The Bond That Ties Us

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The Bond That Ties Us Page 5

by Christine d'Abo

  “A sick human is not an uncommon occurrence. “

  Kamran, startled out of his thoughts, drained his glass. After having negotiated peace treaties with warring worlds, you’d think he’d be able to discuss this with Taber.

  “I seem to have a problem, my friend. And I’m not sure what I should do about it.”

  Taber straightened and Kamran caught the flash in his eyes.

  “I can assist with the problem. Is it with this human?”

  “I don’t need that kind of assistance.” The last thing he needed was Taber starting a manhunt for his future wife. He cringed. “I don’t know what to think, but I seem to have some sort of connection with this woman,” Kamran said. He rose to fix himself another drink.

  “What sort of connection? Is she trying to blackmail you?”

  “No, nothing like that.” This wasn’t coming out right.

  “What then?” Taber said, clearly annoyed. Kamran knew he hated not knowing everything.

  Kamran closed his eyes, letting the woman’s face drift back to the surface of his mind. Bright, inquisitive eyes framed in a perfectly oval face. The way she’d looked at him as she sat on the floor, like she wanted to rip his clothing off, tested the limits of his control. The way her exotic scent rolled off her in waves, intoxicating his senses.

  What then indeed?

  “I am aware of her on this station. I don’t mean consciously, but physically. I can describe her in perfect detail. Her face, body, scent. I even know that she is walking around the station right now. It wouldn’t take me very long to hunt her down.”

  He then turned to face Taber. His expression hadn’t changed from before, but Kamran recognized disbelief when he saw it.

  “That is impossible,” Taber said, his voice even.

  “I know.”

  “You are describing this woman as if she were your mate.”

  “I know.”

  “No Briel male has ever responded to an off-worlder in that manner. Many have tried.”

  “I know the history.”

  “Which brings us back to the fact of that being impossible.”

  “Exactly. And that is the reason I’ve accomplished nothing all day.”

  Taber’s hand twitched and flexed before he laced it through the other one behind his back. He walked over to Kamran’s window and paused. The winds had picked up again, pelting sand and small rocks against the glass in a mad frenzy. Kamran felt a kinship with the planet tonight.

  “Do you think it’s a trick? A chemical or toxin perhaps, used to confuse your body into thinking it has found a mate?”

  “I thought of that. I had the computer scan me for any foreign substances. Nothing. Had you seen her you wouldn’t question her reaction either. It was genuine. Besides, what would she gain by doing so?”

  “The Ecada have lots to gain.”

  He’d thought of that too. “I cannot imagine a human conspiring with them. The Ecada see the humans as little more than a food source. It would be suicide.”

  “There has to be another explanation.”

  He straightened. His chest tightened and he had to fight the urge to hit Taber. Who the hell was he to question whether or not Kamran had actually found his mate?

  “Why?” The word sounded clipped to Kamran, but he didn’t care.


  “Why does there have to be another explanation?” Kamran placed his glass on the table, afraid it would shatter in his hand.

  “It’s simply not possible.”

  “Again, why not? Humans are the closest race to ours in chemistry and biology. They are only missing three organs and their brains are built a bit differently than ours. As far as any of us know our two people are perfectly compatible.” By the end, he was almost shouting. He had to close his eyes and concentrate hard to relax.

  “You’re getting hostile.”

  Kamran opened his eyes and saw the faint trace of a smile on Taber’s face.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You are also dressed more causally than normal.”

  Kamran looked down at his tunic and pants. “My skin was irritated. I had to change.”

  Taber appeared to consider that information before asking his next question. “You are showing all the signs. But if she is your mate, why are you not tearing this station apart?”

  Kamran took a deep breath and managed to get ahold of his growing hostility. He finally managed a smile as he found his chair and collapsed into it. “That was the very question I was asking myself when you arrived.”

  “Different race, different pattern?”

  “It must be. So far I have been able to hold off every impulse I’ve had to go after her. But each time, it becomes more difficult.”

  “Why fight it? If she is your mate, go to her. Everything else will attend to itself.”

  He shook his head. “What if I’m wrong? Maybe the madness that takes us is a good thing. Forget the world outside and attend to your own desires. But I can’t seem to do that.”

  Kamran had never spoken to anyone about his hopes, not even his family. Being a single male in a family with paired mates was painful. He was the oldest. It was his responsibility to bring honor to his clan. And he had done so for thirty-eight years. An ambassador was the highest obtainable rank by a male and the placements were few. He’d risen to that position faster than anyone else in the history of his people. In his time as ambassador he’d ended wars on several planets and initiated the fledgling relationship with the humans on Eurus.

  But all his accomplishments paled in comparison to the day his brother found his mate. His people had their priorities.

  “What will you do about this?” Taber said. There was nothing accusatory in his tone, merely simple curiosity.

  “Nothing for now. I doubt I’ll be working with the woman. Most of the new settlers are engineers. And the doctor.”

  “And the new human security chief. I met her this evening. She was trying to order from Cindean’s.”

  At the mention of the title, Kamran knew it was her. Everything felt right about it.

  “What was her name?” He spoke too quickly again.

  “Haylie Bond. She has quite an impressive record and a habit of cleaning up corruption around her. I imagine she was getting a feel for the station before she began her duties and wanted to stay a bit anonymous. That’s what I would be doing.”

  Haylie. It had to be.

  Taber gave him a long hard stare before bowing. “I’ve stayed too long. I’ll leave you to your rest, Ambassador.”

  Normally at this stage in their social sparring, Kamran would insist he stay longer. He would even go so far as to leave with him for a walk around the station. Not tonight.

  “Thank you. I shall see you tomorrow.”

  Kamran didn’t move and waited for Taber to leave. He then cleaned up his desk, putting all sensitive information into his vault that was built into a hidden compartment of his desk. He stood, triggered the door release and stepped into the hall.

  She was close. She’d come as close to his room as a human was allowed. Maybe near the meeting hall, or even the observatory? Those were only one corridor over. This was the normal Briel female reaction, home in on her mate, get close enough to drive him crazy. Haylie probably wasn’t even aware of what was going on.

  He paused outside his room, confusion flooding his mind. His heart was pounding hard in his chest, pushing the mix of adrenaline and hormones through his body, forcing his arousal higher and clogging his brain. What was he doing? Finding his mystery human wasn’t going to get him what he wanted, a wife and family. This was a mistake. Briel didn’t have casual relationships, and that’s all this could be. Briel only mated with Briel. A human…it shouldn’t be possible.

  So why was everything about his reaction to her screaming that she was the one?

  “Are you well, Ambassador?” The security guard posted outside his quarters said from behind him.

  “Yes, thank you. I’m goin
g for a walk. I’ll be gone for a short while.”

  “Would you like an escort, sir?”

  Uncontrollable rage flashed through him, his hands balled into fists. Only through a fight would he let another man near Haylie. Kamran gave his head a shake and tried to relax. No, he wasn’t thinking clearly. It was the bonding playing havoc on his mind as it pulled at him from deep within his genetic code. He had to fight it, maintain control over his senses until he knew for sure she was the one. Knew beyond a doubt she was his mate.

  “Ambassador?” the guard asked again.

  “No, thank you,” he said through clenched teeth.

  He didn’t turn to see the guard’s reaction and stalked down the hall.

  People were everywhere at this hour. The bazaar had thinned out and the people had shifted over to the bars and local social establishments. The humans certainly enjoyed their entertainment. With everyone about, it took Kamran longer to pick up her scent. He stopped, closed his eyes and breathed deeply. There it was. Her scent drifted on top of the chaos that assaulted his senses. Definitely near the observation room.

  He pivoted and went down the hall parallel to the one he’d emerged from. He passed several meeting rooms, the materials interconnect lab and the reliability lab. All were deserted this late at night. No one would disturb them.

  The observation room was the last one on the left-hand side of this hall. Normally, it would take Kamran no more than five minutes to walk the short distance. Two if he ran. Running, however, seemed out of the question. He tried to jog at first, but an increasing pressure on his chest slowed him down. He stopped after only a few seconds and slumped against the wall.


  His voice choked off, caught somewhere deep in his throat. He looked down the hall, blinking to clear his blurry vision. Where was he and what in the maker’s name was wrong with his feet?


  His brain coaxed his body forward again, but he remained against the wall for support. He knew if kept moving and made it to the end of the hall, somehow everything would be all right. He smacked his fist against his head, knowing he was forgetting something.

  Keep moving down the hall and to the left.

  Why was that again?

  His breathing became labored and Kamran had to consciously think about taking the next lungful of air. He felt like his body was being pulled back by invisible strings. It would be easier to move backward. He should turn around.

  No, keep going. You’re almost there.

  Ahead of him, perhaps five feet away, was an open door. Down the hall and on the left.

  Kamran’s body shook violently from the strain. He collapsed at the entrance. He gave up. He felt more than heard the gasp that left his body, the last breath of air that lived in his lungs. The cold deck plating of the floor sent a jolt of pain throughout his body as he landed hard.


  The single word didn’t register until he felt a bolt of electricity shoot through his body. The charge jump-started his heart and lungs, bringing him back from the abyss.

  In the next instant, Kamran felt her lips upon his, shocked by the texture, the smoothness of her skin. His eyes refused to work, but he didn’t need them to know who this woman was.

  “It’s you.” His voice was hoarse and painful to use.

  “Are you okay?” She said the words against his ear.

  “It happens like this…before we…I’m fine.” He licked up the side of her neck, tasting her salty skin. Better than the finest food.

  “Before we what?” Haylie gasped and tilted her head back.

  “Before we mate. If the female rejects the male, he dies.”

  Her lips moved everywhere. Against his cheek. Kissing his jaw line. Making their way to his ear, she circled the ridge. He sighed, clutching her shoulders when she began to suckle the lobe.

  “I need you.”

  Haylie’s soft words in his ear elicited a dark, almost primal response from him. Kamran pulled her back, her face finally coming into focus. Her long brown hair covered her shoulders and back like a veil. She stared up at him with the most amazing eyes. They were the color of the Briel countryside after the planting rains.

  Her face was flushed, the color traveling down her neck and disappearing under a soft, smooth shirt. He had to know how far down that blush went. Kamran took the tip of his finger and hooked it on her neckline. Tugging her shirt down, he now had access to the tops of her breasts. The blush continued lower, tempting him to continue his exploration. Bending his head down, Kamran placed a single kiss in the top of her cleavage. She smelled like sex, the promise of pleasure.

  She pulled his head up and crushed her lips against his again, driving her tongue deep into his mouth, teasing as it went. He lapped at her, tasting her sweetness. His cock tightened and pulsed as her lips demanded more from him. Kamran, in turn, slid his hand under her shirt, brushing his fingers against the side of her breast and across her waist before reaching the smooth hollow of her back.

  Her sigh told him she enjoyed the sensation and he fleetingly wondered if all Briel males instinctively knew where their mates liked to be touched. Kamran moved his mouth along her cheek to her neck. His tongue licked as he kissed her. Her heartbeat quickened under his lips and she drove her hands into his hair.

  “Please, don’t stop.”

  Her plea pushed Kamran to the edge of his control. Reclaiming her lips with his, he slipped his tongue deep into her mouth needing to taste her. Haylie’s fingers were cool against his heated skin. His heart pounded as wildly as hers. She ran her hands over the tunic that covered his chest, sliding them down the length of his sides to tug on the hem.

  “Take this off.”

  Kamran obediently stood. He watched her eyes widen as he reached his full height. He knew his size wasn’t as impressive as some of his race, but she seemed pleased. He yanked the tunic off and was rewarded with a sigh from Haylie.

  “Just like I pictured you.”

  The unexpected incapacitation he’d experienced minutes earlier was gone. In its place was blinding arousal. This was what his brother spoke of. When she rose to her knees and ran her fingers over his stomach, Kamran thought he’d died. His cock was straining painfully against his pants as she pressed her cheek against it. He wanted her to free him, take his shaft in her mouth so he could feel her wicked tongue on him. A groan exploded from him and the sound echoed in the hall.

  They both froze, realizing at the same time where they were.

  “Oh my god,” Haylie said with a shaken voice.

  “In the room.” He didn’t want anyone to come across them, see any part of her naked skin. She was all his.

  Kamran quickly scanned the hall before he stepped inside and triggered the doors to close and lock. When he turned around she stood there with her hands on her hips, an eyebrow raised in question.

  “I don’t want any interruptions.” I only want you.

  Haylie spoke with her body. She slowly pulled her cotton shirt over her head, her nipples hardening more as the cotton teased the sensitive skin, and threw it aside. His gaze locked on the puckered buds.

  Praise the goddess, he needed her now.

  With two steps, he was beside her again and easily picked her up in his arms. Haylie wrapped her legs around his waist, pressing her breasts to his chest. The smoothness of her skin against his was intoxicating.

  He carried her across the room and set her down on the edge of a table. He bent his head and took one of her stiff nipples into his mouth. Her moan echoed in the silence of the observatory. He felt the wetness between her legs as she ground her clitoris against his thigh.

  “Kamran, what’s happening? I feel…crazy,” her whisper tickled his ear as her hot breath caressed his neck.

  “I can stop—”

  “Don’t you dare! Just touch me.”

  Kamran instinctively knew where to stroke her to give her pleasure. Her hands clenched in his hair pulling him in for another kiss as h
e tugged her nipples, rolling the tips in his fingers. He slid a hand from her breast to her waist and finally to her buttocks, taking the time to knead them.

  “You’re so small. So perfect. Just the right size for me to do this.”

  He pressed his hand between her legs, massaging her clit with his fingers. Haylie cried out and drove her nails into his arms. A possessiveness he’d never felt before pushed him on, needing to claim her, brand her so no other man would ever mistake her for anyone other than his mate. Completely, totally his.

  The thin fabric of her pants was the only barrier remaining between them. He actually growled when he couldn’t free them from her body. Haylie chuckled as she undid the clasp and bucked up long enough for Kamran to yank them over her hips and onto the floor. He pulled back and stared into her wide, intense gaze. When he combed his fingers through her pubic hair, she gasped.

  “Amazing,” he whispered. “What do you call this?” He leaned forward and touched her mound.

  He watched her blush and turn her head to the side.

  “I’ve embarrassed you.”

  “No, but it makes me feel…”

  When she didn’t continue, he leaned in and kissed her hard. She tasted better than the finest food and it made his head spin. He nipped at her bottom lip and her chin while he continued to play with her clit.

  “How does it make you feel?” His lips moved against her jaw.

  “Naughty,” she said and spread her legs wider than before.

  “It makes you feel naughty to say…”


  Haylie’s entire body tensed as he thrust his fingers deep inside her, coaxing her juices from her. He slid his fingers up to circle her clit, brushing it very lightly.

  “I think I like you naughty.”

  She moaned and bucked her hips, meeting his every touch. Kamran was pleased she responded to him with such intense desire. He needed to know this was real, this passion between them.

  “Does that please you?”


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