The Fall of The Wolf (Historical Romance)

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The Fall of The Wolf (Historical Romance) Page 21

by Lynn Coppersmith

  Livius gnashed his teeth as he digested that bit of gossip. He had been looking forward to claiming the queen’s virginity, and the knowledge that others may have already plowed her field infuriated him. He longed to punish her for her disrespect. She was supposed to reserve her favors only for him!

  “Is that all you have for me, a bunch of unfounded gossip?” the duke snarled.

  “No, there’s more, sir. As I mentioned, the staff are very close mouthed about it. I just happened to hear those two discussing it, but it sounded like the queen throws herself at all the male attendants around the palace,” Justin replied with a sly grin. “And she doesn’t just flirt, sir. They were reminiscing about some of the clothes she wears. Apparently, she dresses like a whore too, at least when guests aren’t around the palace. Those two were mooning over her rosy breasts. I guess she likes to flaunt herself for any man who cares to have a look, and they’ve certainly had an eye full. They seemed well familiar with her bountiful charms, if you know what I mean sir.”

  “Bastards! I’ll have their heads for spreading such lies!”

  “Oh, I don’t think they were lying, sir. Like I say, the two men were talking, and they had no idea anyone was listening in. I don’t think they were trying to harm the queen’s reputation. Seemed clear from their conversation that they were both smitten by her, and they were missing the chance to serve their queen. Reading between the lines of what they said, I would guess they both wanted to fuck her pretty badly but had never had the opportunity. They seemed pretty frustrated, so maybe she is still a virgin after all, sir.”

  Justin could see that his words were infuriating the duke. The two servants had actually spoken of the queen in reverent tones. It had been obvious that they were both infatuated with her, but they had not spoken of her disrespectfully. They were commiserating because neither of them would ever be able to express their love to the queen. It was clear from their wistful tones that they both desired her. However, Justin knew they would never have spoken of their feelings if not for the drug he had given them.

  Seeing the effect his words were having on the duke, Justin had decided to embellish the tale just to torture his employer. He invented all sorts of vulgarities while he inwardly laughed at the duke’s reactions.

  “If you could have heard the way they were mooning over her sweet round ass and her pert tits! They were well familiar with all her charms. Apparently she acts like a common slut around the palace. It sounds like she really knows how to draw a man’s attention to her assets. Most of her tutoring sessions took place with a number of male tutors in her private chambers, and there, she doesn’t wear any clothes at all. You should be happy that your future bride is so well versed in the sensual arts, sir. I suspect you’re going to be one lucky man on your wedding night, having such an experienced whore in your bed!”

  Justin raised an arm just in time to block a harsh blow from striking his head. The duke kicked and punched him, while he huddled in his chair and did his best to ward off the worst of the blows. The whole time, Justin was inwardly laughing, because he had managed to infuriate the duke. Finally, the duke had vented his anger enough to stop hitting him.

  “Watch yourself,” Livius warned ominously, “or I’ll carve you into pieces and feed you to the hounds.” The duke was tempted to carry through on his threat, but Justin was simply too valuable of an employee. His services were invaluable.

  Justin dropped his gaze to hide the gloating gleam in his eyes. He was enjoying being in a position to see the duke squirm for a change.

  “What proof do you have that the queen has been training as a whore, other than the word of those two foul mouthed bastards?” Livius demanded.

  Justin grinned. “After hearing them talk, I managed to sneak into the queen’s private quarters.” He gave a low whistle and his grin turned into a leer. “She had all sorts of books and pictures about fornication. There were literally stacks of notes on the subject, written in her own hand. And she had some toys that would make a strumpet blush. Looks like she’s been studying the subject extensively. I assume that’s why she consorts with the servants, so she’ll have men to practice her techniques with.”

  “Enough!” the duke cried. “I don’t want to hear anymore!”

  Livius was so angry that his face was a mottled purple. He stalked to the window and stood staring out for a few minutes as his mind raced. He had assumed the queen to be an innocent, an untried virgin that he could gleefully deflower on their wedding night. Finding out that she was nothing more than a dirty slut caused his blood to boil. What she did reflected on him. He couldn’t allow her to make a fool of him. She would have to pay!

  Livius raised an arrogant brow and fixed a steely glare on Justin. “That still doesn’t answer the mystery of where the queen went.”

  “That’s the best part, your Grace. Seems a handful of the queen’s guardsmen just returned from one of the villages your men recently raided. I managed to get one of the guards alone and got him rip roaring drunk. The potion worked even better on him. He didn’t mean to start rambling on, but once he got going, he told quite a tale.”

  “Yes, yes…what did the man say?”

  Justin grinned. “They were escorting the queen, along with the Duke of Argyle, to the royal lodge up in the mountains. The lodge has always been used by the royal family as a retreat, and the kings and queens of Aglaia always go there on their honeymoon. According to this guard, the queen and Argyle looked pretty cozy even while they were travelling. The two of them have been up there all alone for almost a week now. No servants, no guards, just the two of them. The guard said the queen had planned to be there for a week with her lover, which means it will be another few days before she comes back.”

  The duke saw everything through a red haze, and he yanked Justin to his feet and started beating him in earnest.

  “You lying piece of shit,” he snarled. “There is no way the queen is with that bastard!”

  Justin fended off the worst of the blows and finally managed to get free of the duke’s clutches. “It’s true, your Grace. But don’t worry, I found out where the place is, and I can take you there! We can be there within just a couple of days if we travel by horseback. If we hurry, we can catch them together before her guards return to escort her back here.”

  Livius froze, breathing heavily from his exertions and his anger. The thought of the queen playing whore to his most hated enemy on the eve of her wedding to him filled him with a murderous rage. It was several minutes before he brought himself under control, and his mind was racing with possibilities.

  Justin knew his employer well, and he knew how his mind worked. He fed the flames of the duke’s anger. “Seems to me like the queen might need a healthy dose of discipline, sir. If I were you, I would teach her a lesson she would never forget. If you like, I could gather a couple of your men and we could show her what’s what, sir.”

  The duke could not have agreed more. Perhaps, he could use this to his own advantage. If he went to the lodge and found them together, he would have every right to be outraged. If he killed the wolf in a fit of apparent jealousy, the queen would have no cause to object. In fact, having been caught in bed with her lover, Livius would be fully justified in punishing her in whatever way he saw fit.

  Thoughts of her punishment and utter debasement made him smile with evil intent. Once he was finished with her, he was sure the queen would be eager to soothe his anger and give him her complete obedience. It would be entertaining to see her raped by he and his men. The thought of watching while his men pumped their cocks into every orifice made him instantly hard. She would not be so haughty after being fucked by a few of his henchmen. They were enthusiastic but not very talented lovers. He had seen them in action, and their victims did not seem to enjoy their lustful attentions. The duke’s smile was diabolic.

  “Prepare for the journey with all possible haste,” he ordered. “We will leave as soon as you are able to make the arrangements. Bring along two
of my brawniest and roughest henchmen. We may need their help in dealing with Argyle. If anyone asks, we are going hunting.”

  Justin nodded and made to exit. “Yes, sir.”

  “And Justin,” Livius waited until his manservant met his eye, “choose men who are dependable but dispensable. Once our business is completed, I don’t want any witnesses. I’m happy to see the bitch raped, but afterward, she will still become my wife. It wouldn’t do for the men to spread gossip afterward about how they had fucked her. I know you won’t spread the tale, because you know your life depends on keeping your mouth shut. However, the men are not nearly as clever as you. Once we are done with our fun, I trust you to dispense with them quietly and discreetly. Is that clear?”

  Justin gave another evil grin. “Absolutely, your Grace. What about the servants here at the palace and the other guards who know about the queen’s affair with the wolf?”

  “We will deal with them all when we return,” Livius snarled. “I won’t allow anyone to live who could spread the tale of my wife whoring for another man while she was betrothed to me!”

  “Yes, sir,” Justin agreed.

  As Justin rushed to carry out his orders, he whistled happily to himself. The thought of the fees he would collect from the duke to carry out his orders filled him with glee. The thought of killing a few people was also enticing. But what filled him with the most anticipation was the thought of fucking the queen. She was a tempting little piece of ass, and he couldn’t wait to sink his cock into her while she begged for mercy.

  Chapter Twelve

  On their seventh and final night, Eleta and Rafe sat on the rug in front of their bedroom fireplace once more. They had enjoyed a glorious day together, filled with laughter, fun and passion. By unspoken accord, neither of them had mentioned her tears from the previous night. They both understood that their remaining time together was limited, and they wanted to enjoy it to the fullest.

  A crackling fire warmed them, and they faced each other over a game of backgammon. Eleta was far ahead. She rolled the dice and laughed as they turned up double sixes. She flashed Rafe a naughty grin as she removed her last few pieces from the board.

  “Aha!” she cried. “I do believe, sir, that it is time for those trousers to come off!”

  Rafe sighed, and he gave her a mock scowl. “You are ruthless,” he grumbled. “I can’t believe you won all four games.”

  Eleta’s eyes sparkled with good humor. “I was a good sport. I allowed you to keep your breeches until the last. But having beaten you fair and square, I intend to claim my prize.” She waved her hand at him imperiously. “Now, off with those trousers! They are an offense to your queen!”

  Rafe couldn’t help but chuckle as he stood up and unbuttoned his breeches. She watched with eager fascination as he pulled them down and stepped out of them. He stood before her, marvellously naked and obviously aroused.

  She leaned back on her arms and looked up at him, revelling in the sight of such a magnificently handsome male. His firmly muscled body was covered with small nicks and scars gained in battle or other manly pursuits. She thought these small imperfections only added to his masculine appeal, and she traced each one with her eyes.

  Rafe suppressed a groan as hot blood throbbed in his loins. As the seconds passed, his ache only intensified, but he remained outwardly patient beneath her lengthy inspection. Fair was fair, after all.

  She twirled her finger in the air. “Turn around slowly.” she commanded. When Rafe had made a full turn and once more stood facing her, she flashed him a naughty grin. “Mmmm,” she cooed, “absolutely mouth watering.”

  “I knew we should have played cards instead,” he said with a good natured chuckle.

  Eleta giggled with glee. “I am no fool, sir! I wasn’t going to give you a chance to cheat again. And besides,” she gloated playfully, “this time I am the one who was wearing the least amount of clothes when we started. You had a distinct advantage.”

  Prior to starting the game, the pair had made love on the rug. Rafe had been impatient. He had remained fully dressed while stripping Eleta down to her chemise. Afterward, she had felt so warmed by his attentions that she had not gotten dressed again, and had remained in nothing but the thin chemise. It came only to her upper thighs, and the top two buttons had been left undone. The garment clung lovingly to her ripe breasts. As Eleta played the game, Rafe’s lustful gaze rarely left her, and he had been more absorbed with the sight of her than with the strategy of the game.

  Eleta was well aware of his fascination. Leaning back as she was, her breasts were thrust upward, and they pressed wantonly against the sheer fabric. She traced the deep V of the neckline with her finger as she grinned up at him. She was gratified that his eyes followed her finger with obvious desire.

  “You should have kept your eye on the prize, and you might have won some of the games,” she teased.

  Rafe subjected her body to another thorough appraisal. His eyes flared even hotter as they landed on her birthmark. “Believe me, love, my eyes never left the prize!”

  When his smoldering gaze finally rose to meet hers, Eleta laughed with delight. “And now, you have lost the contest, and you promised to do whatever I want for the rest of the night.”

  “Had I known you were so accomplished at backgammon, I would have been more wary,” Rafe teased with a grin. “Nevertheless, your Majesty, I’m a man of my word. Consider me at your service and command me as you wish.”

  He executed a deep bow, and Eleta dissolved in a fit of giggles once again. Rafe chuckled with her. Eleta finally sobered enough to catch her breath. She pushed the backgammon board aside and motioned imperiously to the spot directly in front of where she sat.

  “I command you to stand here, sir!”

  Rafe obeyed without hesitation and stood looking down at her as he waited for her next command. She allowed him to lift her to her feet and stood facing him.

  Eleta traced the ridges of his taught abdomen and ran her warm hands over the upper muscles of his chest. She skimmed her hands upward until they circled his neck and toyed with the hair at his nape. When she spoke, her voice was low and seductive, teasing his senses with its purring quality.

  “You promise to do whatever I want for the rest of the night, right?”

  “Yes, little one. Anything you want,” Rafe replied with an indulgent smile.

  Eleta’s grin was reminiscent of a cat with a bowl of cream. “What I want is to fulfill all your fantasies tonight, Rafe.” She saw his eyes widen, and her smile deepened. “I want to indulge you. I want you to use my body to satisfy your every desire. I want to explore those unorthodox sensual realms you talked about during our first night here.” She stretched onto her toes, and her last words were whispered in his ear. “I want for nothing to be taboo between us. I want to explore and appease every forbidden craving you’ve ever had.”

  Rafe could barely breathe as his mind raced with possibilities. Eleta watched him, and her own heart thumped with anticipation. He hadn’t even touched her, and she was already swollen and wet. Just the thought of what he might do with her was thrilling.

  “Eleta,” he managed to growl, “you are my queen. I cannot do as you ask. It would not be proper. Because you are my queen, there are some things that we should not do together.”

  She shook her head and held his gaze. “No Rafe. I don’t want you to think of me as your queen. I am simply yours…yours to use, yours to enjoy, yours to corrupt, yours to claim and mark as your own. It is my deepest desire to be yours in every possible way.”

  Rafe closed his eyes briefly and groaned at the images she was conjuring in his mind. He met her gaze again and gave her a small shake.

  “You don’t understand, love. I’ve never desired a woman as much as I desire you, and I’ve never had such vivid fantasies before. Some of my fantasies about you are neither gentle nor romantic. Sometimes…,” he paused to swallow hard, but he continued to meet her eye, “…sometimes I imagine using you in the
basest manner possible, in ways befitting a common whore, not a queen. Sometimes I even fantasize about inflicting pain, not enough to injure you, but enough to bring pleasure, at least to me.”

  He closed his eyes momentarily, and it was obvious he was struggling against those urges even then. He opened his eyes and squeezed her shoulders, trying to make her comprehend his meaning.

  “Once I unleash those darker passions with you, I may not be able to ever contain them again.” His eyes dropped to her breasts, barely covered by her chemise. “You have always strained my self control, since I first laid eyes on you. If I were to indulge those appetites, you might not like it, and I might not be able to go back to the way it’s been between us, even if you asked. Are you sure you want to cross that bridge?”

  Eleta nodded her understanding of his warning. “I am not afraid. I am ready and eager, Rafe, and you promised to do what I want.” She blushed hotly, but refused to look away. “And I have darker passions too. I admit that I have fantasized about you doing all manner of things with me and…,” she blushed furiously but continued, “…and to me. I have fantasized about you holding me down and making me submit to your will. I have dreamed of you controlling me in every possible way, and it makes me excited and eager.”

  She looked down at her hands as she caressed his chest, and she nibbled her bottom lip. “Don’t you understand, Rafe? It thrills me when you control me and make me do what you want. No one else has ever treated me that way, and I find it incredibly arousing.”

  She rose up and kissed him, her lips blatantly inviting. She whispered a plea with her lips still teasing his. “Please, Rafe. Tomorrow, I will be your queen again, but for tonight, I want simply to be yours. Please teach me how to pleasure you in every possible way. Don’t hold back. You promised.”


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