A Hockey Player's Proposal (Oh Captain, My Captain #2)

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A Hockey Player's Proposal (Oh Captain, My Captain #2) Page 6

by Lindsay Paige

  “Brody,” she moans my name. I hook her hips and pull her closer to me. I swipe my tongue on her folds. She digs her hands into my hair, and I lick her again. Her hips begin to rock as I suck her clit. I move my hand from her hip and slide two fingers into her wetness.

  “Oh my God, Brody.” She rocks harder against my mouth. I push and suck harder. Selene’s soft moans and panting fill the kitchen.

  She says my name over and over, and I feel her body tightening up. I know that she’s getting close to releasing. She grasps my hair and moans out my name one last time as she explodes around my fingers. I kiss her clit gently and remove my fingers before I kiss each of her thighs, listening to her soft panting.

  “I needed that.” She grabs me and tugs at my shirt, but I stop her. “Um, I need to return the favor.”

  I shake my head. “Not tonight. This was about you. That’s what friends are for. I’ll see you when I get back from the road trip.” And then I leave her on the counter as I head out and over to my house.

  Chapter Nine


  What the hell just happened? Brody has left me stunned and half naked in my kitchen. He gets me off and then leaves? It’s weird to say the least. Sweet that because I had a crappy date, he let me have all the fun, but I’m still stunned that he did so. Especially since he’s about to leave for a road trip.

  The thought puts an ache between my legs already. God, sex with him is becoming addictive. He’s just so good and so hot. I’m tempted to call him and tell him if tonight is really about me, then he needs to get his ass back over here. Instead, I take a deep breath, go upstairs to shower, and get ready for bed. No matter how hard I try though, I can’t forget what happened before he left.

  In the morning at work, a glance at the calendar reinforces that I should have made Brody come back to my house. When he gets back from his road trip, I’ll be about to start my stay-at-home vacation where I’ll isolate myself in my house for a full week. Allison barges into my office with a grin on her face.

  “So? It went great, right? When are you seeing him again?” She’s so excited, and I’m about to wipe that smile smack off her face.

  “If I see him again, then I’ll know I’m in Hell because God is punishing me.”

  Allison’s face falls in disappointment. “What? What happened? Freddy said it went great!”

  I shake my head furiously. “No, no, no. He’s nice, yeah. But everything else? Nuh-uh. Plus, he’s a horrible kisser.” I almost gag at the memory. “Sorry to disappoint you, Allison,” I add.

  Her shoulders sag. “Well, damn. I was hoping to get you laid since you complained about not having someone around for sex.”

  A grin lifts my lips without my permission. “It’s fine. I’ll be okay.”

  She folds her arms over her chest. “You’re supposed to be frowning when you say that. Why aren’t you frowning, Selene?” she asks suspiciously.

  “No reason. Just thankful I won’t be having sex with the dog kisser.”

  Allison scrutinizes me further when I giggle. Before she can ask more about it, our receptionist calls for her. I’m still not going to tell her about my new fuck buddy, Brody. I want to keep him my hot, dirty, little secret. So during lunch when Allison is still looking at me with eyes that are dissecting my every movement, I ask why she’s doing it.

  “No reason,” she mocks. “What’s been happening with the hottie next door? Does he still think you’re crazy?”

  “Nope,” I say with a shake of my head. “I helped him unpack the other day and he stayed with Bonkers last night for me. We’re sort of friends. We drink beer together, so yeah. We’re friendly neighbors now.” She goes to say something, but I change the subject to one of our patients.

  The rest of the day passes by uneventfully. It’s the last workday of the week. Brody will be back on Sunday, and then my vacation starts. I stop by the store on the way home to pick up a few things to make dinner, stock up on groceries for next week, and pick up some treats for Bonkers. The cashier gives me a sad look as she scans all the junk food and beer. Who cares what she thinks anyway?

  Once home, I leave the back door open for Bonkers to come and go as he pleases while I fix dinner. The air outside is chilly, but it feels good. Every time I glance to check on my dog, he’s either laying on the porch at the steps or running around like a fool. By the time supper is ready, the game is about to start.

  “Bonkers,” I call. “C’mon, boy. It’s time for hockey.”

  He flies into the house, so I shut the door, grab my plate, and settle down in front of the TV. Just as the puck drops, my phone rings. Don’t these people know that there is a game on? Why are they calling me? The caller ID shows that it’s my mother. I don’t talk to my parents all that much. No reason why, we just aren’t that family. They divorced soon after I left for college. Dad and I mostly talk business while Mom tells me about her most recent travels. She’s retired and now spends all her time traveling around the world, wherever the wind leads her.

  We talk about where she is currently, but I end the conversation quickly because I almost drop the phone and knock over my drink from excitement when Brody scores. The Mustangs are up by one!

  “Did you see that goal, Bonkers?”

  He barks in response, and I laugh. We watch the rest of the game together, Bonkers getting excited when I say something about a goal. The Mustangs win their first of two away games this trip. Later when it’s time for bed, instead of sleeping at the foot like usual, Bonkers decides to cuddle up to my chest and sleep there. He’s so precious sometimes.

  Saturdays are when I catch up on all the cleaning that needs to be done around the house, go through the mail, and whatever else I have to do. Around one when I’m taking a break, I get a text.

  Brody: Miss me yet? lol. I expect to see you tomorrow

  I laugh at the first part of his message.

  Me: I miss parts of you, but we’ll see.

  Brody: Just parts? I really need to try harder for that #1 spot

  I giggle at his response.

  Me: Yes, you do.

  Brody: Then let me see you when I get back.

  Maybe I’m overthinking his text because it almost seems like he really wants to see me. More than what he should for just sex. But I’m sure it’s only the general misunderstanding that comes with texts.

  Me: I live next door. Won’t be going anywhere soon. You’ll see me.

  Brody: Am I getting the brush off?

  Me: No.

  Brody: Just making sure. I don’t like to lose, and I want that #1 spot

  Me: You really want to be #1, don’t ya?

  Brody: Yep. You better be ready and waiting.

  A rush of warmth hits my body.

  Me: Is that an order? ;)

  Brody: You bet your ass it is. See you then.

  Ready and waiting, huh? Well then, Brody Ross, I’ll have to see what I can do about that. For now, I have to finish cleaning my house. It’s a boring weekend, really, with the exception of another game tonight. Brody scores another goal and racks up some assists too. As if Bonkers knows what’s coming in the upcoming week, he sticks close to me.

  “Don’t be such a downer yet, Bonkers,” I whisper when we’re lying in bed later. He huffs in response. “Brody will be back tomorrow.” He doesn’t lift his head, but his ears do perk up. “Not such a bad neighbor, huh?” When he huffs again, I decide to quit talking and get some rest.


  Brody texted me this morning to let me know when I can expect him. With a few hours to spare, I do something I’ve never done for a fuck buddy before. I go buy something just for today. Only because Brody told me to be ready and waiting. The second he lays his eyes on me, I want him to instantly want to throw me over his shoulder and take me to the nearest bed.

  By the time I get back home and doll myself up, I have a few minutes before Brody gets here. I double check myself in the mirror. What if he doesn’t go for it? What if I’m setting this up too
much? My hair is in a high, messy bun, my legs smooth, and my feet bare. I’m wearing sheer, red panties with a matching strapless bra. I debated for half an hour if I should wear bottoms before deciding against it. Therefore, over my bra and panties, I’m wearing a plain white, collared, button-up shirt. A few of the buttons are done to show off bare skin here and there.

  Maybe I should change. Just then, there is a knock on door. Time’s up. To make sure it’s Brody and I don’t open the door like this to someone else, I use the peephole. Yep, it’s Brody. With most of my body hidden behind it, I open the door with a smile.

  “Hey, come on in,” I greet.

  Bonkers goes crazy at his feet when he steps inside. I close the door with a silent deep breath. Here’s the moment of truth.

  “You kn-” Brody stops when I turn to face him. His eyes rake over my body, and I know I’ve succeeded.

  Rocking slightly on my heels, I slyly smile. “I’m waiting and ready as requested.”

  That hungry look he’s giving me is making me hot already. “Good,” he finally manages as I step closer until I’m right in front of him. He grabs my hips, but Bonkers distracts us as he jumps on my leg.

  “I’ll be right back,” I tell him. “Come, Bonkers.” When I turn around from letting him outside, Brody is standing in front of me. He pulls me flush against him, kissing me with a desperate need. I wrap my arms around him as he grabs my legs, pulling them around his waist. My head tilts to the left as Brody moves his lips to my neck, swirling his tongue over the skin.

  “Mm,” he hums. “I’ve missed this.”

  Brody sits me on my countertop as his hands unbutton those few buttons. I tug his shirt up and over his head, running my hands down his chest. He pulls my bra down on one side to free one of my breasts. His mouth is instantly on it as one hand goes to the other and his other hand makes its way between my legs.

  My head falls back against the cabinet. For a second, I forget what I was about to do, I’m so overcome by the sensations. I unbutton and unzip his pants, pushing them down to free his cock. When I take him in my hand, Brody groans against my breast, nipping. He lifts his head to kiss me, pushing away my hand after a moment, and I hear a condom wrapper rip. Brody stops kissing me to roll it on before grabbing my hips and bringing my ass to rest on the edge of the counter. He pushes my panties to the side, slowly entering me.

  “Oh, Brody,” I breathe, my eyes fluttering close.

  He starts thrusting into me with one hand rubbing my clit as he drags his tongue teasingly from my breast up my neck, stopping to suck on my earlobe, before finally reaching my mouth. The heels of my feet dig into his backside as his thumb moves faster, and he drives into me harder. My back arches. I tighten around his cock, my hands grabbing onto his shoulders to anchor myself as he slams into me, and we both hit our climax at the same time. I can’t withhold my scream. We’re breathing hard, resting our foreheads against each other, and my legs are still locked around him.

  “We need to stop having sex in my kitchen,” I manage to gather enough sense to speak. Brody chuckles. A bark catches my attention. “Bonkers!” Shit. I forgot he was outside. Brody pulls out of me, so I can hop down and let my dog back inside. Once I do, I fix my bra and panties and button the shirt again. Brody has disappeared, probably to throw the condom away. Sure enough, he reappears shortly after. “It’s good to have you back, neighbor.” I smirk.

  “Glad you are what I have waiting for me when I get home,” he grins.

  I feel like I need a moment to fully recollect myself, so I lean against the door frame with my eyes closed. When I open them, Brody is watching me.

  “You’re probably ready to go home and relax,” I hint.

  He smiles, shaking his head. “Always getting rid of me. But you’re right. I’ll see you later, Selene.”

  And then he’s gone. Sex with Brody was exactly what I needed before drowning in my sorrows. I shower, change, and clean the kitchen. Once all that is done, I grab a beer and the photo album off the top shelf of the bookcase in the living room. My heart hurts already. I haven’t even opened it yet. Bonkers crawls onto my lap and curls into a ball. I flip through the memories, each image evoking a particular one. “Vacation” has officially started.

  My phone dings later that night with a text.

  Brody: Want to hang out?

  My response is simple and hopefully, Brody will understand to leave me be for a while.

  Me: No.

  Chapter Ten


  I sit in the locker room, listening to everyone talking, but not really hearing anything. I’m staring at my phone.

  Jessica: You’re the love of my life. I need you

  Jessica: Please baby I’ll do anything you want

  Jessica: CALL ME! We can work this out

  Jessica: We belong together

  Jessica: Don’t do this to us

  “You look like you’re doing a really hard math problem,” Kris says, sitting next to me. I hand him my phone. “Whoa, looks like you do have a stalker.”

  “I don’t know how many more times I have to tell her to leave me alone.” I shake my head. I sent Jessica several texts, repeatedly telling her to stop. It didn’t help, she just keeps sending more.

  “Isn’t it strange the one you thought was a stalker isn’t one and the one that you didn’t think was a stalker is one. Funny how that works?” Kris chuckles.

  “Shut up,” I groan as another text comes through. “They won’t stop.”

  “Sucks to be you, captain. Anyway, there’s a purpose of me coming over here.”

  “Which is?”

  “I need to make sure that you remember about the dinner tomorrow night. It’s black tie, so don’t show up in jeans.”

  “I remember, and I’ve never shown up in jeans before.”

  “Are you bringing a date? Maybe Miss Crazy could come or Miss Fuck Buddy?”

  “There is no way in hell Jessica is coming. As for Selene, she hasn’t talked to me the last couple of days.” I sent her many texts asking if she wanted to hook-up or come over, but each time, the answer has been ‘no’.

  “Wait, are you telling me that Miss Fuck Buddy is failing as your, well, fuck buddy?”

  “Stop calling her that. She has a name,” I growl at him. “She might be busy or something. Actually, I have no clue why she isn’t calling back.”

  He slaps my shoulder. “Don’t dwell on it. Just think about the game tonight and being Mr. Perfect-Captain-Meatball tomorrow night.”

  “Ass,” I mumble as he walks away. I look down at my phone one more time as another text comes in from Jessica. This is a nightmare. I scroll through until I find Selene’s name.

  Me: Want to hang out before the game?

  Selene: No

  I lay my head back and try to think if I’ve done anything wrong. I don’t want her upset with me. After sex, she’s always the one telling me to get out, so I know that isn’t the issue. I’d tossed and turned last night thinking about Selene. I knew she was home, I could see her lights on, but she keeps saying ‘no’. I give up thinking about it. I finish getting changed and head home.

  I lay on my couch, resting before tonight’s game. I try not to think about Selene, but my mind keeps wandering back to her. I know that she is okay because I hear Bonkers from time-to-time in the backyard. Sad to say, I miss that little guy too. Do I miss Selene as well? Or the sex? She is a good lay, I will say that much. However, I miss her smile and laugh.

  I think about other night when I went over there. Unlike Jessica, Selene hid behind the door, and I like that I was the only one who got to see her that way. Jessica wouldn’t care who saw her, which I don’t like. When I have thought of myself in a serious relationship as an adult, it’s been with a classy lady. She doesn’t display herself in a manner that would be like a slut. I can see that in Selene. She’s classy, and I like that about her. I really like that about her. I shake my head at the thought of Selene and a relationship and take a nap.r />

  The game was intense, and my back is killing me. I don’t know how many times I was slammed into the boards tonight, but I can sure feel it now. I pull into my driveway, head straight into the kitchen to grab a beer, and go out on the back porch. I’m so thankful that the only thing I have to do tomorrow is go to that benefit dinner.

  I hear soft music playing, and I turn to see Selene on her back porch. The moon is bright, and I can see her in my jersey. She’s sitting on her bench, looking up to the sky. I watch as she reaches down and grabs something from the cooler next to her. It’s then I can see Bonkers in her lap. I’m not sure if it’s the moonlight shadow, but she looks sad. I step off my porch and go towards the gate. If she’s sad, I want to make sure she’s okay.

  “Crying over a game loss tonight?” I say in a joking voice.

  “Hey, Brody.” She wipes away tears from her face. Bonkers sits up a little, wagging his tail, but he doesn’t leave her lap.

  “Um, would you like some company? We could drown our sorrows together?” I don’t want her to be alone until I know she’s okay.

  “I have beer.” She pats her cooler.

  I take that as a ‘yes’ and open the gate. I walk up her porch stairs and sit next to her and Bonkers. It’s the first time since I met him that he doesn’t jump in my lap. “I haven’t see you the past couple days. Everything okay?” I ask gingerly.

  “I always take this week off. I stay home and sulk,” she says back, almost in a whisper.

  Nothing is said between us for a few moments. Only the low music is humming through the night air.

  “Why?” I bravely inquire.

  “When did you fall in love with hockey?” ahe asks, avoiding my question.

  “Well, I was about three or so when I started skating. Then my parents put in my brother and me in our first league when we were about five. I scored my first goal that very first game. After that, I was hooked.”


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