“Are you afraid that I’ll drop you? I’ve done this before and I didn’t let you fall back then and I didn’t even know you then. Trust me.”
“I don’t remember you taking me flying before.”
“You were unconscious,” he commented dismissively. “I brought you up here for a reason.”
“What reason?”
“I wanted to be alone with you and this is the best place to do it.” His grip on her body tightened. “I thought I’d lost you today Sara. Again.”
“It won’t happen again Lucian.”
“Damn straight it won’t. Sara, I want to ask you properly this time.” He brought her hand to his lips, kissing the knuckles tenderly before straightening the digits of her fingers. “Will you marry me?”
“Lucian, you know I will.”
“Good. Then let’s get on with it.”
“Now?” she gasped.
“Why not now Sara? Every time I let you out of my sight something happens. I want us to do this now, just the two of us after all, we’re all that matters. I even have the rings.” He placed the solid gold band in the centre of her palm, holding his hand out to reveal his own ring.
The smile on Sara’s face could have outshone the sun. “You’re right Lucian, why wait?”
“Sara,” Lucian began, lifting her hand carefully. “There are no words good enough to explain what you mean to me. The world before I met you was a cold place without love or comfort. I never would have thought that one person could change me so completely but you have and I couldn’t be happier. You brought light and love into my world and I’ll never let you go. I will protect you with my life. Anything I have and everything I am I gladly give to you.” He slipped the ring onto her finger, kissing the band once it was in place. “I love you.”
Sara’s eyes watered as she heard the heart felt words and her hands shook when she reached for his hand. “Lucian, I don’t know what to say. All my life I’ve been looking for something and I never knew what it was until I met you, until I touched you, was held by you. Love. I think I’ve loved you since the first time I saw you but just didn’t know it. Now that I know what it is, now that I’ve found you I will do everything in my power and beyond to stay with you, to keep you happy. I love you too.” The ring slipped easily over his knuckle.
“Sara,” he groaned, tilting her head up so that his lips could meet hers in a searing kiss.
“Lucian,” Sara began, pulling away from his lips. “Close your eyes.” He obeyed wordlessly. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Sara moved in close, deliberately cutting herself on one of his sharp fangs. She felt his intake of breath but his eyes thankfully remained closed. Falling into his kiss, Sara felt the flames of need being fanned within her as her blood flowed easily from her cut lip into Lucian. On a pleasured sigh Sara released the excess of her power, the white light beating back the night, evidence of the everlasting flames of desire the two shared.
About the Author
Jennifer T. Alli lives in London and spends her days praying for sun. She adores hearing from her readers and can always be reached at [email protected]. For information on upcoming releases and contests visit her at: www.jennifertalli.wordpress.com. To take a look into her daily writing process then she can be found on twitter @jennyt82_
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