Pawns and Symbols
Page 26
"Into a restricted area? You expect us to believe a cock-eyed story like that?" Johnson retorted.
"It wasn't posted. I didn't know it was a restricted area!" Aernath maintained.
"Why you filthy Klingon liar! It was as plain as the nose on your face." The guard nearest him suddenly struck him across the mouth.
"Easy, Sanders, we'll handle this by the book." This came from Security Chief Giotto.
But Aernath tasted his own blood in his mouth and felt the trigger release of fury that smell produces rising in him. He fought desperately to control that reflex: No, not here … it's suicidal … remember duty … Aethelnor … He failed. It took six men to pry them apart: two for Sanders and four for him.
Now, shackled to the chair, breathing heavily, Aernath struggled to dissipate the orange haze in front of his eyes and regain control of his emotions. Dimly, in the background, he heard Giotto talking.
"Captain Kirk? Sorry to bother you, sir, but we have a little problem. Could you come down for a few minutes? A couple of my men just picked up your Klingon in the dilithium storage area."
The Captain appeared promptly, accompanied by Mr. Spock. Under their observation, Security Chief Giotto himself repeated the questioning. Aernath stuck to his story.
"How can you say you didn't know you were in a restricted area? It was posted in big black letters. Can't you read?"
"I didn't see any sign, sir."
Giotto threw up his hands. Kirk looked at a crewman seated to one side. "Readings, Ensign?" The man pushed a button for computer playback.
"Erratic readings. Subject exhibits marked anxiety and stress reactions. Sixty-five percent probability story is truth as subject sees it."
"Well, Giotto, where does that leave us?" Kirk demanded with exasperation.
"Excuse me, Captain," said Spock, "I have an idea. Perhaps I can clear this up."
Kirk turned to his first officer. "Of course, Mr. Spock. Please go ahead."
The Vulcan approached Aernath and stood in front of him, hands clasped in his usual manner behind his back. "I know you better than any of the crew and I don't believe you knowingly entered that restricted area."
Aernath relaxed a trifle. Having Spock on your side was a tremendous asset. "Thank you, Mr. Spock."
"You know, of course, what dilithium is?"
"Of course. Dilithium crystals are an essential component of the warp drive."
"Is their storage area a restricted section of a Klingon cruiser?
"Absolutely. Very few people are authorized to enter it."
"What would happen to a human, say someone like Jean Czerny, if she were found in such an area?"
"She'd have been shot on sight," Aernath replied grily. He wondered what Speck was getting at. This certainly didn't seem to be helping his case any.
"Would you expect the same to be true of a Federation ship?"
"You'd be fools not to. I don't take humans for fools."
"Of course not. Would you expect the dilithium storage to be guarded?"
"Thank you. Now, would you mind describing my uniform, please?"
Aernath stared at the Vulcan wondering if he'd heard correctly. "Describe your uniform?" Spock nodded. Completely baffled, Aernath replied, "Ankle top black boots, black trousers, blue shirt with two gold stripes on the sleeves and science section insignia on the left breast, black collar."
"Correct. Now please describe Captain Kirk's uniform."
"Same boots and trousers, dark yellow shirt, commander's stripes on the sleeves, command section insignia, black collar."
"And Lieutenant Commander Giotto's?"
"That's easy. All black with support services insignia and two gold stripes on the sleeves."
"What?" This came from the man called Sanders.
From the looks on their faces, he'd said something wrong; but he didn't know what. Spock was speaking again.
"What color is the chair you are sitting in?"
"Well, sort of a pale, um, I'd say yellow-green."
Giotto looked very dubious. "It may be a bit dingy, but it's not far enough off white to be called green".
Spock turned to Kirk. "With your permission, Captain, I'd like to have Dr. McCoy examine him in sick bay. I think we can demonstrate that Aernath is telling the truth. His intrusion was inadvertent."
"By all means. If you don't mind I think I'll get back to the bridge. Let me know when you and Bones and Giotto get it all sorted out."
Flanked by two security men, Aernath followed Spock to sick bay. McCoy, at the bedside of an acute post-op patient, greeted the entourage with a belligerent cock of his eyebrow. "Now what in the world is this all about?"
"If you don't mind, Doctor, I'd like to use you visual testing apparatus on Aernath."
McCoy gave a quick wave of his hand. "Sure, sure, Spock—go ahead. You know how to run the machine. I'll be with you in a few minutes, as soon as I'm finished here."
Spock directed Aernath to an apparatus on a small table in one corner of the sick bay. A small boxlike portion of the machine. fitted snugly over the top of his face excluding all exterior light. "Now, Aernath, I'm going to start running spectral wavelengths. I want you to report to me what you see."
For some minutes there was no sound except the quiet one of his own voice reporting the colors as he saw them. Then Dr. McCoy came and leaned over Spock's shoulder. "Well, what are you … Jehosophat, Spock! What are you doing? Do you want to give him a retinal burn?" Aernath recoiled from the box at the vehemence in McCoy's voice.
Spock was unperturbed as usual. "Not at all. Doctor. Observe what we have so far."
The doctor bent over Spock's sheet. "You started at ten-thousand Angstroms and he came in here?"
"That's correct."
"Did the colors all match standard?"
"And you were still going?"
"Yes." Spock was very patient.
"Hmmm. Mind if I check it? At least let's turn down the gain a bit." McCoy slid into the seat Spock had vacated for him. "Now, Aernath, if you don't mind let's just run through this again."
Dutifully Aernath reported as soon as the deep, orange glow appeared on the screen. He continued on down the spectrum.
"What do you see now?"
"Fine, we'll keep going." McCoy encouraged. "What now?"
"And now?"
"What's that?"
"It's a very deep violet," Aernath said.
"All right. Now?"
"Amarklor." For some reason the room seemed strangely quiet now.
"I see." The doctor sounded rather excited. "And now?"
"Pure kalish."
"How about now?"
"Black, there's nothing visible beyond kalish, Doctor."
"Nothing visible beyond kalish, he says. Spock, he cut out at thirty-two hundred Angstroms!" McCoy looked at the security guards. "What'd he do anyway?"
"Walked into the dilithium storage area to ask directions. "Spock turned to the watching security detail. "Ensign, go find Ensign Tamura and the boy. Take them down to the storage area and ask the boy what color the door is. Also ask him if he sees anything on the door."
"Yes, sir, Mr. Spock."
Dr. McCoy was gazing at Aernath with a speculative look. "To borrow your phrase, Mr. Spock, fascinating. I'd like to take a closer look at this. There's a piece of equipment in zoology I think will be just the ticket. Come on."
In zoology Aernath reacted with some alarm as they wheeled out a rather vicious looking machine and proceeded to immobilize his head in it. "What are you going to do, Doctor?"
"I'm going to put a couple kinds of drops in your eyes, to dilate your pupils and paralyze ocular muscle movement temporarily. Then I'm going to run retinal absorption spectra on your eyes under a couple different conditions."
"'Will it
"The drops sting a little. There's no danger to your eyes. Hold still now."
The drops did sting. Then they left him for a few minutes while they retreated to a computer console at the far end of the lab and carried on a murmuring conversation. It was dark in the lab but Aernath could tell his vision was getting blurred and his eyes wouldn't move. In spite of Dr. McCoy's reassurance, he noted his fear scent rising steadily. What if the doctor was wrong or miscalculated? At this moment Spock's rescue seemed almost worse than whatever fate had awaited him in security.
Finally the two science officers came back. "He's dark-adapted by now. Let's try and see what we get with low intensity light." That was McCoy.
"Start with fifty-two hundred Angstroms." That was Spock.
It went on and on. Aernath had no idea how long. However, McCoy was right about the fact that it didn't hurt. Gradually he relaxed. Obviously Klingon eyes didn't function exactly like human or Vulcan eyes and something they were pursuing had them really absorbed. Even Spock sounded enthusiastic. Maybe this hadn't been a trap after all. Finally McCoy snapped off the instrument light and released him. "Here, put these on It's going to take a while for your eyes to recover from the drops." He handed Aernath a pair of dark glasses. "We'll help you back to sick bay; then I'll keep you there until it sworn off."
When they got back to sick bay, Ensign Tamura, Aethelnor, Giotto, and Kirk were waiting for them. "The kid doesn't see it either," Giotto informed them. "Says the whole door is black."
"Exactly, just as it appeared to Aernath," Spock replied.
"What color is it to you?" Aernath ventured to ask.
"Deep red with bold, black letters saying KEEP OUT, RESTRICTED AREA, AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY," Spock informed him.
"Are you trying to tell me that Klingons can't tell the difference between black and red?" Giotto demanded.
"Precisely. We have just demonstrated that conclusively," Spock answered.
"I never heard of such a thing. And how come he called a white chair, green?" Giotto wanted to know. "Is he some kind of color-blind or something?"
"I think you better explain it to us all," Kirk encouraged.
"First, let me get Aernath in a bed. Here, up you go." McCoy gave him a hand. This bed was just as soft as the one in his quarters.
"You are familiar with the primary spectral colors," Spock was saying.
"Of course," Kirk replied, "red, green, and blue."
"Wait a minute," Giotto objected, "I thought the three primary colors were red, yellow, and blue."
"That refers to pigments. Spock and the captain are referring to light wavelengths," McCoy picked up. "But do you know why those three wavelengths are considered primary?"
"Oh, sure. Because by mixing them together you can get any color of the rainbow and if you put them all together you get white," Giotto answered.
"To the normal human eye, yes. And do you know why?"
Giotto shook his head. Kirk interposed, "But if a person is color-blind, then they can't distinguish blue and green. Yet Aernath can recognize blue, can't he?"
"You're referring to a deuteranope, a green blind person," McCoy explained. "On the other hand, if Aernath were a protanope, a red blind person, in the usual human sense, he would be able to distinguish blue and green but all reds, yellows, and oranges would appear green to him."
"But he sees my shirt as yellow," Kirk pointed out.
"Exactly," said Spock, "which brings us back to the question of why red, green, and blue are called the primary spectral colors."
Kirk grinned. "O.K. Spock, you tell us. Why are they the primary colors?"
"Because they correspond to the wavelengths of maximal absorption of the three visual pigments of the human eye: erythrolabe, chlorolabe, and rhodopsin. All sensations of color are mediated by the varying stimulation of one or more of these pigments in the human retina. Klingons don't have erythrolabe. At least Aernath doesn't," Spock explained.
"Well, that doesn't explain how he can see yellow then," Kirk pursued.
"Exactly," McCoy pounced. "And that's what is so remarkable. Aernath can't see red, but he can see orange. His visual light range runs from about sixty-four hundred Angstroms clear down into the ultraviolet range to about thirty-two hundred Angstroms."
"He can see ultraviolet?" Kirk questioned.
"You bet your boots he can," McCoy responded enthusiastically.
"What does it look like?"
"Amarklor and kalish," McCoy assured him solemnly.
"What?" Kirk asked.
"Klingons have names for two major colors in the ultraviolet range."
"Oh. Well, how do they do it? See, I mean," Kirk persisted.
"That is what is so fascinating." Spock picked up the thread of explanation. "According to the retinal absorption spectra and the spectral sensitivity curves we have just done on him, Aernath possesses four retinal pigments: chlorolabe and rhodopsin, or their analogs, plus one with maximal absorption in the orange range and one in the ultraviolet range. He has a double Purkinje shift with maximum scotopic vision occurring in both the yellow and the blue-violet ranges."
"Oh." Kirk looked helplessly at McCoy. "Bones, in plain English, what does that mean?"
"It means he sees green and blue by the same mechanism we do but has two pigments we don't have: one that lets him see from orange to green and one that lets him see from blue to kalish. At night or in dim light he sees best with either yellow or blue light whereas we humans do best with blue light."
"So he was telling the truth when he said he got into dilithium storage by accident?" Giotto wanted to know.
Spock nodded. "Yes. Unfortunately for him the black and red on that door are of the same intensity so there was no contrast. To his eyes it appears uniformly black."
"Well, in that case, I think I'll get back to work." Giotto left.
"I still don't understand the chair." Kirk was a stickler for nailing down loose details.
"Something painted white appears white to us because it absorbs none of the wavelengths in our visible spectrum. They are all reflected back to us," Spock explained.
"I see." Kirk went on, "And for a Klingon to see white, the object must also reflect back ultraviolet rays as well. Our chair didn't."
"That's right," McCoy put in. "With the deep violet end of his spectrum subtracted by absorption he was a sort of yellow-green. To a Klingon we are color blind, in a sense, so we see white when he wouldn't. It’s like a human who is color blind to green. If you mix red and blue light for him it will be white but we would see it as purple."
Kirk threw up his hands. "Well, if you and Spock agree on it, it must be true. I'll take your word for it. It's been a long time since I saw you two work on a project together without arguing about it. Spock, what made you suspect it in the first place?"
"Something I noticed through mind-touch with him on Tsorn. When I met him he was wearing gray, but I saw that to his eyes it appeared to have color. I had intended to explore that with him once we came aboard but hadn't the opportunity until now."
"Dr. McCoy?" Aernath saw a fuzzy figure approach the periphery of his field of vision in response t his call.
"Yes, Aernath?"
"What does red look like to you anyway?"
"Well now, Aernath, how would you explain the difference between amarklor and kalish to someone who can't see beyond purple?"
Aernath paused for a moment trying to grasp that idea. The two were really quite different … "I see what you mean. They are as different from each other and from purple as orange and yellow and green." He went on regretfully, "It's a pity you can't appreciate them. But I suppose you would say the same about red."
"It's a warm exciting color," the doctor admitted. "I'd hate to do without it. But I guess it's what you're used to. Mr. Spock here says he finds a lot of aesthetic satisfaction in the patterns of magnetic force that he sees. I think it would be disconcerting to always see those wiggly little lines everywhere I went."
"On the contrary, Doctor …" What might have been a classic Spock-McCoy interchange was interrupted by the intercom.
"Captain Kirk, Sulu here. We've just picked up Klingon cruisers on our sensors." There was a heavy pause. "Five of them, sir." Sulu sounded awed.
"Red Alert, Sulu. We're on our way." Kirk and Spock left on the run. Tamura left to take Aethelnor to a safe spot and sick bay personnel began swift preparation for possible combat casualties.
In the excitement, Sulu forgot to close the connection. Thus sick bay continued to monitor the bridge. Aernath listened intently. A full hand of cruisers! The Imperial Fleet rarely deployed even a formation of three cruisers. Five was unprecedented unless … What had happened within the Empire the past few weeks? Had the 'Confront and Annihilate' faction won an upper hand somehow? Aernath cursed silently at his temporary blindness, not realizing that sick bay was getting only audio, not video. He heard Spock and Kirk arrive on the bridge.
"Status, Suliu?"
"Full battle readiness, Captain. Deflector shields up."
"The five cruisers are coming in from Klingon space on a very oblique course to ours, Captain. Calculations show interception just this side of Sherman's planet. There has been no change in their course since first sighting."
"Thank you. All right, Mr. Sulu, let's see them—top mag on the viewer."
The listeners in sick bay heard only silence for a long moment, then. Captain Kirk's voice. "Any identification, Mr. Spock?".
"The lead cruiser is the Klolode Two, commander of last report, Kang of Tahrn. Next two are the Kahless, last known Commander was Ekthorn; and the Devisor, Commander Koloth's ship. The other two are not listed in our computer banks."
Kirk gave a low whistle. "So that's Kang, is it? Lieutenant Uhura, I want you to transmit a full report to Starfleet Command, bearings, calculated courses, identification, the works. On an open channel—use Code Two—and also alert the U.S.S. Hood and U.S.S. Lexington as if they were standing by. Indicate no reply expected."
"Yes, sir," Uhura replied.
Ekthorn's with him! Aernath thought exultantly. That's the first payoff from Klairos already. Ekthorn carried a lot of weight in the Fleet, and he had a younger brother high in the Klairosian Council. Koloth was to be expected; his sector after all, but an uncertainty in the long haul. One of the others had to be Kasob. His uncle was highly placed in the Peneli court. The other: several possibilities. The bridge conversation continued.