Here's My Heart

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Here's My Heart Page 7

by Maxene Novak

  He quickly steps in front of me, so close I can smell his cologne. “You look nice,” he says quietly. “I saw that little kiss in the van.”

  “Well, we are kind of dating,” I reply and move to step around him again to no avail.

  “Kind of,” he responds, as if in deep thought. “That just makes things interesting. Have you taken my offer into consideration?”

  “I guess it does,” I smirk. “And to answer your question—I don't know what kind of game you're trying to play with Adam. Everyone else is on board with you being our manager, but I swear—if you hurt my friend we're going to have a problem.”

  “Me?!” he exclaims as if I'd offended him, “I wouldn't hurt Adam. I don't even want to hurt you.”

  “Then what is your problem with me?” I ask confused.

  “Oh, I don't have a problem with you,” he says, tucking his hair behind his ear. “Not personally. In fact, I find you quite… delectable. Perhaps even intriguing.”

  “Good to know,” I remark and he nods.

  “Just being honest,” he gives me a wink. “Actually, I see you more as competition.”

  “I'm flattered,” I simply roll my eyes. “Can I go now?”

  “You should be flattered. It's not very often I feel such an internal struggle.”

  “Look, you're gorgeous, I get it,” I snap at him, “but so far, your personality is really lacking.”

  “Oh, my personality isn't the problem,” he shrugs it off immediately. “I'm actually quite the gentleman. I'm kind, courteous, I give back to my community—”

  “Still waiting for you to make your point,” I interrupt.

  He steps close and caresses my cheek. Is he going to kiss me? I can feel my heart start to race. Damn, those eyes! A deep chuckle escapes his throat, sending reluctantly pleasant chills down my spine.

  “I thought I felt your eyes on me yesterday. Undressing me in your mind. Though I was more aware of Adam than I was of you. Can't say I'm surprised, but I am intrigued. Perhaps, I should set my sights on you instead.”

  “What?” I ask bewildered, “I thought you were—”

  “Gay?” he replies, finishing my sentence. “Love is fluid and it is blind. It knows no gender, no color, no race.”

  “You're a very confusing man, Mr. James. What exactly are you after?”

  He seems to give that question some thought.

  “I don't quite know,” he says after a moment. “For now, I want to get your band where it needs to be—maybe have some fun on the side?” He turns away from me for a moment looking up at the sky. “Let us start again,” he says, turning to face me. “I left a bad first impression with you yesterday. Tarnishes my honor. You are a lady and should be treated as such.”

  He holds out his hand to me in gesture. What is his game? I'm having a really hard time figuring him out, but if I can get along with him for the sake of the band I should do it. So, reluctantly, I take his offered hand and shake it gently.

  “I look forward to working with you,” he says with a seemingly genuine smile. “I do hope we can be friends.”

  “Me too,” I reply, releasing a breath I didn't know I'd been holding.

  “For now,” he responds, giving me sexy smirk.

  There goes the heart racing again. Am I really attracted to him? Like I said, he's gorgeous, so of course I find him physically attractive. Maybe that's all it is. If I know one thing for certain it's that this guy is a major flirt.

  “Come on.” He offers me his arm. “Let's go find your friends. I wouldn't feel right leaving you alone among heathens.”

  “There are heathens here?” I ask just as security comes rushing by with some young boy struggling to get free. “That answers my question.”

  “Where sheep gather so do the wolves.” He glances at the crowd as I take his arm. “This flock is gloriously numerous.”

  “So then are the wolves,” I reply, making him chuckle.

  “Yes, but are you a sheep?” he questions just as we walk onto the stage.

  I look at the crowd. Many of them start cheering when they see me. It gets my adrenaline pumping every time.

  “No. I'm a lion, the stage is my throne, and this is my kingdom. I belong here.”

  “Then prove it,” he whispers in my ear as someone approaches us. “If you'll excuse me—I'll leave you to your adoring subjects.”

  He gives me a wink and walks over to meet the approaching man. I look out among the crowd. I see Lisa with a few of our regulars at the bar, wearing one of our shirts and cheering. They call my name and chant for Nova Rose. I give them a wave and pull my phone out to get a picture.

  “Smile, everybody!” I call out to them. “Are you ready for a show!?”

  The crowd erupts in cheers and I quickly snap a picture. Before I can think, they start chanting for the band. I flip my camera phone onto record and capture the moment. Maybe we can use the footage in our new video.

  “You're beautiful!”

  I turn off my camera and put the phone in my pocket. Kyle walks up and the crowd gets louder. He gives them a wave after he sets the mic stand down in front of me.

  “You're on,” he comments, adjusting the stand. “They're pretty stoked about it actually.”

  “Awesome,” I reply, giving him a hand. “We should try to get some video throughout the day—try to work it into the new video.”

  “Good idea. Hell, if we do it right, this could be the video and then we can shoot the rest at Adam's.”

  “I like the way you think. What's left to do?”

  Kyle takes a look at the stage scratching his chin.

  “We're pretty much all set up in the back,” he remarks as the guys from the cover band set up. “I'll go fetch your guitar so you can warm up with them.”

  “Thank you.” At my response he takes off.

  One of the band members walks up to me and offers me his hand.

  “You're Nova, right?” he inquires as I shake his hand. “I'm Bruce. Thank you so much for doing this for us. It really means a lot.”

  “It's no problem. It's Millennium Park. No one should miss out on playing here.”

  “Yeah, unfortunately, our singer came down with Mono,” he scoffs. “We've been thinking about replacing him. All he ever wants to do is Pearl Jam. I love Eddie Vedder like anyone else, but I don't want that to be all I do.”

  “Have you talked to him? Maybe that's all he thinks he's good at.”

  “Maybe. But he really screwed us today. Didn't come to practice all last week, because he was hanging out with some groupie and now he's canceling because of Mono? Karma, but I'm tired of paying for his malfunction.”

  “Yeah, that doesn't sound like he's too dedicated,” I look over at the group. “There's four of you, why doesn't someone else sing?”

  “We've never been allowed to,” he grumbles.

  “Give it a shot. Do you have any original songs?”

  “Tons of them, that's all I do is write.”

  “Got any music?” I ask and he nods.


  “Then what are you waiting for?” I encourage, squeezing his shoulder.

  “I don't know if I'm—prepared,” he looks at me in terror. “We've never played them for anyone.”

  “Well, now's your chance. If you want we can do one together.”

  “Really?!” he exclaims. “I mean, if you're serious—that would be great!”

  “Let's get to work!” I tell him. “But I have one request.”

  “Name it,” he deadpans.

  “We've got to do 'Even Flow.' That's my condition.”

  “Sold,” he agrees and we walk backstage together.

  An hour later we have a song picked out for me to help out with. “Even Flow” being my introduction. It's going to be freaking awesome. I can't wait to see the look on Dorian's face. Honestly, this band is really good too. I wouldn't be surprised if they went somewhere with a bit more practice.

  “I can't believe you changed their w
hole set at the last minute!” Adam exclaims. “Are you insane?!”

  “It's going to be fine! Are you listening to them right now?”

  He stops and actually listens.

  “They sound great,” I continue. “Now, go see when we are going on. I have to prepare for my debut.”

  “Such a diva,” he immediately starts pretending to burn himself when he touches me.

  “Spaz,” I reply and approach the side of the stage.

  I hear the new lead singer address the crowd a few minutes later.

  “We have something very special for you guys!” Bruce says to the crowd. “Give some love! Nova Pierce!”

  The familiar intro to “Even Flow” begins to play and I jump onto the stage, dancing with the music. The crowd is literally screaming at the top of their lungs. Bruce moves aside and lets me take the mic.

  I dive into the song's flow and deep vocals. It's a nice groove and I love it. It's fun to play on the guitar too. The crowd seems to come to life joining in on my carefree dancing. The rest of the band becomes more energetic as well. When the song is over, I throw my hands up at the crowd.

  “Hello, Chicago!” I address the audience. “Look at you!”

  They roar in excitement as the guys I'm playing with take a small break. Bruce hands me a bottle of water and I quickly take a drink.

  “Are you ready?” he asks quietly and I nod.

  “Ready when you are,” I reply, moving the mic away from my face. “Alright, everyone! This next song is for you! Make some noise!”

  They scream and jump in excitement. I glance over at the side of the stage and Kyle has his digital camera out recording.

  “Who wants to be in a video?!” Everyone gets so excited, I can barely hear myself speak. “Get the word out! Call your friends and family! If they're not here, they're missing out! I want to see everybody moving all night! Now put your fists in the air!”

  I nod to Bruce and he hammers down heavy on his guitar. If nothing else, I'm good at motivating a crowd. They're screaming so loud. If it weren't for my earpiece, I wouldn't be able to hear at all. I jump to the rhythm of the heavy guitars and head bang along with the other guitarists as they get into it.

  I sing my part with Bruce and then my own verse, scream at the climax of the song for some extra oomph. At the end, we were all so in sync with each other it was like I've played with them for years. It was great! The best part is the crowd loved it.

  I wave as I exit the stage and Bruce thanks me for my time. The rest of their show was full of energy and they were pretty good. I think if they get rid of their other singer and just go with what they have now, they'll be signed in no time. I'll be keeping an eye out for these guys. I hope I get to work with them again.

  Dorian is the first to greet me as I walk off stage and over to our merch table. His piercing blue eyes appraise me like I'm some kind of oddity. It's getting to be awkward, because I'm starting to like it.

  “Well done,” he praises, clapping his hands. “I'd have thought you were in the band.”

  “Thank you,” I smile.

  “No, thank you. I thought I'd lost my starter band, but you ended up turning it around and for the best, I might add. Cover bands don't thrill me in general. I'd say they're a hit, wouldn't you?”

  “Oh, definitely,” I respond, taking a swig of water. “If they stick with Bruce singing, you might have another up and coming.”

  “Hm,” he replies as if in thought. “I'll certainly keep them in mind.”

  “I would,” I shrug. “A little more practice and confidence—these guys will be the next best thing.”

  “Ah, but rock bands are a dime a dozen,” he responds, scratching his neck. “They all start to sound the same after a while.”

  “So, what makes us so different?” I'm genuinely interested.

  “You,” he remarks bluntly. “I could tell by watching that video that you weren't too sure on how to go about singing that song the way he was playing it. You were quick thinking, made the song sound completely different if not better. You have a certain creative process that is hard to come by.”

  “Wow, is that a compliment?”

  “It is,” he gives me his best devilish smile yet. “I'd bet if I asked you to play: 'Happy Birthday' to the tune of 'Ring Around the Rosey,'you'd still be able to make it rock and roll—maybe even metal.”

  “I don't know about that,” I laugh.

  “I'd put money on it,” he replies. “You didn't even practice 'Even Flow' with them. You just went up and did it. Seeing that you changed their entire set list—is it safe to assume that song was meant for me?”

  This time I'm the one to give him an appraising eye. I walk up to him and twirl my finger through a loose strand of his hair and let it trail down his chest. His eyes darken immediately, but I was hoping for that.

  “Maybe,” I feel the muscles in his stomach quiver. “Did you like it?”

  I don't think he was expecting me to do that, but he quickly recovers, moving forward so slightly I barely notice his nearness. Not until he's towering over me with a drop-dead smile.

  “I loved it.” He rests his hand over mine. “Very impressive. I do enjoy a deep throaty voice on a woman.”

  “Or just a deep throat?” I counter sarcastically, letting my hand drop.

  He claps his hands and quickly crosses his arms in front of his chest while I move to sit at the table.

  “Well played.” He sits on the edge of the table. “I may have underestimated you.”

  “Aw,” I reply with a pout, “but that's good, right? Make things more interesting?”

  “If you only knew,” he glances down and bites his bottom lip.

  I try not to notice his innuendo but the very obvious package kind of speaks for itself. I quickly turn my head and look around.

  “Where is everybody?” I inquire innocently.

  “They are off taking pictures, recording videos,” he replies with a sigh. “I offered to man the merch table.”

  “Would you like some company?” I ask, stretching my arms.

  “By all means,” he replies, taking a seat beside me. “One of you should be here anyway for autographs.”

  “Would you rather I fetch Adam? I'm sure you both have a lot to catch up on.”

  “There's time for that,” he says simply. “For now, I'm… quite content, thank you.”

  I peer over at him and he grants me a warm smile.

  “You're welcome,” I respond quietly.

  He leans forward, resting his elbows on the table and begins talking with me. We actually have a real conversation, and I find that he's not so bad. A heinous flirt to be sure, but there is something definitely alluring about him. He's worldly, smart, and actually pretty funny once you understand his demeanor. He's even great with the fans buying our merchandise.

  It comes as a surprise to me when an hour later I find myself enjoying his company. I found out a little more about his and Adam's relationship, talked about our escapades, our experiences. We basically talked a little bit about everything.

  When he lets his guard down, he's even more beautiful. I don't know what it is or why. Maybe it's because he seems more human this way. Less like a marble statue and more like a runway model that eats his weight in M&M's.

  Literally. He's been slamming on this giant bowl of M&M's Lisa left for us before this whole thing started. His hands are stained from the handfuls he keeps grabbing, as well as his jeans from wiping his fingers on them.

  “You're a mess!” I laugh, throwing an M&M into his mouth.

  “What do you mean?” he asks, crunching on his candy.

  “You've got stains all over you and your clothes.” I giggle and grab the bowl. “No more for you.”

  “What?!” he exclaims, reaching for the bowl.

  I move the bowl out of reach and he pouts.

  “I can hear your pancreas sobbing right now,” I push him back in his seat with my index finger.

  “I am perfectly
fit, thank you,” he says, turning his nose up at me.

  “And later you'll be in a sugar coma,” I reply when he tries to sneak around me to get them.

  “That might be wonderful.”

  “Depends on the sugar,” we say at the same time.

  He turns his head slowly and gives me a suspicious glare.

  “Ms. Pierce?” he asks, pulling my chair closer to his. “Did we just—share a thought?”

  “I guess so,” I can't help laughing at the look of shock on his face.

  “A woman with a dirty mind like mine?” he says to no one in particular. “Be still my heart.”

  We gab a bit more in between patrons and soon enough the boys come back. Dorian actually seems disappointed that they've come back but his eyes light up a bit when Adam pats him on the shoulder. I'm still not jealous. I wonder if I should be.

  If anything, I find it kind of cute. There is definitely love there but when Dorian catches me watching, he gives me a private smile. It feels like I understand him a bit better. Maybe we can be friends.

  There will be time for that. For now, our names are being called and we're being ushered toward the stage. It's our turn now. Look out Chicago. We're going to raze Millennium Park tonight and you're going to love every minute of it.

  Chapter Seven

  I don't know if it's just our time or if it's luck, but our show went so well Dorian ended up ripping his shirt off and doing a stage dive just for kicks. I was concerned when they started passing him into the mosh pit but apparently there's some kind of code in effect when it comes to these things.

  Don't kick a man when he's down. Don't tackle him if he's trying to get up. Help out when someone is struggling. When I could no longer see him, I almost stopped the show, but one big husky guy grabbed him and helped him up. For the rest of the show, Dorian was almost on this guy's shoulders cheering us on and the hulk of a man didn't seem to mind.

  It was incredible! I've never seen so much energy from a crowd before. They rushed the stage and I got to get up close and personal with my fans. They sang to me and pulled at my pants sometimes just to keep me from being pulled off of the stage. At the end of it, I just dove in myself.

  I've never done a crowd surf while singing. It was awkward and occasionally I worried about my well-being but I kept going. The key is to focus on the song and not so much on where you're being grabbed or where you might fall. They managed to get me back on stage before any mishaps could occur.


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