Burned: Dragons' Trust Book 2

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Burned: Dragons' Trust Book 2 Page 11

by Krista Wayment

  Renick could not help but laugh. Thane turned a very intimidating glare on him, which only made Renick laugh harder.

  "Come on, we have to go save Lainey."

  Properly sobered, Renick nodded. "Right, then."

  Chapter 24: Finding Lainey

  Even though it was dark, Renick and Thane still crouched low to the ground as they ran through the fields toward the forest. Off in the distance on either side they could see torches and hear people shouting Lainey's name. Dozens of people had volunteered to help find Lainey. A quick survey showed that the search party had already passed by this part of the woods.

  "Do you think we'll be spotted?" Renick asked.

  Thane shook his head. "They don't seem to be going very deep into the forest."

  Suddenly everything grew quiet. Renick watched as the torches stopped and slowly started heading back to the city gate. "Are they giving up?"

  "Probably just for the night. They'll resume tomorrow."

  They waited, hidden in the shadow of the tree line, until the search party had entered Trevinni. When the gates swung closed, Renick plunged into the forest, but he stopped when Thane did not follow him. "What?"

  "It's too dark. I don't remember the way." Thane was looking around him as if he were lost.

  "It's that …" Renick turned to point in a direction but then was not sure. So he moved slightly before realizing he did not know either.

  "What do we do now?"

  This way. A breeze disturbed the leaves above their heads and a dark shadow passed over the moon. This way.

  Renick shivered. Folgyn wanted them to come. That could not be a good sign.


  "Should we follow him?" Thane asked, watching the sky.

  "We don't really have any other choice," Renick replied with a shrug.

  "I don't like this."

  There was a disturbance in the trees, and Renick caught a glimpse of black scales. This way.

  "He knows we're here, so we might as well follow him," Renick offered.

  Thane's jaw tightened. "All right, but stay alert."

  Renick followed after the dragon, who stayed just at the edge of sight. At one point he thought he had lost Folgyn, but the dragon appeared in the sky above them, his wing beats stirring the forest canopy.

  "He's toying with us," Thane said through gritted teeth.

  "But he's still leading us toward his cave." Renick pointed to an oddly shaped tree. "I remember that tree."

  Thane stopped and crossed his arms. "You remember a tree? Renick, they all look the same."

  Ignoring him, Renick continued moving forward. He heard a snap and looked down to see if his feet had found a twig again. The memory of such an event from months before made his skin go cold. He could almost hear the sound of the dragon hunters coming. Then he heard a pop. "A fire." He could see its light filtered between the trees. He started to run. Moments later he burst through the tree line into the little clearing outside Folgyn's cave with Thane right behind him.

  Lainey sat against a log next to a large fire. She was far enough away not to be threatened by the flames but close enough that the yellow light made her hair glow. She did not appear to be injured or restrained in any way. Renick wondered why she had not run away yet. Then her head lulled forward awkwardly as if she had fallen asleep. She shook it weakly, like she was trying to clear her mind.

  "Welcome, humans," Folgyn hissed. With hardly a sound he landed in the clearing, blocking Lainey from view. "See what I have?" The black dragon laughed, a rolling, itching sound that made Renick's blood turn cold. "A crunchy little treat for me."

  Thane drew his sword, the metal hissing against the scabbard. "Let her go."

  In the short time Renick had known Thane, he had never seen the older boy so ready to fight. Not even when Gunther had threatened to throw Lainey over a ledge. There was a look of grim determination in Thane's eyes, and Renick was glad they were on the same side.

  Folgyn chuckled. "Little worm, you think you can best me?" The dragon pulled himself to his full height, which was very impressive, and let loose a stream of fire. Renick had to jump to the side to avoid being burned. Lainey screamed.

  "I am Folgyn Darkwing, and I will have my revenge." The dragon's voice rumbled through the ground and Renick heard the words in his feet and legs.

  "What do you want?" Thane demanded.

  "Can you not hear boy, or are you just daft? I said I want my revenge."

  Thane gritted his teeth and twisted the toes of one foot into the ground. Renick had to resist the urge to take a step back from Thane. The boy was very imposing. Instead he reached down into his boot and pulled out his knife. This was one fight he would not be left out of.

  "I meant, what do you want from us in exchange for Lainey?" Thane's jaw was so tightly clenched that his lips hardly moved as he spoke.

  "Ah, so he is intelligent. Very well, we shall get straight to the point. Bring me my prey—the human scum that lives in that prison of stone and wood. Bring him here to me so that I may avenge my beloved. Then, and only then, will I set your friend free."

  "Don't do it," Lainey pleaded. Renick turned to face her. Their eyes met, and he could see that she was terrified but trying to hide it—trying to be brave. She took a deep breath and added. "Don't give him what he wants."

  "I don't intend to," Thane said.

  Folgyn snapped his jaws. "Foolish humans. You think that you can best me? You are weak."

  "We're stronger than you give us credit for." Thane's eyes burned with purpose. "We'll find a way."

  This seemed to amuse Folgyn. "Do as you wish. In three days, I eat her."

  Lainey squeaked a little but then settled down. Her eyes were locked on Thane. It was plain from the expression on his friend's face what Thane was planning. Renick knew Lainey could see it too. She shook her head slightly, but Thane did not see. His mouth was set in a firm line and his eyes were intent on Folgyn's massive form. He was going to do something foolhardy and dangerous, like attack a dragon by himself.

  "Thane, don't," Renick and Lainey said together.

  "Do you care so much for this man, Thane-Brave?" Folgyn said in a mocking voice. "Do you care for him more than your little friend?"

  "No," Thane said, breathing hard. Every muscle in his body was tense. Renick could tell he was trying to control his anger. "Lainey's life is worth a hundred Lord Kranes." Lainey blushed at this. "But I won't trade one life for another." He took a step forward. "And I won't submit to your demands."

  Renick tried to think of something, some other way to get Lainey back. "Horrin's here." It was desperate, but he could not think of anything else.

  "Ah, and that is supposed to scare me? That human hunter is no match for me. I have bested him before, I will best him again." Folgyn slashed his front claws through the air. "I will savor the taste of his eye for eons to come." He started to roar with victory, but the sound changed to a painful howl. Thane was standing behind the dragon—swinging his sword at his tail.

  The dragon turned on Thane, his tail catching Renick across the chest in the process. Renick was thrown back against a tree, and it took a moment for him to regain his breath. Then he was on his feet searching for a way to join the fight. Thane was trying to drive Folgyn away from Lainey. Seeing his chance, Renick locked his eyes on Lainey, put his head down, and ran. Before he came within reach of her, Folgyn lashed out with his tail again. This time when Renick hit the tree, everything went black.

  Chapter 25: I Will Defend the Lady

  Thane dodged the massive claws of the black dragon and swung his sword in a wide arc around him, catching one of Folgyn's forelegs. The dragon roared. Thane used the momentary distraction to move backward and closer to his goal.

  "Thane, stop," Lainey pleaded. "He'll kill you."

  He looked over his shoulder into Lainey's gray eyes. The inside of his nose tingled, probably from the smoke drifting up from the fire. Thane watched Folgyn as the dragon staggered back into a cro
uch. The beast was ready to attack again. Thane considered Lainey's words, and he knew this was not a fight he could win. But he would not let Folgyn threaten them. He would protect his friends at all cost.

  From behind him, Thane could still hear Lainey begging him. "Lainey, I must." And there her protests ended. During this exchange, Folgyn had advanced, slinking low to the ground. Thane tried to push Folgyn back and away from Lainey. He lunged forward, his sword seeking the soft underskin where the dragon's leg met his body. Folgyn deflected the blow and Thane hit the ground rolling. He came back up on his feet and threw a glance over at Renick. He was lying on the forest floor, very still. Then Renick's head moved a little. Still alive. A portion of the pressure constricting Thane's chest lifted.

  A jet of flame licked at Thane's face and he stepped backwards around a tree for protection. Time to focus on the enemy before him. If he could keep the dragon busy, Renick might be able to free Lainey.

  "Do not run from me, coward. Face me and finish the fight you started," Folgyn growled.

  Thane peeked around the edge of the tree. Folgyn was pacing back and forth between him and Lainey. She was trying to stand, but whatever Folgyn had done to her was throwing her off balance. She stumbled and looked up into the forest. Thane could see the tears on Lainey's cheeks shining in the firelight. He gripped his sword tighter. Folgyn would pay for this—he would see to that.

  "Come out, come out, wherever you are." Folgyn's voice taunted him.

  Thane gritted his teeth against the frustration. But then Folgyn swept past him, searching the edge of the clearing. The dragon did not know exactly where he was. That gave Thane the advantage. He started moving painstakingly from tree to tree as he circled the clearing toward the dragon's makeshift cave. Lainey was on the opposite side, but he could hide in the depths of the cave and come up behind her.

  Folgyn crashed into the line of trees to Thane's left. The sound of snapping wood echoed in the stillness of the night. Three trees crashed down with a force that shook the ground. Thane quickened his pace.

  "Where are you boy?" I can smell your fear.

  Picking up a large branch from the ground, Thane threw it as far as he could in one direction and then plunged forward in the other. The trick did not fool the dragon. He pushed his massive body into the trees right in front of Thane. He was thrown back, and when his foot came down to stop his fall it twisted awkwardly. He fell to the ground, lances of pain shooting through his ankle and up his leg. Using his sword as a support, Thane hauled himself to his feet. He put some weight on his injured foot. It hurt and he had to bite back a moan, but it was not broken and he could manage.

  When Folgyn's back was to him, Thane emerged from his hiding place and swung his sword with all the strength he could muster. His injured leg slowed him down a little, and so he did not reach his target before Folgyn turned. But he did manage to catch part of Folgyn's under belly. A large gash appeared, though it did not bleed much. A pain-filled roar ripped forth from Folgyn's jaws and he snapped at Thane.

  With a sidestep Thane put himself between the dragon and Lainey once more. To her credit, she was not whimpering or crying. From the scuffing sounds, Thane guessed that Lainey was still trying to stand, but her legs and arms were shaky. He started to turn to assist her since he was only a few steps away.

  Never turn your back on the enemy, Grahm's constant warning echoed in his head. Thane stopped and turned back to face Folgyn, but the moment of inattention cost him. Folgyn slammed him against the wall of the cave. Chunks of dirt landed on his head and lap as Thane slid to the ground, dazed. He came to and instantly reached for Lainey, but Folgyn was faster. His tail swept Thane's hands away and left them covered in little cuts.

  Thane hissed and held his bleeding hands close to his body for a moment before reaching for his fallen sword. Folgyn stepped on the hilt of the sword, flipping it into the air. As it came down the dragon reached out and snapped his jaws down on the blade, shattering it. Shards of metal fell to the ground in a cloud of reflected firelight.

  That sword was the only gift his father had ever given him. Thane felt no remorse at its loss, save that he no longer had a decent weapon. He would have to settle for his hunting knife. He drew the foot-long blade from its hiding place in his boot and held it ready.

  "If you cannot best me with a sword, what makes you think a little knife will do?" Folgyn let out a breath that sent leaves and dirt flying. "Foolish boy."

  "It's not the size of the blade, but the wit of he who wields it that determines a battle." Without waiting for the reply Thane jumped forward and threw himself down. He twisted his body as he slid along the ground and held the knife above him with both hands. A sickening ripping sound rewarded his efforts. Hot, burning, dragon's blood fell on his face and arms. Thane did not mind—Folgyn was writhing in pain.

  "What? Did the little gnat sting the mighty giant?" Thane taunted. It was a mistake, one that cost him dearly.

  Folgyn lowered his head and closed his jaws around Thane's already injured leg.

  Thane could not help but scream. A hundred razor-sharp points pressed into his muscles and bones, tearing them apart.

  "Thane!" Lainey's voice sounded as tortured as he felt.

  Suddenly Folgyn drew back. The edges of Thane's vision were starting to go black, but he could see Renick standing over the remains of the fire. He had thrust a burning stick into Folgyn's eye. The dragon was now scratching at it frantically. Renick moved toward them. Thane felt a small hand on his shoulder and the pain in his leg started to slowly ebb away. He looked down to see the small shimmer of Lainey's magic dance along the tattered remains of what was once a very useful limb.

  And then the heat consumed him. Thane was not sure what happened next. He heard Lainey screaming something that sounded like, "Go, save him! Come back for me later!"

  Thin but strong arms wrapped around Thane's chest and the heat subsided. It felt much like it had before, the heat that seemed to eat away at his skin. But this time he also had the half-healed leg and the loss of blood. He felt weak. Defenseless. A failure.

  Lainey was still in danger, but he could no longer fight, and Renick would have to save him. Thane swallowed a breath and shut his eyes against the reality of his situation. He would let the darkness consume him and hide within it.

  "Hang in there, Thane," Renick whispered. "I've got you."

  Thane forced his eyes open. Renick had not given up on him. There was still hope. "We'll go for help," a raspy voice which must have been his said. He fought the darkness, fought the pain. He would survive.

  Chapter 26: A New Ally

  Renick collapsed in the long grass just outside the forest edge, Thane went down with him, letting out a low moan.

  "Hang … in there … Thane," Renick said between gulping breaths. "Almost … there."

  Thane said something. Renick could see his lips moving but could not hear any words. Renick tried to look at a part of Thane that was not severely hurt, but it was hard to do. He leaned in and put his ear next to Thane's mouth. "What?"

  "Save Lainey."

  "I will, but first I've got to get you to Melatheen. Then I'll go back for her." Renick started to stand up but Thane caught his arm and tried to speak again. Renick leaned down to hear his friend's words.

  "Not alone. Tell Grahm."

  An odd tingling sensation spread over Renick's mark. He rubbed the spot on his left arm where the dragon magic had traced a rune. It was different than the warning warmth he usually felt when thinking of telling someone about their secret. Renick would have to consider this carefully. He had made an oath, but they were desperate and he had no way of contacting Wrytha.

  "Don't worry," Renick assured Thane. "It's going to be okay." He hoped that Thane could not hear the fear in his voice or see it in his eyes. Standing, Renick started to drag Thane toward the city gate. A dragon roar accompanied by the cracking sound of splitting wood echoed through the forest. Renick tried to move faster, but Thane had passed o
ut and was too heavy for him.

  Renick filled his lungs with air and yelled, "Help!"

  He continued dragging and calling for help, hoping someone could hear him and knowing he needed to get Thane to Melatheen before Folgyn attacked them. Halfway to the gate, Renick collapsed, exhausted. He closed his eyes for a moment and tried to slow his breathing. "Almost there. You can do it," he told himself.

  The sound of legs moving through the grass made Renick snap back to full attention. He turned his head and saw his uncle and two other men running toward them. Relief flooded over Renick. They were safe. Before long Uncle Loren and the others reached them. The two men bent to pick up Thane.

  "Careful, he's hurt really bad. Take him to Melatheen." The two men nodded at Renick's instructions and headed toward the city.

  "Are you okay?" Uncle Loren grabbed his shoulders and dragged him to his feet. He gently turned Renick around, inspecting every inch of him.

  "I'm fine. Thane—"

  "Thane will be all right. Melatheen is a gifted healer. What happened?"

  "We found Lainey." Renick did not know what else to say. He trusted his uncle, but the secret of the Dragon Kind was something he had to protect. He had taken an oath. Thane had said Grahm would help. Uncle Loren could be of help too, but he felt unsure.

  Uncle Loren shook Renick's shoulders, "Where, Renick, where's Lainey?"

  Renick squeezed his eyes shut to dispel the fog from his mind. He made a decision, the one that was most clear at the moment. He would tell Grahm, and together they would go back for Lainey. That meant he needed something to say to Melatheen and Uncle Loren so they would let him go. "The dragon's got her. I need to find Grahm and get the dragon knights to help."

  "Right, I'll come with you."

  "No," Renick scrambled—he needed to talk to Grahm alone. "Please, go with Thane. I … I have to tell the knights where Lainey and the dragon are. But, but—"

  His uncle pulled him in to a tight hug. "I understand, Renick."


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