Crazy Maybe

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Crazy Maybe Page 17

by Justice, A. D.

  “You can disagree all you want, as long as I get my way and you don’t try to ever leave me again,” I reply with my bedroom voice.

  Andi laughs out loud at this and I know without a doubt that I am completely wrapped around her little finger. All that she’s been through in her life flashes through my mind and I silently vow to her that no matter what the future holds, I will be there every day to do everything in my power to make sure she’s laughing and happy.

  “Luke,” she says as she leans into me, “I’m really sorry to have to do this, but it’s for your own good.”

  “What are you talkin-,” her front door opens and in walks Shane, Will, and Brandon. Oh shit, this is not happening! “Andi,” the warning is clear in my voice, “what have you done?”

  She rubs her hand across my jaw, feeling the stubble of my 5 o’clock shadow and looks at me so lovingly. “I’m protecting you, Luke.”

  And with that, all the guys grab me from every direction and I fight like a wild animal. A lot of good it does me – Will the Giant grabs me from behind in some wrestling move and now I can’t move my arms to fight back. Shane and Brandon have my legs and they’re carrying me towards Andi’s back door. I’m yelling all kinds of obscenities and names at all of them. Even threats to removing the important parts of their body that’s directly related to their manhood doesn’t faze them.

  When we reach the back deck, I notice a rope is conveniently waiting and I look at Andi, who is grinning like a damn Cheshire cat. Shane and Will hold me down on the lounge chair while Brandon uses the rope to tie me down to the chair at my arms and at my legs. After they’re satisfied with the knots, the four traitors sit down opposite of me as Christina, Tania and Katie all file out to gawk at me and my predicament.

  Laughter erupts from everyone, including me, when Christina exclaims, “Now this is a party!”

  Andi moves over and sits in my lap, knowing I’m unable to move my arms to touch her, and smiles that same shit-eating grin at me. “This was just in case you decided to kidnap me after all,” she laughs, gesturing to all our friends who are now pulling out food and drinks from Andi’s kitchen.

  “You knew they were going to do this to me?” I ask Andi, deceptively calm.

  She’s still smiling, “Mmmhmmm,” she nods.

  “So this was all planned?”

  “Yep.” She’s so damn proud of this little covert coup against me. “Remember the text in the truck?”

  “I see. Untie me, Andi.”

  “You have to promise me something first,” she says, still smiling but a little hesitant now. As well she should be.

  “I will promise you something, Andi,“ I state confidently, “I will promise if you don’t untie me right now, it will be much worse for you when I do get untied.” I am still calm but there’s no doubt in her mind as to what I mean.

  She laughs nervously, but the mischievous gleam in her eyes is shining bright, “No, Luke. You have to promise you will behave and be nice if I untie you. Otherwise, I will just have to hand-feed you every meal until you promise me you decide to be a good boy.”

  I smirk, “OK, Andi.” She won’t accept that – she makes me say the words verbatim.

  “I promise I will behave and be nice if you untie me now,” I recite after her. So she unties my legs first. Then my hands last. And she’s kept her eyes trained on mine the whole time. I stand up, moving my arms and legs around to get the blood flowing again. Then I give her my mischievous grin and she squeals.

  “NO, LUKE! YOU PROMISED!” She’s laughing and backing away from me with her palms up between us.

  “Silly woman…..didn’t you notice my arms and legs were crossed when I said that? Automatically makes it null and void….so I’m not breaking my promise, now am I?” I respond in a low, threatening whisper despite the smile that is splitting my face in two. I’m closing in on her as she turns to run from me – in her heels.

  I wrap my arms around her and tackle her full force and we land in the deep end of the pool. When our heads emerge back up through the water, she’s sputtering water and laughing hysterically. She playfully swats at me as she admonishes me, “You lunatic! You are crazy!”

  I wrap my arms around her and hold her afloat, “I am crazy….crazy about you.”


  I knew I’d pay for that little trick but it was well worth a little dip in the pool to see him tied up to the chair like that. The look on his face was priceless. I don’t know what he thought we were going to do with him but it certainly wasn’t this. I’ve just washed my face and I’m changing into my bathing suit for a real swimming party and I can’t help but laugh again every few minutes when the scene replays in my mind.

  I go back outside and most of the gang is already in the pool. My girls already had a bathing suit at my house from our hot tub party and the guys brought theirs, plus one for Luke. I put towels out for everyone and smile at Luke, who’s stalking towards me in a cat-like prowl right now. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me in for a bear hug. I love his hugs, so much that I moan in pleasure and feel his smile against the side of my head.

  “Does this mean I’m forgiven and we’re back together?” Luke whispers in my ear.

  “You’re forgiven, Luke.“ I can’t stay mad at him, especially when he apologized so sweetly, explained everything to me and then was such a good sport after our little practical joke.

  Most people would think I should stay mad at him and hold a grudge for how much he hurt me. But one thing that I’ve learned the hard way is that life is too short to stay mad at the ones you love. And I do love him.

  “But we’re not back together? Because you have to protect me?” He’s only half-joking and we both know it. He wants me to say we’re back together but the stubborn man doesn’t think he needs to be protected. Even though he doesn’t know what he’s up against.

  I bang my forehead in frustration against his massive chest as his laugh rumbles through it. “Do we need to have another disagreement about this?”

  “No, no argument here. I will let you protect me as long as you say we’re back together. That’s a fair compromise, don’t you think?” He’s murmuring in my ear, his lips are grazing my earlobes and sending chills through me. Smooth talker.

  When I look up into his eyes, I can see it - he knows he has me. There’s no use in denying it. Or in denying myself of what I really want. Him. I just want him.

  “So, Andi, how do you know Luke doesn’t just want you for your money?” Brandon calls from the pool. He really is a great brother to Luke and right now I’m really appreciating that he just got me out of answering Luke’s question.

  “Shut the fuck up, Brandon. You know better than that. And I’ve told you a million times – you can’t have her! Find your own girl” Luke yells back at Brandon as I laugh.

  “Think he’s funny?” Luke says, turning on me with that evil glint in his eye. I immediately start backing up but he keeps advancing on me, slowly but surely gaining on me.

  “Yeah, I think he’s funny,” I answer casually.

  “Huh. You think it’s funny that he’s badmouthing me?” He tilts his head down and his eyes track my movements from under his furrowed brow.

  “I think it’s funny that he’s giving you a hard time,” I clarify. I’m still slowly moving away from him because I know he’s up to something.

  “A hard time,” he repeats thoughtfully and picks at the finger foods we set out on the outdoor table. I start to answer but like lightning, he’s grabbed me and is holding me above his head and walking towards the pool.

  I’m laughing and screaming “No, Luke!” with his every step. He has the biggest smile on his face and he’s really enjoying this way too much.

  He starts to throw me into the pool but at the last second, he drops me and I’m free-falling for a couple of seconds before I’m cradled in his arms like a baby. He throws his head back in a full-out laugh at the shocked look on my face and the sharp gasp of air I just inhaled. I t
otally thought I was going to hit the concrete full force. My heart is about to beat out of my chest but I can’t help but laugh!

  “You just wait, Lucas Woods! You will pay for that! Next time, I won’t untie you!” I threaten him, for all the good it does.

  He puts my feet down and wraps his strong arms around me. “I would never let you fall, baby. Speaking of being tied up….maybe we could use those ropes tonight? In your bedroom?” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively at me.

  “Oh, I think I can definitely put them to use them tonight, Luke.” I coyly answer, but I seriously doubt my idea is the same one he’s thinking of right now.

  He narrows his eyes at me, “Andi,” but before he can finish that threat, I catch him off guard and push him into the pool. He surfaces and smiles that mega-watt, panty-dropping smile at me and all I can think of is how gorgeous this crazy man is. I am so in love with him and I don’t want this to end.



  Showered and changed into more comfortable clothes, we’re all piled up in Andi’s den watching movies on her huge, plasma TV. Looking around the room, I feel like the luckiest man alive. I have the best group of friends and in my lap, snuggled up lovingly to me, is the most wonderful woman I’ve ever met. That’s ever walked the face of this earth. And she’s mine – even if she hasn’t said it yet.

  My arms are wrapped protectively around her and we have this couch to ourselves. Luckily, Andi’s house is huge, so her den has enough room to fit several couches and recliners. She purposely set this room up to be very cozy and lived in because she loves having friends over. Growing up without a real family has made her want to keep the people she loves very close and comfortable.

  Andi sits up to grab a blanket to cover herself up with because in the summer she keeps her house the same temperature as the bottom of a fucking deep freezer. She’s wearing a thin, cotton tank top with spaghetti straps and a short pair of cotton pajama shorts, so I’m completely fine with her covering herself up while all these other guys are in the house. Especially Brandon. She’s obviously cold because her nipples look like little pebbles under the thin material of her top.

  While she’s up, she grabs the remote control for the lights and turns them off so we can watch the big screen in “movie-theater style,” as she puts it. Also fine with me, because my girl will be all snuggled up to me in the dark. Under a blanket. All alone on this comfortable, overstuffed leather couch. Hell, yeah!

  While she’s still up, I take the opportunity to stretch out on the extra wide couch. When she turns around with the blanket, she smiles shyly and lies back down with me on the couch, her back to my front. I cover us with the blanket and wrap my arm around her front, being sure to rub across her best parts as I finally still my hand on her stomach. I nuzzle into her neck and strategically place kisses right where I know she likes it. She arches her perfect little ass into my already growing hard-on and in an instant I am the man of steel.

  Without turning my head, I look around the room to make sure no one is watching us. I chose the best location in the room. Our couch is on the back wall and everyone else is coupled up but with their backs to us. The guys picked an action movie with a little bit of romance weaved in for the ladies. With Andi’s awesome surround sound system, it sounds like we’re in a theater and it’s just as loud. I fucking love it.

  I both feel and hear her whimper a sexy little moan and I push into her from behind. My finger is tracing lazy circles on her silky smooth skin. I can’t fucking take it anymore – it’s been too long since I’ve held her. I’m not a fucking exhibitionist by any means. I don’t want anyone else seeing my girl like that. But I fucking need her so I’m determined to find a way to make this happen. She’s going to kill me but it’ll be so worth it.

  I slide my hand up to her hip bone and around to her plump little ass. I slip my hand into the back of her shorts and find that sweet spot between her legs. Her whole body tenses for a few seconds and I’m sure she’s wondering what I’m doing. Well, there’s no way she doubts what I’m doing – but she has to wonder if I’ve lost my fucking mind. Yes, yes, I have.

  I push one finger into her and find her already wet for me. Fuck! With my finger now soaked from the sweet nectar that is all Andi, I move it around her velvety folds, spreading her wetness. I can’t hold back the growl I let out in her ear and I feel the cold chills across her skin from it. There’s no denying her reaction to me – the way her body answers to me. She is mine, dammit!

  I hear a muffled gasp from her when I plunge one finger deep inside her and it spurs me on. I add a second finger and feel her inner walls clenching around my fingers. Her breathing is labored and she’s gripping the couch with one hand while the other has the blanket clenched at her mouth. She becomes more and more animated as my finger speed and forcefulness increases. I feel a sudden warmth of wetness flood my hand and I hear a muffled squeal come from the sexy vixen lying with me. But I’m not done with her yet.

  Pulling my hand free from between her legs, I push her thin cotton shorts out of the way and free myself from my cotton lounge pants. With the late hour and all the evening’s activities, it looks like everyone has fallen asleep watching the movie. I move one of my arms under her head while I position the head of my manhood at her wet entrance. Leaning in to her ear, I whisper to her, “Tell me we’re back together, Andi.” I slide my hand down her body, taking in each curve slowly, until I reach her swollen nub. She inhales a sharp hiss when I press my finger against it and softly give her the command again.

  “Andi, tell me you’re mine.”

  I nearly lose it like an unexperienced teen when her sexy whisper resounds in my ears.

  “Always,” she replies on a raspy exhale.

  I push into her velvety wetness and immediately have to hold still. This isn’t exactly how I wanted to make her mine again but I can’t fucking wait another second. Seeing her in that bathing suit earlier just about made me take her right then and there, but lying here beside her with only her fucking thin cotton pajama tank and shorts is more than I can be expected to take. After a few seconds of getting myself under control, I start moving slowly, in and out of her sweetness, while still applying pressure on her nub with my fingers.

  “Fuck, baby, you feel so good,” I whisper to her, barely audible, but I know she heard me. She arches her back a little more, giving me better access to her and I push in harder and deeper. Increasing the tempo, her inner walls squeeze me and I feel a shudder run through her body. I know she’s oh-so-close.

  “That’s right, baby,” I whisper to her. That’s all it takes for her to clench me harder as she peaks, stifling her moans into the blanket just clenched in her hand at her mouth, and her body milks me.

  Andi starts to get up but I tighten my arms around her and hold in her in place. I’m still buried deep inside her and I’m not ready to let her go yet. “I love you, baby, so damn much,” I repeat while placing kisses on her neck and shoulder. She whispers back, “I love you, too,” and I know without a doubt she means it. Reluctantly, I let go and give her time to get to the bathroom before I wake up the troops and send them off to the bedrooms.

  They’re adults – I let them figure out their sleeping arrangement. I can’t wait to be completely alone behind a closed, locked and barricaded door, with Andi. Unless Andi’s life is in danger, not one motherfucker is allowed to interrupt us until sometime tomorrow or it’ll be their head.


  I’ve lost my damn mind. It’s a delayed reaction from all those drugs the nurses pushed on me in the psychiatric hospital – a flashback or some shit like that. There’s no other explanation for why I just had sex with Luke, in my den, on my couch, with all of my friends in the room! But, in my defense, the thrill of possibly getting caught was fucking hot! I’m starting to think that Luke may be a bad influence on me. Now I just have to leave the safety of this bathroom, face my friends and pretend nothing happened. Piece of cake.

nbsp; Shit, I can’t do this.

  With my hand shaking, I grab the doorknob and slowly make my way back to the den. The den that is now empty and dark. I turn and find Luke walking towards me. He easily picks me up and I wrap my arms around his neck, softly placing kisses along his jawline. He effortlessly carries me up the stairs to my bedroom and deposits me on the bed. His big hand cups my cheek and I welcome the warmth of his touch by leaning my face into his hand.

  He bends to kiss me and at simultaneously grabs the hem of my pajama top. He slowly pulls it up to my chin and only breaks our kiss to remove it completely. He wraps his hands around my shoulders and gently coaxes me up. Bent at his knees, he slowly pulls my shorts down and I’m now standing completely naked in front of him.

  As he stands, my hands develop a mind of their own as they reach out to touch his bare chest and stomach. The muscles on his torso are so defined and beautiful, I can’t help myself. I run my fingertips over the lines and ridges of his muscles before reaching the waistband of his pajama pants. Lowering to my knees as I relieve him of his clothing, his impressive erection springs free and is conveniently positioned right in front of my face.

  The intensity in Luke’s eyes when I take him in my mouth is palpable. I maintain eye contact as I take my time lavishing attention on him. My tongue circles it twice before I drop to the base and lick my way back to the top. Then I open wide and take him in until he hits the back of my throat.

  I relax the back of my throat to take him a little deeper. He groans loudly as he grabs my hair in his fists on both sides of my head when I first hum then mimic swallowing, flexing and releasing my throat around him. He tries to stop me and I won’t let him go.

  His words come out clipped and strangled, “Baby…..stop or…oh God…I’m going to-,” and there it is. I’ve found the limit of his restraint as he releases in my mouth and I swallow it down. When I’m positive I’ve drained every last drop from him, I lean back to look at him and lick my lips. In the blink of an eye, I’m weightlessly flying through the air and onto the bed with Luke already hovered possessively above me.


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