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The Blackstone Lion: Blackstone Mountain Book 5

Page 16

by Alicia Montgomery

  Georgina braced herself, waiting for the sounds of loud explosions, but they didn’t come.

  “Team Epsilon! Gamma! Delta!” Adrian shouted into the phone. “What the fuck is going on?”

  “What’s wrong?” Regina screeched. “Why aren’t the bombs going off?” She grabbed the phone from Adrian’s hands and tapped on the screen. “You morons! What’s going on? Who is this?”

  “This is Bleecker, Epsilon team leader. S-s-sorry, Chief!” came the crackly voice though the speaker. “It’s … they must have found the bombs and disabled them somehow.”

  “No!” Regina howled. “All of them? How could this have happened?”

  “Someone must have tipped them off,” Adrian said.

  Regina turned her hateful gaze toward Georgina. “You stupid bitch! You did this! Did you send your spawn out to warn them?”

  “I told you you weren’t going to get away with this.” Shock and elation were coursing through Georgina, though she knew she wasn’t out of the woods yet.

  Regina let out an indignant shriek. “You ungrateful—”

  “Sir!” Bleecker’s voice on the phone cut through the air. “Sir! Only the bombs’ remote detonation have been deactivated. They can still be set off manually. All of them have a ten second default timer.”

  Regina’s mouth curled up into a cruel smile. “Looks like it’s not over yet. Send what men we have and secure the bombs,” she barked into the phone. “Don’t detonate them. Wait for further instructions.”

  “Chief, what are you planning?” Adrian asked.

  “We will have our men set off the bombs, but first, we’re going to pay those animals a visit. So they know exactly who’s going to wipe their existence off the face of the planet.”

  “Ten seconds isn’t enough time!” Adrian protested.

  “I know that!” She grabbed Georgina. “We will take hostages, to make sure they don’t follow us. I’m sure one of our labs could use more test subjects. I bet a female dragon would highly interest our scientists.”

  “You monster!” Georgina cried.

  “You shut your mouth!” Regina smacked her across the cheek. “Get in the car. Maybe if I’m feeling generous, we won’t leave your spawn behind.”

  As they drove down to Blackstone, Regina continued to give orders to her men in Blackstone. “Secure as many hostages as you can find. I don’t care how many, just round up whoever you can.”

  “Yes, ma’am. We found a couple of people trying to evacuate. We have them in custody now.”

  “Good. Now, what about the bombs?”

  Bleecker paused. “We’ve secured about half of them, ma’am.”

  “They weren’t guarded?”

  “No ma’am. Looks like the receivers were destroyed, but the bombs were not disabled.”

  “Good,” Regina said. “Have your men on standby and get ready for my signal.”

  There was a pause. “Ma’am, they’re only set for ten seconds.”

  “I know that, idiot,” Regina said. “Do it.”

  “Y-y-yes, ma’am.”

  “Now round up whoever’s free and tell them to go down to Main Street.”

  “Chief, I’m sorry but this is going too far,” Adrian said from the driver’s seat. “What’s the point of this? We should leave now and cut our losses—”

  “No, we will not!” Regina said. “I’m going to make a point to these creatures. A lesson they need to learn.”

  “But if they’re dead—”

  “Silence! Am I not The Chief?”

  Adrian’s jaw hardened, and his mouth set into a grim line. “Yes.”

  “Then do as I say.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Adrian kept his eyes on the road and remained silent.

  As they drove down Main Street, Georgina couldn’t help the creepy vibe that came over her. The streets were completely empty—no one walking down the sidewalks, no cars parked, and most of the shops’ doors shut and the window shades down. At the far end of the street, however, two dozen men in combat gear holding high-powered rifles were already waiting, lined up in two rows.

  “Stop!” Regina said, then the car halted. “Give me your gun.”

  Adrian hesitated, but handed his pistol to her. Regina cocked it and pointed it at Georgina. “Move.”

  Georgina got out of the car, shaking as she felt the butt of the gun pressed into the back of her head. “What are you planning?”

  “Did I tell you to speak? No!” She stabbed at her, the metal digging into her skull.

  Regina pushed her out into the middle of the empty street, between the row of soldiers. Adrian followed behind her. “Come out, you filthy animals!” She screamed. “Come out, or I’ll kill your dirty whore!”

  Georgina looked at Regina. Her face was red, and her eyes were unfocused. Oh God. Clearly, her mother had gone insane. That also meant she was unstable and unpredictable.

  “Let her go!”

  Georgina’s heart soared at the sound of the voice. Luke.

  He was walking down Main Street toward them, wearing only his jeans. His hair was wild, flowing down his shoulders, and he wore a focused expression on his face. He didn’t even pay attention to the rifles pointing straight at him.

  “Ah, look who it is,” Regina said. “Your shifter lover.”

  “Who are you?” he asked, his head cocking to the side.

  Regina laughed. “Your worst nightmare. I’m The Chief.”

  Luke seemed taken aback.

  “Why are you looking at me like that? Is it because you think The Chief can’t be a woman?” She tsked.

  “Why are you doing this? She’s your daughter!” Luke roared. “And Grayson is your grandson!”

  “Shut your mouth!” Regina waved the gun wildly. “That creature is not my grandson! He may have my blood flowing through his veins, but he’s not one of us!”

  “What do you want?” Luke asked.

  “Why, I want you all to die,” Regina stated matter-of-factly.

  “We’ve disabled all your bombs, lady,” Luke pointed out.

  “You’ve disabled the remote devices,” she countered. “As we speak, my men have secured the bombs and will detonate them manually. As soon as we’re out of here, of course.”

  “Then why come here?” Luke asked.

  “So that the last person you see before you die is me,” she said. “Don’t even think of trying to stop me. My men have hostages, the people trying to evacuate before the bombs went off. All I have to do is give the signal and they will start killing every single one of them. We can start with her.” She shoved Georgina toward Adrian and then pointed the gun at her.

  As Georgina toppled against Adrian, she felt something hard press against her hip. A knife! Adrian always kept one strapped around his left thigh. Without a thought, she grabbed the handle, slipped it out of the holder, and into the sleeve of her blouse as Adrian steadied her. Nerves were making her hands shake, and she prayed Adrian was too distracted to notice.

  “No!” Luke roared. “If you hurt her, I’ll kill you!”

  “Want to try me, shifter?” Regina taunted as she cocked the gun.

  Luke stared her down but didn’t say a word.

  “I didn’t think so.”

  As a pause hung in the air, Georgina knew this was her chance. “Luke!” she called as she took the knife and swung it behind her, plunging it into Adrian’s shoulder. She ducked and rolled away as he yelped with pain. Georgina landed face down on the pavement.

  “No!” Regina screeched, then turned to the armed men. “Fire! Kill him!”

  Georgina’s screams were drowned out by the sound of gunfire. Luke! No! She hoped he would run away, but she doubted it. Luke would never run.

  The gunfire seemed to go on and on. Why would they need so much firepower to kill one shifter? She got her answer when she looked up.

  In the middle of the street was a gigantic dragon. It must have been fifty feet high, with golden, armor-like scales all over its body and a spiky ta
il and head. The men were continuously shooting at the dragon, but it was no use. The bullets just bounced off its plated scales.

  Finally, when they ran out of bullets and the shooting stopped, the dragon opened its mouth and inhaled a breath. Fire and lava rained down from its massive maw, destroying everything in its path.

  Regina let out an indignant shriek. “Get up!” she said to Adrian, who was on his knees, clutching his shoulder.

  “It’s all over, Chief,” Adrian said. “I’ve tangled with a Blackstone dragon once and lived. I don’t think I’ll get a second chance.”

  “You idiot!” She turned to Georgina. “This is all your fault! You—”

  A loud roar made Regina freeze and turn. A figure leapt out from the dragon flames.


  The lion pounced on Regina, sending her to the ground. As her screams filled the air, Georgina covered her ears and closed her eyes, but she was unable to stop the tears from pouring down her cheeks. Then the screams ceased.

  Georgina’s eyes flew open, though she kept her cheek pressed to the ground. A shadow loomed over her.


  She looked up. “Luke.”

  Strong arms wrapped around her and picked her up, setting her on her feet. She looked up at him, searching his face.

  “The Chief—”

  “Is still alive.”

  She blinked. “Huh?” Glancing around him, she saw several men in blue police uniforms taking her mother and Adrian away.

  “I couldn’t kill her. She’s still your mother,” Luke said with a shake of his head.

  “Oh Luke!” She pressed her face against his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin. “I wanted to tell you. I was going to confess everything and—”

  “Shh,” he soothed, running a hand down her back. “It’s over. It’s all over. You’re safe, and that’s all that matters.”

  “Grayson found a way to get to you, didn’t he?”

  He nodded. “He’s safe.”

  “Thank God.” She knew in her heart he would make it.

  “Georgina, I never thought I’d see you again. I’m sorry. For what I said. For not believing you.”

  “I’m just glad everything’s okay. And that it’s over.” She shivered, thinking of the events of the last twenty-four hours.

  Luke pulled her close. “You’re safe now. I’m not going to let anything happen to you and Grayson. Georgina, I love you. And I want you to be mine. And Grayson, too.”

  She sucked in a breath. It took a few seconds for his words to register. “I love you, too,” she blurted out. “Oh. I—”

  He captured her mouth before she could say anything else. As his lips settled on hers, a zing went up her spine. She couldn’t describe it, other than it set her body alight, like a lightning bolt setting the sky ablaze for a brief second. After that, however, as Luke’s arms wound around her, warmth spread through her. Slow at first but building and covering her from head to toe.

  When Luke pulled away, his face was that of complete shock. “Georgina … I think it happened.”

  “Huh?” She was still dizzy from his kiss.

  “We’re mates. What we felt, it’s called the mating bond.” Luke took her hand and put it over his chest. She could feel his heart, like it was beating right in her hand. It startled her at first, but then she realized how amazing it felt. How it was like she could feel Luke, with every fiber of her being.

  “Luke, I’ve never felt like this before.”

  “Me neither.” He leaned down to press his lips to her, less urgent this time, but nonetheless intense.

  Georgina would have been happy to keep kissing Luke, but she could tell there were more people arriving at the scene. There was so much they needed to do now, though for the life of her, she couldn’t think of what right at this moment. Even as she tried to pull away, Luke only held her tighter. However, an indignant screech made her pull away and blink. She cocked her head to the side.

  “Put me down, you—you—caveman!” Kate shrieked. Or at least, Georgina thought it was Kate. The young woman hanging upside down from the very large (and very serious-looking) man’s shoulders had dark blonde hair with pink tips and sounded very much like the wolf shifter. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Kate pounded her fists on his broad back.

  The man was silent and didn’t even flinch. He ignored her protests and continued to stride with purpose behind the Main Street Gift Shop, disappearing from view as Kate’s wails became fainter.

  “What the fuck?” Nathan Caldwell growled. He had arrived just in time to see his sister being carried away. “That asshole is kidnapping my sister! Someone get—”

  “Nathan, love,” Violet interrupted, placing a soothing hand on his arm, while her other arm clasped around his waist. “It’s all right.”

  “What do you mean it’s all right?” Nathan tried to pry her hand away, but her grip was tight.

  Violet laughed. “He’s her mate. Didn’t you notice when she walked in the office?”

  Nathan’s mouth hung open. “What. The. Everliving. Fuck.”

  Georgina felt a rumble, and when she looked up at Luke, she realized he was trying to suppress a laugh. She nudged him with her elbow. “Shh … Nathan doesn’t seem to find it funny.” Indeed, Nathan looked madder than a hornet’s nest, though his mate seemed to be doing a good job of calming him down and stopping him from going after them.

  “Another one bites the dust,” Luke said with a shake of his head. “I just never saw it coming.”

  “Who is that guy?”


  “Mommy! Mommy!”

  They both turned their heads to the south side of the street. Grayson practically flew out from Catherine’s car and ran at them full speed. She caught him with a short “oomph” as she got the wind knocked out of her. Luke placed his hands on her shoulders to steady her.

  “Grayson! I’m so glad you’re all right,” she said, squeezing him tight and kissing his forehead.

  Grayson wrapped his arms around her neck. “Mommy, I did what you said. I found the firehouse and told them to call Chief Will Mason.”

  “You did good, sweetie. You were so brave and strong.”

  “I was scared, Mommy,” he said with a hiccup. “I thought they were going to catch me. And that I wouldn’t ever see you again.”

  “I’m here,” she said, pulling him tight. “And I’m never going to be apart from you again.”

  “Are we … safe? From the bad men.”

  Luke placed a hand on Grayson’s shoulder. “You are now. I’m never going to let any bad men get to you or your mom. I promise you, Grayson.”

  “I’m glad you’re safe, Luke,” Grayson said, rubbing his cheek on his hand.

  “I thought for sure those men with the guns ….” Georgina felt her throat close up with emotion. “If that dragon hadn’t come and saved you ….”

  Luke’s head snapped up abruptly, then looked toward the other end of the street. An older man was in the spot where the dragon stood, amidst the dying flames and the scattered ash. He was down on one knee, his body heaving as he caught his breath.

  “Hank!” A woman’s shout rang through the air. She ran to him, clothes clutched against her chest. When she held out the clothes to him, he caught her arm instead and pulled her in for a kiss.

  Luke tensed visibly, and Georgina guessed who they were. This was Hank and Riva. He was the dragon who saved him. She didn’t have to look at his face to know how he was feeling. She just knew.

  She nodded at Hank and Riva. “Do you want to see if they’re all right?”

  His jaw tensed, but he didn’t move.

  Grayson looked at his mother, and then at Luke. “Luke? Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, Grayson.”

  The boy wiggled out of his mother’s arms and then grabbed Luke’s hand. “It’s okay if you’re scared of the dragon. I’ll be here.”

  Georgina’s heart warmed, and she slipped her hand
into Luke’s, threading their fingers together. She nudged him. “So will I.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Luke swallowed the growing lump in his throat, hoping it would go away. Not that it did any good because the lump went straight to his stomach, weighing it down.

  “C’mon,” Georgina whispered. “Let’s go.”

  He looked down, first at their hands linked together and then at Grayson’s tucked into his other palm. He knew he had to do this. If he was going to move on with his life and be a good mate to Georgina and, possibly, a father to Grayson, he had to let go of the baggage weighing him down. He owed them that much.

  With a deep breath, he began to walk. One foot in front of the other with Georgina and Grayson by his side. His chest tightened with each step.

  As they drew closer, Riva must have sensed their presence, as she turned her head to face them, her gaze immediately going straight to their linked hands. She gave him a tight smile.

  “Luke,” she began. “I’m so happy you’re safe.”

  How had he never noticed how tense she was around him or how her smile never quite reached her eyes? Or maybe he did but was too selfish to care. He let go of Georgina and Grayson and stepped closer to Hank and Riva.

  “Are you all right, Luke?” she asked, looking up at him with genuine concern. “You’re not hurt are you?” Beside her, Hank merely continued to stare at him, suspicion in his silvery eyes, but he didn’t say a word.

  “I need to tell you something,” Luke began, his throat suddenly closing up.

  Her brows knitted together. “You can tell me anything, Luke.” She reached up to him with a cautious hand. He grabbed it and wrapped it in his.

  “I need to say sorry.” That was easier than he thought. He took a deep breath and looked straight into Riva’s eyes. “I’m sorry. For what I said that night. For hurting you and tearing our family apart. I said it because I didn’t think I was worthy of you after I tried to hurt Hank. I didn’t deserve to call you Mom and Dad.” He glanced over at Hank, who now looked stunned. “And I know I still don’t. I don’t care if it takes me a million years, but if you’d let me try, I’d like to earn back that privilege.”

  Riva opened her mouth, but only a soft cry came out. She stepped forward, wound her arms around him, and squeezed. As sobs wracked her body, he found himself embracing her back.


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