Scream, You Die

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Scream, You Die Page 25

by Fowler, Michael

  “Bloody hell!” Scarlett hissed. “I knew Gaz was a bit dodgy but I’d have never taken him for a bent cop.”

  Tarn pushed himself back. “I know. It just shows you doesn’t it? You don’t know who you can trust.”

  “He rung me last night.”

  “Gary did?”

  Scarlett nodded. “Yes, while I was at the safe house. That explains how Skender and Arjan found us so quickly. He must have had someone track the call.” She shook her head. “The bastard! He almost got us killed.”

  “Well, he’ll be getting what comes to him,” Tarn responded, pushing back his chair. “I’ll get us a coffee shall I?”

  “That sounds like a good idea.”

  Scarlett watched her partner making his way to where the coffee and tea-making facilities were in the squad room and then diverted her gaze to her in-tray. On the top was an A4 buff envelope with her name boldly written on it. Curious, she picked it off and tore open the seal. Inside was a bunch of papers. She slid them out and saw they were the DNA results from the house in Wandsworth. There were at least half a dozen hits of people who had visited the house. Even though their enquiry was just about sorted she was interested in seeing who had frequented the place when it was being run as a brothel – especially if any of them were known to her, or more importantly were celebrities of note. It was always handy to have some dirt on someone, even if she couldn’t do anything with the information. She began to go through the sheets. She had not heard of the first three people but the fourth name caught her eye. She held the sheet before her and examined it carefully, double-checking the details, making sure it was who she thought it was. Then, easing herself up she stepped gingerly to the photocopier, made three copies, and returned to her desk where she folded the copies, together with the original, and secreted them inside her bag. Dropping her bag into the bottom drawer of her desk she lifted her gaze and scanned the room. No one was looking her way. She couldn’t help but release a mischievous smile.


  That day DCI Diane Harris commenced evening briefing at four p.m. It was planned so that the whole team could clock off early to celebrate. She updated the team as to the present status of the investigation, informing them that from Grazyna’s video interview she had identified both Skender and Arjan as her captors – Skender as the one who raped her and Arjan as the one who had branded her. She had also explained Andrius’s and Henrikas’s parts in her abduction. Following her naming of Kofryna as the friend she had come to the UK with, a request had been sent to Interpol for family DNA to be taken by Lithuanian authorities. The DCI sadly announced that it was strongly believed that Kofryna was the headless victim they had found crammed into the suitcase and dumped into the Thames. Then Diane Harris explained that the witnesses who had originally given digital e-fits of the shaven-headed man with the Audi Q7 had all identified that person as Arjan. And they had found the Audi. Arjan had apparently taken it to a crooked scrap dealer near Manor Park, requesting it to be crushed, but instead the owner had hidden it away with the intention of selling it on. It was currently in the Forensics drying room, and they had already found bloodstains in the boot and on the back seat, and it had not been hard getting a statement from the scrap merchant naming Arjan as the person bringing to him. It was another nail in the Albanian’s coffin.

  Raids had been carried out at three addresses owned by Skender, and they had found twenty-two young women illegally held in those houses, all from Eastern European countries and all working as prostitutes. Their keepers, all Albanian, had also been detained. Finally she introduced the evidence given by Rose. She had positively identified Skender and Arjan as the two men she had seen eleven years ago standing over her father after he had been stabbed following his car being rammed off the road. Before breaking up she told everyone that so far Skender and Arjan had exercised their rights and refused to say anything, but that she was pretty confident that once all the forensics came together they would both be charged with various counts of murder.

  Her announcement brought about a round of applause.

  She brought briefing to a close on a sour note. “In the last hour I’ve had it confirmed by Professional Standards that DS Gary Ashdown is the one who has been leaking information. I’m sure in the next few days everyone will get to hear just how deeply he has been involved in things, especially the damage he has done. But for now I’m simply here to announce that he is currently suspended and that in due time a file will be submitted to CPS.” Pushing together her hands prayer-like, she added, “On a final note, I’d like to thank everyone for their hard work during what has been a difficult couple of weeks. I couldn’t wish to have a better team.”

  With that, briefing broke up and the squad headed down to the pub.


  Scarlett wasn’t really in the mood to drink. She was stiff as a board and every little movement hurt like hell. She took a seat by a table and watched people milling around and chatting elatedly, noting especially that some of her teammates were getting louder with every drink they downed. She smiled to herself. They would leave this pub later tonight in a state of good-humoured drunkenness. On any other occasion she would have been one of them.

  While nursing her drink she decided to phone Rose. Upon connecting she told her where she was and that she was coming home in the next hour. She asked her sister, “Do you fancy doing anything?”

  Rose replied that she fancied going for a meal. She had spoken with Grazyna, who had revealed to her that she had never eaten in a restaurant before.

  That got to Scarlett. “Tell her to get herself ready. We’re going out to celebrate. We’ll go to my favourite Italian.” With that she ended the call, finished her half of lager and stiffly hobbled to the toilet.

  When she came out DI Taylor-Butler was in the passageway, halfway through a pint of bitter. She heaved a crestfallen sigh when she saw him but carried on stiffly walking. She was about to pass when he put out a hand, stretching it across to the opposite wall, forming a barrier.

  Scarlett threw him an icy stare. “I’m in no mood for your games tonight. I’m sore and I’m ready for home.”

  He dropped his arm, “Quite the cocky little madam now, are we? The DCI’s blue-eyed babe again.”

  Scarlett felt herself stiffen. She slowly brought up her bag, unfastened it, picked out one of the photocopied sheets of paper, and cracked it open dramatically in front of his face, causing him to step back. “As I’ve said, I’m in no mood for this, but you’ve asked for it.” She waved the A4 sheet. “I have here a DNA result of someone identified as being in the brothel in Wandsworth. That’s you!” She thrust it directly in front of his eyes and held it there.

  After a couple of seconds of silence the DI snatched it from her grasp and looked at the document. For a minute his look was one of anger, then his face changed. “This doesn’t prove anything, DS Macey. If you recall I saw you at the house during the investigation. You asked me what I was doing there, remember?”

  Scarlett nodded. Slowly the corners of her mouth curled up. “I thought you’d say that. But if you remember I stopped you in the hallway, near the front door. This DNA result is from substances found in the S&M bedroom. Now I’m sure, under normal circumstances, were this to be discovered, it would be a little embarrassing for a while –the fact that a DI likes a bit of correction as sexual gratification now and then – but eventually that would die down. However, given the fact that this DI belongs to a murder squad involved in the investigation of a double murder at this brothel, where bodies were chopped up, and in which vulnerable people were trafficked and raped, then I can’t see you staying on in this squad. Can you? Especially if the newspapers were to find out about it.” Scarlett prodded him in the chest. “You can keep that copy as a reminder. If you ever give me any more hassle I promise you the original gets leaked.” With that she brushed past him, catching her sore hip, but she held back a grimace until she had stepped out into the fresh air.


  Scarlett had a good long soak in the bath. By the time she was dried the stiffness and aches had eased and she felt totally chilled. Dressing in jeans and a tight-fitting jumper she made her way downstairs to the kitchen, where she took two more of the painkillers the hospital had prescribed her. She knew she shouldn’t drink after taking them, but she thought what the hell. She felt especially buoyant following her triumphant clash with DI Taylor-Butler. Now she was in the mood to celebrate.

  As she stepped into the lounge she saw Rose and Grazyna already had their coats on. Grazyna’s hair was plaited and she had put on a little make-up. It had totally transformed her appearance. And Rose had made an effort to hot-brush her hair into loose curls.

  Rose handed Scarlett her coat. “Come on slow-coach, I’ve booked us a table at the Italian you said. I know the invalid can’t manage anything more exciting tonight.”

  Taking her coat, Scarlett gave her a hurt look. “I can’t believe you’ve just said that to someone who’s just saved your life.”

  Rose quipped back, “That’s what I pay my taxes for!”

  Scarlett held her sister’s twinkling hazel eyes. Then she shook her head, targeting her with a look of amazement. “What taxes?”

  They both burst out laughing and made for the front door.

  The previous day’s storm had passed, leaving behind surprisingly warmer and much calmer weather given that it was early December, and the three had a slow stroll into the centre of Richmond.

  The Italian Rose had booked was a restaurant Scarlett had been in on a number occasions over the years. She had been here on a fair few dates with Alex. There was Alex again, entering her head. She’d thought of nothing else since he’d rescued her last night. What was the term he’d used – “my favourite girl”! She knew she would have to sit down and have a proper talk with him. She wondered if she should suggest giving the relationship another go.

  “I fancy a calzone,” said Rose as they entered the restaurant.

  It broke Scarlett’s thought’s. She nodded. “That sounds good. I could eat a horse.”

  For the next half an hour they drank Peroni beer and chatted. Grazyna did the most talking, excitedly telling Scarlett that DCI Harris had said she could stay in the country until the court case was over, and that her boss had contacted Immigration and the local authorities, who had provided her with a temporary visa and a place to stay. She had also made her a promise to support her should she wish to stay permanently.

  Scarlett was pleased for her and told her so. As she finished her beer, she aimed a look at her sister, who appeared to be deep in thought. She set down her empty glass. “Something on your mind, Rose?”

  Rose offered a meek smile. “There is, actually. It’s something that’s been on my mind since I met up with Gareth. I’ve been waiting for the right opportunity to raise it.”

  Scarlett reached across and took her sister’s hand. “I think I can guess. You’re restless aren’t you?”

  “Does it show?”

  “It’s all been a bit sudden what’s happened.”

  “Not just that. But this is not my life. This is your life, Scarl.”

  “So what do you want to do? Go back to Gareth and the others?”

  Rose pursed her lips and nodded.

  “And that’s what your heart’s set on?”

  Rose nodded again. “Don’t get me wrong, Scarl, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, and I’m so glad we’ve caught up after all these years, but I couldn’t live this life – your life. It would drive me up the wall. Even though at times life was hard on the streets, it was fun. And I love the freedom.”

  “But what about the house – the money?”

  “Scarl, I’m not a materialistic person. The years on the streets have made me appreciate everything I get. You can look after the house and if ever I need a bolt hole I know where to find one. As to the money, I’m not giving that up, it will come in handy. I’ll be able to live the life I’m used to but from time to time sneak in a few luxuries when I feel like them. I’ll have the best of both worlds.”

  “Is that what you’re set on?”

  “Definitely! I hope you’re not upset.”

  Scarlett squeezed Rose’s hand. “Not at all. Anyway, I know where to find you now. You’ve got a mobile so I can always ring you and you can sneak away, meet up for coffee, and be a capitalist for a day.”

  Rose pulled away her hand and laughingly thumped Scarlett’s arm, just as the waiter appeared with their orders.




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