The Bond That Ties Us

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The Bond That Ties Us Page 2

by Christine d'Abo

  They both jumped at the sound of the deep male voice behind them.

  “Is there a problem here?” The Briel had directed the question to both of them, but he was staring at Haylie. “I thought you beckoned me over.”

  Haylie had the strange impression he wasn’t referring to her hands.

  Without missing a beat, Sara nodded to the man. “No problem. My friend is just getting over a little space sickness.”

  She shouldn’t stare, but he was so near. He was much more striking close up. The angles of his face reminded her of a Roman aristocrat from the pages of Earth history. The centers of his eyes were as black as his hair, circled by a thin rim of silver. His body, man, he was a solid wall. The form-fitting tunic snugly covered his chest, leaving little to the imagination. Did Briel have to exercise to look like that or was it natural?

  His gaze was fixed firmly upon her. Her body tingled where his eyes touched. Her cheeks, her neck, her breasts. She sighed as he lingered there. She moaned and the sound of her voice broke the moment.

  Haylie felt the sensation leave her breasts and return to her face. She opened her eyes that she hadn’t realized were closed. So he was the reason for her arousal? That little tidbit wasn’t mentioned during the information session for the colony relocation.

  “Do you need a physician?” His voice was full of concern.

  Haylie couldn’t look away from his silver-rimmed eyes. Her body throbbed, aching for him to reach out and touch her. She watched him sway forward ever so slightly before he managed to pull himself back. Sara appeared completely oblivious to the little drama playing out in front of her.

  “I’m a doctor and I don’t think her condition is serious. We’ll hop back in the line in a minute,” Sara said in a voice that was far too cheery.

  He acknowledged Sara with a nod, but his eyes were fixed on Haylie. “Please do. They are almost finished processing the new settlers.”

  “I’ll be fine in a minute.” Haylie smiled to cover her distress.

  The man nodded slowly, his lips turning down slightly in a frown. His eyes probed Haylie, inspecting her for—something. She’d never felt so vulnerable. Her back braced against a bulkhead in a shuttle station on a foreign planet, horny as hell, being given the once-over by an alien. Life was not ordinary on this colony.

  “Please let me know if you require any assistance. I’m Kamran.”

  Relief loosened the knots that had formed in her neck as his name etched firmly in her mind. “Thank you, Kamran. I’m sure I’ll be fine in a few minutes.”

  Sara waited until he’d moved a few paces away before speaking. “Wow. I knew the Briel were a large race, but wow.”

  A chill ran though Haylie as Kamran turned back to stare right at her. The intensity of his eyes held her attention. He knew. He knew she was horny and it was because of him. But how the hell did she know that?

  The world around her faded as he became her focus. He looked as confused as she, but nowhere near as disturbed. Maybe Briel didn’t get aroused like humans did. Haylie smiled again and hoped he only felt pity for the poor human.

  “Ambassador?” Someone called from behind.

  Ambassador? Her face warmed, knowing she’d blushed when Sara pressed her hand against her forehead. Why would an ambassador be interested in her? A human joined him and spoke. Still, he didn’t take his eyes off her. They stayed like that forever. Or was it only a minute? She wasn’t sure anymore.

  When the human touched his arm, the spell was broken. He turned his eyes away to speak to his companion and she was able to breathe again. Her body relaxed enough that her impending orgasm began to ebb away. If only he’d been able to touch me.

  “I know you’re not going to believe me, but I think I’m okay now,” Haylie said with as much confidence as she could muster.

  Sara looked her straight in the eyes, “You’re right, I don’t believe you. I have never seen you get horny to the point where you can’t breathe for absolutely no reason. It’s not normal.”

  “You’re not going to make this an official report are you?”

  “You know I’m obligated to put this in your files. What if it persists?”

  “It won’t. Please, nothing in my records. You went through the physical requirements too. You know they’ll send me home in a heartbeat if they think there’s something wrong.”

  “If you’re sick, you need to get to med bay. I can’t treat you here.”

  “Sara Fergus, I mean it. Not a word to anyone.” Haylie stared her friend down, until Sara looked away.

  “All right. But promise me, that if this happens again, you’ll at least tell me.”

  “I promise. Now, I think we should get in that line. The sooner we can pass through customs, the sooner I can change my underwear.” Haylie chuckled.

  “You know. If this does keep happening to you, it may not be that bad.” A devilish smirk slid onto Sara’s face.

  Haylie felt like she was twelve again, her co-conspirator firmly at her side. Things wouldn’t be bad as long as they stuck together.

  “You’d just get jealous and leave the station. ‘Why does Haylie get to have the walking orgasms?’”

  The two women laughed and Haylie rose slowly to her feet with Sara’s assistance. Taking their place at the back of the line, Haylie hoped this really was an isolated occurrence. She wouldn’t have been able to take care of a raging sex drive back on Earth or Luna. Now that she was on a colony with a limited number of men available, she’d be dead in the water. The men she’d dated in the past claimed she was too overbearing. And it’s not like she would be allowed to date a Briel. That was one thing they’d made clear in the information sessions.

  Sara brushed a stubborn lock of blonde hair away from her eyes and nodded her head in the direction of Kamran. “Man, I can’t get over the size of that one.”

  Haylie didn’t need to see Kamran to be aware of him. She felt his movements, like sunlight over skin. Every inch of her body hummed in time with the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. When she did look, her breath slowly left her lungs, one air molecule at a time. He was staring at her again, an unreadable expression on his face. They were closer now than earlier. She swayed slightly toward him this time, the pull of his body almost unbearable.

  “May I see your travel identification, please?”

  The voice of the human official jolted Haylie, her eyes still fixed on Kamran. How did they get to the front of the line so fast?

  “Ambassador, we will be ready to begin shortly.”

  Haylie’s gaze flicked to the human who spoke. He seemed vaguely familiar, but, for once in her life, she couldn’t pull his picture or personnel file from memory.

  “Thank you, Administrator. I want to begin the debriefing soon. I will wait for you inside,” Kamran said. Even though he spoke to the administrator, Haylie knew he meant the last for her.

  “Everything appears to be in order, Chief. I need you to stand still while the scanner collects a sample of DNA and checks you for unauthorized weapons.”

  Haylie nodded and waited as the scanning beam silently passed over her body, bathing her in a dark blue hue. She should have been impressed by the scanning device, which clearly wasn’t of human origin. It was too sleek and elegant, an almost organic design. A far cry from the bulky Earth designs. At that moment, the security tool was the last thing on her mind. She really wanted to see the ambassador naked.

  “That’s it—you’re all clear. The system now has your DNA on file and keyed into the system. Welcome to the colony.”

  The security guard shoved the papers into Haylie’s hands and Sara dragged her through the anti-bacterial scanner to the other side.

  “Come on, Chief. I think you need to rest after the cryo sleep,” Sara said dramatically.

  “Yes, that silly space sickness.” Haylie threw a thank you over her shoulder for the official as Sara led her away.

  Her body felt awkward and foreign to her as she tried to navigate through the small space
provided amongst the device, the people and the bags. Haylie stumbled and tripped trying to skirt around her own baggage, and blindly she reached out to grab the nearest object. Her eyes flew open at the electric touch that greeted her hand—generated by another person. She looked into the shocked face of Kamran. His eyes were wide and Haylie could see his pulse beating in his neck.

  Strange images flooded her head. People, places, conversations she’d never had were being stuffed into nooks and crannies of her mind. The room around her began to spin, colors that weren’t present bled into her vision. Smells that were strange yet surprisingly familiar assaulted her senses.

  As quickly as the sensation was there, it was broken when Sara pulled Haylie’s hand away.

  “Are you okay, Haylie? Ambassador?” Sara didn’t release Haylie, her grip vise-like.

  Haylie found herself staring at him a moment longer than she should, before Kamran finally gave his head a sharp shake.

  “I’m fine. You should let your friend take you to med bay. Space travel can make some humans quite ill.” The ambassador tried to keep his tone light and smiled at her.

  She tried, but Haylie’s voice didn’t work. She nodded her agreement. Thankfully, Sara spoke up again.

  “That’s our first stop after induction.”

  Kamran hesitated, but then turned and made his way down the hall with the administrator. Haylie kept her eyes on him as Sara led her to where the rest of the new colonists stood. They were quite a distance behind him, but Haylie could still feel where he’d touched her, smell his scent as if he were with her now.

  They entered a vast room bright enough to make Haylie cringe. The chairs were large, the white plastic smooth and shiny under the LED light strips. Haylie flopped thankfully into the cool seat and let the tension in her body relax for a moment. She still sensed Kamran’s presence, even though she couldn’t see him any longer. He was waiting impatiently in the outer hallway. She didn’t know how she knew, but she was right. When she closed her eyes, she pictured him pacing back and forth.

  “Now I know what gerbils feel like in a pet maze.” Sara didn’t try to lower her tone and her comment elicited several snickers from around them. But not from Haylie. She couldn’t focus on anyone or anything but Kamran.

  A hush descended on the room as Kamran and the administrator entered and made their way along the front of the room. Kamran’s gaze quickly homed in on Haylie, which sent a wicked thrill through her. His face tightened and he averted his glance.

  The administrator moved to take his place behind the podium. “Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to colony XT7799. Those of us who have come to love it here have chosen a more appropriate name, Eurus, for only the Greek god of the East Wind could create the powerful sand storms that are generated on the planet’s surface.”

  The crowd broke out in applause, though she doubted it was because they had an appreciation for ancient mythology. But being the first colonists in over a year was very special indeed. If she could get a handle on her raging hormones, she’d be able to appreciate it too.

  “My name is Sean Donaldson and I am the administrator of this colony. While it is true that we are an outpost sponsored by Earth, we live by our own rules and have developed several of our own laws.”

  Haylie tried to concentrate on Donaldson as he reviewed the history of the colony, the successes and disasters that the first people of the planet had to endure. She desperately wanted to pay attention to the rules and regulations of the colony. Even more so to the background of how the Briel began to help the humans on this world establish their home.

  But she couldn’t.

  Every thought, every glance, every cell in her body demanded that she see only Kamran. Her attention was so fixated she almost missed it when Donaldson introduced him to the crowd.

  “Without further ado, I would like to introduce the Briel representative of the Elder Council on our little world. Please welcome Ambassador Kamran.”

  Ambassador Kamran. Haylie watched. She watched Kamran swallow strongly as if to clear away a blockage in his throat. She watched him push his body up from the chair as if the effort were too much for him. Finally, she watched him try to avoid making eye contact with her as he attempted to speak.

  “Thank you, Administrator Donaldson. I realize that you colonists have traveled for quite some time and would like to rest. So, I will keep my comments brief.”

  Haylie felt the pull of his body and it took great effort to sit still. She didn’t think anyone would appreciate her rushing the podium and tearing his clothing off. Or maybe they would. She didn’t know what passed for entertainment on the colony yet.

  “The Briel people respect humanity and all you have accomplished in your few hundred years amongst the stars. Our purpose on this colony is to help you establish yourselves within the larger community of the universe. This is the farthest into the galaxy humans have ventured and we hope your people will continue to grow and expand to many additional worlds. We are here by the invitation of your government and of Administrator Donaldson. If there is anything my people can help you with as you begin your new life, please let me know.”

  His words were smooth, confident. His voice made her insides quiver, making her wish she could be alone with him for five minutes to relieve her growing desire.

  Haylie felt his gaze on her skin. Tentative at first, she shivered at his contact against her neck. He caressed her collarbone lightly and dipped for a moment to touch the hollow of her throat. He shook his head. She realized it may have been Kamran’s thoughts but it was her hand that caressed her skin. In the last hour, they’d formed a connection.

  And from the look on his face, he knew it too.

  Chapter Two

  The hiss of the closing hydraulic door echoed in their temporarily assigned room. A quick look around the single room told her she wouldn’t be able to find any place to hide. She knew the single hallway led to a small shower room and storage closet. Any attempt to hide in there wouldn’t go over well.

  The door hissed open again and Haylie heard Sara groan. Figures, she wouldn’t be impressed with this place. They didn’t even have a window, being stuck in the inner block of rooms in the living quarters. She would have loved a chance to see the alien stars at night.

  Keeping her back to Sara, Haylie needed a moment to compose her thoughts before the inevitable barrage of questions. Perhaps if she unpacked, Sara would leave her in peace for a few minutes. Just long enough for me to figure out what the hell is going on.

  “Okay, Bond. What’s the matter with you?”


  “I wonder when they will be finished with our permanent rooms? I mean, I love you and all, but you’re a slob.”


  “I know they’re still finishing the final touches on the new wing, but that shouldn’t take any longer than a month according to the reports I’ve read. I mean they only have to brave hurricane-force winds to get it done. Easy enough.” Haylie tried to keep her tone light in the hopes of dissuading Sara of her interrogation. She wasn’t ready for this conversation. Doubtful she ever would be, considering the topic.

  “You can try and avoid the question all you want. I’m not going anywhere until you give me an answer.”

  Haylie heard a familiar rustle of clothing and she knew Sara’s arms were now crossed in defiance. She sighed as she turned around to face her inquisitor. “Sara, I honestly have no idea.”

  “That’s crap. I’ve known you far too long to believe that you haven’t at least formulated some sort of theory. So, let’s hear it.” Sara tossed her travel bag into the back left corner of the room and plopped down upon the firm mattress of the bed closest to the door.

  Never the easy road when it comes to dealing with Sara.

  “I take it you’re laying claim to that one?” Haylie wagged her finger in the direction of the bed while she slowly sank down upon her own.

  “Yes, I am, and you’re changing the subject. Again.�
� Sara frowned. “What’s going on?”

  Haylie fell back against the bed. She closed her eyes and feigned disinterest. Every thought in her head for the past two hours had been fixed on Kamran. But she didn’t understand what was going on and when that happened she preferred to keep her mouth shut. There was no way to explain it to Sara in realistic terms, anyway.

  “Do we have to do this now?”


  “I think, well, I mean. Shit.” She took a deep breath and forced the words. “Okay, I think that the reason I got so horny was because of the Briel ambassador.”

  “The ambassador? Why?”

  At least from Sara’s tone, Haylie knew she wasn’t about to jump up and call the psychiatry experts or whatever the Eurus equivalent was.

  “It’s really hard to explain.”

  Haylie rolled onto her side, resting her head on her arm. When she opened her eyes, she didn’t focus on anything in particular. She could still picture his face. Not the vague recollection of feelings and impressions, but a crystal-clear image of every detail. It was almost like he had imprinted himself on her. She shivered at the thought.

  “When I saw Kamran coming toward us in the bay, it was like every cell in my body recognized him. Somehow, I think he felt the same. I don’t know, maybe I’m reading too much into this.”

  Haylie turned her head toward her friend. Sara nodded with a faraway look.

  “I don’t know, but I think you’re right. He was obviously disturbed. His eyes were on you the whole time. And I got the impression that his speech wasn’t what he had intending on giving. The look Donaldson gave him was pure shock.”

  It was Haylie’s turn to frown. “I didn’t notice.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me. If it’s any consolation, I don’t think anyone else did.”

  “Except you.”

  Sara grinned. “Well, I have my professional reputation to live up to. They hired me for my powers of observation and my ability to form hypotheses based on strange facts. Plus the administrator is pretty good looking himself. Can’t blame a girl for noticing.”


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