Dark Secret

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Dark Secret Page 8

by Summer Cooper

  I came all over again, all over Dylan’s face, and he’d just held on for the ride.


  I took Stephanie back to the bed and breakfast after that. She’d come so hard, over and over again, that she’d been too tired for anything more. We’d had an early flight, a lot of walking, and she’d worn herself out. Well, the man next door and I had finished her off, actually.

  She’d wanted to crawl up on the bed and go to sleep, but I wouldn’t let her. I’d pulled her into a reception area that Celia had in the front of the house and asked the staff member there to call a car for us.

  “Dylan, you didn’t…” she started to say but didn’t finish.

  “It’s okay, babe. Tomorrow.” I didn’t even realize I’d called her that until she looked at me funny. “What?”

  “Nothing, you’ve just never called me babe, before.” She’d curled up against my side on the bench we were on and hummed happily.

  The couple from the room next door came out, both fully dressed, and the man gave me a smile. I’d nodded back, in control all over again. I wasn’t sure I’d ever let either one anywhere near Stephanie, but it had all been fun to fantasize about with her.

  They’d asked for a car of their own, and then the man came to me. “Pardon me. I don’t mean to be rude, but if you two are interested, we’d love to take you out to dinner sometime.”

  I’d looked at the card he’d held out and took it from him. Stephanie sat up beside me, but she’d clutched at my waist.

  “We’re only here for a couple of days but may be back soon. We might just give you a call.” I took his card and put it in my pocket. I’d talk to her about it later, when she’d let the idea sink in a little bit more; after I’d decided whether I could let another man actually touch her without killing the guy.

  It was nice to be polite in Celia’s, though, and the man hadn’t been rude, so I’d stayed cool. It was up to Stephanie anyway. Everything was when it came to that kind of thing. She was new to all of this, and I didn’t want to scare her away from anything. I’d wanted to let her find her own boundaries, not force her to submit to ones I’d imposed on her.

  Which was kind of odd, I’d thought as the man walked away to sit on the other side of the room with his partner. I’d wanted a sub, a woman to make my own, and Stephanie had offered me an opportunity to mold a woman into exactly what I’d wanted. She’d been a virgin, completely new to all of this, and instead of bending her to my will, I was letting her bend me.

  She’d started to open my own mind about what life was about, and maybe that wasn’t a good thing, but it was happening. I didn’t want to fall in love and have a family, but a relationship didn’t seem as disgusting as it used to. I’d already spent far more time with her than I ever had any sex partner before, and now, here I was, taking a card from a very polite stranger who had offered dinner. I knew that offer came with a lot more behind it than a night of food.

  He’d been suave about it, at least. I could appreciate the balls it took to walk up to me.

  I didn’t think we’d ever make it to that point, only if Stephanie would want it. Well, we’d cross that bridge if we came to it. I’d looked over at her, and she’d gave me this cheeky grin that I had to turn away from. I would have laughed out loud if I hadn’t. She looked so cute, so self-satisfied, that it had made me want to break out with laughter.

  I’d looked back, and the grin had grown. “Fuck, you’re an evil little minx. Stop that.”

  I’d said it quietly, near her ear, and she’d just winked at me. The little minx winked at me!

  “You said he wanted me. You were right.”

  “So I was.”

  The conversation was interrupted by the driver of the car coming in to lead us out to the car. Stephanie’s mask was still in place, but I took her leash off and gave it to the person at the reception desk. We’d left and didn’t look back, although, I had a feeling Stephanie had wanted to.

  I wouldn’t have minded staying longer, but my woman needed some sleep, so sleep she would get. We’d got back to the bed and breakfast around 1 am, and I’d used the key given to us by the owner to slip in quietly. Stephanie took a shower and slid into a cute little flannel nightgown. By the time I came out of the shower she was asleep.

  I’d tucked in behind her and pulled her to me. She didn’t wake up, but she did push her ass into me, which caused a small problem. Ha! Make that a big problem, I’d thought as my dick grew hard as a rock. I’d decided to wake her up in the morning and get some relief. Then, I’d take her down to Jackson Square and somewhere else. Somewhere not sexy, I’d decided, as I’d tried to get my erection to go down.

  To the graveyards, and maybe to the church. Perhaps we’d go to a fortune teller or somewhere, but then I fell asleep and didn’t finish the thought.

  I WOKE up with the smell of her hair in my nose, but her head wasn’t anywhere near my nose. Somehow, she’d slid down in the bed and her mouth was now over my dick. God it was so wet, so hot.

  “Mm, Stephanie. Don’t stop.” My words were lazy but pleased. I’d let my fingers tangle in her silky hair as she’d sucked at my cock, just the way I’d taught her. She’d become rather good at it, almost too good. “Slow down, I want to enjoy it a little longer.”

  She did as I’d instructed and I’d patted her head. I’d felt her fingers grasp at me as she’d pulled her lips away from me. “Good morning, sir.”

  “Good morning, pet. Now go back to sucking my dick.”

  I heard a soft chuckle, and then my eager little sub went down on me all over again.

  I’d let my hand reach out until I found her ass, and I'd slid my hand down between her thighs. She was rather pale, but I’d liked her that way. My hand slid down her silky thigh and found dampness well before I’d reached her center. She was soaking wet and ready for my fingers.

  “What were you dreaming about that got you so hot, Stephanie?” Which was a stupid thing to do because she had to let my dick go to answer me.

  “That man last night, and his woman. They were hot.” She went right back after her quick, unembellished answer.

  Mm, my little sex fiend had a sex dream, did she? I’d wanted to know more about it, so I’d pulled her off of my dick and pulled her around to straddle me, with her face right above mine. “Tell me.”

  “I, mmm, wait.” She’d stopped talking as she’d sank down onto me and shifted around to find just the right spot. When she’d found it, she sighed and started to rock on me. “I was with all of you, in this big ole bed.”

  I had to agree, this was a big bed. I looked around the room, decorated in white and noted for the first time just how much white there was. White walls, white furniture in the form of a wicker chair and a painted white cabinet. Even the end tables were white, as was the small desk in one corner. Everything was white. I took notice of all this because I was trying to distract myself.

  Stephanie’s tight, wet pussy straight after her mouth, was always too much to take. I’d have come right away if I didn’t distract myself. Maybe it had been stupid to ask her about her dream, because now that her mouth was free she’d elaborated on it.

  “I was taking turns with you. He’d fuck me, and then you would, and then you’d fuck her, and then he’d fuck me, and it was just this sort of, well, train, I guess. I don’t know, but it was all night long, and when I woke up, I had to taste you. I had to have you, so I thought that would be the best way to wake you up.”

  “Mm, yes, so it was.” I pulled her down and sucked at a nipple until it was hard and stiff, then did the same to the other one. I felt her walls clench around me, and let my right hand fall down to where her slick body joined mine. I found her clit swiftly, and started a pace that would have her in space in no time.

  I watched her, and that made it hard to stay in control all over again. She gave herself up completely when she fucked; there was no part of herself that she held back, and it made the whole thing even more erotic. Watching women get off had
always been a thing for me. Some men like to watch women’s asses move, or their breasts; they liked to watch other men getting off on women, for some reason I’d never quite understood, but for me, it had been watching women get off.

  Stephanie did it beautifully. The way her face softened, every squint of her eyes, and the way she parted her lips was a work of art that burned into my brain. Watching a woman come was amazing, but Stephanie made it more than that. She made it an experience that you couldn’t resist.

  Even now, just watching her expressions as she moved on me, and fuck, she moved just, was something to watch. She pushed herself up as she grew closer to that final moment, and I watched her breasts dance for a moment. Now that was beautiful, I wouldn’t deny that. I glanced down to watch her slim waist move and saw the place where we were joined. That was something else, incredible, but her face always drew my eyes. Even when I could watch myself slide into her, I’d still rather watch her face.

  She gave a gasp, the right kind of gasp, the kind that said I wouldn’t have to hold on for much longer, and I pressed into her clit just a little harder. Just enough to make it more enjoyable for her, to change it just enough, and she arched her back on me. Mmm, I thought, as her tight nipples pushed into the air, now that was a beautiful picture.

  I pulled her down to me, to watch her face as she came apart on top of me. I couldn’t hold back anymore, not when her open mouth hissed out a breath of a scream. She was trying to hold back because we were in the bed and breakfast. Still, her face said it all, and when she squeezed around me one last time, I let myself go.

  I held her to me, tight, so close, and let myself empty into her. I breathed in her smell, and it took me to a brand new place, one that only she could take me to.

  She slumped down on me, and I held her in my arms. We shivered together for a moment, and then we were both still. It was done now, but we both knew the passion, the need for each other, was never far away. I kissed her softly on the back of her head and just held her.

  This was something else that I’d only ever done with her. Only she had ever made it feel good. Like it was the right thing to do. Her legs were still straddled over me, but her torso clung to mine, her arms were around my neck, and I knew this closeness was something else she craved. I knew that because I did too.

  “God, you feel so good, Stephanie.” I turned her over and looked down into those fascinating gray eyes of her. They held so many secrets, but so much delight.

  “You feel good, too, Dylan.” She smiled a happy smile. “I need to go to the bathroom. Let me up.”

  We both laughed, and she got up to put on a robe. The sun was just breaking into day, and it was early. Good. We had all day to traipse around New Orleans then. We ate breakfast with the owner. Hot buttermilk biscuits with sausage gravy, bacon, and eggs, all made by the owner. Served with a cup of coffee and a glass of orange juice, it was the perfect breakfast to keep us going on another day of walking.

  She gave us some advice on places to visit, and it wasn’t long before we were out all over again. Around an hour later we stopped on a park bench and sat under a huge old oak tree. We watched people going back and forth, and a man came by selling balloons. I got him to come over and bought two pink balloons from him and gave them to Stephanie.

  “What are these for?” she asked with a laugh.

  “I don’t know, I just wanted to buy you something silly.” I pushed her hair back from her face and looked into her eyes. “I’m really glad we came down here.”

  “I am too. It’s been so incredible.” She looked out at the scene around us and smiled. People walked all over the place, cars drove by, and voices from all over the country could be heard. Some even sounded like maybe they weren’t from America. People from all over the world came here.

  I’d been here before, but I’d always been alone. It was a totally different place when you were with someone who mattered. I backed away from that thought because I didn’t want to examine how much Stephanie meant to me. Not right now.

  “Come on, let’s go look at that shop with the weird dolls. Those things looked scary.”

  “Oh my God, if you want to, but yeah, those things are scary.” She stood with me, and we left the bench, headed toward the other street. I really wanted to get her away from the jewelry store, because as I’d sat there, I’d started to notice the engagement rings and wedding bands in the window. What was worse was, I’d wanted to go in and buy Stephanie a ring. That was scarier than any doll had ever thought about being.


  I thought this man of mine might need therapy. Probably a thought that many women had before I ever came along. Countless women throughout generations had probably had the same idea that their man needed help that they couldn’t give them.

  Mine wasn’t bad. He wasn’t mean, or evil, he didn’t brutalize me, and leave me doubting myself. He didn’t dominate me and make me feel like property, but he did leave me feeling hurt when he talked about contracts. He’d brought it up again the night before. We had four days left before I either had to agree to a contract or face heartache all over again.

  LIFE HAD BECOME good since we’d come back from New Orleans. Something had really changed down there. Dylan mostly, I thought. He was sweeter, the way he made love to me was softer, and even when he took me to his special room; he was gentler and focused only on my pleasure.

  He was a softer man, to me at least, and it was melting my heart. When he came home from a day out, or even if he’d only gone for some shopping, he’d always bring me something back with him. A box of chocolates from a shop he’d found, or a trinket of some kind. He’d brought me a dress from an antique shop he’d come across one day, a rather breathtaking black velvet dress that was a timeless masterpiece. I didn’t know when I’d wear it, but I’d wear it for him if an occasion didn’t come along.

  He’d suddenly turned into a boyfriend, and that made me nervous. He’d mentioned the contracts again last night. I’d pretended to be asleep, but I’d heard what he’d said.

  “I’ll take you back to New Orleans in a couple of weeks. We’ll have a contract then, and maybe we’ll have to amend it a little. If you’ve thought about that couples’ offer.”

  When I didn’t answer, he turned his light off and curled around me. I couldn’t avoid it for long, though, and I knew it. We were both in trouble now. I knew why he’d wanted a contract now. Or I thought I did. I’d been willing to sign a new one, when I came to him, but he’d accepted my offer.

  Now, I just wanted to avoid the whole conversation. I knew why he’d wanted it, that didn’t mean I liked it. I didn’t like it at all. The problem was, I seemed to be the only one who didn’t understand why it wasn’t a big deal.

  Even Roxie had started to get a bit ticked off with me about it. “Just sign the damn thing and be done, Emily.”

  That was what she’d said later that day, when we’d met for lunch.

  “Get over your fears and sign the contract. You’re his sub, you do get that, right?”

  “That’s it though, I don’t think I am. Not anymore. I think I’m something different. Oh, I’ll get down on my knees and do what he asks when it comes to sex, but outside of that, there isn’t much domination going on.”

  “Really?” She was curious, I couldn’t fault her for that. Dylan was an anomaly. A dominant who had veered into a boyfriend. The fact that we’d met at the club made our relationship odd too. Then there was the fact that he still had no clue who I was.

  “Really.” Not that I was complaining about it, I was just being honest. “He doesn’t seem to be anything like I had imagined he would be.”

  Oh, he could still be dominant during sex, and he was always an Alpha, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t also caring, kind, and even gentle at times. I sighed heavily and looked away. I saw Jesse, my sister-in-law, heading into a restaurant across from the one we were at, and tensed up.

  “What’s wrong?” Roxie looked around, ready to beat down whoever ha
d upset me.

  “Nothing, just my sister-in-law. I was worried Trent would be with her.”

  “No change on that front either, then, huh?” She looked at me with sympathy, but I brushed it aside with a smile.

  “No, it’s probably for the best. There’s no way I’d give up Dylan now.” Although, I did wonder if Jesse had seen me and pretended she hadn’t, or if she really hadn’t seen me at all. She used to be my best friend.

  Another deep sigh and I finished my tea. “Let’s go get our nails done, my lovely friend. I can’t sit here anymore.”

  We’d finished our lunch and had agreed to go together to get the chore over with. I chose a pale pink with glitter that looked as if it was suspended in glass over top, after the gel was set and polished up with a topcoat. Roxie chose an emerald green and much longer nails.

  “What are you doing with your free time now, Em?” she asked as we walked to a coffee shop for one final chat.

  “I’m writing a book. A children’s story, actually.” It was something I’d started when we came back from New Orleans, and I’d watched a small boy playing with a puppy. The boy had reminded me of my nephews and had made me miss them. I’d found that writing a story for them helped ease the pain of not seeing them.

  “Oh that sounds fun!” She looked at me with excitement. I thought she’d been teasing me, but she wasn’t.

  “It’s interesting. I have a whole series planned, and I’m trying to decide whether to make it for small children or for bigger children reading longer stories, without pictures. If I’m going to make it for young children, it will need pictures, and I’ll have to find an artist.” I carried on for a little while longer, and Roxie encouraged me to keep the project up.

  Which was another reason I really loved that woman. She’d always encouraged me to reach for my happiness, and she’d helped me get that in more ways than one. I’d thought about that as I finally drove away and headed to Dylan’s place. She’d told me to just sign the contract. I knew I should, but something irked me about it.


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