Just Until Morning

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Just Until Morning Page 9

by Dani Wyatt

  I slam the door behind me, and I’m on Holli like a rocket.

  I don’t think of anything but getting my lips on hers. Feeling her breath in my mouth. Her body under my hands.

  She’s shaking, and I hold her tighter, trying to take all the tension from her. Squeezing her against me as our lips move and open to each other. Our heads shifting back and forth as the intensity grows. My dick is thick and ready. I need to be inside her, need to provide proof that everything is okay. That we will be okay.

  “One second.” I pull back, looking down into those magical eyes, and step to the door. The knob is fucked from my kick, but there’s an inside latch that will secure it from anyone else coming in. I need to be inside her in the next few minutes, or I feel like I am going to come undone.

  She’s standing there with pink cheeks, and a questioning look crosses her face.

  “He set it up.” Her words give me a moment of pause, the sadness behind them tightening a knife in my gut. “All of it.”


  I step to her, holding her cheeks in my hands.

  “Cruzer. He set me up. Those guys at your game? The three that shoved me out?”

  I draw my brows together and let her continue, but already I’m rethinking my decision to let that piece of shit live.

  “They split what they took from me. And then they just did it again in an online game.” Her eyes dart to the monitor that still has the game in progress.

  “How do you know?”

  “I was leaving the apartment after I just lost in some online game he set up. Lost nearly every dollar I had left.” She meets my eyes. “I was saving it for my school fund. I got out the door, and he was yelling at me to come back down the hall, but I flipped him off, said a few words, and kept going.”

  Her hands come up to cover her face on a deep breath. I put mine on top of hers, feeling the shaking, and draw them down, placing them against my chest.


  “But I decided I needed my bag. My keys. Stomping out without anything maybe wasn’t the smartest idea. So I went back. The door was open, and he was on the phone.”

  The rage inside me builds as her eyes shimmer with tears. She’s so fucking tough, but inside there is the little girl I need to care for. The one I need to hold on my lap and tell her I’ve got this. I’ve got her back, today and every other fucking day, until I draw my last breath.

  When she continues, I’m ready to peel the plaster off the walls.

  “He was talking about setting me up. The three guys at your game? Same three were in this online game. They gang up on me, push me out, then Cruzer gets a cut of the winnings they take from me. And...”

  She stops, her shaking stops, her tears stop, and she’s suddenly a tigress.

  “Apparently, his other motivation...was to make sure I didn’t have any money to leave. He didn’t want me to be able to pay for my school because then I would have to stay here, and they would keep playing me, or bring me in on the hustle and he could also—”

  She stalls on that last word, but it doesn’t matter. As a man, I can’t help but hear the meaning in her silence.

  “He fucking thought he could have you.”

  I finish for her. That point is moot, but if that fucker even salivates on a fantasy of her, I’ll know, and he’ll be wearing his dick as a hemorrhoid.

  “There is one good thing.” A flicker of hope twinkles behind her eyes. “Angela, my roommate.” She meets my eyes. “She didn’t know anything about it. She may be a horrible person, maybe even a lost cause, I don’t know, but she’s not evil. When I came back through the door and started yelling at Cruzer, asking him what the hell he was up to, he said she didn’t even know, had no idea. That he was just keeping her happy to stay close to me.” She shakes her head, the memory coming back fresh, and it breaks my heart. “I ran out again and down the hall, but he followed me. Dragged me back in. That’s when you came through the door like the Lone Ranger.”

  A soft giggle passes her lips, and I can’t take it anymore.

  “Kick. Baby. You gotta trust me, right now. Two things are about to happen. Your clothes are getting torn off that magnificent body, and my dick is going into that cunt. I’ve never been so goddamn hard, and I’m going to lose my fucking mind if I’m not inside you in the next few seconds.”

  “You may be hard.” Her hands move slowly up and around my neck. Her eyes turn darker, and that smoky vixen behind the Kewpie doll emerges. “But I’m so wet, I’m like a slip and slide between my legs.”

  I’m done. There are no more words. Two seconds later, she’s naked and on all fours on her bed, with me right behind her.

  “Ouch, Jesus...that’s too much.”

  “Just breathe, so fucking deep. I want to be inside every part of you. Do you understand how that feels for me? To want to be part of you in every fucking way. Just take it, breathe and feel me.”

  I withdraw a few inches. She’s taking nearly all of me, and in this position, I know that’s tough.

  I slide forward, giving her time to adjust herself, because it’s going to be my balls slick and stuck to her pussy lips in a few seconds. I want them dripping with her, want to hear them slapping wet and fast against her flesh. The filthy sounds of two people turning into one. Something I’ve never thought about before, but now I can’t fucking stop.

  Her pleasured moans turn to high-pitched whimpers as I set myself nearly to the base. I’ve never felt anything more beautiful. Taking this last bit of her, slow and as deep as her body can accept, is like the final signal of my ownership.

  “That’s it, shh, just a little more. Breathe. Your pussy is owning my ass. You’re never getting rid of me. You know that, don’t you? You run, I’ll chase you down a thousand times and drag you right back. No way am I ever living without this...without you. Not again. Not for a minute.”

  She yelps at my words, and the last inch sinks into her, her walls nearly choking the base of my dick until it hurts.

  I reach down and around, start to strum the tight hole of her ass with my thumb.

  “I’ll be in here soon. There’s no part of you that won’t take me. No part of you I won’t know. You get that, don’t you?”

  With a gentle push, my thumb is inside, and I draw back and start fucking into her faster.

  Her hips meet my strokes, matching my rhythm as her body undulates, throwing her head back against her neck before letting it hang down between her shoulders. Then her arms give way and she falls forward onto her elbows, but it is the most beautiful position I have ever seen: ass high, back arched, face planted on the mattress as she gives every part of herself to me.

  The slick juices from her pussy cover my dick. I look down to watch her opening sucking and giving as my thickness stretches her. The sight of her body drawing me in then releasing me, as more and more of her arousal coats me, sends me nearly to the brink.

  But my rules stand.

  She comes first.

  Or even better, we come together. But never will I take my release before hers. Never.

  With another push, my thumb goes inside her ass to the first knuckle, her tight ring of muscle squeezing hard, and I imagine taking her here with my dick someday, and I have to draw a deep breath to hold myself back.

  I reach under her with my other hand, my chest coming down onto her back as I attack her clit with my fingers.

  “Come on my cock. I want to feel that right now. I need it.”

  My hips move like a storm, my thumb inside her and my other fingers working her cunt. I’ve never been in so many places I want to be all at once until now. They say, when you die, you do whatever you were doing at that moment forever.

  If it didn’t mean I would leave her, I’d fucking do anything to go right now. Living in this moment forever with her would be a kind of heaven I could accept.

  She goes out on a wail, and I lose it. I’ve never screamed when I’ve come before, but she’s turning me into her bitch. I let out a feral roa
r, and my body starts to shake. Then I drive as deep into her gushing cunt as she can take, feeling her cervix against me as I blow my load.

  She drenches me then, and her ass undulates around my thumb. Her hips convulse, and we both come so hard and so long that I lose track of even where we fucking are for a few minutes.

  When I finally connect back to reality, I slowly withdraw as she releases a long, grateful sigh before collapsing onto the bed, with me crawling on top of her. My elbows locked, on my knees, looking down at the most beautiful face God ever created, I can’t believe my luck. This is the face I will wake up to for the rest of my life.

  “You need to tell me,” I say on a hard breath. My body aches from the force of my release, covered in a sheen of sweat that spreads and cools as her hands come up to stroke up and down my arms.

  “About what?” The question in her eyes matches the confusion on her face.

  “About what size your finger is. About who you want to invite to the wedding. About just how many kids you want? Where we will go on our honeymoon?” With each word, her green eyes sparkle and widen.

  “Are you assuming I would marry you?” She toys, but her plump lips give away her tell. She’s all about yes to my sideways proposal.

  “How about a wager? I win, you marry me. You win, you marry me. I’m all about win/win these days. I’m a changed man, it seems.”

  The lightness of her laughter is matched by the brush of her fingers on my shoulder.

  “Lincoln Kirk, I accept your bet and raise you a—”

  Just then, the sound of a text message coming in on both our phones rings in the small space of the apartment. We look at each other.

  “Who would be texting us both?” She looks toward the table where her bag sits and her phone right beside it.

  I shrug. “I have no idea.”

  “You get my phone, and I’ll get yours, okay?” With shimmering green eyes, she turns on her side as I shift my legs to the edge of the bed and stand.

  “Deal. But don’t look until we look together.”

  We are both stepping toward our phones. Mine is in my pants pocket on the floor next to the bed, and hers I grab from the table.

  A moment later, we are both back on the bed. She’s on her knees, and I’m sitting next to her.

  “Okay, let’s see.”

  We turn our phones up. As I look down at her phone screen, I can’t believe what I’m reading. I glance up to find her looking right at me, then take another look at the screen. Then our eyes meet.

  I see the question in my mind reflected in her face. For just a moment, it’s replaced with anger. Then, something like a realization.

  “Something you want to tell me?” she says, holding up the screen to my face.

  “Something you want to tell me?” I do the same.

  “I don’t know what’s going on here, but if I’m reading these correctly, there is something bigger than us at work here.”

  Both our screens show the same image, just a few details have been differ. She’s booked in coach, I’m in first class.

  But we are on the same fucking flight. To Provo. Tomorrow.

  I can’t hide the grin. It’s like it was always meant to be. “Told you. You’re never getting away from me.”

  E P I L O G U E


  Five years later

  “Easy, Kick.” Her hips come back to take a few inches of me in one swoop even as I hear her gasp and yelp.


  I ease in slowly. Her ass feels so fucking good, but I love slow. I love watching her body open to me even as she shakes and tries to gobble my shaft faster.

  A loud smack and another yelp fill the bedroom as I set her head straight with a slap on the right side of her ripe ass.

  “I said easy. Face down, ass up doesn’t mean you get to be in charge here. I’ll give you what you need. Don’t I always? So quit trying to take, and enjoy what I give.” My voice is hard, but it’s what she needs. What she wants.

  Ass-fucking her has become her addiction. The first time—God how many years ago now?—she came so hard she passed the fuck out. Now, understand, I took months getting her ass ready to take me. Fingers, toys, my mouth. By the time my dick slipped into that tight, dark hole, it was all fucking rainbows and unicorns for my girl.

  She’s been my personal ass slut ever since. And that’s a compliment of the highest order.

  “God, that feels so good.” Her voice is muffled by the rumpled linen comforter which she is fisting in each hand. Holding herself steady, trying not to rock back on me, but I can tell she’s already on the edge.

  “How about now?” I slam a few thick, hard inches forward, watching from above as my cock, shiny from the lube, disappears into her ass.

  “Oh God.”

  I rock back and forth, increasing the tempo. Both my hands come down to her hips, holding her steady and pulling her ass apart so I can see more, get deeper.

  The tight ring pulses, and my cum is rising up, my balls ready to heave. The scent of her pussy is on my face, filling the air and driving me crazy.

  I slip in and out, faster and harder until she’s right there. I can feel the edge, so I pull almost completely out of her and hold there. The tension nearly killing me, but just as she starts to beg, I slam every inch deep inside.

  Her body spasms. She’s gone, and I’m right with her. Both of us coming in grunts and moans. My dick shooting cum deep into her ass as I hold myself embedded inside her, emptying everything I have.

  I lower my chest to her back, both of us panting and her ass still gripping the base of my cock for dear life. I love how that feels when she comes, like she needs me. Her body needs me as much as I need her.

  “God, that makes me come so hard.” She giggles and turns her head as much as she can to catch my eye. Hers are twinkling, that sweet innocence mixed with this insatiable vixen that has my heart wrapped around her little finger.

  “You and me both.” I kiss between her shoulder blades, trying to regain my bearings.

  Just then, the sound of a loud buzzer breaks into our moment.

  “Turkey’s done,” she says and I laugh.

  “Good thing we remembered to thaw it this year.”

  We both laugh as I slowly withdraw from her. After disengaging ourselves, she turns over, flopping onto her back.

  “God, you are fucking gorgeous.”

  I stand up, my dick as hard as it was before I came. And I know if we had time, I’d give it another go right here and now, but we have guests arriving in an hour.

  “Shower,” she moans. “I feel gloriously messy, but I want to actually be semi-sex-scent-free when everyone gets here.”

  “Your wish is my command.” I walk over into the attached bath in the master suite and get the shower going. As it warms up, I take a few minutes and get myself clean again. I took a shower earlier with her, but for the last two hours, we’ve been mixed up between the sheets.

  We built this house four years ago. It’s on a bluff outside of Provo. The view is more spectacular than any postcard, and we took full advantage. Every possible window looks out over the valley below, including the floor-to-ceiling ones here in the bathroom. The shower feels as though it’s hanging in the air above the canyon.

  When I walk back into the bedroom, she’s up, fussing with her phone answering a text, and the buzzer goes off again, reminding us along with the comforting scent in the air that Thanksgiving dinner is well on its way to being a success.

  “I’ll go get the turkey out.” I step toward the bedroom door, grabbing my jeans off the chair where I tossed them earlier.

  “Hey, it’s Angela.” Holli taps on the screen of her phone then looks up at me. “She and the kids are on their way. Will be here about a half hour early.” Her cheeky smile still grabs me in places no one else ever will.

  “Good thing we wrapped up playtime when we did.” I sidestep her way and plant a kiss on her lips. They are still pouty and a little puffy fro
m the hour-long session of sixty-nine we had before I took her ass.

  “Go get the turkey before it’s charcoal.” She smacks my chest and goes back to her phone. “Angela’s bringing spinach salad. Said the kids were great last night.”

  Angela spent ninety days in a rehab here in Provo, which I paid for after Holli told me about her struggle with alcohol. She then lived another six months in a sober living facility and is now working on her psychology degree at the same university where Holli earned her masters.

  She helps with the kids and has become a beautiful fixture in our lives. I understand infinitely better why Holli put up with so much from her. She always seems to be able to see the diamond inside the coal.

  Halfway down the stairs, I’m engulfed by the scent of home and family. This is our third Thanksgiving we’ve hosted here. Every year it grows, having more people who seem to drop into our lives and become family.

  For both Holli and me, our parents gone, both only children, creating this sense of tradition and community has been a driving force in our lives.

  The long wooden table in the main great room is set, and the candles are flickering. The fire is a bit low, so I make a note to throw a couple logs on after I take care of the turkey.

  Inside the kitchen, I grab the two red potholders and open the oven. The heat comes out in a burst, and my mouth is watering from the smell.

  I take the turkey out, setting it on the granite counter of the island. It’s done a little early, but better than four hours late like last year. Holli and I got tangled up in the bedroom and forgot to pull the damn thing out to defrost in time.

  I want her as much now as I did that first day I saw her in the penthouse. She’s more beautiful every day, and I’m on her at least twice a day.

  Or she’s on me. Our desire for each other is epic, and I thank God everyday for her.

  We spend most of our time here at the house, with the kids. Becky is three now, and Lincoln Jr. was just one last week. I never thought I’d love being a dad, but it’s the best job on earth.

  Holli spends a good amount of time at the university. She teaches a couple classes there as well as takes the occasional forensics case for law enforcement around Utah. Contract work, because she refuses to be gone for even a night.


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