The Fall of The Wolf (Historical Romance)

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The Fall of The Wolf (Historical Romance) Page 15

by Lynn Coppersmith

  “I was starving,” he said as he chewed. He winked at her. “I thought you might be too.”

  He shared another bite with her, and they ate for a few moments in companionable silence. He brought over a bottle of wine from the table, and they took turns drinking directly from the bottle. When the plate was nearly empty, he gave her a look from beneath his brows as he dredged a piece of bread through some sauce.

  “I noticed there is a lot of food in the cold storage off the kitchen.” He fed her the bread and met her eye. “Looks like meals have been prepared in advance to last us for several days.”

  Even though he had phrased it as a statement, Eleta knew what he was asking. She chewed carefully and took a sip of wine to swallow the bite before she answered him. When she did, her voice was soft with dread. She didn’t want to anger him.

  “Yes, I had the cook prepare meals for us to last at least a week if not more. I had hoped you wouldn’t mind if we stayed here that long.”

  To her surprise, Rafe grinned widely and waggled his brows in a suggestive manner. He let his eyes drop down her body, lewdly eyeing her naked form. He covered his heart with one hand and gave her a teasing smile.

  “Of course, your Majesty! Your every wish is my command. I am most happily at your service.”

  Eleta couldn’t help but laugh, and her musical giggle was infectious. Soon, Rafe joined in, and it was several moments before they sobered. Their shining eyes met and held, and he reached out to caress the graceful line of her jaw with the backs of his fingers.

  “Seriously,” he whispered, “there’s nowhere I would rather be than here with you.”

  Eleta had to swallow against a lump in her throat. “Me neither,” she whispered.

  Their gazes held for several more moments and then Rafe blinked and cleared his throat. He rose with the empty plate and wine bottle and put them on the dining table.

  “Now, I was going to prepare a bath for us, but I wasn’t sure how this contraption works. Any idea how to use it?”

  He was referring to a pipe that extended from the wall in the bathing area. It was supported on a metal hinged arm that could be pulled so that the pipe extended out over the copper tub.

  “That’s easy,” Eleta said, hopping up from the bed with renewed energy. She grasped his hand in hers and led him to the bathing corner. “This lodge was built over a hot spring. The temperature of the water stays the same all year round, because it comes from deep beneath the ground. There is a pump to bring hot water up here for bathing, and there is another pipe beneath the tub to drain the water when you are done. No one ever has to boil water, haul buckets, or clean up afterward. Isn’t that wonderful?”

  She plugged a hole in the bottom of the tub with a large cork, and then she showed him how to operate a hand pump hidden within a small wooden cabinet. Within moments, steaming water began gushing into the huge copper tub.

  “Ingenious!” Rafe declared with a grin.

  Eleta glowed with pleasure as if the design and plumbing had been all her doing. Rafe took over pumping, and within a short time, the tub was full of steaming spring water. He stripped off his clothes, tested the temperature, and then stepped in. As he sank down in the water, he gave a loud sigh of contentment. He leaned back against the rim, and motioned impatiently for Eleta to join him.

  “What are you waiting for? Get in.”

  Eleta giggled and went to gather a few towels, a washcloth, and a bar of lightly scented soap and laid them on a low table within easy reach of the tub. She brought a candelabrum and set it nearby. Using a twig from the fireplace, she lit the candles, and they cast a flickering glow over the tub. She paused to twist her hair into a loose knot on top of her head. Then, she held his hand and stepped over the high edge.

  The tub easily accommodated both of them, and she sank to her chin in deliciously hot water. She hissed slightly as the chafed areas on her body came in contact with the steaming water. Rafe pulled her onto his chest and tipped her mouth up to receive a lengthy kiss.

  “That’s better,” Rafe breathed against her lips. “I thought you might enjoy a hot bath to soak away your soreness.”

  As he said the last, he gently caressed one tender nipple. Eleta held his gaze, but she blushed beneath his heated regard and felt suddenly shy.

  “Was I too rough on you earlier?” he asked quietly, gently playing with her breast as it bobbed in the water.

  She had a hard time finding her voice, and she merely shook her head.

  “I’ll be more gentle next time,” he murmured.

  “No!” When he raised his brows in surprise, she blushed an even darker shade of red. “I mean…I loved the way it was before. Please don’t change anything.”

  His chuckle was full of masculine smugness. “Oh, you did, huh?” When she merely nodded, he tweaked her nipple none too gently. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  They lapsed into silence for a spell. The only sounds were the fire crackling in the hearth and water rippling with their languid movements. The night seemed to settle around them to form a snug cocoon. They interlaced their fingers and shared occasional lingering kisses. They both relaxed and luxuriated in the steaming water, content in one another’s company. So much had changed in a short amount of time. They were both deep in thought, trying to assimilate where they now stood with one another.

  When Rafe finally spoke, it was in a hushed tone, as if he was reluctant to disturb the tranquil atmosphere. “I knew you would be different from all the other women I had known,” he said quietly.

  Eleta was lying on her side with her cheek on his chest. She tilted her chin up and searched his eyes with a puzzled frown. “I’m different? How?”

  He chuckled softly, his voice rumbling in her ear. “In so many ways,” he said. He stroke her hip absentmindedly. “For one, I’ve never been this relaxed after making love to a woman before. I’m usually anxious to leave as soon as possible. I’ve found that if I linger, the woman sometimes gets too attached, and then it’s awkward. But with you…,” he trailed off without finishing.

  “What?” she prompted, obviously eager to know what he was thinking.

  He hesitated briefly, but then he shrugged and continued. “With you, I want you to become attached.” He caressed the line of her jaw and smiled thoughtfully. The truth of his words sunk to his bones, and he realized that he wanted much more than just attachment. In fact, he wanted Eleta’s whole hearted love and devotion and wouldn’t settle for less. However, he wasn’t ready to admit that to her.

  “What other ways am I different from other women?” she asked.

  Rafe grinned and tapped the end of her nose with a wet finger. “Your tears affected me differently than those of any other woman I’ve met. I’ve never really been bothered by a woman’s tears before. Women often cry as a means of getting their own way. I usually find it annoying, but otherwise, it doesn’t affect me much.” He searched her eyes, smiling tenderly as he remembered how he felt when he saw her weeping. “When I saw you crying, I felt like I was sharing your sadness.”

  Eleta didn’t know what to say in response, so she remained mute. His words touched her deeply, but she knew it was dangerous to get too emotionally involved with him. Fulfilling her mission meant giving him free rein over her body, but her emotions were best kept in check.

  Rafe searched her eyes. She kept her thoughts and emotions hidden, as if she had an invisible shield that he couldn’t penetrate. He ran his thumb along her lower lip, smiling when her lip trembled slightly. She might hide her feelings, but he knew she was not unaffected emotionally. That was another thing he would eventually win from her. He wouldn’t rest until she loved him and declared her love for him openly and without hesitation. Luckily, his plans seemed to be in line with hers to bring that about. He would need time to woo her, and she had planned to keep him prisoner here for at least a week. There was no need to pressure her, but he couldn’t resist gentle prodding.

  “That’s another way you are differe
nt from other women, Eleta. I find myself in the very novel position of revealing my emotions, when it is clear that you are keeping yours hidden.” Feeling her tense, he soothed her with a kiss on her forehead. “It’s alright, Eleta. You don’t have to say anything.”

  They lapsed into silence once more. After several more minutes, Rafe kissed the top of her head.

  “I am curious though. I asked for an invitation to come to your palace more than a year ago. Why did you refuse to meet with me then, Eleta?”

  “I’ve told you,” she whispered, keeping her face averted. “I didn’t want to extend hospitality to the man responsible for the terrible raids against my people.”

  He urged her chin up until she met his eye. “Is that the only reason?”

  She felt one of her revealing blushes creeping up her cheeks, and she hoped he might attribute it to the warm water. “Of course.”

  Rafe merely grunted. He knew she was not telling the truth, but he couldn’t figure out why. Eleta swallowed against a lump in her throat. His eyes were so open and sincere as he watched her. She felt even more wicked, thinking about how she would betray his trust.

  “Are you ready to tell me about the prophecy?” He kissed her forehead once again. “I know you haven’t told me everything. Won’t you tell me your secrets now?”

  Eleta released a soft sigh. She didn’t want to think about that. Not when they had so little time together. She would do her duty when the time came, but for the next week, she wanted to enjoy being with him as if they were any normal lovers. Being with Rafe made her wonderfully happy. This week might be the only time she would ever be happy again. She didn’t want the terrible prophecy to ruin what little happiness she had been afforded.

  “I will make you a promise, Rafe. I will tell you everything when the time comes for us to leave this place. I had planned for us to spend a week here together. It’s true that I have been keeping things from you, but I promise I will tell you absolutely everything at the end of the week. But until then, I don’t want to talk about it. No more questions. No more prying. Please.”

  He studied her eyes for a long time. He could tell she was deeply disturbed. He wanted to soothe her distress, but he didn’t know how. Finally, he simply nodded his head. “Agreed. But just know that no matter what you have to tell me, it will be alright. It won’t change how I feel about you, Eleta. Everything will be alright in the end.”

  Eleta swallowed and blinked against the tears burning the backs of her eyes. She wished with all her heart that what he said was true, but she knew differently. She owed him honesty, but when she told him the truth, it would make him hate her. Once the glow in his eyes turned to hatred, nothing would be alright ever again.

  “We should wash before the water gets cold,” she said softly.

  Eleta sat on her knees and reached for the soap. She poured water over his head and then began to wash his hair. He leaned his head forward so she could more easily reach, and he teased her by tickling her whenever she tried to raise her hands to his head.

  “Stop that,” she scolded with a giggle. “You’re going to get soap in your eyes, and then you’ll be sorry.”

  He merely chuckled and continued to torment her. When she would have reached for the pitcher, he slid down and dunked his whole head beneath the water instead. He came up and gave his head a vigorous shake, showering her with droplets. She squealed with delight, and her giggles warmed his heart. It was so much better seeing her laugh than seeing her disturbed.

  “You really are a wolf,” she teased as he gave his head another shake.

  “Aye, love. And although the chain is gone, I am most assuredly still caught in your trap.”

  Rafe waggled his eyebrows playfully, and Eleta laughed some more. He wondered idly why hearing her laugh and soothing her worry was so important to him, but he didn’t dwell on the thought. There were too many other enjoyable sensations to focus on at that moment.

  Eleta lathered the cloth and began washing him with loving strokes. She scrubbed his broad shoulders and the full length of his arms and hands, carefully washing every finger. She scrubbed his chest, pausing to play with the sparse patch of hair there. It was his turn to laugh when she traced a heart with their initials on his chest. She lathered the cloth again and sat up on her knees. Her breasts tickled his chest as she reached over his shoulder to wash his back.

  Rafe hissed and winced. When she looked at him questioningly, he grinned and leaned forward to show her several deep furrows that had clearly been made from her nails.

  “When you mate with a she-wolf, you have to expect a few scratches,” he growled with an unrepentant grin.

  Eleta merely chuckled softly and proceeded to wash his back and then his sides. She washed every muscled inch of his legs and feet. She rinsed his upper body using a small pitcher, and he sighed as she poured the warm water over him.

  He met her eye, grinned and raised an expectant brow. “What about the rest of me?” he asked. He nodded toward his lower half which was beneath the surface of the water, and he laughed when Eleta blushed hotly.

  She gave him a coquettish smile and reached for the soap. While she lathered her hands, Rafe grasped the sides of the tub and lifted his hips so that he was floating on the water. His engorged erection cleaved the surface and stood proudly waiting for her attention. Eleta was beset by giggling, and her eyes sparkled delightfully.

  “A man’s cock is no laughing matter, love!” Rafe’s tone was stern, but his eyes were laughing. “You may render me impotent if you don’t contain your riotous humor.”

  Eleta only laughed harder. She eventually sobered enough to grasp him in her tiny fists. “I wouldn’t worry about that, my wolf,” she assured him with a wicked smile. “This thing looks like it could cleave me in two, if I’m not careful.”

  “Aye, love. You had best beware.”

  She giggled some more and took an inordinate amount of time washing him, paying special attention to the entire length of his shaft, his balls, and the thick patch of hair. Rafe groaned appreciatively and murmured praises for her thoroughness. Finally, he grasped her wrists and reluctantly pulled her hands away. As he sat back beneath the water, he gave her a strained smile.

  “Enough, my love. Any more of your attentions, and you will spoil your own pleasure.”

  Eleta gulped and nodded her understanding. The gnawing hunger that had become so familiar while in Rafe’s presence was once again starting to build in her loins. She was content to let him be until the time came for both of them to reach satisfaction.

  “My turn,” Rafe whispered.

  Rafe turned her so that she faced away from him. He freed her hair from the top knot and tilted her head back before he used the pitcher to pour water over her flowing black locks. He lathered his hands and began to wash her hair. He kneaded her scalp and the back of her neck. He scrubbed the long tresses, draping them around her shoulders as he made sure to get them all. Then, he gently pulled her backward and dunked the back of her head under the surface, keeping just her face above the water. Eleta shivered with delight. She had never known that having her hair washed could be so erotic!

  Rafe lifted her once more and turned her to face him. She relinquished the cloth and watched with wide eyes as he lathered it with the soap. Then, he set about washing the rest of her most thoroughly. No area of her body was left untouched. She moaned as he used the cloth and his knowing hands to caress and clean every curve and crevice. Her nipples were already erect, but he plucked them into even harder nubs. He traced her waist and the length of her thighs. He even cleaned the crack of her bottom. She tried to evade him, but he wouldn’t allow it. He held her firmly and repeated the stealthy caress as he stared into her wide-eyed gaze.

  “Remember, Eleta, you’re mine,” he whispered. “Every inch of you is mine.”

  She gulped but nodded her agreement. She shivered with pleasure from the possessive heat in his green eyes. She made no further protests as he continued to explore her
body at his leisure. He took every liberty, and she allowed it. Instead of cooling, the water was beginning to feel almost too hot, as heat swelled beneath her skin.

  Rafe turned her and lifted her hip out of the water, so that he could examine the raised birth mark. He ran his finger over the dark pink mark and grinned.

  “Sure enough, it’s a wolf’s paw.” He chuckled darkly. “Like I said, you’re mine.”

  Eleta loved the possessive way he handled her, turning her this way and that as he explored her body. He pulled her onto her stomach facing him, and positioned her with her bottom raised slightly above the water. Then, he guided her hands to the sides of the tub and met her curious gaze.

  She was balanced above him on her knees between his legs. Her breasts dangled close to his face, and she could feel the flesh throbbing between her thighs. Rafe held her gaze as he reached for the soap and worked up a thick lather in his hands. Once again, he began washing her bottom, trailing his fingers down the crack between her butt cheeks and teasing the flowered rosebud of her anus.

  “What a delightful bottom you have,” he murmured, his voice dark and tempting.

  Eleta felt a hot blush suffuse her face and spread all the way down over her breasts. Rafe’s hot gaze followed the path of her blush and he chuckled. He met her eye once more and raised a teasing brow.

  “I love it when you are shy, little one.”

  Eleta swallowed hard, remembering all the times her tutors had scolded her for showing any signs of shyness. How ironic that Rafe should enjoy seeing her blush.

  “Admit that you are mine,” he said quietly, circling the tight bud with one broad, soapy finger.

  Eleta shivered from excitement. She knew where his teasing was leading. She had seen this too, men playing with women’s bottoms. Some of Rafe’s former lovers had been her spies, and they had reported that he liked anal play. Her tutors had discussed this topic, but they had instructed her to discourage the wolf’s exploration in that arena. After all, anal penetration was usually painful and would not lead to pregnancy. Nevertheless, the throbbing between her thighs only intensified, and she squirmed restlessly as she became increasingly aroused by the thought. Rafe tightened his hold on her bottom, holding her still.


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