A Rebel Captive

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A Rebel Captive Page 12

by Thompson, J. D.

  He stood upright and circled her, stopping in front of her and tracing the line of her collarbone with his fingers. Then he reached for her hair tie and pulled it away, her locks fell down her back. He nodded his approval and turned to leave, stopping at the door to turn back to her.

  “You will act accordingly or there will be serious consequences.”

  She nodded and he took her hand, leading her out into the hallway.

  “We’re going to a Council dinner. I’m sure the discussion will be tedious for the both of us, but I’m required to attend.” She only nodded, walking along behind him in silence. “There will be others like you there.”

  Olivia couldn’t help but be offended by the remark. “What do you mean? More women that are beaten and taken by brutes like you?” she snapped.

  He growled, grabbing her by the throat and shoved her against the wall.

  “No, I mean women that moan like whores desperate to be fucked,” he hissed, he couldn’t have her acting like this in front of the others.


  “Wrong? A liar?” he cut her off. “Well, let’s see.”

  His hand went to her thigh, the slit in her dress made it easy for him to move the fabric aside, exposing her crotch.

  “Please. Please, my lord, not here,” she begged, looking up and down the hallway.

  “Not here?” he taunted. “Would you like to go back to the room?” His fingers brushed along her panties and she whimpered, but knew better than to fight against him.

  He smiled, fairly confident she didn’t even realize her submissive response. Cole stroked her once more, before lowering her dress and releasing his hold on her. They walked down the hallway and through doors to a beautiful dining hall; this was definitely not the mess hall. There were chandeliers and candles, bathing the room in a warm glow. Large tapestries hung from the walls depicting epic battles, conquering heroes, and past glorious rulers. Waiters walked through a crowd carrying trays of champagne and appetizers. A four string band played classical music. There were over two dozen formally dressed men and women already there, having cocktails and making conversation. At first glance it looked like a normal, if not decadent, dinner party.

  But then, she looked closer and saw that most women were not as they first appeared. Some had collars around their necks with leashes attached and in the hands of their male companions. Others wore cuffs like Olivia’s; some even had their writs bound. One woman had a fresh looking bruise across her cheek. Some of the people noticed their entrance and turned to openly stare at Olivia, curious about Lord Landon’s slave. Olivia stopped abruptly. Cole was behind her, pressing his body against hers and forcing her to keep moving.

  “You’re fine, Livie. I’ve got you,” he whispered into her ear.

  She nodded as he took her hand and led her into the group of people, now was not the time to rally against her situation. The men all came to greet Cole and get a better look at her. They dragged their slave women along with them. She listened as each man said hello to Cole. Soon a swarm of people surrounded them. Everyone wanted to come by and greet Cole; he had to be the highest ranking, the most important, man there. He was warm and pleasant; making conversation and had a personal comment for each man he talked to.

  Olivia watched him engage with the other politicians; she was caught off guard by him. He truly made the ideal leader. He had such a strong and confident presence, his eyes shown with a calculating intelligence. Greeting everyone took nearly twenty minutes and every now and then Cole would squeeze Olivia’s hand and give her a sideways smile that showed how tedious he found this himself.

  Olivia studied the rest of the dinner party. Most of the women were staring at the floor, a few eyed her with interest, and most of the men looked at her like she was dinner. She moved closer to Cole and he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her into his embrace. The contact made a heat course through her body. Just his nearness was making her body scream out for his. She wanted to pull away from him and her growing desire, but at the same time needed the comfort of his hold. She felt trapped between her desire for this man and fear of her predicament.

  Daniel stopped by, thanking Cole for his help again and gave Olivia an appreciative look up and down. The two men chatted for a while. Tina was dressed in an elegant yellow gown that made her skin seem to glow. Olivia blushed, thinking about the last time she saw the woman. Cole picked up two glasses of champagne from a passing waiter and handed one to Olivia. She couldn’t help, but smile as she accepted the glass. With glee, she took a sip. The bubbles seemed to calm her nerves.

  “So, this is your little slave,” said a very rotund man. “What a pretty little rebel whore.”

  He stepped in close to her, invading her personal space. The man dragged behind him the bruised woman Olivia spotted earlier. She couldn’t help, but press herself harder against Cole.

  “Charles, good to see you.” Cole smiled, but Olivia could see the cracks in it and felt his body tense. “How are things down by the South Sea?”

  “Good. Good,” the man said. “Tell me Cole, some of the other men and I, we were wondering if you were going to let us play with her. You know I passed my Tabitha around last summer and-”

  Olivia stopped breathing; she looked from the corpulent man, to his battered slave, meekly standing behind him. Cole could feel her start to tremble. He wanted to strike the man for asking such a thing and instantly turning his Livie from uneasy to a frightened and skittish little thing. He stroked her bare back, trying to sooth her.

  “No, I don’t believe I will,” he said coolly, cutting Charles off.

  The man opened his mouth to protest, but just then the chef called them to sit down for dinner. Without hesitation Cole walked away from the man, taking Olivia along with him. He escorted her to the table and pointed the cushion on the floor. She looked at him angrily, but his face was hard. She knelt without him even having to tell her. The slit in her dress made it easy for her to sit, but exposed her entire leg up to her upper thigh. She tried to pull her dress over her leg, but Cole nudged her with his shoe and she stopped. She glared up at him, but he was already engaging with the people at the table.

  A row of servers appeared with dishes in their hands and presented the diners, those seated at the table, with their first course. She sniffed after the plate, it smelled of meat, butter, and garlic. Her stomach growled in response. Cole made conversation with the person seated next to him and ate. He ignored her.

  She busied herself counting how many of the other women were sitting on the floor and how many were seated at the table. Most were on the floor. She wanted to ask about the ones actually treated like human beings, but a fork was placed in front of her and her attention turned to it. A slice of perfectly grilled steak was on it. She opened her mouth, knowing it was no use trying to reach for it. She could almost feel him smiling at her as she delicately took the meat into her mouth. She refused to look at him, but thoroughly enjoyed the bite he gave her. When he put another piece before her she greedily took it. She couldn’t remember the last time she had such a cut of meat, even as the daughter of a politician.

  Cole was delighted with her, she was acting exactly how he needed her to and she looked absolutely ravishing. He found himself distracted by the sight of her, kneeling at his side, her dress showing off just the right amount of flesh to make his heart beat a little quicker. He picked up his drink, a stiff whisky sour, and took a sip, pausing for a moment he looked down at her and smirked. He handed her the drink. She hesitated, but took it, taking a little sip. He nearly laughed out loud at the adorable cringe he was rewarded with. She tried to hand it to him, but he pushed it back to her and she was forced to take another sip. She cringed again.

  He fed her through the six courses of their meal, including dessert. In the same time they went through four drinks. He only meant to give her a few sips, but loved the little faces she made and by the end of the meal he probably had her finish off at least two glasses.

>   After dinner, some of the guests departed, including Daniel, but most moved into an elegant library for brandy and cigars. He held her firmly as she stood and swayed in her heels. He walked slowly with her to the library, wondering when or if she’d ever had whisky before. She again was directed to sit at his feet and she did as instructed. Even kneeling, she still swayed and he moved her to a seated position, resting against his leg. He felt foolish giving her so much to drink, but then she started gently stroking his leg and he had the urge to get her drunk more often. The conversation amongst the men bored him; they mostly congratulated each other, especially Cole, on the success and strength of the District. It was the same pompous diatribe he had to deal with every time they gathered. He formed polite responses to their comments and questions, but mainly he stroked Olivia’s bare skin. She pressed into his hand, encouraging his gentle petting.

  Olivia watched the other women, most of whom were at the feet of their men, like her. Most had their eyes cast down and sat perfectly still. Nearly all of the men ignored their slaves, except Cole. His constant stroking was causing her skin to burn in delight. After a drink or two, the other men started to remember their women, but not in the same tender fashion as Cole. One man untied the top of his slave’s dress so that it tumbled to her waist, exposing her breasts. He began absently playing with the woman’s nipple. Another man snapped his fingers and his slave turned to face his lap, another slave turned at the sound of her master’s zipper going down. Both women started bobbing their heads over their laps. Olivia pressed harder against Cole’s leg.

  She was overcome with shock. Everyone carried on like this was a normal dinner party. No one seemed to notice or care about the women in various states of undress and the oral sex. She wanted to yell out loud that they were all crazy, that this was wrong. But she saw the indifference on even Cole’s face and knew she would be much better off being silently afraid of the men in the room than cursing them out.

  Daniel came back to the group, this time without Tina. He walked directly to Cole and bent over to whisper in his ear. He got up, gently brushing a finger across Olivia’s bottom lip and motioned for her to stay put. She looked around nervously, desperately wishing he wouldn’t leave, but stayed put as ordered.

  “Carlson just sent me a message. Apparently, the rebels have gotten in contact with the general. It appears her brother’s killed their father in a sort of coup and wants to reach some kind of agreement with this District.” Cole watched Olivia as Daniel spoke. “He claims he wants to make a trade for his sister.”

  He didn’t respond at first. He ran this hand through his hair, deciding what to make of this strange news. What would she think about this? Of her father’s death at the hands of his own son? What would he be willing to trade that would justify handing over Olivia? Was this the break he’d been looking for? Maybe this was his chance to free his people from the burdens of war. He didn’t like the situation, but didn’t see another choice.

  “Schedule a meeting with him,” Cole instructed him.

  “Yes, my lord.” Daniel nodded then turned to leave.

  Cole sat back down, Olivia immediately leaned into him. He picked up his drink and sipped it slowly, thinking more about what Daniel said.

  “You stupid bitch,” a man yelled.

  Cole looked up to see Charles slap his slave hard across the face. The woman fell back, raising her hand to protect herself against another blow. Olivia gasped and clung to Cole’s pant leg as the man charged after the woman, raising a hand to strike her again. Cole put a hand on Olivia’s back, comforting her and she buried her face against his leg.

  “Charles! Not here. Not in my fort,” Cole growled.

  The man glared at Cole, but lowered his hand, gesturing to a stain on his pants where his slave bumped and spilled his drink.

  “Go clean yourself up and cool off,” Cole told the man in a voice that gave no room for argument.

  Olivia looked up at him, her arm still wrapped around his leg. He gently cupped her face and gave her an apologetic smile. The rest of the party guests stared at him a moment, but quickly returned to their vapid, self-aggrandizing, conversations. Olivia and Cole remained focused on each other, a spark of something passed between them and she tightened her hold on his leg. Then she let out a soft yawn, breaking the spell. Cole couldn’t help, but smile at her.

  “I think I’ve had enough for tonight,” he said to the other people. “Thank you gentleman, for a wonderful evening. Ladies, good night.”

  With that he stood, holding out his hand for Olivia.

  “Let’s get you to bed, my pretty little wild thing.”


  It was well into the early hours of the morning and Olivia still couldn’t sleep. She felt so tense and downright horny; there was no way she’d be getting any rest. Cole’s sexual torture had her nearly broken. She looked over at the slumbering man next to her and wondered if she could slip out of bed without waking him. Slowly, she got up and tiptoed into the bathroom. Sitting on the edge of the bathtub she spread her naked legs wide and started to stroke herself. All she needed was one orgasm and she’d be able to sleep. After days and days of building up and then denying her release, she couldn’t stand it anymore. She needed to cum, it was that simple. Pressing against her clit, she thought of him entering her, driving deep into her. She moaned softly, an orgasm already building within her.

  “What the fuck,” Cole barked, standing in the bathroom doorway, wearing only his boxers and a frown.

  She gasped, whipping her hand away from her wet center. “I’m… I was just-”

  “I know exactly what you’re doing.” He stalked toward her and grabbed her wrist. “If you want to cum you have to ask me, I thought I made that clear? That’s my pussy and I’ll decide when and how you cum,” he growled, bending down and staring her in the eye.

  She nodded, trembling with need and embarrassment. He sighed and marched out of the room. She stayed where she was, so humiliated at getting caught, but mostly disappointed he’d kept her from orgasm yet again.

  “Get out here,” he yelled.

  Olivia jumped at his command and hesitantly walked out into the bedroom, but he wasn’t there. She looked in the living room and found him sitting on a couch, the fireplace roaring behind him and casting devilish shadows across his body.

  She suddenly didn’t care that she was utterly naked; her pussy throbbed at the sight of him, sitting there hungrily staring at her.

  “Olivia?” he said.

  “Yes, my lord?” she responded softly.

  “Do you want to cum?”

  She stood there for a few heartbeats, so unsure of herself, but then finally whispered a response. “Yes.”

  “Come here.” His voice had a rough edge.

  She moved to stand in front of him and he reached for her, pulling her onto his lap, forcing her to straddle him. Her fingers shook as she reached for the waistband of his boxers, but he stopped her.

  “No.” She looked at him, confused. “You’re going to pay for your stubbornness. You have to earn the right to fuck me. Show me how you’d ride me, if I let you.”

  Her brow crinkled, but then he put his hand between her thighs, two fingers extended. She flushed and chewed on her lower lip.


  “If you want to cum, you’ll have to prove to me what a good little fuck you’ll be first.”

  He stared her down, forced her to make eye contact. She whimpered, and wanted to pull away, but just the heat radiating from him was making her drip with want. Her dignity was blinded by desire. Ever so gradually, she lowered herself onto him. His long fingers filled her, but not nearly enough. She began to thrust herself up and down. She was sopping wet and his hand was quickly covered in her juices. He watched her naked body move in fluid undulation.

  “That’s right,” he growled, enjoying the wanton spectacle she made. “Such a wet pussy, my wild thing.”

  He pulled her head down and kissed her, sl
ipping his tongue past her lips and violating her mouth. She picked up her speed, grinding herself on his hand, but then he removed his fingers and she made a small disappointed sound. He pulled down his boxers, releasing his thick hard-on.

  “Put me inside you,” he ordered.

  She couldn’t believe she was moving to comply with him, but as soon as she lowered herself onto his cock she couldn’t stop. Olivia let out a long, guttural, moan as she slowly took him all the way inside. She paused once filled, enjoying the feeling, but when she moved to start riding him he held her hips, keeping her in place.

  “Beg me,” he said plainly.

  She blinked at him. “What?”

  “You heard me, beg. Beg for permission to ride me.”

  She nearly snorted in outrage. “I can’t,” she cried, trying to pull off of him, but he held her firmly in place.

  “Yes you can. Stop being so fucking obstinate.” His hips started to circle, rubbing her walls; she moaned and dropped her head back. “Now do what we both know you’ve wanted to for days.”

  He rocked his hips just a little and her mouth fell open.

  “Please,” she moaned.

  “Please, what?” he demanded, rocking his hips again.

  “Please let me ride you,” she cried.

  “Say my name,” he growled.

  “Please… Cole… Please let me ride you. I… I need to fuck you.”

  He let her rock her hips back and forth on her own, but wouldn’t let her move up his shaft.

  “More,” he demanded, she whimpered again.

  “I need to cum; I need you to make me cum, Cole. Please make me cum.”

  He almost snarled at her last words and slammed her body up and back down on his dick. She cried out as he did it again. She moved with him; thrusting herself up and down on his shaft. His fingers bit into her hips as she ground herself against him.


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