KING: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Elite Royal Academy Book 1)

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KING: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Elite Royal Academy Book 1) Page 27

by L. J. Woods

  “It’s Prince Xavier. He flew in from Denmark this morning.”

  “Her dress was flown in from Paris.”

  Lea appears in front of the limo, walking up the red carpet with a dress fit for the Venice Carnival. It’s fluffy, pink and whimsical, her mask matching her outfit. Prince Xavier looks like someone from a Disney movie. Regal. Poise. A suit that looks more like a soldier's. There's a resemblance to Damien but he’s actually smiling.

  “Ah, perfect.” Damien holds out his hand. “Ready to topple her highness?”

  So this is what he had in mind.

  I smirk, putting black-polished fingers in his hand. “Ready.”

  Damien pushes the door of the limo open as Lea and Xavier reach the middle of the carpet. More whispers erupt as Damien holds out his hand. I take it, Lea turning around to see what all the other fuss is about.

  Her jaw goes slack.

  Damien helps me out of the limo and Lea already looks super thrown off, but even I'm not prepared for what happens next. Damien wraps me in his arms, dipping me down low. Placing his hands around my waist, he plants a kiss on my lips and I feel like I’m in a romance movie.

  The whispers get louder and there’s even some hoot and hollers from the crowd around us.

  “Really, Damien?” Lea looks like she’s seeing red when I'm upright again. “Making it official with the slut from the Grove? How much did you pay her for tonight? Is a happy ending included?" Prince Xavier's perfect face contorts, Lea's hands in fists.

  Damien juts out his arm and I take it as he approaches them. “You mean not as much as you paid for Prince Ken over here?” he asks. “Face it, Lea. You’re not Queen B anymore. No matter who’s cock you suck.”

  “Damien…” her voice cracks when she says his name like she's backing down. Pleading for mercy.

  He smirks.

  The whispers follow us as we make our way inside the venue, the crowd moving with us. That means Lea’s left outside to take in her grand entrance all on her own.

  Once inside, my eyes dance around the extravagant decorations. If this is what they do for seasonal dances, I can't imagine what they'll do for prom.

  Feathers and ribbons hang from the ceiling, two giant masks at the front near the DJ booth. Gold, silver and purple balloons hang in every nook, a display of them on the ceiling. Everyone looks ready for a photoshoot, some students shuffling about the dancefloor.

  “Well, damn!” Nate approaches us, looking incredible in a purple velvet suit. Carlos is next to him in a black one and they both look great together. He pokes out his hand and bows his head when he gets in front of me. “Permission to approach, my queen.”

  “Permission granted.” I curtsy.

  Damien leans in, his lips grazing my cheek as he goes to my ear. “I’m going to check on the guys. I’ll let you catch up.” I watch as he walks away, girls eyeing him with envy as he does.

  “Really though.” Nate leans in for a hug, his coils straightened and curled at the top. “Word has it you’re the new Queen B.”

  I wave him off when we let go before hugging Carlos. “Oh, whatever. I’m not after anything. I only want peace until I graduate.”

  “Peace while boinking the King of Eden?” Carlos asks.

  “Yeah babe, she’s delusional,” Nate says.

  “I’m not into this school hierarchy bullshit. Damien knows that. So things might change around here.” I shrug. Carlos and Nate look at each other before they burst into laughter. My shoulders fall. “What?”

  “This is Damien King we’re talking about right?” Nate asks. “I mean he’s a hot piece of ass, but honey, don’t kid yourself."

  “Jo?” I’m still digesting Nate’s words when I hear Allie’s voice behind me. I turn around to see her in a flowy purple gown, matching the streaks in her hair. She has a gold mask in her hand but she hasn't bothered with makeup. “Are you back? I heard you went to The Grove.”

  “And give these guys the satisfaction?” I smile at her.

  “Didn’t think you would.” She returns my smile and it feels good, despite everything.

  “I’ll catch up with you guys,” Nate says. “Carlos looks…thirsty.” I turn around and Nate’s already leading Carlos towards the refreshment table.

  A couple of seconds of silence span between us before I blurt out, “I’m sorry.” But I smile when I realize we've said it in unison.

  “What do you have to be sorry about?” she asks. “I’m the one who lied to you.”

  “But I never gave you a chance to explain.”

  “And I don’t blame you.” She takes a step closer now that she’s realized my walls are down. “It was a pretty big lie. I just…I didn’t want you to think I’m anything like these assholes. They don't treat me like I’m a part of their circle anyway and I didn’t want to lose you as a friend.”

  “Allie, I don’t care where you come from, or what your last name is,” I say. “Or even if your brother can be a hell of a jerk. You were the first person here to be nice to me and that speaks volumes. You were my first friend.”

  “Past tense?”

  “No.” I take her hand and pull her in for a hug. “Friends.”

  She squeezes me and while it feels great I let out a groan. Allie backs off and looks at me. “You okay?”

  “There’s plenty to catch you up on,” I say, my hand going to my side.

  Damien comes back with two cups. “Allie.”

  “Damien.” She eyes him up then looks at me as Damien hands me a red cup. It smells like fruit punch, but I detect the alcohol in it. Allie smirks, but there's a cringe in her expression. “So this is a thing huh?”

  Glancing at Damien, it's hard not to smile, “Like I said, plenty to catch you up on.”

  She shakes her head. “Fine. Over lunch. Emilio’s.” I nod as I see Lea come into the main room with Xavier. She immediately takes him on the dancefloor, demanding space around them. Allie’s eyes land on them for a long while before she straightens her posture. “I could use a drink myself. See you?"


  “Love your dress, Jo!” A group of sophomores walk by, Allie walking away. They wave at Damien. “Hi, King.”

  Damien doesn’t say anything but they still giggle as they walk away. At least my nickname is gone. He leans into me,.“Seems like you have new fans.”

  I stare around us at the decorations and the students and I'm starting to feel overwhelmed. Have I made a spot for myself in this school? There’s a chance I can finish high school in peace, with the hottest guy in the school by my side.

  Damien actually seems to give a shit about me. He even cares about Willow. But it's scary. I've let my guard down before.

  There's still so much to Damien I don't know. So much to second-guess. Like tonight for example. He wants the school to know we're together but did he have to pull that stunt? Did he have to hide it from me? Is it always going to be a game with him? Am I always going to be the pawn in his plans? What more is he hiding?

  “Want to blow this joint?” Damien's question pulls me out of my silent tizzy. He holds a joint in front of my face and I have to grab it out of his hand so we don’t get caught.

  “Are you trying to get me kicked out already?” Looking around the room, chaperones don't seem to notice.

  "If you haven't noticed, you're with me now." He holds out his hand as if asking for the joint. "I showed the entire school that you’re mine. You have very little to worry about, Rowland. Except where you’d like to smoke this joint...and where I'm going to put my cock in twenty minutes."

  He stares at me, mischief in his eyes and I give in, putting the joint in his hand. Tucking it behind his ear, he leads me out of the venue.

  This night, while we haven’t been at the dance long, is perfect. But I don’t want to go back to the Archibalds’ and I don’t want to go back to Damien’s. Isaac’s having an afterparty but I’m not even sure if I’m down for that, considering how the last party ended.

” A sexy grin pulls at Damien’s lips once we're in the night air again. “I’ve got a better idea.”

  Damien calls his car service and we smoke his joint by the time the car arrives. He doesn’t tell anyone we’re leaving. Doesn’t make a big gesture out of it and I’m starting to think I'm worrying over nothing.

  Leaning my head on him in the car, I soak up his warmth throughout the ride. I pretend not to notice his fingers between my legs, grazing my skin as the moonlight guides the drive. He knows how to make me fall apart with his almost-there touches, and by the time we arrive at our destination, I want his body on top of me.

  When I get out of the car, I’m floored. The sound of rushing water is all I hear as the car leaves us on the gravelly driveway. The two-storey modern fixture that Damien calls a house is behind us but the view is breathtaking. Waves splash against rocks, a lighthouse in the distance and there’s nothing else but the sound of us.

  “Don't you dare go in there. I want to be the one to make you wet.” Damien’s voice calls from behind me. I’m too in awe to say anything, the moonlight making the water glisten. When I don’t answer, he’s too impatient to wait. “I’ll be inside.”

  When his footsteps grow distant I take another moment, grateful for where I am now, versus when I first got to Eden. Crisp air fills my lungs before I hear another call from inside, “Jo? You know how I get when I'm left waiting.”

  My heart patters, a fire in my core knowing what’s inside of that house.

  Damien King. All for my own.

  “Damien! Damien get down here!”

  My eyes spring open. Damien stirs next to me and a feeling of warmth comes over me when I realize I’m still in his arms.

  Last night was amazing. I felt like Damien and I were in our own little world. I want to hold onto this feeling as long as I can since I'll be back in classes in no time. Not that that's ever stopped us. I'd be lying if I said the thought of romping around campus with Damien doesn't excite me.

  Damien and I aren’t perfect and I don’t even know what this is, but it feels too good to care.

  “Damien!” A booming voice bellows down the hall, startling me again and now I’m sure I’m not dreaming.

  Damien sits up like a vampire rising from the dead. He looks at me, grabbing for his pants on the side of the bed, our clothes scattered around the room. “Stay here.”

  “Who the fuck is that?” I ask pulling the sheets up to my shoulders.


  “Damien King!”

  That’s when I recognize the voice. “Is that your dad? I thought you said no one would be here.”

  “Stay. Here.” Pants on, Damien sweeps his hand through his hair before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

  I hear another smash and some yelling. It’s nothing I’m not used to but the way their voices carry through the hall, it sounds like two greek gods sparring off.

  Damien shouts but I can’t make out the words. So I get closer to the door before I hear another smash. After a few seconds, I don’t hear Damien’s voice anymore but Sebastien King is giving it.

  Cracking the door, I hear Damien coughing. His voice is weak, croaky and it worries me. I saw the way Sebastien King treats him in the halls of ERA. Was he doing the same thing now?

  I duck back inside the room and rummage through a dresser drawer until I find a t-shirt. It’s a King Financial t-shirt but I don't care, I need to know what’s going on.

  “She’s up there isn’t she?” Sebastien’s voice gets closer as I tiptoe to the stairs.

  “She's not here.” Damien's trying to use that same threatening voice he uses with me. But this one’s more desperate. “And stay the fuck away from—” I hear another smash, a grunt from Damien and I'm quick to move to where I hear the sounds coming from.

  My bare feet patter against the cold tiled floors, my chest tightening. When I come out of the hallway, I see blood.

  Sebastien stands in the foyer, a trail of blood on the white floor. It leads to Damien, curled up, back against the door. His dad looks over him, light from the foyer window shining in on them, highlighting broken porcelain.

  A gasp leaves my throat, taking in the scene. Pieces of a shattered vase lay scattered near his head, red roses sprinkled around the space.

  Sebastien turns to me before he yells. "You liar!" He swings his leg back before the tip of his shoe slams into Damien's face.

  Damien curls further into a ball like he’s protecting himself from a bear. His dad doesn’t let up, he keeps going at it, blood flying from Damien's mouth.

  “Stop!” I yell, but Sebastien ignores me, getting on top of Damien instead.

  “What is she doing here?” Sebastien growls, his fists pounding into his son.

  Damien’s body goes limp and I scream again, "Get off him!"

  When he doesn't move I run into the kitchen and open the first drawer. I'm hoping for a rolling pin or a wooden spoon. Something to hit Sebastien with to get him off Damien. I'm raging. Scared.

  The drawer slides open and the room seems to tilt. Reaching in, I take the object in my hand, the metal as cold as ice. I don’t know why the Kings have a gun in the kitchen drawer, but I guess now’s the perfect time to use it. Or at least threaten to.

  My brain is a fuzz when I point it in Sebastien's direction, finger on the trigger. “Let him go!” My voice is loud. Demanding. And I hope it scares him enough to back off.

  Sebastien starts to laugh, and I can see where Damien gets it from. He doesn’t humour me. Doesn’t even look my way. He keeps pummelling his rage into his son.

  A crack echoes through the foyer, his fist slamming into Damien’s face. He’s not letting up and I can’t lose Damien again. Not when I found someone who cares. A lump forms in my throat, my hands shaking like I’m on a rickety coaster, my palms sweaty against the metal of the gun.

  I’m scared, petrified, but I straighten up, “I said, let him go or I’ll shoot!”

  Sebastien goes stiff before he pushes Damien’s limp body to the ground. He steps towards me and he’s coming quicker than expected, like a pissed off Jaguar. He snarls when I cock the gun. I’m attempting to put distance between us, but he keeps coming.

  My heart feels ready to burst, my breath rapid.

  “Dad…” Damien gives Sebastien a hoarse call, but I can hardly hear him.

  His dad doesn't either.

  Taking steps back, I’m giving myself more time to decide. Sebastien clenches his fists, some feet away.

  I’m seeing red. I mean, the entire room turns blood red as he lunges for the gun.


  To Be Continued...

  Follow Jo and Damien in Book 2 of the Elite Royal Academy Series.



  In the meantime. . .

  Sign up for a free bonus chapter from the first installment in the Elite Royal Academy series, KING.By signing up, you’ll also receive a sneak-peek at book two in the series, KNIGHT, coming this winter season.


  Jo's Playlist

  Excuse Me Mr. - No Doubt

  Purple Haze - The Jimi Henrix Experiment

  Death by Rock and Roll - The Pretty Reckless

  Take Back the Power - The Interrupters

  Cherry Bomb - The Runaways

  Closer - Kings of Leon

  Bright Future - Sanityzer

  Make Me Wanna Die - The Pretty Reckless

  Why'd You Only Call Me When Your High? - The Artic Monkeys

  Tainted Love - Marilyn Manson

  High for This - The Weeknd

  Come As You Are - Nirvana

  Ceremony - Deftones

  Listen to The Official "KING" Playlist.

  About The Author

  L.J. Woods is an author of young adult and new adult contemporary dark romance. Her deliciously dark novels feature fierce heroines and irresistible bad boy anti-heroes. With a focus on themes that include enemies-to-lovers, spor
ts, bullying and suspense, Books by Woods will leave you gripping to your Kindle.

  I love hearing from my readers!

  Don’t hesitate to reach out:

  [email protected]

  Instagram: @l.j.woods

  Twitter: @booksbywoods




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