Here's My Heart

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Here's My Heart Page 14

by Maxene Novak

  “Well, fine then,” Kyle picks at something on his shoes. “So, go get Chad already so we can rehearse. My nerves are so shot with this upcoming gig.”

  “Tell me about it,” I mumble as Adam rubs his hands together. “Are you ready?”

  “Yep,” he sighs anxiously. “Be back soon, guys, hopefully with everyone.”

  We walk outside and jump in his truck.

  “Do you know where you're going?” I ask as he turns over the engine.

  “Well, I know where we're not going,” I note the tone of annoyance in his voice. “Did you know he gave us a false address when he signed up?”

  “Yeah,” I laugh as we round the corner. “He told me that right before the accident. Where did that address take you?”

  “You don't want to know,” Adam mumbles. “I've never been so embarrassed in my life.”

  “Oh, God,” I giggle. “Where?”

  He mutters something under his breath and his face goes bright scarlet.

  “What did you say?”

  “Hunk. O. Mania,” he says between gritted teeth as he shifts gears.

  I burst out laughing. I can't even help it.

  “We thought maybe he worked there or lived nearby,” he responds curtly. “Nope. He doesn't.”

  “How did you learn that?” I ask between laughs.

  “The manager.”

  “Were they busy?” I ask and he shakes his head.

  “Thankfully, no. They just thought we were there to try out.”

  “What?!” I laugh hysterically and I can tell he's trying hard not to as well.

  “The only way in was from the back!” he tries to contain a chuckle. “We ended up on stage and they were taking open auditions for new talent.”

  “Oh my God,” I cackle. “Pl—please tell me there was dancing!”

  “I was in a hurry,” Adam cracks his neck. “I had a date to stop.”

  “Were you really going to beat him up?” I ask softly.

  He's quiet for a moment. We haven't really talked about it. I figure because we just want to forget it ever happened.

  “I was…” Adam stutters awkwardly, “I was going to strongly advise against it.”

  I nod my head in reply.

  “Probably with my fist,” he continues with a sigh. “I don't know what was wrong with me. Just—the thought of you being with some other guy…”

  “Adam,” I say softly. “We slept with Dorian.”

  “Yeah, but Dorian's different. He's Dorian—and it's not like you don't love him too, right?”

  “Right,” I confirm, “I love you both, I just—I guess, I just don't understand.”

  “Well,” he glances over at me, “how would you feel if me or Dorian went out with someone else?”

  I give it some thought. I remember how it felt when they weren't paying any attention to me. I was jealous. Maybe not for the same reason, but—they were moving on without me. I didn't want them to forget about me. So, I guess when they saw Chad and I talking they felt the same way. It makes sense. I hook my arm through Adam's and rest my head on his shoulder.

  “I get it,” I say softly. “So, we're all in this together now, right? The three of us? We're not going to have to feel that way again?”

  “Yes,” he soothes, kissing the top of my head. “Never again.”

  We drive downtown into the seedier side of town and pull up to this fancy kind of nightclub.

  “Adam, why are we here?” I question and he sighs.

  “You're about to find out,” he points.

  There, clad in an expensive tailored suit is a single platinum blond mohawk.

  “Is that…? Chad?!” I watch him whisper in a beautiful woman's ear. “What's he doing?”

  “Just watch,” Adam says anxiously.

  The woman reaches into her pocket and pulls out a wad of cash, discreetly tucking it into his jacket pocket. He nods, reaches down, taking her hand in his and planting a charming kiss on her silky-smooth skin. She blushes profusely and fans at herself as if she's been wooed.

  “Are you kidding me?” I deadpan. “That's the biggest tool move I've ever seen!”

  Adam snorts.

  “Don't say that in front of Dorian,” he mutters.

  “I thought the same thing when he did it,” I reply dryly, making Adam cackle.

  I watch as Chad politely excuses himself from the woman and her company, loosening his tie as he exits the club. I clear my throat as he goes to pass us and his head shoots up.

  “N-Nova!” he responds with a nervous grin, “Wh-what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be resting!”

  “The better question is what the hell were you doing?” I ask in a scolding tone. “Did that woman just pay you for something?”

  “I have no idea what you're talking about,” he replies innocently.

  “Oh, really?” I reach into his jacket pocket. “That's a lot of cash and I don't think that's Hunk O' Mania. Plus, I'm pretty sure that suit is a rental.”

  Adam coughs, trying to cover a laugh and he stares at the ground.

  “It is not!” Chad argues. “It's my uniform…” He trails off at the end and sighs.

  “You're a gigolo,” I counter flatly, giving him an irritated glare.

  “No!” Chad retorts quietly. “I prefer the term escort.”

  “Are you prostituting yourself?!” I screach and he quickly shushes me.

  “Can we not talk about this here?” he lowers his voice as passersby start gawking.

  “Will you talk to Adam?” I ask and he rolls his eyes.

  “Is this seriously what this is all about?” he retorts, sighing and lighting a cigarette.

  “Well, he said you won't answer his messages.”

  “No, I haven't. If it will keep you from outing me, then fine.”

  He walks away, grabbing Adam by the back of his neck. He leads him a few feet away. I watch them heatedly exchange a few words. Chad points at me and I can hear muffled speech as his voice rises. Damn it. I'm not standing close enough to hear him.

  Chad points his finger in Adam's face and I can tell he's pissed. Adam keeps nodding his head and his shoulders are slumped. I don't think it's going well. I see Adam crack his neck and square his shoulders as Chad rolls up his sleeves. Shit!

  I run up to them, grabbing Adam's shoulder and pulling him behind me just as Chad's ham-sized fist connects solidly with my left eye. The world spins for a moment as Adam pushes Chad back. I can hear yelling but my ears are ringing so bad I can't hear what they're saying.

  I'm lead to sit down on the curb beside the truck and my body is shaking so badly I can hardly breathe. I don't know if it's from anger or pain or just sheer emotional exhaustion. The ringing quickly subsides and I hear laughter. It's me. I'm laughing.

  “Oh my God, Nova!” Chad comments, biting his fingers. “I am so, so sorry!”

  “Idiot!” Adam shoves him aside. “Just give her some room!”

  “You've got to believe me!” Chad pleads. “I didn't mean to! I swear!”

  “Dude, calm down,” Adam hisses, obviously trying not to panic. “You're freaking me out!”

  “Is she laughing?!” Chad exclaims. “She's laughing! Did I knock her stupid?”

  “No?” Adam replies, completely unsure. “Nova? Answer me! I need you to answer me.”

  Whispers circulate around me:

  “That girl's a bad ass!”


  “Is she laughing?!”

  “I think she's crying.”

  “Everybody get back!” Chad says, taking control of the situation. “Is there a doctor around?”

  “Let me through!” A woman's voice calls out. “I'm a doctor.”

  “Listen,” Chad mutters lowly, “she was just in a car accident not even three days ago with a severe concussion and I just hit her really hard.”

  “Don't worry, I'll take a look at her,” the woman says softly.

  I blink my eyes rapidly. It seems to help with th
e dizzy spells. I almost want to throw up from the spinning, but I still have a shred of dignity left and then there's my pride to consider. I'm a big girl, I can take a hit.

  “This must be Nova,” she smiles, shining a light in my eyes.

  “Ugh,” I groan at the intrusion of light. “How do you know me?”

  “You're a friend of my son's, right?” she asks, shining the light in my other eye. “Can you tell me his name?”

  “Chad?” I'm unsure who she's talking about and the woman stands up.

  “Her pupils are dilating normally,” she turns off the light. “I'd say she's just getting her bearings, but since she's been in a prior accident, I'd suggest a check-up as soon as possible. Looks like her cheek might be fractured.”

  I can see her better now that the light is off and the spinning has stopped. It's the woman that put money in Chad's pocket earlier. Did she call him her son? I just saw a mother giving her son a loan and I immediately assumed that he was a gigolo. I burst into an uncontrollable laugh. Again.

  “Nova?” Adam whispers worriedly. “Why are you laughing?”

  “This is the best week of my life!” I reply, feeling my sides begin to burn. “I'm sorry, ma'am. I called your son a gig… a gigolo!”

  I nearly fall over from laughing so hard. Dorian will be so proud of me. Chad's mom will never forget my name. Not ever. At least this first impression was memorable.

  “Getting up now,” I tell them, pushing myself to my feet. When I stand, I extend my hand to Chad's mom between pants as my laughter subsides. “Hello, I am Nova Pierce.” I peek through my swelling eye. “It's truly a pleasure to meet you.”

  She shakes my hand and her head simultaneously.

  “Very impressive, Ms. Pierce,” she nods toward Chad. “I think I owe you this…”

  She turns on a dime and punches Chad right square in the jaw.

  “You imbecile!” she yells as he holds his face in shock. “Where did you learn to hit women?! I didn't raise a brute!”

  “It was an accident!” he squeals. “I was trying to hit him!”

  “So, you were acting like a child?!” she continues to beat him with her purse. “Do you want me to treat you like one?!”

  He tries to scurry away from her and she promptly smacks him on the ass, sending him forward on his face.

  “You need to be careful!” she scolds, laying into him. “I let you run this business until you decide what you want to do with yourself and you go hit the woman helping you get there!”

  “I swear, it was an accident!” Chad pleads, holding his hands up innocently.

  “Really,” I jump in defending him, “I stepped in at the wrong place and at the really wrong time.”

  “Well then, it's only fair…” She steps aside, her voice goes low as she speaks and gestures toward Chad. “Your boyfriend sucker punched my son.”

  “Yeah, we came to apologize for that,” I reply sincerely. “I didn't know it had escalated that far, but I apologize for getting your son involved in the first place. I shouldn't have placed him in that position.”

  “An admirable apology,” she notes simply as we start gathering a larger crowd. “One that I'll accept with gratitude. However, your boyfriend—he's not done suffering the consequences.”

  “He came to apologize to—” I begin, but she holds up her hand.

  “Bro Code 101,” she stands between the two men in question, “a sucker punch between friends earns you two in return. No fighting back.”

  “Huh? I don't think I read that one in the Bro Bible.”

  “We've got the Southside version,” she explains.

  “Ah. Good to know. I should get a copy.”

  “Interesting read,” she grips my shoulder. “If you're going to hang out with boys or raise one—you've got to know the Code.” She smiles at Chad lovingly and taps my shoulder. “Since you got caught in the middle technically, you were sucker punched too. Chad, you know what that means.”

  “Ugh, seriously?!” he groans. “Look, I'll drop the whole thing with Adam and get back with the band if we can just stop this.”

  “Chad,” she mutters in a warning tone, “don't be a baby. I took one for her. That leaves her one more.”

  “Fine!” he shakes his head. “Let's get this over with!”

  “Pfft!” I reply and look around at the crowd. “Who's got their phones out?”

  A few people call out.

  “Nice!” I turn to Chad. “So, I get to hit you now, right? Then we're all good?”

  “I still get to hit Adam,” he remarks with a smirk.

  “Then you'll come back to Nova Rose?” I ask and he nods.

  “Yes,” he responds with a huff. “Can we just do this, please?”

  “Okay!” I clap my hands in excitement. “Who should go first?!”

  The crowd starts pleading for me to hit him first but I have something better in mind.

  “Adam?” I comment sweetly, “Seeing I just took one for you, I think you should go first, hm?”

  “Uh… sure?” he replies nervously.

  He sighs and cracks his neck. He pumps his fists and prepares himself as Chad stretches his arms. He shakes out his hands and I roll my eyes.

  “This is taking forever,” I sigh. “Come on!”

  “Do it!” someone calls out.

  Adam sends an anxious smile toward the crowd. Chad cranks his arm back just as Adam turns back toward him and plasters him hard in the face. Adam's head snaps to the right and he staggers backwards. He catches himself up against his truck and Chad helps him settle him on his feet.

  “Ya good?” Chad asks when Adam grabs his jaw.

  “I think you chipped a tooth!” Adam comments, walking back to the sidewalk.

  Blood drips from his lip but he's smiling and laughing it off. I look at Chad's mom and she nods. I tap Chad on the shoulder to get his attention.

  “My turn,” I say, mocking a jab.

  Adam flinches, making Chad laugh.

  “She's hitting me, not you!” he says, jostling Adam playfully.

  “Yeah, good luck with that,” Adam replies with a grimace. “She hits harder than you do.”

  “Yeah, right,” Chad laughs, but when Adam says nothing he looks at him seriously. “What?”

  “I stole her journal and acted like I was going to read it to a group of friends.”

  “Ouch,” Chad grimaces.

  “Yeah.” Adam nods, gripping his shoulder. “She knocked me out and the school nurse had to give me stitches.”

  Chad's eyes grow wide and sweat begins to trickle down his forehead.

  “S-school nurse?” Chad asks in surprise.

  “Eighth grade,” Adam pats him on the back. “Have at it, buddy.”

  Adam swiftly walks well out of the way, leaving Chad and myself in the center of the small crowd. I crack my knuckles and shake my arms loose. It's been a few weeks since I've gotten to lay someone out. I've taken on more than my fair share of sleazy drunks trying to cop a feel. I think I can handle Chad.

  He closes his eyes tight and takes a deep breath. When he releases it, he opens his eyes and gives me a big smile.

  “Let's see what you've got, Super-Nova,” he encourages, nodding his head at me. “Come on!”

  I haul off and drill him right in the forehead. The crack is startlingly audible when my fist connects with this skull, sending a not so pleasant jolt of pain through my arm. Chad stumbles back into the crowd and his eyes flutter closed.

  He hits the ground with a thud while the spectators are cheering. Adam and I rush over to him.

  “Yep,” Adam says, lifting his eyelids. “One hit KO. I tried to warn him.”

  His mom stoops down and takes a look at him.

  “He'll feel that later.”

  “Should I smack him?” I ask, and she shakes her head.

  “And take the privilege away from me? I don't think so. Chad! Chad?!”

  She starts slapping his face and smacking at him with her purse. He com
es to just as she's rearing back to slap him harder.

  “Whoa!” he sits up. “No! No more smacking!”

  We roll our eyes and help him to his feet.

  “Now, all of you,” his mom says, gesturing to us. “Shake hands. Kiss and make up, I don't have all night.”

  I grab Chad's hand and grab him into a big hug that he returns carefully.

  “I'm sorry, Nova,” he says quietly.

  “It's alright,” I reply, kissing his cheek.

  Chad turns to Adam and holds out his hand. Adam nods briefly, shaking his hand. The two guys hug and the crowd starts clapping. Catcalls and whistles sound when Chad grabs Adam and kisses him full on the mouth.

  “What the hell?!” Adam sputters when he's let go.

  “She said kiss and make up!” Chad retorts defensively. “It's a bro kiss!”

  “There's no such thing as a bro kiss!” Adam shoves him playfully.

  “Dude!” Chad follows Adam back toward the truck. “I swear! Look it up!”

  “Right. Right,” Adam says, waving him off.

  “Really!” he continues arguing and I turn my attention back to Chad's mother.

  “Thanks for your help,” I say gratefully. “Couldn't have turned out better.”

  “I think you could use one less very black eye,” she laughs, “but I agree. He's been sulking all over the place since the accident. He thinks a lot of you and your group of friends.”

  “We think a lot of him. He's family.”

  “He's never had much of that,” she looks sad. “I'm glad he has good people to surround himself with.”

  “I am so sorry for calling him… that,” I stammer nervously. “I just assumed…”

  “You did,” she replies with a shrug. “You're not wrong. This establishment is a legal escort service and bar. My son just runs the place while I go play doctor.”

  “You're not a real doctor?” I ask and she laughs.

  “Yes, I am,” she states reassuringly. “It doesn't matter how old your child gets though—Mommy fixes everything.”

  “A good mom.” I smile and she squeezes my hand.

  “Thank you. It was nice to finally meet you, Nova. I hope we meet again soon—under better circumstances, of course.”

  “Most definitely. It was my pleasure and thank you again.”

  She nods her head and walks toward the truck.


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