Game of Throbs Complete Series (Books 1-3)

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Game of Throbs Complete Series (Books 1-3) Page 89

by Piquette Fontaine

  Amy's scream unwittingly alerted the mugger, who turned just in time to see the mysterious figure swooping down towards him. He drew his gun, and began to fire up at whatever the hell the thing was. The muzzle of his pistol flashed, again and again and again in the darkness, so that Amy felt certain he must have blown the shadowy figure to Swiss cheese.

  However, the newcomer to the scene seemed unaffected by a single one of these gunshots, and began to duke it out with the mugger, raining blows down upon him right and left. Amy was too far away, not to mention far too panicked, to see clearly just what was going on. But she thought she saw the gun fly out of her attacker's hand and spin across the street, followed by several intense blows from the direction of the newcomer onto the anatomy of her attacker.

  Finally, she saw the mugger fall to the ground in a heap. The shadowy figure gave it a few last kicks for good measure, and then stooped down to retrieve something from the man's collapsed form.

  The next thing she knew, the dark figure had turned to face Amy, and was gliding in her direction like a phantom.

  Her heart was in her throat, and her shoulders tensed as the being approached, getting closer and closer. It felt like a dream somehow... Like it couldn't possibly be real.

  And then, at last, the figure emerged from shadow. He was the living definition of tall dark and handsome despite the terror of the circumstances. His ebony flesh glistened with sweat as his shirtless torso heaved with breath, his muscles bulging, and Amy's possessions clutched firmly in his hands.

  Amy's vision began to blur.

  As they'd been threatening to do for several minutes now, her legs began to wobble, to give way underneath her.

  She found herself collapsing to the ground, stopped from a hard collision with the pavement only by the muscular, protective arms of her savior.

  Chapter 2

  Amy began to stir. Her eyes slowly opened, and she struggled to make sense of her surroundings.

  This wasn't her apartment...

  She was in bed, fully clothed, which, in itself, seemed rather odd. She sat slowly up from the mattress, groaning from the weariness in her bones as she studied the room around her. She looked over to a dresser across the room, and caught sight of her purse and engagement ring sitting there.

  She had a sudden recollection of the scene that had taken place immediately prior to her loss of consciousness.

  She began to feel nervous, not knowing how afraid she should be of the man who'd rescued her. She wanted to slip out of the apartment and run back home as quickly as possible, yet she feared exiting the room, and encountering the man outside, waiting for her.

  However, just then the door to the bedroom creaked open, and a spike of more immediate fear came shooting through her body.

  He came slowly up to her, as though fully aware of the effect he was having on her, and something about his care in this regard eased her. She began to lose sight of her fears, and instead became mesmerized by the appearance of the man. He was wearing a black tank-top now, but it scarcely concealed the rippling of muscle beneath his flesh. His broad, dark pecs, the agonizing rungs of his six-pack abdominals...

  “Are you alright?” he asked, in a low, caring voice.

  Amy's eyelashes fluttered, and she struggled to think straight as she came up with an answer. “I am now...” she said, and she realized how this sounded. “You saved me...” she added, as though to clarify what she'd meant.

  “I just... Saw what happened, and... Well, I couldn't just let that creep get away with it. Did he hurt you?”

  Amy slowly shook her head, but her eyes remained wide and affixed to the man, unable to get enough of him.

  “That's good,” he said, and when she continued not to say anything, he added, “My name's Justin.”

  “Amy,” she quickly said, and she realized she was smiling girlishly up at him. She didn't know what the hell was wrong with her, but she seemed to be going gaga for this complete stranger, drunk as she was on his very presence. Thoughts of Steve and his infidelity seemed to drain from her mind for the first time in weeks now, and she welcomed, instead, the immersion of herself in the reality of this new, perfect being.

  “Pleasure to meet you, Amy,” he said, and his smile as he said this was mesmerizing. “I... I have your things back, over there on the dresser...”

  “I saw,” said Amy.

  “I imagine it's all there... I mean, I didn't look through the purse or anything, obviously...”

  “I trust you,” she said, feeling more and more in a trance as the moments went by.

  They stared into one another's eyes so long that they might have gotten lost, until at last Justin blinked, and averted his gaze from her. “Well... I'll let you rest some more... I imagine that was all pretty traumatic.”

  He was just getting ready to get up from the bed, when suddenly Amy reached up and placed a hand on his wrist.

  He froze, and turned to look at her, his expression unreadable.

  “Come over here,” she said dreamily. Justin remained rooted to the spot, however, and when he didn't respond to her advances, she found herself leaning forward, parting her lips.

  She didn't know what the hell she was doing... Normally, this would have been completely out of character for her. She scarcely knew this man, and technically speaking she was still in a committed relationship with Steve- even if it was one just hanging on by a thread.

  But before she could stop herself, she was pressing her warm, wet mouth against Justin's, breathing in his air. His lips were unresponsive for a moment, but she kissed him several times over. She bit down lightly on his bottom lip and pulled back, and this got him reacting to her. He kissed her back now, and for several seconds they continued in this manner. At last, however, he lightly brought a hand to her shoulder, pushing back on her. Her breasts were heaving wildly as she tried to remain patient, though in that moment she wanted nothing more than to lunge forward and to devour every last ounce of meat from his bones.

  “Look, I... You're in shock... You've just been through a very traumatic experience, and you're... Vulnerable... I don't want to take advantage of that...”

  This consideration only made her want him more, and she smiled seductively at him, practically able to feel his defenses falling as her lips twisted up into such a malicious grin.

  She shook her head, slowly from side to side.

  “I can't explain this,” she said slowly. “I know I don't know the first thing about you, but... Somehow I just know. I want you... The way you came into my life, at the time when you did... Like you're my... My guardian angel or something...”

  He seemed taken aback by this, and then a certain gravity fell over his features. “I'm hardly an angel...” he said, and he spoke the words with such dark inflection that it seemed to set them both off worse than ever.

  In spite of his own protestations, now it was Justin leaning forward, preparing to devour her whole.

  Their lips met, and melted together once more. Their kisses were deeper, wetter, more intense than before. Her spine prickled, goosebumps erupting across her flesh, and sweat pouring along her taut, heaving body. She wrapped her arms up around his neck, and pulled him down onto her, crushing herself with his weight, and loving the pressing of air from her lungs as their bodies entwined.

  She felt him hardening up against her, the bulge in his jeans pressing up hard against her through the fabric of her skirt. She wrapped one leg up around his waist, squeezing him tightly into herself, and he began to gently grind his body into her, dry humping her through the layers of their clothes. She moaned slightly against his lips, and he pushed his tongue into her mouth. He twisted it around her cheeks, bringing it so far back down along her throat that she might have choked on the delectable thing. She pushed her own tongue back into his, and the pink, fleshy units collided, entwined, saliva pouring from mouth to mouth and back again.

  She was moaning wildly now, getting wetter and wetter down below, burning for him like an
animal in heat. She couldn't remember ever having wanted Steve so badly, or having wanted anything in the world so badly for that matter. She needed him in that moment, like she needed the very air she breathed in from the atmosphere. She plunged a hand down between the two of them and cupped his bulging genitals through the denim of his jeans, stroking his erection tenderly, craving the moment of having it inside her.

  He grunted with satisfaction, and brought a hand of his own beneath her. He slid it up the bottom of her blouse, making her start as he fingered the small of her back, and crept up along her sweat-streaked spine. He caressed her lovingly, bringing his hand nearly halfway up along her back, and then dipping it back down, down, down. It crept into her panties, clutching at the tops of her buttocks, greedy fingers curling into flesh...

  They needed to be closer together, as quickly as possible.

  He heaved his body up from off of her, and brought his hands to the hem of his tank-top. It was soaked with sweat at this point, molded to his skin. She savored the sight as he slid the thing up slowly off of himself, the liquid fabric dissolving from the V-lines of his Adonis muscles, the intensity of his six-pack, the delectable planes of his insane pectoral muscles. His nipples were dark and candy-like as they pulsed on his chest, and she felt herself losing all control as he lowered himself back down on top of her.

  Now he brought his hands to the hem of her blouse, and peeled it up along her body. She slid out of it like a snake sheds its skin, and Justin lowered himself back down onto her, crushing her in that positively splendid way of his once again. He wrapped one arm around her naked spine, and with the other he brought a hand to her right breast through the cup of her bra. He squeezed her tenderly, his claws sinking into her, and began to knead up the flesh like dough. And all the while, as he ravished her, his lips were on her own once more, mouths melting together, Amy's head growing light as air as her flaring nostrils breathed in his scent.

  She wrapped her arms around him, sliding her hands into the back of his pants and clawing at his thrusting ass, loving the writhing of muscle with every splendid movement of his body. She needed him, so damn badly, and he seemed to know this, to take advantage of it wholeheartedly. With a low groan, he brought his mouth from her own to the side of her neck. He began to kiss her throat intensely, rolling his tongue along the flesh. Then he began to bite down into her, giving her a mark. She craved the pain, her toes curling, her entire body pressing up into him. But then he pushed beyond the threshold of pain, drawing blood, shocking her as the warm, wet substance dripped down along her and onto the bedspread beneath.

  She should have been shocked at this, horrified. Yet on the contrary, she found that she rather savored the sweet agony of his hunger for her, and as his tongue rolled around the wound, lapping up the salty taste of her, she found herself positively moaning with ecstasy.

  He continued to lick her up, to suck on his own bite marks, as down below his hand slid into her panties, further contributing to the pleasant agony of their lovemaking. His fingers hooked up into her vagina, pressing around the wet, floral folds, the squelching noised produced by her own slippery cunt like music to her ears as he fingered her.

  “Oh God... Oh God... Yes... Yes... Yes...”

  He seemed totally consumed by her despite him being the one doing the consuming, unable to focus on anything in the world in that moment other than the precious, brutal agony of their love. With his free hand he reached beneath her, undoing the clasp of her bra. It opened freely, and she helped him pull the straps down along her arms, and push the cups away from her tits.

  Immediately, he moved from the side of her neck, which had stopped bleeding at last, to the full, supple mounds of her breasts. He took them each into his mouth in turn, kissing the nipples, moving from one to the other and back again. Whichever wasn't presently being devoured by him in his hunger he caressed lovingly with his free hand, the other still plunged beneath her skirt and fondling her pink wetness into oblivion.

  He suckled upon each hard pink nipple, rolling his tongue around and around their perimeters, sinking his sharp fangs into her to a degree that wasn't quite as severe as the bite that had drawn blood from her throat.

  She continued to moan as the sensations welled up in her chest, and her loins burned down below at his touch as he continued to finger her into a frenzy. Her legs began to seize up around him, her buttocks clenching as her knees pressed into him like a vice.

  At last, he pulled his wet fingers up from her panties, and looked up at her wheezing face as he brought his hand to his mouth. He slid the soaked digits into his lips, letting his tongue dissolve around them, taking in the glorious taste of her fluids.

  She was panting for him, burning for him, waiting for the inevitable moment that she knew to be mere seconds away now...

  Sure enough, he brought his hands at last to the waistline of her skirt. His fingers curled up into the fabric, so that as he pulled down, down, down along her body, both the skirt and the panties beneath were slid from her form. They dissolved from her ass, sinking to her thighs, her knees, all the way down to around her ankles. At last he removed both articles completely, throwing them to the floor.

  Amy fought her inherent shyness, and now, completely naked, spread her legs wide open for him, smiling up at his dazed expression. He gazed, long and hard, at her wet, gaping pussy for several seconds, his beautiful chest heaving with want, the lump in his pants getting bigger and bigger. At last, though, he managed to get a hold of himself, his eyes returning to her own, a smile spreading across his lips.

  He slowly bowed forward onto her body, and pressed his lips to the base of her rib cage, right beneath the point of her breasts where he'd left off. He pressed his hands against the flesh of her thighs, letting his fingers sink painfully into them. Then he began to run kisses down, down, down along her naked body, letting them move tantalizingly from her ribcage, to her belly, to the heaving fleck of her navel, and at last down around the clean shaven swath of her pubic triangle...

  She let out a shriek of pleasure, and then her eyes fluttered shut as his lips melted warmly against those of her pussy. Tenderly he kissed her soft, wet vagina, pulling its folds into his mouth with a beautiful, intense suction. He slowly spit her back out, and then spit into her, sending a white jet of saliva into her cunt as a means of lubrication. He pressed the flat palm of his tongue down against her to spread this around, and then proceeded to steadily eat her out, moving in a tender, loving rhythm.

  “Oh God... Yes... Oh yes...” she chanted, her body relaxed, and the beauty of his cunnilingus making her feel as though she was walking on air. He lapped, and licked, and devoured her wholly, as though he genuinely seemed to savor the delectable flavor of her femininity.

  She reached down between her legs, and with one hand pressed down against the crown of his beautiful bobbing head, forcing him deeper and deeper into herself. Then, she brought her other hand down and began to play with her clitoris, fingering it enthusiastically until Justin took over. He gently pushed her hand out of the way, and worked the tender, throbbing button of her love with an even greater intensity, his touch magical, setting her on fire with sensations as pleasure coursed through her body in waves.

  “Oh... Oh... Oh... Oh...” was now the extent of all she could manage to say.

  It grew harder and harder to maintain her composure as the ecstasy bowled her over, and before she knew it her legs were wrapping up around him, pulling him deeper and deeper into her cunt. Her thighs began to tremble, and she nearly crushed his precious, hungry skull like a vice as the sensations swelled and swelled to a breaking point.

  And at last, when she thought she could no longer stand it, orgasm pulsed through her body in waves. She cried out loud, and the entire bed shook along with her as she came, her whole anatomy on fire, her heart racing like a hummingbird's in her chest.

  She nearly suffocated Justin in her folds as the last few pangs of ecstasy coursed through her, until at last she let out a fi
nal gasp, and her entire body went limp. Her legs opened up from around him, freeing him from his lovely, delicious prison. She lay there, panting with sensations, as he continued to lick at her down below. Then, at last, he slowly pulled his lips from those of her pussy, and lifted himself up toward her. He leaned onto her, once more, his erection once again pressing into her through the denim of his jeans. Their lips met, dissolving together, and she tasted herself on him as they kissed.

  They made out for minutes on end, Amy still struggling to regain her faculties after that first round of intense, crippling pleasure. Then, she watched in astonishment as Justin stepped up from the bed, bringing his hand to the fly of his jeans.

  Her throat constricted as he slowly unzipped himself, bringing his hands to his waistline. Then, he slid out of his jeans and underwear in a single stroke. His cock bounced out into the open, erect and glistening with pre-ejaculate, and so damn huge that Amy's mouth fell open at the sight of it.


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