The Warlords Revenge

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The Warlords Revenge Page 5

by Alyssa Morgan

  They lay still and panting, his heavy body crushing her, still joined with hers. What did she do now? She was suddenly unsure of everything. She'd made love to Gavyn. Was half in love with him. She ached for all he'd lost, but knew she still had to leave him. He was unstable. Volatile. She couldn't risk his temper. He now had the power to break her heart.

  She luxuriated in the way his arms embraced her as he drifted off to sleep. She inhaled the scent of his skin, savored the feel of his body pressed against hers. Then she began inching away from him, slipping out of his hold, slowly untangling her body from his. A considerable amount of time passed before she was completely free of him.

  He looked so peaceful in slumber; his chest rising and falling with every breath. She realized the brutal scar added to his rugged good looks, rather than distracting from them. Had he gotten it in prison? Or worse, from her father?

  She could imagine snuggling back into his arms, making love with him again, which was why she pulled on her shift and stuffed her feet into her boots, leaving the laces undone.

  She silently scooped up the rest of her clothes and draped them over her arm. Hurrying over to Gavyn's boots, she found the money he kept hidden there and also took the knife. Relieved the door didn't creak when she opened it, she stole one last glance at Gavyn.

  The pang she felt in her heart surprised her, but she didn't know him well enough to continue on this crazy journey. She might have come to care for him, but he would never love her. And she wanted to know love. Real, consuming, delirious love. For once in her life, she was doing the right thing.

  She ducked out into the hall and quickly pulled on her clothes and laced her boots. It was before dawn so no one was up and moving around yet. She pocketed the knife and the money and raced out to the stables. Unfortunately, the stable boy woke when she approached, so she tipped him extra to keep quiet about seeing her.

  Riding away on Gavyn's horse, she smiled. She'd succeeded in escaping him. She was on her own now. Free. For the first time in her life. She'd dreamed of having this moment, and nothing would ever take it away from her again.

  After a week of travelling, Jane was pleased with her situation. She'd moved through a few towns, earning money by gambling on cards and dice and one fight, and then she'd procured some new clothes and accessories. She'd decided to sell Gavyn's horse so she could continue her travels by carriage.

  Parting with the horse had been more difficult than she’d thought it would be. It felt like she was letting go of Gavyn, and didn’t know if she really wanted to. She was enjoying her new freedom, it’s what she’d dreamed of, but she was regretting walking out on Gavyn at the same time. What if she’d stayed with him? And why did she keep driving herself crazy with these thoughts?

  For the last two nights she'd been lavishing herself in the comfort of the Royal Arms Inn. Cards at the pub were profitable, so she'd indulged herself with the best room available and that bottle of French champagne.

  Walking into the room, she removed her cape and flung it over the vanity stool. The bed was turned down and a warm fire in the hearth awaited her. She could get used to this kind of living. The door slammed closed behind her, making her jump. She spun around and drew in a sharp breath as she stared up into Gavyn's scarred face. He did not look happy.

  “What are you doing here?” she demanded with a haughty air, kicking up her chin.

  She knew exactly what he was doing there. Deep down she knew he wasn't the kind of man to let her treachery go unpunished. He’d turn over every stone, no matter how big or small, to find her and make her pay.

  “When I woke that morning, I found you gone,” he said. “With my money and my horse. I was less than pleased.” He strode over to the ice bucket on the table and lifted the bottle of champagne. “Good stuff.” He took a swig from the bottle.

  “That's mine!” She tried to snatch it away from him.

  He fended her off and took another drink. “I paid for it.”

  “No, you didn't. I've already spent the money I took from you and what I got for selling the horse.”

  “A fine price you got for the animal.” He snorted. “I had to pay twice what it was worth to get it back.” He dropped the bottle of champagne back into the ice bucket.

  Jane smiled to herself. She knew she'd made an exceptionally good deal on that sale.

  “You think this is funny?” he barked.

  She frowned. “No.”

  “Why did you run out on me like that? Do you know how worried I was for you?”

  “Worried?” She was shocked by his admission. “I can take care of myself. It’s you I’m not safe with.”

  “You've been nothing but safe with me.”

  “Yeah.” She nodded. “About as safe as I can be with a man who killed my family and kidnapped me with the intent of using me to make babies.”

  “Jane, I don't want to harm you.” He moved towards her. “Please, come with me.”

  “Why?” She stepped back from him. “You despise me! You hate me, and I love you, so I never want to see you again.”

  Gavyn gave that irresistible smile, his blue eyes sparkling. “Did you just say you loved me, lass?”

  “Damn.” She stomped her foot irritably. She hadn't meant to let that slip out. Because it was true.

  She’d done nothing but dream of freedom while she was Gavyn’s prisoner, and once she was away from him, he was the only man who filled her dreams. She tried to deny it to herself, tried to find a way to hate him, but she realized she’d missed him. Somehow she had fallen in love with the warlord.

  “If you truly mean that,” he said. “You'll never be free of me. I'll follow you wherever you go until I have you in my arms again.”

  Jane had no doubts about that. He was the most determined man she’d ever met. Suddenly, there was no other place on Earth she'd rather be. “But you don’t love me.”

  “I spared your life, seduced you into bed with me, and chased you halfway across the bloody country to get you back.” He stared intently at her. “I’d say you’re wrong.”

  “But —” It had to be a lie. A trick. “You can’t possibly mean it.”

  “I'm in love with you, Jane Stewart.” He held his arms open. “The only way to find out is to come back to me, lass, and give me the chance to prove it to you.”

  Her heart soared. She wanted to believe him. She wanted to give him that chance. In the short time she'd known Gavyn, he'd never lied to her. He knew exactly who and what she was, and he was asking her to go with him, to choose him, rather than simply taking her by brute force. Jane couldn't stop the smile that came to her lips.

  She threw herself into his arms and kissed him madly, knowing she would never have to be a prisoner again. Gavyn had set her free. And she would love him for it.



  About the Author

  Alyssa started out writing science fiction and paranormal stories that were mainly plot-driven, but she quickly grew bored with those and dove into her secret passion: erotica. Now she doesn't enjoy writing a story unless there is steamy sex and romance involved, and of course, a happily ever after.

  At first writing was just a hobby for her because she had a day job working in investments. Coming home at night, rather than turning on the television, she started booting up the computer and spending her nights creating characters and throwing them into situations to see what they would do.

  Alyssa still loves to read. Some of her favorite authors are Kresley Cole, JR Ward, Eden Bradley, Linda Howard and Sherrilyn Kenyon. She also enjoys spending time with her friends and family, going to the beach, having Sunday brunch as often as possible and when she gets the chance – she loves to shop. Alyssa currently lives in Los Angeles with her guppy, Fabian.




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