Harlequin E Shivers Box Set Volume 4: The HeadmasterDarkness UnchainedForget Me NotQueen of Stone

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Harlequin E Shivers Box Set Volume 4: The HeadmasterDarkness UnchainedForget Me NotQueen of Stone Page 14

by Tiffany Reisz

  They sat side by side on the leather sofa.

  “So Laird and Christopher told me what happened with Miss Muir. She found a note Laird wrote to Christopher.”

  “Not just any note.” Edwin’s eyes went comically wide.

  “Passionate little missive, was it?”

  “Explicit, would be the better word for it. I’m not sure I’ve recovered yet from reading it.”

  Gwen laughed. “Teenage boys. All hormones, very little brains.”

  “You aren’t bothered by their relationship?”

  “Of course not,” Gwen said. “Don’t be silly. It’s not the nineteenth century. And it’s not like we have to worry about teen pregnancy in this situation.”

  “One blessing,” Edwin said.

  “They said you fired Miss Muir right in front of them.”

  Edwin clasped his hands between his knees.

  “I realize that was inappropriate,” Edwin said, sounding remorseful. “But her accusations infuriated me. They’re boys in love, not Nazis or demons. And there’s precedent for it. Ancient Greek soldiers—”


  “Yes, back on the topic. Miss Muir acted like Satan himself had come to this school. It was nonsense, fundamentalist lunacy. And the boys didn’t deserve to hear any of it. They’re Marshal students. They deserve nothing but our respect and support. I sent Miss Muir packing immediately.”

  “You never told the school she was fired?”

  Edwin shook his head and leaned back.

  “I couldn’t. That would have raised many questions among the students and staff. I promised the boys I’d guard their secret to the grave and beyond. I said Miss Muir had left to get married. Which was not entirely untrue. She was engaged to a man from her church. No one questioned the explanation.”

  “And then I turned up.”

  “And that is something for which I am deeply grateful.” Edwin looked at her and smiled. “I wanted to tell you the truth, Gwendolyn. I simply couldn’t. I hope you understand why.”

  “I do, you annoyingly honorable man.”

  “And you forgive me?”

  “Of course not,” she said. “I mean, you did the right thing. It’s my fault I didn’t trust you. I will from now on. Do you forgive me?”

  “No,” he said and laid his hand on her knee. “You did the right thing. In your shoes I would have been equally suspicious and concerned for the welfare of the students.”

  “So we were both right. That never happens. This place must really be magical,” she said, smiling around the room.

  “It’s certainly felt like that ever since you came here.” Edwin’s touched her face. She took his glasses off and sat them on the table.

  “Shall we go make some magic in your bedroom?” she asked, the heat of his hand sinking into her skin and permeating her entire body.

  Edwin sighed and pulled his hand from her face.

  “What is it? Edwin?” Gwen prompted, suddenly scared.

  “As much as I would love to, and I promise you, Gwendolyn, I would love to. I feel like our continued relationship would set a bad example for the school. Thanks to your…enthusiasm last Friday, they knew we’re lovers. I don’t know how I can teach them to be gentlemen if I’m having a dalliance with one of the teachers without even an engagement or understanding between us.”

  Gwen's stomach dropped.

  “So you’re saying we have to stop seeing each other because of your overdeveloped sense of duty and chivalry?”

  “No,” he said and moved from the couch to the floor. Kneeling in front of her he took her hand in his and brought it to his lips. “I’m saying, I would like to request the honor of your hand in marriage.”

  “Oh my God,” Gwen said, her eyes widening, her stomach flipping backward over itself. “You’re serious?”

  “I have never been so serious in my life. I have never loved before. Never been loved. And you came here and now here I am, loved and loving. I pray this never ends. When a man sees something good in the world, he should honor it and cherish it and protect it. I look at you and see something good and beautiful. Let me honor you and cherish you and protect you. And love you. For always. Will you say yes?”

  Gwen stared at him, overwhelmed with joy and fear and shock and desire. She’d was speechless, voiceless, thoughtless. It took everything in her power to summon the strength to even say a single word to Edwin at that moment. But she did at least and it was the right word.

  “Yes,” she said. And although she knew it was crazy to get engaged to someone after knowing him for two weeks, she knew yes was the right answer, the only answer, and she had no other answer. But she knew she belonged her, belonged to this school and belonged with Edwin forever.

  He pulled a ring from his pocket, a delicate band topped with a gleaming white pearl. He slipped it on her finger, and it fit her as if it had been molded for her hand from magic.

  She took Edwin’s too-handsome face in her hands and kissed him like she’d die if she didn’t. And he kissed her back again and again.

  “Now can we go to your bedroom?” she asked.

  “You don’t even have to ask.” Edwin stood up, pulled her into his arms and kissed her all the way to the door to his bedroom. She reached for the doorknob. “Wait.”

  “Wait?” Gwen asked.

  “You didn’t say yes to my proposal just so I would make love to you, did you?”

  “No, of course not. Not entirely, anyway.” She grinned at him.

  Edwin threw the door open and carried her to the bed. She sat on the side, and Edwin stood in front of her. With his face in her hands, he bent and kissed her again, as if it had been an eon between the last time she’d been in his bedroom and not mere days. It felt like an eon. She’d never let another night pass without sharing a bed with Edwin. Not if she could help it.

  Edwin brusquely unbuttoned her blouse and soon it ended up on the floor. She took off her bra and tossed it aside. He laid her on her back and slid her skirt off and her panties. Soon she lay completely naked across the made bed. He crawled to her and knelt between her open legs.

  She watched him remove his vest and shirt. Why didn’t every man on earth wear three-piece suits? Because the women of the world would never be able to think straight, that was why. She’d have to bar Edwin from her classroom so she could concentrate on her lessons without imagining biting those buttons off his vest and kissing every square inch of his broad muscular chest with the perfect amount of chest hair. He gazed at her body with reverent desire and unrepentant hunger. He held her breasts in his hands, and she arched underneath him, offering herself up to him. He massaged her breasts and nipples. Teased them. Kneaded them. Soon she was panting, almost to the point of begging.

  “Please, Edwin…”

  “Let me enjoy you,” he said. “I want to take my time with my future wife.”

  She smiled up at him. How could she argue with that? It was their first time together as an engaged couple. She could sense the specialness of the moment. No, they shouldn’t rush it. She would cherish the memory of this night forever.

  He ran his hands up and down the front of her body from her hips to her chest and back again. He caressed all her curves…her thighs, her hips, her small waist, full breasts and shoulders. She ached to have his hard length filling her, but she bit her tongue to stop her pleas. He would have her when he wanted her. No sooner.

  With a hand on either side of her head, he dipped his mouth to hers and kissed her lightly, his lips taunting her lips. She rose up to deepen the kiss but he pulled back. Groaning, she lay back again, and he laughed at her.

  “Be a good girl,” he said.

  “You always have to be in charge, don’t you?” she asked.

  “I’m the headmaster. I am in charge.”

  He proved then how truly he was in charge by pressing a deep and possessive kiss onto her mouth. His tongue explored her lips. She couldn’t get enough of the taste of him—a touch of wine, a touch of tea�
�and the warm manly scent of him, like cedar soap and honorable intentions.

  She raised her hands to his shoulders, needing to feel the heat of his body. His muscles tensed under her touch. Every inch of him was granite hard. He kissed her from her lips to her nipples. He rolled his tongue around them, sucked them between his lips and teased them with his tongue. Ripples of excitement coursed through her breasts, through her body, and sent her inner muscles twitching and tightening with desire.

  “You make me feel so beautiful,” she said, as Edwin slid his hands up and down her inner thighs.

  “You are beautiful. I’ve never seen a woman so beautiful. Here,” he said and caressed her face with the back of his hand. “And here.” He ran his hand over her shoulders and breasts. “And here,” he said, cupping her heat with his hand and slipping two fingers into her wetness.

  She gasped at the sudden penetration. She needed this, needed him inside her. Her muscles tightened around him as he explored inside her. Whenever her breathing changed he stopped and gave that part of her extra attention. She felt so open, so ready to be filled up with him, by him.

  “Edwin, please,” she begged again. “I need you in me.”

  He laughed softly. “Far be it from me to deny a lady such a humble request.”

  He opened his pants and pulled himself free. She watched with ever increasing desire as he stroked himself. She loved seeing him touch himself. She loved seeing her touching him even more. She reached between her thighs and took him in her hand, guiding him into her. With torturous slowness he sank inch by inch into her body. She enveloped him with her heat, raising her hips to take him as deep as she could. He filled her perfectly, stretching her wet walls open as she shivered from the unbearable pleasure of him penetrating her to the very core.

  “Edwin…” She heaved a ragged breath as he moved in her. He pulled out all the way to the tip before pushing back in with a hard deliberate thrust. His movements were measured, which only added to the intensity. She wanted him to lose himself in her, to lose control. But he held himself solid and still over her, only his hips moving as he set the pace and made her wait for it.

  Two could play that game. She ran her hands over his arms and chest, kissed his collarbone, nibbled his neck. She wrapped her legs around his back and whispered her love and lust for him and all the things she dreamed they would do someday in this bed. He thrust harder and faster. He cupped the back of her head and brought her neck to his mouth. He devoured her throat with kisses that left her moaning with need. Her hips pumped against his. She wanted to come, needed to come. With her eyes shut tight and her fingers digging into his shoulders, she did come. The orgasm racked her body and once it passed, she collapsed under him. At last Edwin let go of the last of his self-control, riding her with quick desperate thrusts before he came inside her, shivering in her arms.

  Edwin pulled out of her and lay on his said. He pulled her flush against him and draped his arm over her stomach.

  “Good Lord,” he said.

  “My sentiments exactly.” Gwen giggled girlishly. “It will always be like this, won’t it? You and I?”

  “Yes,” he said, his voice strangely somber. “Nothing will change. Nothing at all.”

  She smiled up at the scarlet canopy. “Good.” She laughed again.

  “What is so funny, Miss Ashby?” Edwin demanded.

  “I’m engaged to be married to a man I’ve known two weeks who is headmaster at the school where I work. An all-boys’ boarding school in the middle of nowhere with no internet, no cell phone service, no computers…Edwin, I used to be so sensible.”

  “What happened?”

  “I came to my senses.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Gwen awoke at dawn again. In the pale morning light that crept through the stained-glass window, she raised her left hand up and stared at the ring on her finger.

  It was real. It hadn’t been a dream. Every time she woke up it was with a small panic that her time at Marshal had all been a dream. A wonderful magical mid-autumn’s night dream. But there it was—the silver-and-pearl ring. Had she dreamed her own engagement ring it would have been this one—so simple, so elegant. And not a diamond in sight. She’d read once about the children who were forced to work diamond mines in Africa like slaves. No diamonds for her. How did Edwin know this was her dream ring?

  Because he was Edwin and he knew her. And because he knew her, he knew she would sneak out and go back to her cottage to get ready for class. She kissed his sleeping lips and dragged herself from his bed. It was easy to leave this morning, because she knew she would return to his bed tonight and every night hereafter. She dressed quietly and slipped out into a perfect September sunrise.

  A sense of peace consumed Gwen. Everything was perfect. Almost too perfect. She knew she shouldn’t question the good gifts that the world graciously bestowed, but enough of the sensible old Gwen remained to make her wonder why everything was so…completely…perfect….

  Gwen paused mid-step. In the middle of campus a woman stood in the early morning mist. An old woman with white hair and a face lined with a lifetime of penance.

  “Ma’am?” Gwen called out as she neared the woman. The woman didn’t seem to hear her.

  She called out again. Once more the old woman did nothing but gaze upon the campus. She looked at it but through it at the same time.

  “Can I help you?” Gwen asked standing right in front of the woman.

  “Grandma? Where did you go?” A young man’s voice came from the entrance to the courtyard. He jogged over to the old woman, but didn’t give Gwen so much as a glance.

  “I’m here, Ryan,” the old woman said.

  “You wandered off. Scared me to death.” Ryan looked only about twenty or so, not much older than Gwen's students.

  “Death?” the old woman said with a sad smile on her face. “You’re just a child, Ryan. What do you know about death?”

  “Grandma, let’s go. You saw the school. We should leave.”

  She shook her head. Gwen waved her hand in front of the old woman. She didn’t even blink. Ryan, her grandson, didn’t seem to see her either.

  “This is no school,” the old woman said. “This is a tomb.”

  Gwen shivered at the word tomb. Who was this madwoman?

  “You know what I mean,” the young man, Ryan, said. “It was a school. You’ve seen it. Let’s go.”

  “I was a teacher here,” the old woman said. “Long ago.”

  “I know,” Ryan said. “You told me that.”

  “I told you nothing,” she said.

  Gwen narrowed her eyes at the woman. “Are you Miss Muir?” she asked. The old woman didn’t answer.

  “I taught literature here,” she said. “In 1961 until 1964. I remember it was 1964. That’s when we saw Mary Poppins.”

  “1964?” Gwen repeated to herself.


  Gwen turned around and saw Edwin standing ten feet away from her in his three-piece suit and glasses.

  “Edwin, what’s happening?” she asked, more scared now than she’d ever been of The Bride.

  “I wanted to tell you,” he said and gave her a look of profound apology.

  “Let me tell you about death,” the old woman said. Gwen turned from Edwin back to her. “I was an educated woman. But I was a fool. I loved this place. Loved this school. The headmaster here was a kind and noble man. Edwin Yorke. We all called him Headmaster Yorke out of respect.”

  “I’m sure he respected you, too, Grandma.”

  “He did once. But then I lost his respect. There were two boys at the school. The boys…they loved each other. I found out they loved each other. I…” The old woman raised a bony hand to her mouth. “I told the headmaster what I learned. I thought it was a sin. The gravest of sins.”

  “It was 1964,” Ryan said. “Everyone thought it was a sin back then.”

  “Not Headmaster Yorke. He defended the boys. He fired me right in front of the boys. He w
as right to do it.”

  “I’m sure he forgave you.”

  She shook her head. Gwen listened in growing horror. It was 1964, Ryan said? No…it couldn’t be.

  “He fired me, but I had my revenge. I thought I was doing the right thing. I wrote letters to the parents about the school, about what Headmaster Yorke was allowing to happen on his watch. Boys engaging in sinful acts with the other boys. I told them to take their children out of the school if they cared at all for their souls.”

  “Grandma…” Ryan sounded horrified. Gwen shared his shock.

  “They came, the parents did. Christopher’s parents came first. They came at night a few days after I sent the first letter. They came and they grabbed Christopher from his bed and tried to drag him from the school to their car. He fought them off. In the struggle…”

  The old woman covered her face with both hands. She took a deep shattered breath.

  “In the struggle someone knocked over an oil lamp. The rug caught fire and spread quickly to the curtains. Soon the dormitory was in blazes. The boys were sound asleep. But they woke up and ran for their lives.”

  “That’s good then, right?” Ryan asked.

  The old woman shook her head. Gwen looked over her shoulder. Edwin no longer stood alone on the lawn in the rising sun. Every last student now flanked him—Edwin in the middle, fifteen boys on each side of him.

  “A boy named Samuel got trapped inside the school. Headmaster Yorke raced in to rescue him. Christopher and Laird followed him into the fire. Then…part of the roof collapsed. And the fire spread to the other dorm—Pembroke. Every single last student ran back into the burning buildings trying to save their headmaster and the other students.”

  Gwen held her hands to her face and looked from the old woman to Edwin, who stood silent and solemn in the morning light. The boys stared at that old lady. They saw her. She did not see them.

  “Headmaster Yorke had taught them far too well the lessons of loyalty and brotherhood. That was the motto of the school, Ryan. A Latin motto.”

  “Fortius quam fraternitas nullum est vinculum,” Edwin said, his voice crisp and commanding as a ship’s captain.


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