabal port of entry, ix–x, 24–29, 25, 31, 456–458, 457
Iztapa port, 156, 158
Morazán control, 149–151, 173
U.S. diplomats, 26–28, 29, 137
Guatemala City, 174
La Antigua Guatemala, 134, 142–143, 228/486n3
Camino Real to, 32
Carrera’s troops, 40–41, 135, 139, 153–155
Chatfield arrival, 138, 156
cholera, 148, 185
as destination, 11, 35
government gone, 143, 147
history of, 134–135, 228/486n3
Morazán control, 149–150, 185
Morazán fight for control, 170–171
as Nuevo Guatemala de Asunción, 135
Royal Audiencia, 245, 246, 246/488n3
Stephens’s diplomatic return, 134
Stephens’s explorations, 142–143, 185
U.S. diplomats, 26–28, 29, 137
Gulf of Honduras, 9–10, 15, 34, 184, 363
Hall, William, 134
Hansen, Richard, 370
Harper, James, 108–109
Harper & Brothers publishing, 108, 109, 111, 221, 282, 390, 391, 417, 456
Hawks, Francis Lister, 80–81, 435
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 28
Hay, Robert, 203–204, 206–209, 215–216
Hayes, Rutherford B., 446
Hebron and Stephens, 104–106
Helen Maria (ship), 277
Hendrickson, Charles, 79–80
hepatitis, 429, 442, 443, 444
SS Herman, 407
Historia de Yucathan (López Cogolludo), 294/496n6, 300/497n10, 346, 358/500n6
The History of the Conquest of Mexico (Prescott), 358, 404
History of the Expedition under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark (Clark), 70
The History of the Reign
of Ferdinand and Isabella (Prescott), 284
Hoffman, Charles Fenno, 83
Holland and San Juan River route, 161/481n4
Honduras, 21, 147, 150, 154, 155
Hoskins, George Alexander, 206–208
Howland & Aspinwall, 407–408
Huayna Capac, 56
Huck-Saunders, Jane (Lady Westmorland), 198–200
Humboldt, Alexander von
Catherwood’s Views of Ancient, 391, 391/503n6, 395
“An Hour with Alexander von Humboldt,” 406
instruments carried by, 31, 68
Jefferson friendship, 67–68, 69
narrative of expedition, 70
Palenque reproductions published, 249/489n9
South America exploration, 31, 67, 68–69
Stephens’s hero, 30, 404, 405–406
Stephens’s visit, 404–406
waterway across Central America, 161
world altitude record, 68
SS Humboldt, 406, 407
Ibrahim Pasha, 213
Idumea, 94–95, 104
Inca, xi, xii–xiii, xiv, 56, 375, 396
Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan (Stephens), 283
appendices, 359
Catherwood cheap version, 447–448
Copán specimens for British Museum, 455
engravings devoted to ruins, 359/501n9
inspiring other explorations, 455–459, 456, 457
ruin builders theory, 285–288, 359–362
success of, 282–285, 288
Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and the Holy Land (Stephens)
on Athens, 82–83
Catherwood mentioned, 221
publication of, 109–111
success of, 13, 106–107, 109, 110–111, 221
Incidents of Travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia and Poland (Stephens), 13, 90, 111–112, 221
Incidents of Travel in Yucatan (Stephens)
Catherwood image, 352/499n3
daguerreotypes, 357/500n4
ornithological memorandum, 359
publication, 358–359
success of, 389–390, 391
Irving, Washington, 28, 402
Istanbul, 84–85, 86
Italy and Catherwood, 12, 196–200, 204
Iturbide, Yucatán, 329
Iximche (Guatemala), 228–229, 230–231, 295
Izabal, Guatemala, ix–x, 24–29, 25, 31, 456–458, 457
Izabal, Lago de, 24–25
Izamal, Yucatán, 353–354
Iztapa, Guatemala, 156, 158
Jackson, Andrew, 26–27, 81, 161, 218
Jackson, George William, 220, 357
Jamaica Railway, 400
Jefferson, Thomas, 67–70, 72–73, 161
Catherwood map, 11, 106, 209, 213, 215, 221
Dome of the Rock, 210–213, 212, 215, 217
John L. Stephens (ship), 442–443
Jones, Owen, 393
José (Copán guide), 59, 62, 63
Juan (cook and factotum), 235, 237, 254, 268
Juan, Don (Palenque guide), 166
Juarros, Domingo, 249/489n9
Kabah (Yucatán), 316–320, 319, 359/500n8
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