“Sara!” Abigail called, racing to her side. “This might be the last time we have a chance to speak and I just want to let you know…I’ll have a message sent to Lord Lucian telling him how brave you were in your final hours. It’s the least I can do as your friend.”
Glaring at her, Sara wished she had the strength to wrench free of her captors if only to slap Abigail. Heavens above, if I have to burn this place to the ground I will. I’m going back to Lucian so there’s no need to send him anything. “I want nothing to do with you Abigail…ever again. Don’t you dare try and bring Lucian into this mess. I don’t want your filth to touch him. I’d rather be tied and bound than stay here with you another moment. Take me away.”
Ignoring the heartbroken expression on Abigail’s face, Sara let herself be taken away, her mind already focused on the more important issue at hand. Getting away from Shoreditch and back into Lucian's arms.
Chapter Twenty Two – The Cost of Victory
The sense of relief in the air as Lucian and his army approached the Whitechapel estate was almost tangible, the voices around him becoming louder and more animated when the building they called home came into sight. They were covered from head to toe in the dirt and grime of battle, having been given no time to rest after the battle with William. Lucian had been too eager to return home to Sara, to tell of the good news and present her with the gifts he had finally acquired for her, to waste time cleaning away his victory. He was vaguely aware of Gareth and Russell laughing beside him, joking that after two days of being covered in filth they would never be clean and would forever smell like a battlefield.
Lucian shrugged, It could happen, he supposed. The stench wafting from their skin would likely seem overpowering to anyone else and it was only because they’d been surrounded by it for days that they had become inured to the smell. A smile tugged at Lucian's lips. Sara will probably send me away the second I come near her. The thought didn’t sit right with him and his smile widened as his mind corrected the statement. Sara will probably hug me because she’s missed me and then send me away because I smell so badly.
His smile faded as his mind wandered back to the battle that had led to them being in such a terrible state. Though days had passed since William and his ilk had been defeated, he remembered every detail, his mind reliving the experience as though it were still happening. Finding William hadn’t been a problem; Lucian knew what to look for and with so much of Sara’s blood in his veins his senses had expanded far past the realm of what was normally possible for him. He’d tracked William down from miles away and confident of his location had led the army straight to him. The few Malachites that had stood between him and William had been given the same options as their city brethren, surrender and live or fight and die. Clearly living in such close proximity to William had addled their brains because they chose to fight and were all slain or so Lucian had thought until he saw William again.
William and what remained of his forces had been waiting for them, clearly having been warned of their arrival by a survivor of Lucian's attack. William's smug smile had been fixed in place, the two arch demons at his back bolstering his confidence despite the lack of his own men. When the demons had begun swarming the battlefield, appearing out of thin air, Lucian hadn’t hesitated. Placing his trust in Sara, he had strode forward and his men had followed. Her armour had lived up to her words and any demons who had approached him had ended up tending the charred remains of their limbs. Demons were however notoriously greedy and once they had set their eyes on something were fanatical about getting it. Despite the injuries they came away with, demons continued to attack him in the vain hope that they would breech his armour and scratch his skin to reach the blood beneath. Happy to provide them with blood, Lucian had carved a path through the enemy, the flaming sword decimating William's new forces.
The fear in William's eyes had been clear as Lucian had relentlessly moved closer to him. Fear had turned to terror once Lucian had mowed down the arch demons who had left William's side in favour of Lucian's blood. With no one to maintain them the lesser demons had faded, returning to their own plane of existence and leaving William alone. His enemy had put up a feeble defense, his skills with a sword having faded after decades of using subterfuge instead of direct combat. When William had fallen to his knees, pleading desperately for the right to live, Lucian had contemplated granting the man his wish for a split second. With no army behind him William was weak and no longer posed a threat to him and his people. He’d already won the war. Sara’s tear stained face had floated to the front of his mind in that moment reminding him of why he couldn’t let the man live. William had threatened his bride, made her shed tears and cry because of the damage she had wrought due to William's actions. There was no possible means of redemption for such a crime. Even a brief glance at Russell had confirmed his decision. There had been no pity and no familial sympathy coming from his commander and it was on a resigned sigh that Lucian ended William's life bringing a definite end to the war. A triumphant cheer had risen behind him, growing louder and louder and it was in that second Lucian realised he’d done it. He was King.
It was hard to believe that after so long it was over, that he’d finally defeated all his enemies and that he could live in peace with Sara. Even now, with the estate in sight and seconds away, his new title seemed strange. Putting his worries aside, Lucian spurred his horse on, galloping across the short distance that separated him from his home, his heart. He would deal with the issues being King brought later, at that very moment all he wanted to do was see the woman who had made this possible and hold her close for the few seconds she could tolerate his stench.
The gates of the estate opened allowing Lucian to ride in unhindered. He dismounted his horse, giving the reins to the handler who had appeared at his side. His dark eyes scanned the gathered crowd trying to find Sara’s flaming red hair. Amidst the browns, blacks and blondes Sara was unique and he quickly realised that she wasn’t waiting for him. A faint smile tugged at his lips when he realised where she probably was. She’s probably so engrossed in crafting another sword or grooming that devil horse that she hasn’t realised I’ve come home.
“Where is Lady…” His words trailed off as he realised he’d forgotten his new position and Sara’s subsequent elevation. “Where is Queen Sara? Is she in the stables or her smithy?”
Cheers of applause rang through the air as those gathered realised their Lord had won the war and was now their King. Lucian let the sounds wash over him for a second, allowed the people to celebrate his victory but his mind wandered back to Sara as it always did.
“Thank you. Now where is my Queen?” The loud roar of the crowd tapered out into an awkward silence. His eyes instantly noted the uncomfortable looks that were passing between the people in front of him. Dark eyes narrowed, his voice losing the jovial warmth that it had had mere moments ago. “Where is my Queen?” he repeated.
A guard shuffled forward, clearly unwilling to be the one to break the news to his King but realising that delaying telling him would only make the situation worse. “My Lord…” he began before realising his blunder. “I apologise, my King.”
“My title isn’t important, where is Sara? The smithy or the stables?”
“I am sorry my King but she is in neither.”
“Then where is she?”
“My King, Queen Sara is gone.”
His heart skipped several beats when the serious tone of the man’s words sunk in, the blood in his veins felt like ice and the world seemed to have stopped turning at the realisation that Sara wasn’t where she was meant to be. She was too weak to be anywhere else, what was going on? Calm down, he chanted to himself, trying to still his now racing heart. She may have just gone shopping with Laura or gone into town with George. There’s an explanation for this. There has to be. “Where has she gone exactly?”
Another guard stepped forward, placing a restraining hand on the other’s shoulder and moving to stand in front
of him. “I was here when Queen Sara left. She gave me very specific instructions as to what to tell you my King.”
“Just tell me where she is and what’s going on,” Lucian growled angrily. While the monster within him had remained dormant when he’d battled William, as the odds had been stacked so heavily in his favour, it was rising now. Anger and worry were powerful emotions and Lucian was feeling them in force.
“Queen Sara told me to firstly ask if you were well and healed from the battle. She forbid me from telling you where she was unless you were at full strength.”
“Look at me! I’m fine. Now tell me where she is!”
“Lady Sara went home to Shoreditch with the fire elementals two days ago. She asked me to tell you that if you wanted to go and see her you were more than welcome.” A blush rose to his cheeks. “She said that she loves you more than anything and that she had to go.”
“The fire elementals have her?”
“She went with them willingly sire. She told us that she’d asked them to come and that she was going with them to recover as a surprise for you.”
“Them? Just how many fire elementals were there?”
“Dozens sire. They appeared at our door with no warning but Queen Sara told us that she’d asked them to come. There was a woman…Abigail, Queen Sara said they were friends and that all fire elementals greeted strangers aggressively. There’s no need to be worried sire.”
“How can I not worry?” he roared loudly. “The fire elementals have her.”
The guard visibly trembled at the implied violence in Lucian's voice. “My King, all is well, she said she will be back in a few days.”
She lied! His eyes scanned the innocent faces before him, his heart sinking in understanding. She didn’t want them to know and worry and she didn’t want me to jeopardise my chances for victory. Her compassion is going to get her killed!
“King Lucian,” Russell began, moving silently to his side. “Is something wrong?”
“Sara isn’t here, that’s what’s wrong.” He closed his eyes on a pained sigh before a thought occurred to him. He could hear Gareth and Russell murmuring at his side and word spreading through the ranks of his army and motioned for them to be silent. He needed to concentrate. Lucian could feel his awareness of his body slip away as his mind stretched and fluttered, gaining the wings to travel without the constraints of his body. His focus was intense, Sara consuming his every thought until it was as though she was right beside him. Her mind was familiar, easy to find and a relief to settle into.
The sound of Lucian's voice stunned Sara despite the fact she remembered talking to him in such a manner before. Lucian? she responded hesitantly. She had missed him so much over the last few days that it wasn’t beyond her fevered mind to conjure his presence.
Sara, are you okay? Have they hurt you?
I’m fine Lucian, a little weak but better than I was before.
That’s good. Now what the hell were you thinking? You were meant to be waiting for me but when I come home expecting you to be safe I find that you’ve walked off willingly with people who are trying to kill you!
Lucian, I didn’t have a choice. The fire elementals would have killed everyone there.
Now they’re just going to kill you instead. You should have tried to escape.
My life isn’t worth more than the lives of everyone there Lucian.
Yes, dammit, it is!!!
Lucian, she groaned. She knew exactly how he felt. She would sacrifice the world if it meant he was safe.
He lifted his hands to his temples, rubbing them to relieve the pressure building. Are you still in Shoreditch?
Yes and I know what you’re thinking…
That I’m going to march my army down there right now and bring you home?
Yes, that. Lucian, look at the sky. His eyes opened, taking in the colourful streaks that peppered the night sky in preparation for dawn. The night is almost over. You’ll never make it here before dawn and I don’t want you to hurt yourself trying. Don’t let my sacrifice cost you your life.
I’m coming for you Sara. I won’t be moved from this course.
Her heart fluttered wildly in her chest as the love she felt for him poured through her being. I know Lucian, I know. But please, don’t try to come tonight. They’re treating me well enough here, she lied. They’re preparing for a feast. “I think.” They hardly notice me. I’ll be fine until you can get here tomorrow night. Please, rest, sleep and think of me and when you rise come and get me.
Her words made sense but the knowledge brought him no peace and he began pacing wildly. You can’t expect me to sit here and do nothing!
Then plan Lucian, think about this calmly. Your men may be weak from battle, you want them to be strong. Give them a break and plan what you want to do from there. Lucian?
Did the guards deliver my message?
Yes they did otherwise I would know nothing.
That must mean you’re not hurt, she mused. Did they tell you that I love you? I wanted you to know in case…
Sara, you don’t have to tell me you love me as a precaution. I’m not going to say the same to you now. When you’re safe, when I have you in my arms again that’s when I’ll tell you and only then. I’m coming to get you Sara.
A tear rolled down her cheek as emotion welled within her. I know.
Sleep well and stay safe beloved.
His mind slipped back into the solid stability of his body, his mind racing to create new plans. “Men!” he bellowed instantly silencing the voices around him. As all eyes fell on him, Lucian contemplated just what William's defeat was worth. He’d lost men and his bride had slipped through his fingers all for a title he wasn’t sure what to do with and a peace that was so fleeting it hadn’t even lasted a day. I’ll make it worth it, he decided. I’ll have Sara and give her peace so that she can finally fulfil her dream. “Sara has been taken by the fire elementals and they intend to kill her.” Stunned gasps and angry growls reverberated through the crowd. “Rest well and drink deep tonight, we’re going to get her as soon as the sun sets!”
“For the Lady of Light. For the Lady of Light! For the Lady of Light!” The chant rose, spreading like wildfire and Lucian knew that despite the fact that they were dirty, exhausted and tired of battle his men would fight to bring their Queen home and he would fight to the death to have her back with him.
Chapter Twenty Three – Web of Lies
Sara’s heart sank when Lucian's comforting presence faded from her mind, leaving her alone to face the harsh realities of her life in captivity. The floor she was sat on was cold and uncomfortable, pebbles digging into her tender flesh unrelentingly, preventing her from gaining enough of a respite to sleep. Her wrists were chaffed from the thick length of rope that had been tied unnecessarily tight against her skin and her shoulders ached from having her hands tied behind her back for so long. Her stomach clenched uncomfortably from hunger and her throat burned from constantly vomiting up the food she was forced to eat.
She had refused food from the moment she had been tied and bound, knowing full well the tactics her people used to keep captives docile. There was no doubt in her mind that the food contained herbs that dulled the senses and addled the mind and she needed both if she were to escape. Unwilling to let her weaken any further, she’d been forced to eat every day since she’d arrived and as soon as the ordeal was over she proceeded to empty the contents of her stomach. She’d been unwilling to allow the weaknesses of her body to deter her from her plans for freedom, she was working to a deadline now.
Seraphina had been quiet since she’d been brought back to this place. Eerily quiet as though she couldn’t spare the energy to talk to her anymore. The little Sara overheard of her chaotic thoughts made her even more anxious. The spirit was constantly muttering to herself, the hushed words uncomfortably similar to the ravings of a mad man before they did something insane. Convinced that Seraphina was storing energy
for the last release that would be capable of taking her life, Sara was determined to escape. If she could reach Lucian, she could stop Seraphina and they would be able to live in peace. Hope was the only thing that was keeping her going.
Speaking with Lucian had motivated her and now that she knew he would be coming for her that night she could finally put her plan into action. The door to her room opened and her heart sank. Morning had arrived and her horrifying daily ritual had begun. Two men walked in, one carrying a tray of food and the other equipped with thickly muscled arms strong enough to hold her down and force her to eat.
She smiled jovially at them, knowing full well that they would not be moved from their objective. “Good morning.” She eyed the food disdainfully. “You know I’m not going to eat that willingly and if you force me to eat it I’ll only throw it all back up. It’s a waste of a perfectly good meal trying giving it to me. Why don’t you take it home and offer it to your wives instead. I’m sure they miss you.”
No words were spoken as they moved towards her, setting the tray down on the ground beside her. “Open your mouth,” the man with the tray demanded. Sara’s jaw clenched tightly in defiance. “Fine,” he grumbled. “We’ll just do it like we have every other morning.”
The more muscular of the two men, ran a hand down her arm, flames caressing her skin to give her strength before he covered her nose with his free hand. In seconds, her throat began to burn, the feeling of suffocation weighing on her heavily. She struggled at first, desperately trying to get air into her lungs, to breathe, but the man’s hand was too heavy to move, the rope too tight to give her any leverage to shift his iron grip. Her eyes widened as panic began to beset her, her heart racing wildly within her chest. She needed air and there was only one way she was going to get it. Unable to find any other way to breathe, Sara opened her mouth sucking in huge mouthfuls of air. Her body began to calm allowing her captors to take advantage of the opportunity she had given them. Food was forced into her open mouth before a second hand was clamped over her lips. With no choice but to choke if didn’t chew, Sara reluctantly swallowed the food that had been placed in her mouth. The ordeal continued in that manner until all the food on the tray was gone.
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