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Game of Throbs Complete Series (Books 1-3)

Page 28

by Piquette Fontaine

  “Don't worry about it,” he dismissed me, with a wave of a hand, and a debonair smile. I smiled back at him. In addition to Mr. De Louise, I also had a slight crush on Liam, with his similarly toned physique and his spiked blond hair. It wasn't something I tried to let myself take too seriously- just like Mr. De Louise, he seemed entirely out of my league. But he was at least a little bit more easygoing, and because I spent so much time with him on a day to day basis, I sometimes let myself think it was a little more believable than any kind of affair with the CEO of the company himself.

  “I need your help to plan this year's office Christmas party,” he continued. “The last girl in your position was always a little bit lackluster around the holidays, but in the past we used to go all out and have a really great time with things. It's been such a great year for the company that I thought maybe we should get back to celebrating in kind of a big way. You know, strengthen morale and kind of inspire everyone to do an even more outstanding job next year.”

  “Oh, yeah, that makes perfect sense,” I said, nodding too hard in agreement with him. I really did what I could when it came to pleasing people.

  “Great,” he said. “I'll give you some help of course, but I thought this kind of thing seemed right up your alley.”

  “It does,” I said, my mind already swarming with possibilities.

  “Come with me,” he said, “I'll take you to the storage room where we keep all the Christmas stuff. It's a little bit hard to get set up while everyone's still here, but we can at least get things sorted out a little bit and figure out how we want to plan the party. Then when it gets later than the afternoon, we can sort of start bringing stuff out and decorating as people head home. I promise not to keep you here too late though.”

  “Sounds great,” I said, and followed him happily along to the storage room.


  “Harder! Harder!”

  “Ugh! UGH!”

  “Go on! Go on! Harder! Harder! Deeper! Come on!”

  “UGH! I'm trying! UGGGGGGH!”

  “Come on, keep looking harder1 It's got to be in there somewhere. Look deeper, I remember that's where we left it last time...”

  The two of us were in the storage room now, trying to scrounge together all the old Christmas supplies, decorations and all that to set up around the office. I was bent over on the floor, diving head first into a fairly arbitrarily grouped stack of supplies. The girl who'd worked here last hadn't really done a bang up job of sorting things, and she'd left the storage room in a pretty bad state of disarray. I was pretty far in deep in the middle of the stack of boxes through which I was presently rummaging, swimming through piles of American Flags and cardboard skeletons, my butt sticking out in the air as I tried to find the box of ornaments for the tree we'd found in an opposite corner. I could feel my sweater being pulled up along my spine as I plunged in further and further, and my skirt crept down along my pelvis, leaving my panties to ride up into my butt crack and peek out into the open. Even though Liam claimed to be looking in another area for the decorations as I exposed myself in this way, I couldn't help but feel through a kind of sixth sense that he was gawking at my exposed booty as I rooted around.

  Finally, after about ten minutes of this, I had to come back out for breath. “I don't think it's down here,” I said, but as I turned around to face him he lifted up a box in his hands.

  “Never mind,” he said with a smile. “I found it.”

  I could feel my cheeks growing pink.

  As horribly as that day had begun, it had actually gotten to be about halfway decent by that point in the afternoon. Working with Liam was always a little bit refreshing in a way. He was pretty well off financially, like just about everyone who worked here, but he could be really down to earth and understanding with me too, which was more than I could stay for most of my other co-workers here. Collaborating on a project like this evoked a kind of intimacy that I didn't really feel with most people, and it led me to indulge to a greater and greater degree the fantasy that a man like this might somehow come to display interest in a simple girl like me.

  I tried to keep things professional though, as tempting as it might have been to let my imagination run wild. I'd made enough of a fool out of myself that day already without falling into that kind of a trap yet again. It was best to keep my mind on my work and keep my romantic fantasies to myself.

  The decorating went pretty well. As people cleared out of the office, we began to set things up around the cubicles, putting up window decals of Santa Claus and his reindeer, hanging up garlands and suspending all kinds of paper crafts from the ceiling. The office, so professional looking and reserved throughout the other eleven months of the year, was beginning to take on quite the festive appearance. Even after I'd spent the morning wallowing in the holiday blues, I could gradually feel the Christmas spirit coming back over me as the two of us progressed in our efforts.

  Time really seemed to fly while I was around Liam. Taking occasional breaks from the decorating, he and I talked about what kind of entertainment we should include for the party. We laughed at the idea of including karaoke, and seeing all of our so normally composed fellow employees breaking loose to sing along passionately to old cheesy love songs from the seventies and eighties. We eventually amused ourselves so thoroughly with the idea that it no longer remained an option for us, but instead turned into something of a necessity- this absolutely had to happen.

  It occurred to me at some point, as the two of us worked steadily on through the day, that Liam actually didn't have any reason to be helping me with all of this. He was just my supervisor after all, and his day to day responsibilities tended to be vastly more important than my own. He could just as easily have delegated all the work to me and then turned me loose, instead of sticking around me the entire afternoon and helping me plan the details every step of the way. Of course, I was more than happy to see this as evidence of the possibility that he was interested in me the way that I was interested in him, and the idea started to grow less and less crazy as the night wore on.

  Evening kind of set in so gradually that we didn't even notice it, or at least I didn't. Even the front desk lady Joanne, who you could usually count on to be there until like, the end of time, had disappeared by the time either Liam or I realized it.

  “Woah... Looks like we're the last ones here,” I said, gawking around at all the other empty cubicles.

  “Oh- damn, I'm so sorry,” said Liam, suddenly checking his watch. “I really didn't mean to keep you this late.”

  “No! No, it's fine!” I said, hurriedly shaking my head and waving my hands. I didn't want to make it sound like I was complaining. “I really don't have a problem with it, this has been fun. I just have never been here when everyone else is gone. It's kind of... Well, spooky, actually.”

  He grinned at me.

  “Well,” he said, “I think we've made a lot of progress so far. Really, you've done an amazing job getting us started.”

  I blushed, and pushed my glasses up along the bridge of my nose. Of course, any chance I had of looking cute would always end up thwarted by my own sheer geek nature.

  “I like doing this sort of thing,” I said, grinning. “It's probably what I'm best at, if anything.”

  He let out a slight laugh, and shook his head.

  “Chloe, you're something else,” he said. I felt my heart flutter a little bit. I could feel the impossible reality I'd been imagining between the two of us getting closer and closer, growing ever nearer to the point of becoming real. I still wasn't really sure, though, whether I should actually dare to let myself believe it...

  “Come on,” he said, and gently brushed his hand against my shoulder to indicate I should get up. “I'll walk you out. We've gotten through enough already, the decorations will still be here tomorrow.”

  I smiled at him, and probably batted my eyelashes just a little bit too flirtatiously.

  I gathered up my things, as did Liam, and the two of us wa
lked from the office, Liam locking the glass doors behind him. As we stepped together into the elevator, I could instantly feel my blood pressure beginning to spike, nervous as I was being in such close and sweltering proximity to this stud of a man.

  “Going down?” he asked, and his voice was almost startling to me in my trancelike state.

  “Excuse me?” I asked right back, sounding offended.

  He smiled at me. “Going down?” he repeated.

  “Of course,” I said, confused. “I'm headed out the same way as you are.”

  “I thought, you know, maybe you were going to one of the upper level offices or something, to meet some rich sugar daddy you have up there...”

  I stared blankly at him.

  “It was a joke,” he said emphatically, and laughed. God, I felt stupid. But I tried to smile at the remark. He shook his head still smiling, and reached over to press the down button on the elevator. I felt it beginning to lurch into motion, and descend down the shaft along dozens of stories toward the ground floor. “You need to lighten up,” he said, but then added, “I'm sorry if I offended you, though. I didn't mean to come off as unprofessional...”

  I looked at him a little bit blankly.

  “No, it's not that... In a way, it's actually... Kinda flattering...” I laughed nervously.

  He gave me a curious look.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, it's...” I kind of waved my arms around, trying to explain what I meant, gesturing as though it should have been plain as day for him to see. “It's just that, I mean, look at me! Who the heck would want a girl like me as their mistress? It's just funny, is all...”

  Any trace of a smile that might have been there before had suddenly vanished. It was like my remark had sobered him somehow, like he couldn't possibly believe what he was hearing.

  Suddenly, he slammed his palm against the elevator panel once more, this time against the button that stopped the lift from moving. I let out a little shriek, and felt myself toppling dangerously forward as the motion immediately ceased around me. My ankles were still a little bit shaky from that morning, and Liam caught me with his hands around my arms, preventing my fall.

  I slowly rose back up in his grip, and as I tilted my head toward him our eyes locked fiercely on each other. I felt a heat burning through me, goosebumps prickling up across my flesh. I knew I must have looked like an absolute mess- my hand falling in disheveled strands along my face, my glasses falling toward the bridge of my nose, that ugly green Christmas sweater I had on drooping loosely across my form, revealing my bare left shoulder, my clavicle, and the tops of my breasts.

  Yet as unappealing as I imagined myself to him, in that moment he gazed at me like I was the most attractive thing he'd ever seen.

  “You really don't know how beautiful you are, do you?” he said, in a slow, almost reverent voice. I stared at him, disbelieving.

  “I um... I...” I stammered, unable to think of what the hell I could possibly say to this. Lacking the words to respond to him, I reached up with a shaking hand, and pushed my glasses up along the bridge of my nose, at least trying to make myself look more presentable to him. But the moment I'd done so he was reaching slowly toward me, the motion of his hand completely smooth, his movements devoid of the anxiety I myself was displaying. He slipped his fingers around the black plastic legs of my glasses, and slowly pulled them off of me, collapsing them shut in his hands.

  “Let me show you...” he said.

  My heart was absolutely racing. I felt as though this couldn't possibly be happening. Surely, this moment I had dreamed about so many times, this fantasy that had kept me going for weeks, couldn't suddenly be coming to fruition like this, like magic...

  And yet he was closing in on me, and I was allowing him to do so. His body grew closer and closer to me, and I could feel myself beginning to sweat, the perspiration causing the fuzzy Christmas sweater to become itchy against my skin. He slowly wrapped one of his muscular arms around me, and let his palm slide up beneath the fabric, fingers gently caressing the moist small of my back. The nerves reacted almost violently to his touch, causing me to straighten, and stiffen momentarily in his arms. But then, as he came closer and closer, and I tasted his warm, sensual breath, the tension all but vanished from my body. I melted into his arms.

  Our lips met, and the sensations poured through my mouth, getting me instantaneously drunk off of him, my head swimming with pleasure and disbelief. He went slow, and gentle at first, our tender kisses soft and light, but still highly audible in the complete silence of the elevator. After several seconds of this, he gently pulled away from me, wanting to ensure that I was alright, that I hadn't changed my mind since the start of his advances that I didn't suddenly want to be as far away from him as possible.

  But I was only getting started. After having wanted him for this long, having burned for and imagined this fantastic moment, I wasn't about to let it slip through my fingers, no matter how unreal it seemed. Showing more confidence than I usually knew in my day to day life, I reached back up for his neck, and pulled him firmly back up against me. This time our mouths met, and seemed as they could remain affixed to each other until the end of time itself.

  I could hear myself moaning into him, so loud that it was almost embarrassing, yet I had absolutely no desire to stop myself. He pushed his tongue into my mouth, nearly shoving it to the back of my throat, and I pushed my own back up against him. They twisted around passionately, pouring saliva into one another's mouths, causing our heads to go light as the elevator appeared to shrink in around us.

  Inundating ourselves in this intense mutual longing, every inhibition seemed to fade away with the merging of our bodies. I began to strip him out of his suit jacket, and he finished the task for me by tearing out of his dress shirt, the buttons flying across the elevator and pinning against the metal walls. He suddenly lunged forward, ramming me hard with his naked torso up against the cold steel surface of the elevator. He nearly pushed the breath out of me as I collided with its solid surface, yet all I could think about was how I wanted him to push me harder, and harder, to crush me with every ounce of himself...

  He leaned in, and put his mouth on my neck, and kissed me. I shivered with pleasure, and brought my hands up to his half naked body. I ran my nails along his spine, scratching his flesh to pieces. My grip clenched and unclenched according to the levels of pleasure I was experiencing, and at one point I actually drew my hand away to find that I'd drawn blood. With my free hand I massaged the broad expanse of his chest, pinching at his nipples, rubbing his sweat all over myself, unable to get enough of him.

  He bit my throat, making me cry with delight, and then upped the ante even further by reaching for my chest, squeezing my boobies through scratchy green fabric of the sweater.

  “Oh, God,” I said, disbelieving, yet again, that this could possibly be happening.

  He silenced me, then, by leaning in to kiss my wet mouth, and from that moment on I stopped questioning whether this was really real.

  Now, I knew it was...

  I let him do whatever he wanted to me. I let myself be ravished, and conquered, and driven to the utmost heights of pleasure with nothing but my ecstatic gasps of protest. I could feel him beginning to grow harder and harder up against me, his wiener clearly huge as it rubbed against my thighs. I reached forward to seize him, thinking he would like it. He sighed as I gripped his genitals, squeezing them tight between my fingers, trying to evoke just the slightest bit of pain to go with the pleasure.

  In response to my efforts, he reached up to me in return and began to let his fingers creep up beneath the tight black fabric of my skirt. They danced around my thighs, evoking an incredible tension as they made their way gingerly toward the cherished spot in the center. I braced myself, holding my breath, and felt his fingers curling around the lace of my panties. I let him pull me out of the things, dragging them along my quivering legs, along my shaking knees, and down to around my ankles. He li
fted them up into the air, and studied them for a moment, the vibrant red lace dangling between our faces.

  “God, you really were dressed festively today,” he teased me, and I smiled at him.

  He leaned forward into me, then, and took me back into his arms. He pulled down the front of my sweater, and kissed the tops of my boobs, not quite able to access the nipples without tearing the fabric. Instead, as he devoured them, he let his hands come back to my skirt, and pull it down beneath the sweater, following the path of my underwear. I could feel my intense wetness becoming revealed to him, and my first instinct was to cover myself. Without really thinking about it I tugged down the sweater to cover my pubic mound, concealing the gentle chestnut fur of my bush.

  Liam, however, would have none of this- he wanted every last inch of me, and he was damn well going to take it...

  He gripped my hands, and hoisted them up over my head so that I could no longer conceal my modesty. He kissed my face, my lips, my neck a few more times, then stooped down onto the floor of the elevator. He placed his hands on my hips, and gently pushed upward so that the loose fabric of the sweater was held up under my breasts. He leaned in, and began to kiss my heaving, sweat-slick stomach, rolling his tongue along the flesh, pulling back hard with his mouth.


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