Fearless (A Carolina Coastal Novel Book 2)

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Fearless (A Carolina Coastal Novel Book 2) Page 16

by Kelsey Cheyenne

  “If that’s what you’re into, I won’t say no.” She shoots daggers at me and I bite back a smile. “I’m sorry.”

  She sits down on the bench in a huff; those two words coming from me seemed to be an ice bucket over her head. “How bad was I out there?”

  “Well, three of your starters are crying. I think one quit the team. Your assistant asked me if we were hiring at Wilmington, so, it wasn’t great.” She tugs on her ponytail and wraps the end around her finger.

  “I can’t do this.”

  “Coach or teach or?” I hope she doesn’t mean us.

  “I can’t be normal. I can’t be here. I’m yelling at my students. I yelled at you! And you’ve been perfect. I’m sorry. I love you.”

  “No need to apologize. Why do you think I call you Kitten? I know you have claws.” She laughs and I puff with pride that I was able to bring her a little bit of joy.

  “Come back out. Watch my team kick your team’s ass for the rest of the game.”

  “You might win this round, but I’m coming for you in the championships. Don’t forget about our bet.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.”



  The next few months pass in a blur. I’m still coming to terms with everything that happened. Every day gets a little better; the clouds part and the haze is slowly diminishing. But it’s hard. It’s not so much the remembering that’s tough. Those are the good days, the good memories. Those are the things I can hold onto and cherish.

  It’s the wondering and the not knowing. It’s the wishing he could’ve helped me ride a bike, could’ve been there when I graduated or for my prom. It’s wishing he could walk me down the aisle when I get married.

  I’ve loosened up on my soccer players and even convinced the one girl to return to the team. I’m still tough, and they’re almost undefeated because of it. It’s the first loss to Wilmington that’s eating me alive.

  But today is the championship game. I’m treating it like any sacred day and following traditions that aren’t even applicable in this instance, but I’m not willing to take the chance.

  I couldn’t sleep with the enemy the night before the game. We stayed at our separate places and haven’t spoken since last night. It’s the first night we’ve been apart since my dad died and I definitely missed his presence and emotional protection, but I need a clear head.

  For once, I’m feeling like myself and I won’t waste it. Today will be a good day. I get to the field early and start going over the game plan. I’ve debated switching up my normal three-four-three lineup and pushing my offense harder in a four-five-one setup instead.

  Luke’s defense is good, but my offense is better. We’re going to crush today.

  When the players and other team arrive, I sneak looks at my boyfriend. I can’t help it when he’s wearing those shorts and a Wilmington Academy Athletic tee; it does something to me.

  We warm up and when the whistle blows, the coaches all shake hands as do our captains. Luke offers me a wink and I give him a glare.

  We win the coin flip and choose our sides. The game starts and we’re neck and neck up until halftime. The score is one to one when I kneel down in the locker room to have a talk with my team.

  “Ladies, you can do this. Their defense is weak and you guys are strong. I’m going to run you this half at four-four-two and we’ll adjust if we have to. I want the pressure on them. Take the shots, but play smart. Move to the ball. If you’re tired, put your hand up and hang back. We don’t want them to outrun us. Number eleven could rival Shelly-Ann Fraser, but you guys can stop her. I believe in you guys. On the count of three, yell Coastal. One-two-three,”


  The second half starts and I’m standing on the half line. The hot coach from Wilmington meets me there.

  “What are the terms for the bet?” he asks with a sly smile, pretending to look at his clipboard.

  “If I win, you’re coming home with me tonight and you’re going to let me do whatever I damn well please to you.” His head snaps over to me and I suppress a giggle. “What about if you win?”

  “I have an idea. You’ll have to wait to find out though.” He retreats back to his side without another look.

  The game drags on. We only have five minutes left before overtime. My girls are slowing down. I’m waiting for the ball to go out of bounds and I’ll sub out two of my mids to give them a break; they’ve earned it.

  Except, the ball doesn’t go out of bounds. It goes into the goal. Fuck.

  Before we kickoff the ball, I replace my midfielders and push five forwards.

  We take shot after shot, but this goalie is like Hope fucking Solo. My girls take a final shot right as the whistle blows and it goes in.

  I jump and scream, we celebrate. We’re heading into overtime.

  Until we’re not.

  The ref tells us the kick came after the whistle. The goal doesn’t count. We lost.

  Wilmington goes crazy. My girl on the field falls to her knees, her grass and mud stained jersey showing her efforts over the last ninety minutes.

  “Ladies, bring it in.” They walk over to me, their heads down, their faces pissed. Wilmington is reining champs. They won the championship, even if the ref did screw us over.

  “You guys killed it out there. That was incredible and you should all be immensely proud. Screw Wilmington,” I say in a whisper. “You played better than them, they just got lucky. I want you all to celebrate tonight as if you won. You should be proud of yourselves. You’re all going to go far.

  “Thank you all for helping me through this season. I know things started off rough, but we made it through. I’ll see you in the spring and for the seniors, I hope you all kick ass in college. I’ll miss you guys.”

  I get a little misty-eyed as my team heads to the locker room to collect their things. The crowds empty, and everyone leaves the field until it’s just me and Luke left.

  “So, what’s the bet? What do I have to do? Do your worst.” His smile makes me nervous, but it was his mischievous side that made me fall in love with him in the first place.

  “Move in with me.”


  “Those are my terms. I want you to move in with me.”

  “Luke, don’t you think it’s a little soon?”

  “A little soon? Liv, we’ve been together since I called you pure our first day in college, you just didn’t know it yet. I’ve been waiting years to be with you and I’m not going to let you slip away. I love you and I want us to look for a new place together.”

  “I’m going to live with Lucas Fletcher. I guess crazier things have happened.”

  “I’d bet you couldn’t name five crazier things.”

  “I bet I love you. That’s crazy enough for me.”


  Two Years Later


  I’m staring at my reflection as a woman stands behind me, pinning all of my hair into the perfect updo. My make-up is flawless, with eye shadow making my blue eyes pop and a pink matte lip accenting my pouty grin. When my hair is finished, I’ll have someone help me into my dress to complete the look.

  Photographers are sprawled throughout the room, capturing every moment and slight detail with precision. Alice Fletcher is sitting on the edge of the bed, taking it all in with tears in her eyes, though her mouth is pulled into a gorgeous smile.

  Flynn is in the chair beside me as the make-up artist attempts to paint her face, though she’s too busy staring down at her phone.

  In front of the windows, Carson is getting photographed with Ava, both wearing gorgeous white dresses. Carson looks like a princess in her off-white wedding dress with lace overlay, sweetheart neckline and long, off the shoulder sleeves. Her hair is curled down her back with one side pinned to showcase her gorgeous sapphire blue eyes.

  She looks down at her daughter with adoration. Her daughter’s white dress has more shimmer to it, appearing almost pi
nk when the light hits it. The skirt is tulle and her waist is cinched with a big bow in the back. They’re the perfect, complementary pair.

  I climb out of the chair and grab my navy blue dress off the hanger. The strapless dress has a lace-like pattern and hugs my curves. It falls down to my mid-calf but is still sexy.

  Alice walks over to me, helping me with the zipper. “Maybe you’ll be next,” she whispers in my ear and I smile, my face heating. I hope so, I think but don’t tell her.

  “Are you nervous?” I ask Carson. Her answer is a face-splitting grin.

  “Not at all. I thought I would be, but I have no doubts about Wren. Everything that happened up until this point was meant to be. I wish some things happened differently, but Maddox is still with me and I’ll be forever thankful for him.”

  She tugs up the skirt of her dress, lifting the hem so the photographers can snap a picture. Sewn into the inside of her dress at the bottom looks to be a napkin with the name The Retro Café on it. I’m not sure what the significance is, but seeing as both Carson and Alice have tears in their eyes, it must be special.

  Mrs. Fletcher squeezes her daughter’s hand and they smile at each other, sharing the moment. I divert my gaze, giving them a sense of privacy despite the flashing cameras.

  “Can you guys stop with the waterworks and come zip me up?” I blow out a breath and walk to Flynn as she spins around and holds her hair to the side so I can zip her up.

  Overall, the youngest Fletcher has been well-behaved today. I have no doubt in my mind she’s trying to hide the smell of pot under a floral perfume, but everyone is choosing to ignore it. Today isn’t about her.

  About one hour and a million photographs later, we’re piling into a limo and heading to the venue. Carson and Wren are getting married outdoors in a simple ceremony with only close friends and family.

  When we get out of the limo, we wait in a small gazebo for our cues. Alice walks down with Lucas, taking her seat while he stands to the side of Wren. The best man whose name is Ethan walks down the aisle with a woman I assume is Wren’s mom.

  Ava all but skips down the aisle as a junior bridesmaid with a huge smile and jumps into Wren’s arms when she reaches the end. They hug and she takes her place on the other side of the minister.

  I’m next and my eyes never leave Lucas’ as I walk down the makeshift walkway covered in flower petals. I wink at him as I take my spot next to Ava. Behind us is a large flower arch covered in roses in shades of blue, pink, and white.

  Flynn follows behind me, a smirk pulling at her lips. Though she’d never admit it outright, I get the feeling she’s happy for her big sister.

  Carson’s maid of honor is her best friend and business partner Meghan who is crying the entire way down the aisle. Alice reaches into her purse and pulls out a tissue before handing it over to the blubbering bridesmaid.

  The blushing bride is next. She’s smiling from ear to ear though I notice her eyes are a bit shiny thanks to the tears of happiness and joy welling in them. Her father walks her down the aisle with tears of his own clouding his eyes.

  I risk a glance at Wren, knowing it will be my undoing. His hands cover his mouth and nose and his eyes betray him, a tear spilling over one side. They are utterly, desperately in love and it shows. How lucky they are to have found one another.

  The tears build in my eyes and as the ceremony begins, my emotions amplify. I’m a goner once the vows begin.

  “Wren, since the moment I met you, you were the first man to reawaken my heart. I think I loved you since the moment I saw you and my love for you has only grown every day since. You’re the man I always wanted to end up with and the man I’d hoped my daughter would have as a role model. You’re an amazing father to her and I cherish the relationship the two of you have. You’re my best friend and you’ve been by my side through the good times and the bad. You love me selflessly and you’re not threatened by my past; you love me because of it, not in spite of it. I can’t wait to grow with you and spend the rest of my life by your side. I love you.”

  “I love you too, baby. Carson, you’ve inspired me since the moment I got to know you. Your strength is beyond anything I’ve ever known and your courage makes me awestruck. You’re everything I didn’t know I wanted in my life, but I’m beyond grateful you were put in my path. You and Ava are my life now and I’m honored you chose me to be your other half. I can’t wait to be beside you every day and live my life with you. I love you.”

  The tears are falling and I risk a glance at Lucas. His eyes are also misty and it makes my heart soar to see. I love that man. He’s grown so much in the past few years and I can’t wait until he and I are the ones promising our lives to one another.

  The minister announces the happy couple as bride and groom and they kiss. Everyone claps and hollers before we break for the reception.

  The reception is being held in a barn which is decorated to the nines. It’s somehow both simple and rustic while also fancy and sophisticated. Lights hang from the ceiling and every table has a floral arrangement displayed in a mason jar. Even the DJ booth has a garland of flowers that matches the arch.

  Time passes in a blink and it’s not even my wedding. When Carson and Wren show up after pictures, they slip right into their first dance. Dan + Shay sing an insanely romantic song and they hold each other as they glide across the floor.

  After the dance, the maid of honor makes her speech followed by Wren’s best man, Ethan, making his own speech. We eat an incredible meal and once the plates are gone and the cake is cut, the dance floor opens to the rest of us.

  Lucas offers me his hand and leads me to the dance floor. Pulling me close, we sway side by side to a song I can’t focus on because he’s too busy whispering dirty things into my ear.

  “In all seriousness, I think we should make another bet.”

  “How is making a bet serious?” I ask him with a laugh.

  “For us it’s as serious as it gets.” He has a point.

  One song merges into the next and I don’t let him get away. We keep dancing because in his arms is the only place I want to be. Plus, he looks way too handsome and if I get a chance, I’m dragging him into the first closet I can find to have my wicked way with him.

  “What exactly are we supposed to bet on?” I look up at him and his eyes dance with mischief as he meets my gaze.

  “I bet you the best man and maid of honor go home together.”

  “That’s not even fair. They’ve been touching and flirting all night.” He shrugs. “Fine. But if for some reason they don’t and I win, you need to take me home immediately and do all those dirty things to me you were just whispering about.”

  He grins and nods. “You’re on.”

  “Wait, what are your terms?”

  “You know I like to make you wait. Give it time, Kitten.” I groan and pray the night flies by.

  As the hour passes, I get antsy. However, I’m in luck when I notice Meghan sneaking out the exit with Ethan. I don’t necessarily want to lose, but I’m glad the night is finally ending.

  “Looks like you won,” I tell Luke. “Can you still take me home though and rip off my dress and fuck me? Because I was kind of looking forward to that.”

  “Of course, baby. Let’s go say bye to the lovebirds and my parents, then we’ll get out of here.”

  I hug everyone goodbye and there is an air of happiness emanating from everyone. Tears start flowing again and I pry myself out of Alice’s arms before we leave. We look for Flynn, but can’t find her and decide her parents need to deal with her tonight.

  We walk out of the barn and I notice the gazebo from earlier is lit up with candles. Carson and Wren must’ve taken pictures here earlier. It looks gorgeous.

  Lucas must notice me staring at the structure and leads me toward it. It’s like a small slice of heaven in here. It’s what dreams are made of.

  “This is beautiful,” I whisper into the wind.

  “So are you,” my boyfriend tells me.r />
  “You never told me what the terms of the bet were. You won, after all. I have to pay up.” He grabs my hand and a cocky smirk pulls at the corner of his mouth.

  “You have to marry me.”

  “What?” A gasp leaves my lips and tears well in my eyes once more. Lucas bends down on one knee and produces a ring from inside his pocket. “You’re doing this here? Now?”

  “I didn’t want to take away from my sister’s day, but I couldn’t wait another minute. Olivia Hart, we’ve come a long way. A lot of things have changed for us over the years, but what is unwavering is how crazy you make me—in a good way.” I laugh through my budding tears. “I’m beyond in love with you and I have been for longer than I could ever admit to myself. Our relationship started with a bet; it’s only fair we continue the tradition. Marry me, Olivia.”

  “Yes, Lucas, yes. I can’t wait to marry you.” He slips the large princess cut ring on my finger and stands. Lifting me into the air, he kisses me as he spins me around.

  “I knew you’d say yes.” He tells me.

  I kiss him long and hard before I smile and whisper into his ear. “You should’ve bet on it.”

  Have you met Carson and Wren yet? Keep reading for a peek at their epic love story…



  “Did you know that babies are born with an innate sense of rhythm? They have this crazy instinct that allows them to respond to music.”

  “What?” I turn my head to glare at the crazy person who decided to occupy the seat beside me despite all the empty seats in the lecture hall. The guy is gorgeous and I’m regretting my harsh tone. His auburn hair is bed-head messy, but he makes it work. He has an air of preppy popularity around him, in a simple white tee under a navy bomber jacket. His black jeans form to his muscular legs, and now I’m starting to feel like a creep for checking him out.

  “Yeah, crazy, right? My kid is probably going to be dancing in the womb. You should see my moves. My dance skills could rival Michael Jackson.” His brown eyes light up as a pure smile spreads across his handsome face.


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