Crazy Maybe

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Crazy Maybe Page 27

by Justice, A. D.

  The six ladies all exit the stage and I watch the bastard slowly lower his glass to the table and stand up. He’s looking at the backstage door so I slowly get up and make my way closer to the door. I want to be ready if he makes his way towards Andi or any of those young ladies who were so brave to come forward.

  Rhoades sees me and stops to stare at me for a minute or two. It’s an obvious showdown but there’s no way in hell he will beat me. He’s fucking lucky to still have his head attached to his body right now. The only reason I haven’t jerked him up is because I can’t protect Andi from a federal penitentiary. I cross my arms over my chest and grind my teeth from the firm set of my jaw.

  He must sense I’m teetering on a thin edge of sanity myself because he averts his eyes from mine and quickly makes his way to the exit. I know the war is far from over but I can’t help but feel good at the small battles we’ve won here tonight. The thought of what those young ladies went through at his hands makes me want to follow him out to the parking lot and drag him behind the building. Someone needs to show him what it’s like to feel helpless.

  Andi and the others all come filing out from the backstage area. She’s walking on cloud nine but I see her eyes dart around the room, looking for him and waiting for him to appear out of nowhere.

  “He left,” I lean in to tell her just before I kiss her cheek. “You were great, as usual, baby.”

  She smiles and puts her arms around my waist to hug me. “Thank you. And thank you for waiting here for me,” gesturing towards the backstage door.

  “Well, he was watching it pretty intently. I wasn’t about to let him get through it.”

  She nods in understanding and looks at the other girls. After a round of introductions, we’re all back at our usual table with Shane, Will, Brandon, Christina, Tania and Katie. I look around the table and realize how blessed I am to have such a great group of friends and family.

  I take Andi’s hand in mine and raise it to my mouth, kissing each of her knuckles softly. She was in midsentence conversation with someone when she looks at me, confusion etched in her beautiful face.

  “What was that for?”

  “Because I love you, Andi Morgan,” I answer.

  She doesn’t smile in response this time. In fact, she has a very serious look. She suddenly leans towards me and covers my mouth with hers, her free hand wraps around my neck and pulls me closer to her. Since she started it, I’m more than happy to oblige her, so I wrap my arms around her and hoist her over the chair and into my lap. Once she’s reseated, I put my hands on either side of her face as I kiss her back.

  “Get a room, already!” Someone from our table shouts. I’m pretty sure it was Brandon. He’s still a little jealous that Andi’s mine. Andi breaks our kiss and laughs while throwing a wadded up napkin in his general direction.

  “Dance with me,” I say as I incline my head towards the dance floor. She nods and we push through the throngs of people to the dance floor. It doesn’t matter if it’s a slow song or a fast song. All I want is to hold Andi in my arms – we move to the beat of our own music.


  What a great night! Tonight went far better than I thought it could. I have the hottest man on the planet, we’re getting married…um, eventually. I’ve been reacquainted with Maria and she doesn’t hate me, plus I’ve met several more courageous young women that I’m proud to call my friends.

  Luke is driving us home now and even this feels good. It feels right – holding his hand, seeing him raise my hand to his mouth and gently kiss it before he secures it back in his hand, and knowing that we’re going to our home. Home is where the heart is, they say. My heart belongs to this wonderful, sexy manly-man beside me. I don’t care where we live as long as I’m with him.

  Finally home, Luke goes inside first, as always, to make sure it’s safe for me to enter. It really is the small things that end up mattering the most. It is the small things that make up everyday life together. Even just the fact that he cares about my safety enough to enter the dark house first time after time melts me every time. Everything he does for me is out of love and I can’t imagine my life without him now.

  I follow him towards the kitchen and we purposely keep the lights low. It’s finally just the two of us again and I’m looking forward to it. Luke opens a bottle of wine and pours two glasses. He hands my glass to me and holds his up in a toast.

  “To my beautiful fiancé. The man I am today is because of you. Your strength, your gentleness. Your love, your fight. Your thoughtfulness, your boldness. I love every quality you possess, Andi, and you inspire me to be a better person. Every day.”

  We clink glasses as I wipe a tear away. Having someone to call my own still doesn’t feel real sometimes. I’ve been alone for so long. He starts to take a sip from his glass but I halt him with my hand on his arm.

  “Wait,” I say. He lowers his hand and keeps his eyes trained on mine. “I have something to say first.”

  “OK,” I hear the trepidation in his voice.

  “To my handsome and sexy fiancé,” and his face lights up in that gorgeous, panty-dropping smile that still gives me goose bumps. “You’ve given me more than I could’ve ever hoped for. You’ve been everything I’ve always needed and never had. You are my rock, my encouragement, and my protector. You’ve fulfilled dreams that I never let myself even consider. I love you, Luke, more than life itself.”

  We clink glasses again, drink to each other, and suddenly the wine glasses are crashing to the ground and we are in each other’s arms. I’m totally lost in this man’s arms, his masculine scent, the hard muscles in his body, until….

  “Well, now. Isn’t that just. So. Fucking. Sweet,” the male voice from the shadows mocks.

  Luke and I jerk apart and Luke automatically pushes me behind him, shielding me with his body and readying his for all-out war. I’ve seen him in this fighting stance before and it’s a balls-to-the-wall, take-no-prisoners stance. It would be a huge turn on if Jackson Rhoades wasn’t hiding in my kitchen right now.

  Jackson steps out into the light and lightly chuckles.

  “You know, I never knew you had it in you, Andi. To be so passionate. If I’d known, I’d –“

  “Rhoades, if you value your fucking tongue, you won’t finish that sentence. Or so help me God, you’ll choke on it when I rip it out of your mouth and shove it down your fucking throat,” Luke growls out as he takes a step closer to Jackson.

  Jackson may be an older man but he has been careful with his health and fitness. He obviously still works out and looks much younger than he is. He is still no match for Luke in a fair fight, but I don’t expect Jackson to fight fairly. I know Luke’s time as a street fighter will help him. I just don’t want to take any chances with his life.

  “What do you want Jack-,” my question is suddenly cut off when Jackson lunges at Luke.

  He throws a right jab and connects with Luke’s nose. Blood sprays out from the impact then runs down his face. If Jackson thought that would knock Luke off-kilter, he is sadly mistaken. It only serves to make Luke madder and more dangerous. Luke counterpunches with a right hook to Jackson’s jaw followed by a left uppercut to the chin. Jackson loses his balance and goes down with Luke quickly jumping on top of him to pound him into the ground.

  Jackson gains some leverage underneath Luke and they roll around in the floor, each getting close shots in on the other. Jackson is the first back to his feet in an attempt to flee but Luke isn’t finished with him. He hits Jackson with a right cross, his power punch, on Jackson’s left cheek, which spins him around. Just as Luke is about to hit him with a straight right and end the brawl, the sound of a revolver hammer clicking draws our attention.

  The wicked foster-bitch steps into the room and has her .22 magnum aimed at Luke. “That’s enough, Woods. Step away from him.” Then she looks at me.

  Luke steps away from Jackson and steps over in front of me, using his massive body to shield me from the gun aimed in our direction
. His left hand slowly reaches back to secure me behind him while he holds his right palm facing Delia Rhoades.

  “I’m really sorry to break up this little party,” Delia says mockingly, “but The Speaker and I have previous engagements we simply must attend to. Darling, if you’re ready to go?” She speaks as if she’s leaving early from the country club instead of the stark reality that she’s threatening to shoot us both in my own home.

  Jackson straightens his clothes and starts to back away when he says, “I don’t think I’m done with Andi yet, darling. It’ll be good for Luke to watch.”

  Delia thought it over for a second before conceding, “You always did have a crush on her. Just this once, then.”

  I stand gawking at her, completely speechless at her flippant attitude towards what her husband just said. And her response! Before I can even form an intelligent response, Jackson is striding towards me with an evil gleam in his eye and a wicked smile on his face. I intuitively take a couple of steps backwards.

  “Ah, Andi. I’ve waited for you for a long time now,” he drew out each word and each step, increasing the anticipation and anxiety as he approaches me.

  “Over my dead body, Rhoades,” Luke bellows.

  “That can easily be arranged,” Delia’s reply sounds completely uninterested. She levels her gun at Luke’s chest and put her finger on the trigger.

  I knew instantly from the satisfied look in her eye and the triumphant smirk on her face, she is going to kill Luke. My heart is about to pound completely out of my chest – my chest that is in a vice and it’s as if the life is being squeezed out of me.

  I can’t watch him be shot. I can’t watch him die!

  “Not yet, dear. I want him to see what I do to Andi. I want him to hear her scream over and over when I finally take her.” He looks pointedly at me, locking eyes and slightly lowering his head so that he’s looking at me through his eyebrows. “You sang to me tonight about ‘a real man.’ I’ll be more than glad to show you what a real man is.”

  Luke steps forward and Delia threatens him again, “I don’t have to kill you yet, Luke. I can merely wound you and still let Jackson have his fun. Move again and I’ll show you exactly what I mean. Don’t try me.”

  I see the rise and fall of his shoulders, signaling that he’s taken a deep breath. Luke doesn’t move as Jackson takes another step towards him and intentionally bumps his shoulder as he walks by. It’s an act of utter disrespect and it’s killing me that Luke has to take it. I know he’s trying to figure out a way to fight back without getting shot and leaving me alone with these two lunatics.

  Jackson is intent on me and it’s as if there’s no one else in the room. He’s licking his lips and rakes his eyes from my head to my feet, undressing me as he goes. It’s sickening and I would like nothing better than to snatch his eyes out of his head. With his next step, a shot rings out followed by a blood-curdling scream. After a second, I realize I am the one screaming and running towards Luke.

  There’s blood on his shirt and he’s lying on the floor. I drop to his side and start searching for the entrance wound. He grabs my hands as he sits up and I finally hear him speaking to me, “Andi! Andi – stop, baby! I’m ok – it’s not my blood. Rhoades knocked me down when he fell into me.”


  I look up just as Jackson and Delia are leaving through the back door. Jackson is leaning on Delia and blood is gushing out of his arm with every beat of his heart. I cut my eyes back at Luke, still confused, and he’s looking at something over my shoulder. He lowers his voice to an easy, soothing tone as he says, “You’re ok now. He’s gone. You can put the gun down.”

  What the hell is happening?

  I snap my head in the direction Luke’s looking and see a young girl, maybe sixteen years old, standing in the doorway. She’s still holding the gun and her finger is still on the trigger. Her eyes are wide, her skin is ashen, and she’s shaking uncontrollably. The adrenaline dump she just experienced is taking a toll on her body. The fact that she just shot someone is weighing heavily upon her now.

  Wait a second.

  “Kelly?” I say as I rise from the floor – very, very slowly. “Kelly, sweetheart, is that you?”

  She finally moves her eyes and looks at me. At first, it’s as if she’s looking through me. I’m not sure she’s really here with us until her eyes start to focus again.


  She chokes out, “Andi,” before sobbing and her knees fold under her.

  I rush to her side and catch her in my arms as we both crumble to the floor. She drops the gun beside us, buries her face in my chest and clings to me as tightly as she can. I’m in an extremely uncomfortable position, but I don’t dare move. I lightly stroke her hair and give her calm, soothing words.

  “You know her?” Luke asks.

  I nod, “This is Kelly. She was my little sister when I was in the house of horrors. She was only about six when they sent me off. She has to be about sixteen now.” I’m still holding her, much like I used to when she was younger, and gently rocking her back and forth.

  “Andi, he was going to hurt you,” Kelly whispers into my neck. “I had to stop him.”

  “Everything’s going to be ok, sweetheart,” I whisper back.

  Luke moves a little closer and Kelly jumps, drawing into me as if she’s scared to death of him.

  “Sweetheart, this is Luke. He’s my fiancé and he would never, ever hurt you. You can trust him. No one will ever hurt you again,” I vow to her.

  “It’s ok, Kelly. I will keep my distance if you want. I just want to talk to you. Is that ok?” Luke gently coaxes her.

  Kelly looks at me, I nod to let her know that it’s ok and she nods.

  “Thank you, Kelly. Can you tell us about tonight?” Luke asks. I keep rocking her and gently rubbing her hair.

  “He said he was going to hurt Andi. Delia said she would kill her. Jackson wanted to have his way with her. I had to stop him. Had to stop her,” Kelly’s rambling a little but I get the gist of what she’s trying to tell us.

  “Kelly, we need to call the police and report all this. But Luke and I will protect you. I won’t leave you. Do you understand?” I’m trying to be as reassuring as possible, but I’m highly cognizant of the fact that the door is unlocked and they could come back at any time. Jackson was injured but they’re both still alive. I don’t want to freak Kelly out by pointing this out to her though.

  She nods in understanding. She’s completely trusting me to take care of her just like she did when she was little and first came to the Rhoades’ house. Luke steps away to call the police. I vaguely hear him ask them to come without sirens. I’m sure he’s thinking of how it would impact Kelly in her current state.

  I am trying to come up with a strategy for taking care of Kelly when Luke walks back towards us. She doesn’t jump this time but she still keeps a wary eye on him. He squats down so he’s not lording over us. “The police are on their way. We have to answer some questions about what happened tonight. We won’t leave you, Kelly.”

  “That’s right, baby. We’re right here.” She nods and I notice her stronghold on me has lessened a little. “You saved us, didn’t you?” This earns me a tiny smile. I’ll take it, though.

  Luke looks at me, “They’re sending a female detective in to talk to us.” Relief floods through me. I didn’t even think of that but I can always count on Luke to take care of me.

  Hours later, we’ve answered Detective Burns’ questions over and over again. She asked the same question at different times and in several different ways. I know she’s testing our story for inconsistencies and she’s finally satisfied that she’s gotten the full story out of us. She puts out an APB for Jackson and Delia Rhoades, knowing he will more than likely visit a hospital or clinic somewhere between Atlanta and DC. Once he goes in for treatment, they’ll get him.

  Since Kelly is a minor and the news of the abuse that happened in that house is national news, Detective Burns didn�
�t take Kelly to the juvenile hall or call the Department of Family and Children Services. Her reasoning was there is no body and no definite proof, yet, that Kelly actually shot him.

  She discharged a firearm but until she has a bullet in hand that matches the ballistics from the gun Kelly had, there is no crime. Also, if there was a bullet wound, Delia could have just as easily been the shooter. Detective Burns also stationed a couple of units outside my house and they will make frequent rounds to check the entire perimeter of the house.

  I really like Detective Burns.

  I convince Kelly to stay with Luke and me for the night, or what’s left of it now, and I get her settled into the bed after she had a long, hot shower. By the time I tucked her in, she seemed much calmer than before. She hugged me tightly but it was more of a thankful, reunion hug rather than the end-of-my-life squeeze she gave me earlier. I kissed her forehead and told her to sleep soundly because she’s safe now. She was sound asleep within a minute of closing her eyes.

  Luke and I sat up until sunrise, talking over all the events of the night and what will happen next. It’s concerning that they still haven’t found Jackson and Delia. He probably used a private physician to treat his wounds so he wouldn’t be reported to the authorities. We can’t live the rest of our lives looking over our shoulders. I want this to be over. It’s really all so…..anti-climactic.



  “Luke, Andi, come out back!” My dad yells from the backyard. We make our way through the kitchen and head out the back door to Mom’s backyard haven. Everyone is gathered around the fire pit, roasting marshmallows and hot dogs. Mom and Kelly just brought out more food.

  As soon as Kelly puts the food on the table, she bounds over to Andi and throws her arms around her neck. Andi laughs and grabs her up. Kelly is very little for a sixteen-year-old and sometimes we all treat her like she’s much younger. Sometimes it makes her mad, but usually she eats it up, like she’s doing now when Andi is fawning over her.


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