Open and vulnerable.
“I want the same thing Greg. I want to feel free to, uhh…be myself with you. Not ashamed,” she barely got the words out.
“You don’t have to be ashamed of anything with me, don’t you know that?” he asked her right before he pulled out of her.
She felt bereft when he suddenly withdrew from her and lifted her to her knees, and spread them far apart.
In less than five seconds he’d repositioned her body directly in front of his and blanketed her from the back, before he eased his penis back inside.
She exhaled on one…long…hiss.
There was no more talking as he pumped her ass from the back, relentlessly shoving his thick organ in and out of her. He pulled her by the back of her head so that she was forced to look into his face.
There was a mingled look of concentration, lust, love and anger etched deeply on his face, as his balls slapped against the back of her vagina with each driving thrust of his cock in her ass. He played with her clit the entire time and before long she felt her body begin to prepare, her pussy quivering around his fingers, the orgasm within reach.
“Greg! Oh baby, I’m coming, I can’t hold back!” she cried and arched her back and writhed against him, screaming in sensual torture as the orgasm again hovered within her reach.
“Don’t,” he whispered and slipped out of her.
“Noooo!” Liza barely refrained from howling. She wanted to snatch his damn heart out for doing this to her. Building her up and not allowing her to come. Again.
“Turn over Liza, lie down and spread your legs,” he demanded and although his tone was harsh, the look in his eyes and the way his hands trembled just slightly, let her know that he was just as affected as she.
She eased her body on the bed and turned over as he instructed. Without taking her eyes from his she lifted her legs, planted her feet flat on the mattress and spread her legs wide apart.
Despite her sensual frustration, she smiled when she saw the way his eyes trained on her vagina, the way his nostrils flared as he inhaled, the mingled scent of their sex was strong and heady in the room.
Her gaze then followed his hands as he pulled the condom from his cock, and tossed it aside. He smiled that sexy grin of his and her heart skipped a beat. He wasn’t through with her, and her heart beat heavily in her chest when he adjusted her body to his liking against the pillows.
Greg took her face between his hands and slowly kissed her, planting small adoring, nibbling kisses all over her beautiful face. “God, baby, I love you,” he said and moved down her body.
“I love you too, Greg,” she whispered back as he licked his way down her face and throat and continued down her body. He stopped along the trail and took one of her small, plump breasts into his mouth and swirled his tongue around the nipple.
“When you were growing up did the other kids make fun of you? You went to that private school didn’t you?” he asked, and looked into her face and saw the way her eyes were semi-glazed from his ministrations. But the minute he asked the question, she lost some of the sensual glow and he felt her body tense.
“It’s okay, Li. There’s just the two of us, in this room, making love. There’s no one but us. Talk to me.” He returned to lapping her nipple before he licked a trail across her chest and gave the other breast the same careful attention that he’d given the first.
He smiled around her nipple when she hesitantly spoke.
“Yes. They made fun,” she spoke hoarsely in the dark.
He encouraged her to continue by lapping at her breast as his hand traveled down her smooth body and tangled in her pussy. He lightly toyed with her. He didn’t want her to come. But he knew that she was so damn close from his playing with her, that she’d come soon with or without his assent.
He felt her heart thud in her chest and sighed with relief when she spoke again.
“It hurt like hell. My uniforms were donated to me and we used to wear these white shirts with them. My shirts were so old that they tore easily, especially under the arms. My mother rarely did anything about it. She wouldn’t even patch them up and I was always so embarrassed going to school. Eventually I learned to sew and patched them by myself.”
Greg forced himself to continue to lave and stroke her, when inside his heart ached at the thought of how humiliated she must have felt.
He lifted his head from her breasts and saw the hurt mingled in with her arousal. “Thank you for sharing that with me, Li. That had to be rough.” When she smiled his heart ached again as he thought of her as a child hurting and being made fun of.
He wanted to make up for the long ago insults but knew that he couldn’t. The most he could do was try his best to take care of her in every way he knew how. And right now his woman needed him to fully take care of her needs.
He moved up her body, pausing to take a nip here, plant a caress there, before he pushed her legs farther apart. He brought her hips to the edge of the bed, and entered her with one long hard plunge of his cock. As soon as he’d filled her to the brim he felt her pussy as it tightened around his erection and within seconds she came.
Her body jerked and spasmed around his length, but he didn’t stop pumping into her.
He kept digging into her, the feel of her warm, wet pussy on his bared cock felt so good, he had to grit his teeth in his effort not to come. He slammed into her over and over again and took her mouth with his and kissed her with all the pent-up emotion he had for her.
“Don’t close your eyes, Liza. I want to see you come again,” he said, breathing heavily as he broke away from her mouth. No sooner had he uttered the words than he felt her orgasm erupt which triggered his.
Although he reared away from her as he roared his release, pumping her slight frame so hard the entire bed shook, as though they were in the middle of an earthquake, he refused to give up eye contact with her, and forced her to look at him by gently, but firmly, holding both sides of her face with his warm palms.
When her hoarse cries echoed his, he emptied deep inside of her, his hands left her face and clamped tightly on her slender hips as he came.
“We never did finish our talk, Greg,” she said, eyes now closed.
“I’m listening,” he said, and placed her in front of his body. He lightly began to play with her pussy as he spoke.
It felt so good, that for a minute, Liza lost her train of thought as she unconsciously moved her hips in time to the hand on her mound. With determination she started to speak, opening up to him about how it felt to grow up poor and to be teased continually. How she’d learned quickly to put on a “game face” so she wouldn’t be bullied and ridiculed. How she’d played the role of tough girl in order to survive.
“It was the only way I could think of to protect myself. I struck out before anyone could strike me,” she admitted and the long ago hurts were still reflected in her voice.
Greg had listened to her as she opened her heart up and although his hands were still buried in her mound, he had stilled his movements as she recounted her life story to him. He felt humbled that she’d shared it with him.
That she finally trusted him enough to bare her soul.
“As for my mother? I really am sorry that I never really told you about our strange relationship. I didn’t know how to tell you. I didn’t…I don’t…understand my need to have her approval, to allow her to treat me the way that she does in order to have her stay in my life.”
“It’s understandable, Liza. We all want the approval of our parents, to a degree. We never outgrow the need to please, I don’t think that we ever do,” he said and wrapped his arms around her. For long moments they lay like that. His arms wrapped around her, his head lying on top of her head.
Eventually she squirmed around to look at him. “Well?”
He smiled down at her. “Well, what?” he said and laughed when she poked him.
“Well…don’t you have anything to say to that?” she asked and turned back around.
r /> He rested his head on top of hers and answered, “I think that you’re an amazing woman Liza, and the fact that you grew up the way that you did, living the life you had to lead, you flourished. What you see as hiding behind a shield, I see as a wonderful God-given ability to adapt.”
When she didn’t say anything, just snuggled deeper into his embrace, he continued. “And I also think you should share your ability, your talent with making the best of tough situations with other young girls.” He voiced out loud an idea that he’d had the moment she started sharing with him her life story.
“Oh, you do? And how would you suggest I do that?” He heard just the smallest bit of challenge in her voice.
That meant she was listening.
“You mentioned spending time at Girls Unlimited, the recreation center, a lot as a young girl. Have you ever thought about volunteering some of your time there? I bet they’d love to have you.”
“It’s just a thought, but I bet you’d have a wonderful time mentoring a young girl. You have your degree in social work. Maybe someone like you would make a difference for some young girl.” He could tell the idea intrigued her and smiled in the dark.
“Doesn’t Karina volunteer at Girls Unlimited on Saturday mornings?” He wouldn’t let it go.
“Yes, she does. She constantly asks me to come down with her. To volunteer. I just never felt comfortable doing that. I’m not sure I’m ready yet,” she admitted with a nervous laugh.
“You’ll never get completely beyond this until you do, Liza,” was all that he said.
They lay together quietly for a bit longer until she spoke up. “And what about you Greg?”
“What about me?” he asked innocently.
“Don’t make me hurt you! You know what I’m talking about.”
“I will do any and everything possible to make this marriage a success. If that means less hours at work, that’s what I’ll do. If that means more time spent eating you out…damn it, a man’s got to do what a man’s got to do! I’m there, I’m willing and able,” he promised, making her laugh.
Although he laughed and made light of it, he was committed to his wife. He would always put her happiness first from now on. He just needed for her to come to complete resolution about her past. Once she did that, they were home free.
“I’m serious, Greg,” she said on a soft laugh.
“I am too. I’m also serious about us making a baby. I think it’s time, don’t you?”
For once the thought didn’t scare the crap out of her. It actually held a certain appeal to her. “Maybe,” she said and smiled in the dark.
“But not until you’re ready. I don’t want to do it halfway. When you’re completely ready, with no reservations, we’ll do it. I just don’t want you to close up on me again. Never be afraid to talk to me. Is that fair?” he asked.
Liza was surprised at what he said. She knew how badly he wanted a child. Of late, that had been the dominant theme in the conversation for them. No matter how hard she tried to avoid the subject.
“That’s more than fair,” she said and placed both hands over his thick arms, as they lay in front of her, crossed over her breasts.
“Good. Then, I’m fine with the wait. As long as you don’t shut down on me,” he said around a yawn as he pulled her tighter against his body.
Within moments she felt the even rise and fall of his chest, signaling he’d fallen into sleep. Before she too fell into a deep sleep, she thought about everything that had happened over the last twenty-four hours.
Not only had her mother called her husband and told him things Liza had never disclosed, but she’d also begged for money. Despite Greg’s understanding, Liza would be lying to herself if she said the sting of embarrassment wasn’t still there when she thought about it. Her earlier meltdown had helped to release some of the embarrassment, but as she closed her eyes and drifted off into sleep, she didn’t even try to hold back the tears of shame.
Chapter Twelve
“Karina needs a ride to Girls Unlimited today. Cooper is having a stereo installed in her new car and it would be easier for her if she could catch a ride down there and he then could pick her up. Otherwise, she’ll miss volunteering today,” Liza said to Greg as he stepped out of the shower and toweled himself dry. “She needs to be there by ten o’clock this morning. They’re having an open forum for the girls, some type of summit they’re preparing for. I’m not sure of the details, but Kari doesn’t want to miss it.”
He walked over to her as she was applying her makeup and bent his head to the crook of her neck and placed a warm kiss there. “Why don’t you take her? It’ll be fun,” he said as he moved away to walk to his drawer and remove his underclothes. “By the time you come back, I’ll be done with my work for the morning and we can drive to the lake and be there by late afternoon,” he said as he sat on the edge of the bed and pulled socks onto his feet.
Since their talk on Wednesday, a new vibrancy had entered their relationship. Greg admitted to her that he was far from being perfect. He wasn’t guiltless in the way their marriage had spiraled into a state of no communication, hidden truths and, according to Liza, bland sex. That part fucked with his mind a bit, but it was the truth. He’d been so caught up in trying to give her what she wanted materialistically, he’d neglected the other parts of the relationship that were needed to make their marriage good.
He’d allowed her to keep a part of herself away from him. He’d not even bothered to dig deep and wonder why she’d skated the issue of her parents. He hadn’t even really known that her parents had never been married. Something as important as that, Liza felt she needed to lie to him about. She thought he’d see her as less than, somehow, if she told him the truth.
He sighed.
They still had things to work through. But the last week had been a breakthrough for them.
He didn’t want to press her and demand that she tell him everything all at once. He’d negotiated many times in his law practice and knew how easy it was to have someone totally shut down and cease all communication. Damned if he wanted that to happen. He was ready for the next step in their marriage; children. They couldn’t go there without being on the same page.
Liza needed to fully open up, not just to him, but more importantly she had to stop lying to herself. She had to quit being embarrassed of a past she had no control over.
“Are you saying take her…and stay?” she asked as she paused in the middle of applying her mascara to stare at him.
“Sure, why not? Sounds like a great way to spend the morning, Li,” Greg was carefully nonchalant in his response. He didn’t want her to suspect what he’d done.
Last night when Karina called and Liza had been in the shower, he’d used the opportunity to talk privately with her. He had asked if she had plans to volunteer on Saturday as she normally did. Karina told him that she wanted to, but might have to miss because her husband insisted on installing her stereo in her car and his own vehicle was being serviced Saturday morning as well. That had given Greg the opportunity he needed to suggest to Karina that she ask Liza to take her to Girls Unlimited.
But, he hadn’t fooled Karina. She’d asked him point blank what he was up to and he’d confessed that he had ulterior motives and thought the experience would help his wife.
He hadn’t had to say anything more. Karina fell in line with his suggestions and eagerly agreed to ask her friend to drive her to the recreation center.
Now the trick was convincing Liza to not only drive Karina there, but to stay.
“Ummm. I don’t know, Greg. I’m not sure if that’s something I really want to do,” she said and turned back around to face her mirror. He saw the way she titled her head to the side just slightly and pooched her lips out, the way she did when she was thinking about something.
Usually it made him randy as hell to see her stick her pretty full lips out like that. But this time
, he was concentrating more on hoping she’d take the bait he and Karina had set up.
His baby needed to come to terms with a few things. She wasn’t going to do it by refusing to confront some key issues from her past. Maybe she’d see that she’d built them up into something bigger than they were.
Maybe they were still big and just as ugly as they were when she was a child. But she’d never know unless she confronted them.
“It’s up to you, babe. But if nothing else, you’ll be able to give Kari a ride down there and Coop can pick her up,” he smiled and kissed her as he pulled his jacket on his shoulders.
“Yes, I can do that, I suppose.”
Greg smiled inside when she looked at him carefully. His wife wasn’t anybody’s fool. He carefully kept his face cheerfully blank as he ushered her out of their bedroom and down the staircase.
* * * * *
“Greg, may I speak with you for a minute?”
“Sure, Renita. Come on in,” Greg glanced over at his assistant as she stood in the doorway.
He noticed right away how she was rubbing her hands down the smooth knee-length, slim fitting dark skirt. When she noticed his eyes on her hands she immediately stopped the nervous smoothing and walked inside his office.
“I’ve been doing some thinking and I believe that it’s time for me to make some changes,” she started out.
“Please, Renita, have a seat.” Greg could tell this was something serious. He motioned for her to take a seat in one of the leather chairs that faced his desk. She smiled and gracefully sat in the chair, before folding her hands in her lap.
She looked like a nervous schoolgirl sitting there in the oversized chair, clenching and releasing her hands. “Renita, is everything okay?”
“Oh…yes. Everything’s fine, Greg.”
She seemed at a loss for words, which was unusual for Renita. She was reserved and had a tendency to be selective with her words. She never spoke more than was necessary to get her point across. However, she seemed more to be more hesitant than reticent this morning. He didn’t say anything, just waited for her to speak.
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