Crazy Maybe

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Crazy Maybe Page 22

by Justice, A. D.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?” I ask softly, trying to not startle her. She doesn’t jump at the sound of my voice. In fact, she doesn’t move at all.

  “I left the gym early because of what’s going on with Shane. It’s my fault he’s about to lose his shot at the title fight,” she responds with no emotion in her voice. I start to object but she continues.

  “When I got home, I had a visitor waiting for me inside the house. It was Jackson. I knew he was behind what’s happening to Shane, but he admitted it.”

  I know she was still talking after she said Jackson was in her house, but my brain stopped comprehending the words when I pictured her being here alone with him.

  “He basically said I have to publicly take responsibility for everything or he will destroy everyone around me. Shane, you, your parents…..He knows his involvement will eventually be found out by the media – because he plans to run for the presidency.”

  “Back. Up.” It seems I’ve finally found my damn voice. “I don’t think I heard anything after you said Jackson was here.” I start pacing now to try to contain the adrenaline that’s coursing through my veins.

  I just thought I was tired after my workout today. Seems I have plenty of energy left to kick Jackson Rhoades’ ass all over Atlanta. I run my hands through my hair and groan in frustration. Just knowing he was here, in her house, waiting for her to get home. He could’ve done anything to her and I wouldn’t have been able to help her at all.

  “How the hell did he get in?” I bellowed. Not meaning to direct it at her, but my fear for her safety and my anger at Rhoades are getting the best of me.

  She calmly responds, “I don’t know how he got in. But he walked right out the front door when he left.”

  “Why are you so nonchalant about this?” I demand, still pacing and now pointing at her. I know I should calm the fuck down.

  “He’s desperate. He needs me to take the blame and cover for him. He thought he had this all figured out when he sent me to that psychiatric hospital but he didn’t. There’s something I’ve missed. Something obvious that I didn’t consider. Something big,” Andi continues speaking as if she’s simply reading off stock market values.

  She’s talking to me but she’s deep in thought, like she’s not really here with me. I think she’s been reliving everything that happened that night and trying to come up with the missing puzzle piece. I also think that reliving it has taken quite a toll on her.

  “I’ve gone over every detail of that night…and the whole time I lived with them before that night….and every detail of the time in that hospital…..and –,” she suddenly stopped talking and jumped up from the table.

  Her hands flew up in the air over her head as she yelled, “Oh. My. God. I’m such an idiot! Of course!”

  “I hate to be thick, but what are you talking about?”

  “I know exactly why he’s so desperate now. He made a comment about how I let the media get those pictures of me. He never considered that I would be all over the news and tabloids after inheriting my father’s business. When those pictures hit the news, the story was sensationalized even more. They will keep digging until they find out who the anonymous foster family was that took me in.”

  “Ok, but I still don’t get why he needs you so much. What did you figure out?”

  She gave me her mega-watt smile and she honestly looked so happy. Her excitement level just increased a hundred fold and she’s even making me believe there just may yet be hope. She’s pacing, her eyebrows are furrowed, but she has a determined glean to her eye. She’s not scared or in shock now – she’s sure she has figured it out and she’s working out a plan now.

  “I need to get everyone together, Luke. Shane, Mack, your parents, all our friends – everyone. This will impact them all and I need to make sure you all can handle the fallout – until Jackson is taken down for good. I want to explain everything to everyone at once and give everyone a chance to speak before I do anything.”

  I agree to call an emergency meeting. I feel like a damn idiot even saying that, like I’m some kind of fucking geek government official. But I promise to do it for her anyway. Everyone is coming over to Andi’s house within the hour and she’s back at the table feverishly making out a list.

  Soon everyone is gathered in the den where Andi has put out drinks and snacks. We’re all chatting and just generally mingling when Andi comes in the room. My parents are here, along with Brandon, Alicia, Greg, Christina, Tania, Katie, Shane, and Mack.

  “Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I had an unwelcome visitor when I got home today. Jackson Rhoades was waiting in my house for me.”

  After a collective gasp from the ladies and a few comments of rearranging his manhood from the guys, Andi told everyone the same story she had told me. She started with her parents’ death, then she described what happened the night she ended up in the psychiatric hospital, and everything else up to this point.

  “The reason I’ve asked you all here is so that you understand what is at risk with my plan. Jackson is a very powerful man with contacts and resources that we can’t match. He has threatened every one of you in an attempt to control me. He’s banking on me taking full responsibility for everything – for attacking him, but also for convincing the girls that he molested them, that it was all fabricated by me. That’s his plan and if I go along with it, he will win. He will always have something to hold over our heads and no one will ever believe the truth if I change my story later.

  My plan is to take the offer to go on the talk show and answer all their questions honestly. Once the truth hits the media, there’s a chance that the girls he molested will come forward. Maria would be old enough now to remember what happened and tell the media. There are others, too. But it all depends on if they’re willing to speak up or not.

  It’s a big gamble to put ourselves on the line like this. It could mean the end of Shane’s career. It could mean the end of Mack’s business and Sam and Linda’s business. And for everyone else, I don’t know what he will do, but I know he will find something to hurt you.

  I won’t do it if everyone isn’t onboard. And I will understand – no hard feelings, no questions, nothing. I just need everyone to consider what this could do to you and make up your own minds.”

  She sat and waited as everyone contemplated every possible scenario. Most everyone was quiet and it was hard to tell what they were thinking. I spoke up first.

  “I don’t care what he tries to take from me as long as it isn’t you, Andi. I’m with you. I will stand beside you regardless of the consequences and regardless if anyone comes forward to confirm what he did.”

  “But son,” my mom’s desperate plea is evident, “you don’t know what he’ll do to you and Andi. Or to us.”

  “That’s true, Linda,” Andi responds kindly, “It is crazy, maybe, to take him on like this. But I think of those little girls and what they had to endure, and it doesn’t seem so crazy anymore.”

  Mom was taken aback for a second. She hadn’t considered it from that angle and she immediately changed her tune. “I’m with you, too, Andi. You’re right – if those little girls could endure that monster, I certainly can, too.”

  Then Shane spoke up, “I’ll admit I had a moment of….selfishness….when all of this first hit. But I agree – I will stand with you, Andi. I want to see him brought down for what he’s done. I want to make him pay for what he’s done to those little girls, to all of us here, but most of all, for what he’s done to you. He’s tried to turn you into a victim for a long time and it’s time we put an end to it.”

  Everyone else chimes in with their agreement. We are now one unified family, standing together to weather the storm that is approaching. The storm we all know could have serious repercussions and implications on our lives and careers. But it’s the right thing to do and we’re going to stand together and see it done.



  I’m so nervous right no
w I’m biting my nails and pacing relentlessly. I know this is the right thing to do but I just don’t know what all the consequences will be. I can face the consequences for myself but I feel guilty that everyone else is suffering because of me.

  I just confirmed I will do the interview with the talk show host and they’ll start running the promo ads soon. The show is taped so it won’t actually air until about a week after the interview. The studio audience will also be allowed to ask me questions.

  The producer said if there are too many audience questions, they will edit some of it out of the final show. The “editing” process concerns me – especially if they edit some of my answers. I had a condition added to the contract that I have final approval for any editing of the questions and answers to make sure they don’t swap any around or cut out important parts of my answer to make it seem like something else.

  After everyone left the other night, I tried to convince Luke that this wouldn’t work and that it was a bad idea. He saw right through my fear and continued to be my rock, giving me strength at the very times I don’t think I can keep this up. I don’t want to let him down – his faith in me gives me determination.

  Shane hung back and we had a long talk about everything that’s going on around him. I wanted to make sure he was good with me answering questions about him. I’m sure they will come up. With all the tabloids and paparazzi running stories, also known as lies, about me since my birthday, they know that Shane and I are close. And he’s made it a point to have his picture taken with me on several occasions.

  He wants me to tell everything and leave nothing out. He reminded me of something I already knew - if it looks like I’m holding back on one thing then no one will believe anything I say. And it’s important that I’m believable so that Jackson’s real victims will feel safer in coming forward. Not to save me – but to save others who he may hurt in the future.

  Shane offered to come with me on the talk show. While a big part of me would love to have him there, I don’t want to make him a bigger target than he already is. So I will answer all the questions about anyone in my life and pray it all turns out well.

  I’ve decided on an awesome song for the competition in two weeks. I’ve started practicing and gathering my props. It’s going to be great and I can’t wait. The promos for the talk show will be running by the time I perform again and this time I hope it does bring more people into the club. I want this performance to be seen by everyone.

  Luke has been staying at my house pretty much all the time now. I think he still feels awkward with it even though I’ve tried to reassure him in every way I can think of. I’m sitting at the kitchen table enjoying an afternoon caramel macchiato when Luke comes in and surprises me.

  “Baby, is the offer to move in here with you still good?” He asks with his best smile but I see the vulnerability underneath the secure façade.

  I smile warmly and grab his hand, “Of course it is! Are you really going to give up your bachelor pad now?”

  Luke’s smile drops, his head tilts to the side and his eyes narrow in consideration of my question. “Bachelor pad? Did you really think that’s why I kept my apartment? To use it to run from us?”

  It suddenly hits me that his voice has a hurt and offended tone to it. I admit I am totally confused and feel like this is about to turn into an argument.

  “Isn’t that usually why men hold on to a separate apartment when they’re supposedly in a committed relationship?” I ask innocently.

  He considers my response and I realize that we both keep answering each other’s questions with another question.

  “Luke, it’s just that we’ve been together for a while now. You stay here much more than you do at your apartment. But you have never wanted to give it up, no matter how much I want you to be here with me. So, I just naturally thought that you weren’t quite ready to make that kind of commitment to me….to us. You haven’t been ready to give up your safe house.”

  I say this to him as non-confrontationally as possible. I’m really not trying to turn this into a big production. I am just really glad that he’s asking me about moving in and giving up his apartment. I love him so much and I can’t imagine my future without him in it. I don’t want to imagine that.

  He walks slowly towards me, still thinking and nodding his head as if in a private conversation with himself. I wait and watch him as he processes what I’ve said and considers his own response.

  “So you think I have commitment issues,” he finally states. It’s not a question.

  “I don’t know why this conversation is turning to this. I’m really glad you want to be here with me and that’s what I want. I just want to know that you’re sure about giving up your apartment.”

  “It’s not an unfair assumption. Even though I have had commitment issues in the past, that’s not why I’ve held onto it,” he takes a deep breath and turns his back to me as he looks out the back door.

  “Andi, I don’t feel like I have anything to offer you. You have more money than I could ever dream of making on my own. You have a big, nice home and I have a small apartment. I held onto it because I was afraid you would wake up and decide I’m not enough for you – not good enough, not successful enough – just not enough period.”

  My heart just broke into a million pieces.

  I walk up behind him, standing close enough to feel the heat radiate from his body, but I don’t touch him. I want him to feel my words right now.

  “I was given some great advice when I was young. I was told, ‘Once in a lifetime, you may find someone who can give you everything you’ve ever wanted. A man who can fulfill every desire, grant every wish, provide everything in the world and make every dream come true. Once in a lifetime, that person comes along and when you find him, you’d better hold onto him as tightly as you can.’

  His shoulders slumped slightly. I continued talking.

  “You’ve given me everything I’ve ever wanted, Luke. All the ways you love me is more important to me than any amount of money could ever be. You fulfill my every desire and you are the world to me. I never even imagined someone as wonderful as you would be in my life. You’ve more than made my dreams come true and what you provide me can’t be bought.

  Don’t ever feel like you’re not exactly what I want or need. And I don’t want to hear you put yourself down like that ever again. I don’t care about money or status or material things. That’s not what I’m about and you really should already know that. I love you, who you are and how you make me feel.”

  He turns to face me and his eyes are so full of love, I can feel it reaching out and touching me. He pulls me into his arms and thoroughly kisses me until I feel my legs melting out from underneath me.

  “I love you, Andi,” he repeats between kisses. “I’m taking you out tonight. Get all dressed up for me.” He smiles as he playfully swats me on the butt and walks off towards the bedroom.

  I’m so glad that potential argument was avoided, I don’t even question his demand to get dressed up. I’m just ready to spend some quality alone time with my man tonight! Off to the shower I go.


  We’re back in the same cozy restaurant where we first had dinner as friends. I can’t believe how much has happened in our time together. While there are things I wish I could go back and change, I wouldn’t trade one day with Andi for anything. I knew she was special the first time I saw her.

  I didn’t know she would mean more to me than anything I’ve ever wanted in my life. More than my education, more than my boxing career, and more than my family’s acceptance. She has shown me what true strength is and what real love is. I can’t breathe without her.

  “You look so beautiful tonight, you take my breath away. I am the luckiest man ever. I know I don’t deserve you, but I should warn you that I will never willingly let you go. I want you with me, Andi. Always.”

  She leans in and kisses me so gently, so sweetly, but it’s still enough to heat me to the core. She r
uns her soft hand along my jawline and her beautiful smile lights up her face. I hold her hand in mine and just try to take in, once again, that she is real.

  The words I’ve just told her are not just pretty words and they’re not spoken lightly. I’ve never been good at relationships and I’ve barely managed to hold this one together. But there is one thing I know without a shadow of a doubt – there is nothing that can keep me from her side. I would knock down the gates of hell without a second thought if that’s what it took.

  I never thought I would even consider marriage. I’ve never been interested enough in anyone I’ve dated before to make long term plans. There have been plenty who wanted to talk about taking me home for the holidays while it was still the middle of July. That was enough to make me run for the damn hills. But Andi doesn’t make me feel that way at all.

  With Andi, if she said she wanted to go to a deserted island with me at the end of next year, I’d make our reservations today and count down the days until I’d have her all to myself. She is everything I never knew I wanted, everything I never knew I needed, and more than I could ever ask for. She gets me, she believes in me and, my god, every way she loves me is unbelievable. Every cell in my body is drawn to her like a magnet is dawn to steel.

  The waiter is at our table delivering the bottle of champagne I pre-ordered. I wanted it to be a surprise for Andi and I can tell it definitely is. Her eyes widen as she looks at the champagne flutes being placed before us. She jumps and laughs when the waiter pops the cork and I can’t help but laugh with her.

  I hand her flute to her and pick mine up. “A toast.”

  “What are we toasting to?” She asks with a smile.

  “To you, Andi. Reclaiming your life, refusing to back down, and taking this stand to help others. You are an inspiration to me and you make me want to be a better man. I love you,” I clink my glass to hers.


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