19. Weitzman 1985.
20. Crosby 1982; Goodman 1974.
21. Bylsma and Major 1994; Crosby 1982.
22. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics 2001.
23. Roberts and Nolen-Hoeksema 1989; Roberts and Nolen-Hoeksema 1994;
Schwalbe and Staples 1991; Lenney 1977.
24. Roberts and Nolen-Hoeksema 1989.
25. Callahan-Levy and Messe 1979.
N O T E S T O C H A P T E R 3
26. Major, McFarlin, and Gagnon 1984.
27. Ibid.
28. Barron 2003.
29. Babcock, Gelfand, Small, and Stayn 2002.
30. Taylor and Brown 1988; Taylor and Brown 1994.
31. Brown, Andrews, Bifulco, and Veiel 1990.
32. Stermer 2003.
33. Lemonick 2003.
34. Ibid.
35. Beyer and Bowden 1997. Quotation is from page 169.
36. Crittenden 2001. Quotation is from page 6.
37. www.psych.ucsc.edu/Faculty/fCrosby.shtml; see also Crosby 1984.
38. Crosby, Pufall, Snyder, O’Connell, and Whalen 1989.
39. Rosenthal and Rodrigues 2000.
40. Almer 2000.
41. Pfeffer 1998.
42. Epstein 1991. Quotation is from page 251.
43. Ibid. Quotation is from page 257.
44. Major, McFarlin, and Gagnon 1984.
45. Bylsma and Major 1992.
46. Riley, Babcock, and McGinn 2003.
Chapter 3: Nice Girls Don’t Ask
1. For reviews, see Eagly 1987; Heilman 1995.
2. Deaux and Major 1987; Eagly 1995.
3. Heilman 1995.
4. Bakan 1966; Eagly 1987.
5. Desmarais and Curtis 1997.
6. Major, McFarlin, and Gagnon 1984.
7. Archer 1996.
8. Eagly 1987; Deaux and Major 1987.
9. Statistics on occupations are from U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics 2001. Statistics on corporate officers are from the Catalyst website, 2001 Catalyst census of women board of directors of the Fortune 1000 (www.catalystwomen.org).
10. Cejka and Eagly 1999.
11. Tomaskovic-Devey 1995.
12. Eagly 1987.
13. Babcock, Gelfand, Small, and Stayn 2002.
14. Maccoby 1988; Maccoby 1990; Maccoby and Jacklin 1987; Serbin, Sprafkin,
Elman, and Doyle 1984; Chodorow 1978.
15. Maccoby 1988. Quotation is from page 759.
16. Kubik 2000.
17. Getting the message 1997.
18. Brazleton and Sparrow 2001; Cassell and Jenkins 1998.
19. Getting the message 1997.
20. Lytton and Romney 1991; Stern and Karraker 1989.
N O T E S T O C H A P T E R 4
21. Callahan-Levy and Messe 1979.
22. Kling, Shelby-Hyde, Showers, and Buswell 1999; Feingold 1994.
23. Kling, Shelby-Hyde, Showers, and Buswell 1999. Quotation is from page 472.
24. Stein, Newcomb, and Bentler 1992.
25. Eagly 1987; Deaux and Major 1987; Eagly 1997.
26. Rosenthal and Jacobson 1968.
27. Ibid. Quotation is from page 66.
28. Harris and Rosenthal 1985.
29. For a review, see Gilbert 1995.
30. Eagly 1987; Deaux and Major 1987.
31. Gilbert 1995; Cantor and Mischel 1979; O’Sullivan and Durso 1984.
32. Gilbert 1995.
33. Wade, M. E. 2001.
34. Kray, Thompson, and Galinsky 2001.
35. Jost 1997.
36. Ibid. Quotation is from page 388.
37. Ibid. Quotation is from page 387.
38. Ross and Sicoly 1979.
39. Sonnert and Holton 1995.
40. Widnall 1988. Quotation is from page 1743. Cited in Sonnert and Holton 1995, page 10.
41. Hornig 1987; Widnall 1988.
42. Orenstein 1994. Quotation is from page xxxi.
43. Crosby and Ropp 2002. Quotation is from page 394.
44. Nussbaum 2001.
45. Heilman 1995. Quotation is from page 8.
46. Steele and Aronson 1995; Steele 1997; Aronson, Lustina, Good, Keough, Steele, and Brown 1999.
47. Spencer, Steele, and Quinn 1999.
48. Steele and Aronson 1995.
49. Kray, Thompson, and Galinsky 2001; Aronson, Good, and Harder 1998.
50. Spencer, Steele, and Quinn 1999.
51. Ibid.
52. Inzlicht and Ben-Zeev 2000.
53. Sue Molina, personal communication, 14 March 2003.
54. Quotations obtained from the Accenture website, www.accenture.com.
55. Bigg 1991.
56. Quotation from the Catalyst website, www.catalystwomen.org.
57. www.workingmother.com/thinkoutside.shtml
Chapter 4: Scaring the Boys
1. Banerjee 2001.
2. BBC News Online: Business 2001.
3. Banerjee 2001.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
N O T E S T O C H A P T E R 4
6. O’Connor 2000.
7. Ridgeway and Diekeman 1989; Ridgeway, Diekeman, and Johnson 1995; Bur-
goon, Birk, and Hall 1991.
8. Copeland, Driskell, and Salas 1995.
9. Carli 1990.
10. Carli 2001; Carli 1998.
11. Case 1990. Quotation is from page 108.
12. Heilman 1995.
13. Wade, M. E. 2001.
14. Ibid. Quotation is from page 65.
15. Costrich, Feinstein, Kidder, Marecek, and Pascale 1975; Rudman 1998.
16. Carli 1990; Wade, M. E. 2001.
17. Heatherington, Crown, Wagner, and Rigby 1992; Miller, Cooke, Tsang, and
Morgan 1992.
18. Miller, Cooke, Tsang, and Morgan 1992.
19. Carli 2001; Glick, Zion, and Nelson 1988.
20. Jones and Pittman 1982.
21. Rudman 1998. Quotation is from page 629.
22. Carli 1990; Case 1990; Rudman 1998; Burgoon, Dillard, and Doran 1983.
23. Case 1990. Quotation is from page 108.
24. Statham 1987.
25. Eagly, Makhijani, and Klonsky 1992.
26. Butler and Geis 1990.
27. Schein 1973; Schein 1975.
28. Powell and Butterfield 1989.
29. Norris and Wylie 1995; Tomkiewicz and Adeyemi-Bello 1995; Deal and Steven-
son 1998.
30. Deal and Stevenson 1998.
31. Schein and Mueller 1992; Schein, Mueller, Lituchy, and Liu 1996.
32. Khurana 2002. Quoted in Useem 2002, page 90.
33. Heilman 1995. Quotation is from page 8.
34. Kanter 1977.
35. Heilman 1980.
36. Bertrand and Hallock 2000.
37. Heffernan 2002.
38. Ibid. Quotation is from page 60.
39. Cejka and Eagly 1999.
40. Lashinsky 2002. Quotation is from page 104.
41. Ibid. Quotation is from page 106.
42. Ibid. Quotation is from page 98.
43. Neumark 1996.
44. Goldin and Rouse 2000.
45. Valian 1998. Quotation is from page 214.
46. Llewellyn-Williams 2002.
47. Blau and Kahn 2000.
48. Heffernan 2002. Quotation is from page 62.
49. Faludi 1991. The story of Diane Joyce is recounted on pages 388–393.
N O T E S T O C H A P T E R 5
50. Ibid. Quotation is from page 390.
51. Ibid. Quotation is from page 391.
52. Ibid. Quotation is from page 391.
53. Rosener 1998.
54. The Yankelovich Monitor poll, cited in Faludi 1991, page 65.
55. Wade, M. E. 2001; Eagly 1987.
56. Wise 2002; Gregorian 2002; Judd 2001.
57. Faludi 1991. Quotation is from page 70.
58. Satel
59. Shalit 1999.
60. Graglia 1998.
61. Sommers 2000.
62. For a summary of the literature, see Wade, M. E. 2001.
63. Major, McFarlin, and Gagnon 1984.
64. Daubman, Heatherington, and Ahn 1992.
65. Kahn, O’Leary, Krulewitz, and Lamm 1980. Quotation is from page 176.
66. Wade, M. E. 2002.
67. Gneezy, Niederle, and Rustichini 2001.
68. Hewlett 2002. Quotation is from page 41.
69. Dowd 2002.
70. Chupack 2000–2001.
71. Carli, LaFleur, and Lober 1995.
72. Ridgeway 1982. Quotation is from page 81.
73. Ridgeway 2001. Quotation is from pages 649–650.
74. Rudman and Glick 2001; Rudman and Glick 1999.
75. Rudman and Glick 2001. Quotation is from page 743.
76. Carli, LaFleur, and Lober 1995.
77. Ridgeway 2001. Quotation is from pages 649–650.
78. Rudman and Glick 2001. Quotation is from page 758.
79. Yoder 2001. Quotation is from page 819.
80. Carli 2001.
81. Carli 1990.
82. Eagly and Johannesen-Schmidt 2001.
83. Rynecki 2002.
84. Yoder 2001; Tolbert, Simons, Andrews, and Rhee 1995.
85. Fiske and Taylor 1984; Heilman 2001.
86. Heilman, Haynes, and Goodman 2001.
87. Boyle 2002. Quotations are from page 208.
88. Valian 1998. Quotation is from page 291.
89. Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins (490 U.S. 228 [1989]). Quotation is from pages 1790–1791.
90. Valian 1998. Quotation is from page 16.
Chapter 5: Fear of Asking
1. Babcock, Gelfand, Small, and Stayn 2002.
2. Michele Gelfand, personal communication, 22 February 2002.
N O T E S T O C H A P T E R 5
3. Babcock, Gelfand, Small, and Stayn 2002.
4. Purohit and Sondak (2001). Gender results were not in the paper but came to us in a personal communication from Harris Sondak, 30 August 2001.
5. Bill Betts, General Motors, personal communication.
6. For an extensive literature review, see Cross and Madson 1997.
7. McGuire and McGuire 1982.
8. McCrae and Costa 1988.
9. Bybee, Glick, and Zigler 1990.
10. Clancy and Dollinger 1993.
11. Taylor 2002.
12. Cross and Madson 1997.
13. Dunn, Bretherton, and Munn 1987; Fivush 1992.
14. Sociologists call these “self-concept” or “identity” differences.
15. Fiske and Taylor 1984.
16. Cross and Madson 1997. For alternative views on independent and interdependent self-schemas, see Baumeister and Sommer 1997; Gabriel and Gardner 1999.
17. Cross and Madson 1997. Quotation is from page 7. These two different schemas, independent as opposed to interdependent, were originally proposed to summarize Eastern and Western cross-cultural differences. See Markus and Kitayama 1991.
18. King and Hinson 1994; Gelfand, Smith-Major, Raver, and Nishii 2000;
Greenhalgh and Gilkey 1993.
19. Barron 2003.
20. Kolb and Coolidge 1991. Quotations are on pages 262 and 267.
21. Maccoby 1988; Maccoby 1990; Maccoby and Jacklin 1987.
22. Kraft and Vraa 1975; Maccoby 1990.
23. Serbin, Sprafkin, Elman, and Doyle 1984; Maltz and Borker 1983.
24. Lever 1976.
25. Humphreys and Smith 1987.
26. Miller, Danaher, and Forbes 1986; Maltz and Borker 1983; Maccoby 1988.
27. Sheldon 1990.
28. Lever 1976.
29. Maccoby 1990.
30. Tannen 1994. Quotation is from page 58.
31. Ibid.
32. Tannen 1990.
33. Kolb and Coolidge 1991.
34. Maccoby 1990.
35. Josephs, Markus, and Tafarodi 1992.
36. Miller 1986. Quotation is from page 83.
37. Hodgins, Liebeskind, and Schwartz 1996.
38. Josephs, Markus, and Tafarodi 1992.
39. Kolb and Williams 2000. Quotation is from page 184.
40. Fisher and Ury 1981. Quotation is from page 40.
41. Ibid.; Ury 1991.
42. Fisher and Ury 1981. See also Thompson 1998.
43. Hatfield, Caccioppo, and Rapson 1992.
N O T E S T O C H A P T E R 6
44. Carnevale and Isen 1986; Barry and Oliver 1996; Allred, Mallozzi, Matsui, and Raia 1997.
45. Fisher and Ury 1981. Quotation is from page 108.
46. Allred 1999.
47. Ury 1991.
48. Ibid.
Chapter 6: Low Goals and Safe Targets
1. Bergmann 1986.
2. Stevens, Bavetta, and Gist 1993; Barron 2003; King and Hinson 1994; Riley, Babcock, and McGinn 2003; Stuhlmacher and Walters 1999; Riley 2001.
3. Riley, Babcock, and McGinn 2003.
4. Gerhart and Rynes 1991.
5. Stevens, Bavetta, and Gist 1993; Riley, Babcock, and McGinn 2003.
6. Locke and Latham 1990.
7. Riley, Babcock, and McGinn 2003.
8. Author’s calculation based on data in Riley, Babcock, and McGinn 2003.
9. White and Neale 1994; Galinsky, Mussweiler, and Medvec 2002.
10. Galinsky, Mussweiler, and Medvec 2002.
11. Ibid.
12. Barron 2003.
13. Riley, Babcock, and McGinn 2003.
14. Stevens, Bavetta, and Gist 1993.
15. Kaman and Hartel 1994.
16. Riley, Babcock, and McGinn 2003.
17. Slovic 2000; Lerner, Gonzalez, Small, and Fischhoff 2003.
18. Slovic 2000. Quotation is from page 402.
19. Riley, Babcock, and McGinn 2003.
20. Ibid.
21. Ibid.
22. Rowland, Franken, and Harrison 1986; Braathen and Svebak 1992; Svebak and
Kerr 1989; Ellis 1986; Jelalian, Spirito, Raile, Vinnick, Rohrbeck, and Aarrigan 1997.
23. Zuckerman 1974; Zuckerman 1978; Zuckerman, Buchsbaum, and Murphy
24. Arch 1993. Quotation is from page 3.
25. For a good review, see Mazur and Booth 1998.
26. Sullivan 2000.
27. Booth, Shelley, Mazur, Tharp, and Kittok 1989; Mazur, Susman, and Edelbrock 1997.
28. Daltzman and Zuckerman 1980.
29. Kemper 1990; Klaiber, Broverman, Vogel, Abraham, and Cone 1971.
30. Booth, Shelley, Mazur, Tharp, and Kittok 1989.
31. Dabbs, de la Rue, and Williams 1990.
32. Mazur and Booth 1998.
33. Sullivan 2000. Quotation is from page 51.
34. Ibid. Quotation is from page 69.
N O T E S T O C H A P T E R 7
35. Babcock, Gelfand, Small, and Stayn 2002.
36. Bandura and Wood 1989; Bandura 1977.
37. Instone, Major, and Bunker 1983.
38. Lenney 1977.
39. Beyer and Bowden 1997.
40. Kolb and Putnam 1997.
41. Babcock, Gelfand, Small, and Stayn 2002.
42. Stevens, Bavetta, and Gist 1993.
43. Gist, Stevens, and Bavetta 1991; Stevens, Bavetta, and Gist 1993.
44. Stevens, Bavetta, and Gist 1993. Quotation is from page 726.
45. Ibid.
46. Kolb and Coolidge 1991; Kolb and Putnam 1997; Jackson, Gardner, and
Sullivan 1992.
47. These statistics are available at www.census.gov, table P064 from the 2000
Chapter 7: Just So Much and No More
1. Ayres and Siegelman 1995. With both a man and a woman trying to buy a car at each of 153 dealerships, the “dealer mark-up” in the first prices quoted to white women was an average of 11 percent higher than the mark-up in the prices quoted to w
hite men. The mark-up in the prices quoted to black women was 31 percent higher.
2. Solnick 2001.
3. Burt 1992.
4. Brass 1985.
5. Ibarra 1997; Ibarra 1992.
6. Mehra, Kilduff, and Brass 1998. Quotation is from page 441.
7. Granovetter 1982.
8. Ibarra 1997. Quotation is from page 99.
9. Fitt and Newton 1981. Quotation is from page 58.
10. Ibid. Quotation is from page 56.
11. Burt 1992.
12. Ibid.
13. Fitt and Newton 1981.
14. Epstein 1991. Quotation is from page 251.
15. Wade, M. E. 2001. Quotation is from page 66.
16. Callahan-Levy and Messe 1979.
17. Wade, M. E. 2002.
18. Ibid.
19. Riley, Babcock, and McGinn 2003.
20. Kuhn 1992. Described in Tannen 1994, pages 175–176.
21. Gilbert 1995.
22. Quotations are from the Tulane University Teaching Guide, Schindler after the Second World War, available at http://www.tulane.edu/∼so-inst/slguid5.html.
23. Michaud 2001.
24. Taylor, Klein, Lewis, Gruenewald, Gurung, and Updegraff 2000.
N O T E S T O C H A P T E R 8
25. Ibid. Quotation is from page 424.
26. Dranginis 2002.
27. Announced in the 9 July 2002 National Institutes of Health (NIH) news release
“NHLBI Stops Trial of Estrogen Plus Progestin Due to Increased Breast Cancer Risk, Lack of Overall Benefit.” Available at http://www.nih.gov.
28. Dranginis 2002.
Chapter 8: The Female Advantage
1. Bazerman and Neale 1992. Quotation is from page 16.
2. Thompson 1998. Statistic is from page 49.
3. Dawson 2000. Quotation is from page 248.
4. Thompson 1991.
5. Fisher and Ury 1981.
6. Thompson 1991; Lax and Sebenius 1986; Pruitt and Rubin 1986; Fisher and Ury 1981; Raiffa 1982.
7. Thompson 1991.
8. Kimmel, Pruitt, Magenau, Konar-Goldband, and Carnevale 1980.
9. Helgesen 1990.
10. Walters, Stuhlmacher, and Meyer 1998.
11. Halpern and Parks 1996.
12. Riley and Babcock 2002.
13. Stuhlmacher and Walters 1999. Quotation is from page 656.
14. Greenhalgh and Gilkey 1993.
15. Riley and Babcock 2002.
16. Kolb and Williams 2000. Story is on pages 31–34.
17. Kolb 2000.
18. Gray 1994.
19. Kolb 2000. Quotation is from page 3.
20. Sally Helgesen’s book The Female Advantage explores the benefits of women’s approaches to leadership.
21. Harris 1993. Quotation is from page 115.
22. Senge 1997. Quotation is from page 9.
23. Pfeffer 1998. Quotation is from page 17.
24. For a review of this research, see Sternberg 1999; Wagner and Sternberg 1991.
Women Don't Ask Page 31