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No Is Not Enough Page 32

by Naomi Klein

  Video available via: Matthew J. Belvedere, “Trump Asks Why US Can’t Use Nukes: MSNBC,”, August 3, 2016,​2016/​08/​03/​trump-asks-why-us-cant-use-nukes-msnbcs-joe-scarborough-reports.html.

  Sheldon Adelson: “middle of the desert that doesn’t hurt a soul…”

  “Sheldon Adelson Calls on Obama to Fire a Nuclear Weapon at Iran, Not Negotiate,” YouTube video, 6:45, posted by Philip Weiss, October 22, 2013,​watch?v=6oSAPMYTuss.

  Adelson: $5 million donation to Trump’s inauguration, the largest ever

  Nicholas Confessore, Nicholas Fandos, and Rachel Shorey, “Trump Inaugural Drew Big Dollars from Donors with Vested Interests,” New York Times, April 19, 2017,​2017/​04/​19/​us/​politics/​trump-inauguration-sheldon-adelson-fundraising.html.

  Mikhail Gorbachev: “the nuclear threat once again seems real…”

  Mikhail Gorbachev, “Mikhail Gorbachev: ‘It All Looks as If the World Is Preparing for War,’ ” Time, January 26, 2017,​4645442/​gorbachev-putin-trump/.

  Trump’s missile strike on Syria: illegal according to some experts

  Alex Emmons, “Legal Experts Question Whether Trump’s Syria Strike Was Constitutional,”, April 7, 2017,​2017/​04/​07/​legal-experts-question-whether-trumps-syria-strike-was-constitutional/.

  Eric Trump: “If there was anything that Syria did…”

  Simon Johnson Gordon Rayner, “Donald Trump’s Action in Syria Proves He Is Not in League with Putin, Says His Son Eric,” Daily Telegraph, April 11, 2017,​news/​2017/​04/​10/​donald-trumps-action-syria-proves-not-league-putin-says-son/.

  Exxon’s Wars

  Tillerson’s receives $180-million retirement package from Exxon

  Associated Press, “Rex Tillerson Would Head to D.C. with $180 Million Retirement Package from Exxon,” Fortune, January 4, 2017,​2017/​01/​04/​donald-trump-rex-tillerson-exxon-mobil-180-million/.

  Tillerson excluded from decisions relating to ExxonMobil for two years

  Nick Wadhams, “Tillerson Vow to Keep Away from Exxon Runs into World of Oil,”, February 1, 2017,​politics/​articles/​2017-02-02/​tillerson-s-vow-to-keep-away-from-exxon-runs-into-a-world-of-oil.

  Oil price rise after strike on Syria

  Jessica Resnick-Ault, “Oil Rises after U.S. Missile Strike in Syria, Weekly Gain 3 Percent,”, April 7, 2017,​article/​us-global-oil-idUSKBN17905I.

  Oil prices before and after the 2003 Iraq War

  “Brent Crude Oil Prices, 1970–2017,”,​commodity/​brent-crude-oil.

  Timeline of ExxonMobil oil sands investment

  Nicholas Kusnetz, “Exxon’s Oil Sands Reserves: Now a Big Burden to Carry,” Inside Climate News, September 30, 2016,​news/​29092016/​exxon-mobil-change-change-investigation-oil-sands-tar-sands-alberta-canada-sec.

  Russia largest exporter of natural gas and second-largest exporter of oil

  Central Intelligence Agency, “Field Listing: Exports—Commodities,” The World Factbook,​library/​publications/​the-world-factbook/​fields/​2049.html.

  Prior to 2014, oil made up 50 percent of Russia’s budget revenues

  James Henderson and Ekaterina Grushevenko, “Russia Oil Production Outlook to 2020,” Oxford Institute for Energy Studies website, February 2017,​wpcms/​wp-content/​uploads/​2017/​02/​Russian-Oil-Production-Outlook-to-2020-OIES-Energy-Insight.pdf.

  2015 World Bank data on Russia

  World Bank, Russian Federation data, 1960–2015,,​country/​russian-federation.

  Alexander Temerko article on Russia, Syria, and oil prices

  Alexander Temerko, “Putin’s Syria Strikes Are a Long-Term Play for Higher Oil Prices,” Guardian, October 10, 2015,​world/​2015/​oct/​10/​putin-russia-syria-oil-prices.

  Russia and Syria’s ports

  Edward Delman, “The Link between Putin’s Military Campaigns in Syria and Ukraine,” Atlantic, October 2, 2015,​international/​archive/​2015/​10/​navy-base-syria-crimea-putin/​408694/.

  Exxon–Rosneft deal worth $500 billion

  Douglas Busvine and Vladimir Soldatkin, “Exxon, Rosneft Unveil $500 Billion Offshore Venture,”, April 18, 2012,​article/​us-exxon-rosneft-idUSBRE83H0UE20120418.

  Shell and Total back away from Arctic drilling

  Robinson Meyer, “Will Any Oil Company Ever Drill in the Arctic?” Atlantic, March 17, 2016,​technology/​archive/​2016/​03/​will-any-oil-company-ever-drill-in-the-arctic/​474234/.

  Break-even price of Arctic oil

  Hannah Hoag, “Arctic Development Stalls with Tumbling Oil Prices,” Huffington Post, January 22, 2016,​entry/​arctic-development-stalls_us_56a2b40be4b076aadcc6c444.

  Economic Shocks

  Paul Krugman: “the shock doctrine is on full display”

  Paul Krugman, “Shock Doctrine, U.S.A,” New York Times, February 24, 2017,​2011/​02/​25/​opinion/​25krugman.html.

  Weather Shocks

  Lag time between emissions and climate disruptions

  Katharine L. Ricke and Ken Caldeira, “Maximum Warming Occurs About One Decade after Carbon Dioxide Emission,” Environmental Research Letters 9:12 (2014), accessed from:​article/​10.1088/​1748-9326/​9/​12/​124002.

  Rancher: “our Hurricane Katrina”

  Jack Healy, “Burying Their Cattle, Ranchers Call Wildfires ‘Our Hurricane Katrina,’ ” New York Times, March 20, 2017,​2017/​03/​20/​us/​burying-their-cattle-ranchers-call-wildfires-our-hurricane-katrina.html.

  Luxury Disaster Response

  New Yorker: “Doomsday Prep for the Super-Rich”

  Evan Osnos, “Doomsday Prep for the Super-Rich,” New Yorker, January 30, 2017,​magazine/​2017/​01/​30/​doomsday-prep-for-the-super-rich.

  Help Jet

  Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism (Toronto: Alfred A. Knopf Canada, 2007), 499.

  Manhattan condominium: “submarine-style”

  Julie Satow, “The Generator Is the Machine of the Moment,” New York Times, January 11, 2013,​2013/​01/​13/​realestate/​post-sandy-the-generator-is-machine-of-the-moment.html.

  Trump International Golf Links and Hotel in Ireland: wall

  Caelainn Hogan, “Trump’s Other Wall: Is His Irish Resort a Sign He Believes in Climate Change?” Guardian, November 17, 2016,​us-news/​2016/​nov/​17/​donald-trump-ireland-golf-resort-wall-climate-change.

  Evan Osnos: high-end survivalists are “hedging” against climate disruption

  Evan Osnos, “Doomsday Prep for the Super-Rich,” New Yorker, January 30, 2017,​magazine/​2017/​01/​30/​doomsday-prep-for-the-super-rich.

  Seasteading: “vote with your boat”

  Seasteading Institute, “Vote with Your Boat,”, December 13, 2012,​2012/​12/​new-promotional-video-vote-with-your-boat/.

  Peter Thiel: “not quite feasible”

  Maureen Dowd, “Peter Thiel, Trump’s Tech Pal, Explains Himself,” New York Times, January 11, 2017,​2017/​01/​11/​fashion/​peter-thiel-donald-trump-silicon-valley-technology-gawker.html.

  FEMA: “Foolishly Expecting Meaningful Aid”

  Evan Osnos, “Doomsday Prep for the Super-Rich,” New Yorker, January 30, 2017, http://www.newyork​magazine/​2017/​01/​30/​doomsday-prep-for-the-super-rich.

  In fire-prone states, insurance companies provide a “concierge” service to their high-end clients

  Kimi Yoshino, “Another Way the Rich Are Different: ‘Concierge-Level’ Fire Protection,” Los Angeles Times, October 26, 2007,​business/​la-fi-richfire26oct26-story.html.

  “Wildfire Protection Unit,” American International Group, Inc., accessed April 16, 2017,​index.php?Page=wildfire-protection-how-it-works.

  Naomi Klein, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2014), 52.

  California wildfire fighting: inmates

  California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, “Conservation (Fire) Camps,” accessed March 29, 2017, from​Conservation_Camps/.

  OPEC Staff, “Homeowners Praise Inmate Firefighters for Battling Blazes,” California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation News, September 3, 2015,​2015/​09/​homeowners-praise-inmate-firefighters-for-battling-blazes/.

  California savings with inmate wildfire fighters

  Amanda Chicago Lewis, “The Prisoners Fighting California’s Wildfires,” Buzzfeed, October 30, 2014,​amandachicagolewis/​the-prisoners-fighting-californias-wildfires?utm_term=.vg379QBvk#.mmZwPzo5J.

  I Don’t Feel Hot—Do You Feel Hot?

  Steve King: “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies”

  Matthew Haag, “Steve King Says Civilization Can’t Be Restored with ‘Somebody Else’s Babies,’ ” New York Times, March 12, 2017,​2017/​03/​12/​us/​steve-king-white-nationalism-racism.html.

  A World of Green Zones and Red Zones

  13,000 people drowned in the Mediterranean

  “Missing Migrants Project—Mediterranean,” International Organization for Migration website, accessed March 28, 2017, from​mediterranean.

  Camp in Calais, France, nicknamed “the jungle”

  Alice Whitwham, “Closing Calais,” Browsings: The Harper’s Blog, February 3, 2017,​blog/​2017/​02/​closing-calais/.

  Detention camps on the islands of Nauru and Manus: tantamount to torture

  Amnesty International, Island of Despair: Australia’s “Processing” of Refugees on Nauru (London: Amnesty International, 2016), accessed from:​2016/​10/​17/​AMNESTY_INTERNATIONAL___ISLAND_OF_DESPAIR_FINAL.pdf.

  Two refugees set themselves on fire on Nauru

  Australian Broadcasting Corporation, “Nauru Refugee Who Set Herself Alight Arrives in Brisbane for Treatment,”, May 2, 2016,​news/​2016-05-03/​nauru-detention-centre-burns-victim-arrives-brisbane-treatment/​7378242.

  Australian Broadcasting Corporation, “Nauru Refugee Who Set Himself on Fire Dies in Brisbane Hospital,”, May 1, 2016,​news/​2016-04-29/​nauru-refugee-who-set-himself-on-fire-dies/​7371112.

  Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull: “We cannot be misty-eyed about this…”

  Australian Broadcasting Corporation, “Turnbull Warns against Being ‘Misty-Eyed’ on Offshore Detention,”, April 26, 2016,​news/​2016-04-28/​turnbull-warns-against-being-misty-eyed-on-detention/​7367004.

  Jets, Drones, and Boats

  1.5 million people were internally displaced from drought in Syria

  Colin P. Kelleya, Shahrzad Mohtadib, Mark A. Canec, Richard Seagerc, and Yochanan Kushnir, “Climate Change in the Fertile Crescent and Implications of the Recent Syrian Drought,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (2015), 3241–46.

  John Kerry: drought was a factor in tensions in Syria

  US Department of State, “Remarks at the Milan Expo 2015,” press release, October 17, 2015, accessed from​forum/​#!topic/​wanabidii/​Xp6wYBlQIOg.

  Eyal Weizman: “astounding coincidence”

  Naomi Klein, “Let Them Drown,” London Review of Books 38, no. 11 (June 2, 2016),​v38/​n11/​naomi-klein/​let-them-drown.

  Eyal Weizman and Fazal Sheikh, The Conflict Shoreline: Colonialism as Climate Change in the Negev Desert (Göttingen, Germany: Steidl, 2015), 99.

  Center for Naval Analyses: “The Middle East has always been associated with two natural resources…”

  CNA Corporation, National Security and the Threat of Climate Change (Arlington, VA: Center for Naval Analyses, 2007), accessed from​document/​4097167/​National-Security-the-Threat-of-Climate-Change.

  Trump: “bad hombres”

  Vivian Salama, “Trump to Mexico: Take care of ‘bad hombres’ or US might,” Associated Press, February 2, 2017,​0b3f5db59b2e4aa78cdbbf008f27fb49.

  Kellie Leitch: “Canadian values”

  Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, “Conservative Canadian Politician Kelly Leitch Proposing That Immigrants Be Screened for ‘Canadian Values,’ ”, March 4, 2017,​news/​conservative-leadership-candidate-kellie-leitch-explains-her-stance-on-canadian-values-1.4010197.

  A Crisis of Imagination

  Thomas Paine: “We have it in our power to begin the world over again”

  Thomas Paine, Common Sense: Addressed to the Inhabitants of America (London: H.D. Symonds, 1792), 32.


  Eduardo Galeano: “She’s on the horizon…”

  Eileen Boris and Nupur Chaudhuri, Voices of Women Historians: The Personal, the Political, the Professional (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1999), 84.


  When the Shock Doctrine Backfires

  Resistance, Memory, and the Limits to No

  Mekasi Camp Horinek: “I want to say thank you…”

  Alleen Brown, “Donald Trump Rewards Fossil Fuel Industry by Signing Climate Denial Executive Order,”, March 28, 2017,​2017/​03/​28/​donald-trump-rewards-fossil-fuel-industry-by-signing-climate-denial-executive-order/; and author’s personal communication with Alleen Brown, n.d.

  When Argentina Said No

  Time magazine: Argentina’s economy a “miracle”

  Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism (Toronto: Alfred A. Knopf Canada, 2007), 209.

  Fernando de la Rúa “groups that are enemies of order…”

  Naomi Klein, “Out of the Ordinary,” Guardian, January 25, 2003,​world/​2003/​jan/​25/​argentina.weekend7.

  Argentina: thirty-day state of siege

  Clifford Krauss, “Reeling from Riots, Argentina Declares a State of Siege,” New York Times, December 20, 2001,​2001/​12/​20/​world/​reeling-from-riots-argentina-declares-a-state-of-siege.html.

  Argentina protests: tens of thousands of people, “¡Que se vayan todos!”

  Carlos Vilas, “Neoliberal Meltdown and Social Protest: Argentina 2001–2002,” Critical Sociology 32, no. 1 (2006): 163–86.

  British Broadcasting Corporation, “Crisis Grips Argentina,” BBC website, December 20, 2001,​2/​hi/​americas/​1721201.stm.

  Argentina: more than twenty demonstrators killed

  Guido Galafassi, “Argentina on Fire: People’s Rebellion Facing the Deep Crisis of the Neoliberal Market Economy,” Democracy & Nature 8, no. 2 (2002): 331–35.

  Argentina: 250 “asambleas barriales”

  Naomi Klein, “Out of the Ordinary (Part Two),” Guardian, January 25, 2003,​world/​2003/​jan/​25/​argentina.weekend72.

  When Spain Said No

  March 11, 2004: bombing death toll

  Elaine Sciolino, “Bombings in Madrid: The Attack; 10 Bombs Shatter Trains in Madrid, Killing
192,” New York Times, March 12, 2004,​2004/​03/​12/​world/​bombings-in-madrid-the-attack-10-bombs-shatter-trains-in-madrid-killing-192.html?_r=0.

  José María Aznar: “No negotiation is possible…”

  Francie Grace, “Spain Reels from Deadly Bombings,”, March 11, 2004,​news/​spain-reels-from-deadly-bombings/.

  José Antonio Martines Soler: “We are still hearing the echoes of Franco…”

  Elaine Sciolino, “The World: Franco’s Still Dead; In Spain’s Vote, a Shock from Democracy (and the Past),” New York Times, March 21, 2004,​2004/​03/​21/​weekinreview/​world-franco-s-still-dead-spain-s-vote-shock-democracy-past.html?_r=0.

  9/11 and the Perils of Official Forgetting

  Great Depression: as many as two million Mexican and Mexican-Americans expelled

  Francisco E. Balderrama and Raymond Rodriguez, Decade of Betrayal: Mexican Repatriation in the 1930s (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2006), 149–51.

  Pearl Harbor: approximately 120,000 Japanese Americans incarcerated, two thirds born in the US

  National Archives, “Japanese Relocation during World War II,” National Archives website, accessed April 18, 2017,​education/​lessons/​japanese-relocation.

  Canada: almost the entire Japanese-Canadian citizenry interned


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