Wings of Light Special Edition

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Wings of Light Special Edition Page 57

by Lloyd Baron

  She must have failed.

  Her death will be peaceful and mark the end of the world and the two others that are connected to it.

  She closes her eyes and waits for it to claim her.

  “Sister,” a man’s voice booms across the radiance of space and time. “The watcher is coming. My uncle seeks his revenge. Be strong and fight.”

  The woman opens her eyes and turns to face the oncoming darkness. For she is the Goddess and she must be strong.



  A NOTE ON DATES: Years are marked as Suns. The Current Atlantian Calendar begins from the death of the God-King as there was a day of darkness followed by a New Sun. The date of Darwin’t’s birth is 3016 NS (new sun). The prier calendar dated for less than a thousand suns although it ran alongside the second recorded calendar. The Calendar began with the appearance of the Goddess Star and was dubbed the New Age of Light but ended with the darkest moments of Atlantias history. Records from these years dating 0 AS to 897 AS (After Star) are few and far between. The Six who are mentioned in the Prophecy of Ages are blamed for the lack of surviving documents along with the many wars which followed the death of the God-King and The Breaking. The second recorded calendar known as the true Calendar ran from the forming of the five major kingdoms of the world (then known as Psilon). The

  y were Coldridge, B’ret, Ankas, Mattixio and Morrowvere. The five great kings stated that this was the new world and a new calendar was needed. They called it the Psilon Calendar but it is now known as the Before Star calendar. It was at the end of this period that King Darlonious Diln Damicas began to have visions of how to break into the void. It was these visions that led to Mana flooding the world and magic becoming available. The first Calendar of the world was named the Pure Calendar and there are few remaining documents from that time. It was a time of many changes and ended with the extinction of the Elven, Vampire and Gnome Races. The only single thing to tie all of the calendars together is the use of suns as measurement and the day at the end of each calendar is known as “the day of watching”.

  Aasta Acacia – A noble woman staying in the Royal Palace in Atlant. She feels like a prisoner but does not have the courage to break out of her room. She is also not who she appears to be.

  Abdiel Supch (Ab-dial Sup-ch) – Member of the house of Freedom for Atlant.

  Ai’ver (Ey-ver) – The main Village in the mountains of Dray. When a new Princess is born in Atlant they pick a child of age and train him to be her protector as is written in the notes of prophecy.

  Akhal-Teke (Ak-hal-tek) – A breed of horse used mainly in the cavalry or for races. They are strong, sturdy and beautiful creatures which makes them perfect for shows.

  Alan (A-lan) – A Country in the low north of the Sive Continent. Bordered by the Empire of Flambour, The Wetlands, The Frozen Lands and B’ret. Trade comes from the many rivers that crisscross the mostly flat land. A single huge mountain rises in the west of the country. The King of Alan (as all of the Kings of Alan before) believes that his country is where the final battle will take place. The country is strong and has been left alone by most of the wars that have rocked the world.

  Angels – The Angels fell upon the world of Atlantia during a failed experiment to piece the void to find the world known as The Earth during the sun of 263 AS. They were treated with honor and soon set themselves up as a powerful but neutral race upon the world. They have only entered into one war which was to end the hold of the Sorceress. They spend most of their time happily in the tree city feasting and teaching history. Deep down they long to return to the world they left behind.

  Ankas (Ann-cars) – One of the former great powers of Psilon the state of Ankas is now just another part of Atlant. The King of Ankas gave up his crown to the Atlant Queen over two thousand suns ago. It is run by a circle of lords and follows the laws of the Queen in the north.

  Aris (Ah-riss) – Set in a valley in the northeast of Atlant, this village is a sleepy haven. The whitewashed houses give this village the nickname of Chalk Town.

  Atlant (At-lan-t) – A newly powerful country in the southwest of Sive. It is a place of industry and high class society. The royal family of Atlant has been unlucky in the past but with the new Queen it has begun to gain more power and some see it as a threat.

  B’ret (Ber-ret) – Located in the north midlands of the Sive continent it was once one of the greatest and most powerful countries of Sive. Now the country struggles as crops fail and the borders are pushed by Alan and Flambour. Most of the country’s wealth comes from the sale of fine rugs and tapestries. The coastal towns are plagued by pirates calling themselves Sea Drifters.

  Bankir (Ban-kia) – A semi-feral breed that is hard to ride because they are easily panicked and aggressive.

  Baoloun (Bay-oh-loon) – The capital of Hillsbough and a place of new industry. They have a parade every sun in the honor of the God-King around the Feast of Lights.

  Bashkir (Bash-kia) – A breed of horse that is more like a cow. The milk from them is rare and delicious.

  Bassok’shu (Bas-sok-shoe) – A Dark Clan with the gift for growing plants.

  Ber Woods – The dark and gloomy woods in the east of Atlant. The entire wood is covered in a shield of magic which scares people from entering. All along its edge you find burned trees where people have tried to set fires. For deep in these woods live the Dark Clan.

  Billitst Woods (Bil-lit-st) – A Dark Wood in the north of Hillsbough. Very few enter the deep part of the wood as legend says a beast lurks there.

  Book of Prophecy – Written by the God-King during the suns of 587 AS to 896 AS it is written in an unknown language and tells of the coming of the heroes and villains of the future. However as it is written in this strange language no one has ever been able to read it. It rest in the care of the Common royal bloodline waiting for the day when it is needed.

  Borg Hafline (Bore-g Haff-line) – Pre-Eminet of the Granit Army. He is a good friend to King Garnock but spends much of his time away from Stone Hilt. He is strong and intelligent. One of the great generals of the world.

  Bosley. Lord, (Boss-lee) – Second to the Granit Throne. He is a good friend to King Garnock although can be a little slow. Because Princess Grendel is so young, it would fall to Bosley to Steward Common if anything happened to the king.

  Bray (B-ray) – A small town near the cost of Hillsbough. It is a dirty place full of taverns and brothels.

  Breaking. The – After the death of the God-King the five monarchs of the Elemental realm came to the world and changed it. The four continents shifted and hundreds of thousands died. It was only after the darkest day did they return and put things right. They left a warning that they would return if they felt a taint upon the world again.

  Bri Ceeper (Bree Keeper) – Very elderly stable master for the Queen of Atlant’s stables.

  Brychan Uttsin – A low lord staying at the Palace in Atlant. He is traveling to see the Angels. He has eyes for Aasta Acacia. He is not who he claims to be.

  Canace Al’drea (Can-ace Al-dre-ah) – Canace is the best friend of Riochald Haldana and love of Darwin’t Utsa. Her parents died when she was young and she was raised by the Innkeeper of Gressgs. She is kind hearted but sometimes she feels like she is not special in the world.

  Caressa – Also known as the Sweeping Waves or the Queen of the Undine she is very calm and tends to follow the Woodland lead in matters of politics. However like the ocean she is quick to turn and her temper can be devastating.

  Chalk Town – See Aris.

  Chazrina (Chaz) Hammerwhack (Chaz-re-nah) – A distant relation of Fia Sharphorn. She is bossy and used to getting her own way. Not much else is known about her at this time.

  Clayton Cr’aig (Clay-tone Cry-a-g) – He is the first of the Woodland Elementals to arrive on Atlantia. Once a beautiful creature he is finding it hard to adjust to the state of the world.

  Colase (Cole-az) – The only other continent which has a high population. Th
e trade between Colase and Sive is mainly in the spice market. Although people from Colase are friendly they do not like to travel and very few move across to Sive.

  Common – Country in the southeast of the Sive continent. It is a flat and cold land with near unfertile soil which makes farming a challenge. They depend on trade but the coastline and borders are all mountainous. Boats have to travel up the river Gass and then onto smaller rivers into the country. The country is a proud place and the peoples strong against the hardships for they have a role to play. The prophecy says that the country of Common will play a vital role in the end of the world and must hold onto the book of Prophecies until the Dreamer arrives.

  Creator. The, – See God.

  Dalvistel (Dal-vie-stel) – The capital city of Atlant. It is a glorious city and the jewel of Atlant. Known all around the world for its lavish houses. Even the area known as the slums is a joyous place of beauty.

  Danlynn Lucius (Dan-lin Lou-see-ous) – Student farmer of Gressgs. Loves archery and playing pranks on the people of his village. He is a few months younger than Darwin’t and not ready for the shrine. He plans on bonding Florence Bloom but has never spoken to her.

  Dark Clan – Created by the Sorceress at the end of the God-Kings life they were used as her magical army to kill and destroy all over the world. Born only as males and without emotions they followed the Sorceress because it was logical to do so. After a visit from the Angels they decided it was more logical to branch out on their own. They helped bring down the Sorceress and now they live deep in the Ber Woods content to build and study the worlds history.

  Dark Wizard. The – See Razzork.

  Darkest Day. The – The last day of the New age of Light Calendar. On 897 AS the sun did not rise and people believed it would be the last.

  Darlonious Diln Damicas (Dah-lorn-i-ass Dil-n Dam-i-caz) – The last king of the old world. He started as the king of Morrowvere but after he gained visions and broke the void he was elevated to God-King, an all-powerful monarch across the whole of Sive. He ruled as God-king for 897 suns until he was killed by the sorceress. There were two suns of war before The Breaking.

  Darwin’t Utsa (Dah-wint Ut-Sah) – Trainee weaver from the outskirts of Gressgs. He lives with his Aunt and suffers from laziness and nightmares. He is in love with Canace Al’drea and plans on bonding with her after his birthday.

  Dead Land – A lifeless land in the very north of the Sive continent. Before The Breaking the Dead Land was part of Dinthiv.

  Derry’n Pyrena (D-airy-n Pie-ren-a) – An outsider raised in the Village of Gressgs. He is a quiet young man who doesn’t know about his heritage and his future in the village is unknown to him. He has few friends and is often lonely. Sometimes he dreams of leaving but he does not want to leave his adoptive parents.

  Dinthiv (Din-thi-ve) – A long dead nation which has been both frozen and dried into nothingness.

  Doeia Harbor (Doh-ear) – The greatest harbor in the south. Ships arrive here from all over the world of Atlantia. The trade hub for Atlant it is built in a strange place as there are no rivers to take goods inland. Instead direct roads are used.

  Dragon Mountains – See Senteluneu.

  Dray – Huge mountain range which stretches from the east to the west of southern Sive, cutting Atlant and Common off from the north. Home to the mountain tribes.

  Dymphia Haldana – A member of the Healers Guild working in the Palace of Atlant. She is stern and bossy. She is also not who she appears to be.

  Elementals – Legend tells of creatures made of stone, fire, water, trees and wind. The great Breaking of the world was blamed on these creatures of myth.

  Elmo (Elm-o) – Scullion turned personal messenger for Queen Narmada.

  Emperor of Flambour – See Filimer Halendray’n.

  Empire of Flambour – The Empire of Flambour is the most powerful force on the face of Atlantia. The armies would have spread further if the Council of Atlantia had not stepped up and forbade the Emperor from doing so. Even though it has been many suns since the last war of the empire they are not trusted and boarders have a habit of being pushed.

  Ervand Clain – He is a simple man who has found himself a guessed of the Queen of Atlant. He falls in love with a man he meets at the queens ball and takes his hat. He is not who he says he is.

  Feast of Lights – A celebration the day after the Darkest Day. As the suns marched on the date was lost and so the feast is celebrated at different times all over Atlantia. Some towns and cities have parades.

  Fia Sharphorn (Fire) – The only child of the Clan Chief of Ai’ver. He was one of the best warriors of the mountains and quickly became leader of his clan’s army. As the first born of the Clan Chief he was sent from the mountains to become the protector of the Princess of Atlant. He resented his task at first but soon grew to enjoy his life in the capital city. He is an expert with the great sword.

  Filimer Halendray’n (Fill-i-mere Hal-n-dray-n) – The forty-fifth emperor of Flambour. He is known as an intelligent and evil man. He kills without warning and has vast plans for the Empires future.

  Finhill (Fin-hill) – Not much is known about him. He lives with the Dark Clan and knows all about Gye.

  Firrinnia – Known as the Shifting Breeze or Queen of the Fairies she cares little for the world and sees it as a place to have fun. She sides with whoever offers her the better prize when it comes to politics but you would be wrong if you think she is stupid. Behind her childish nature is a cunning and dangerous mind.

  Flambour (F-lamb-boor) – A huge and vast desert in the heart of the Sive continent. Once a small and powerless country it has grown and spread as it became an empire. Many countries have fallen into the clutches of Flambours army. Gone from the map are the countries of Kildern, Hemlp, Blu and Shalmist.

  Frozen Lands – A rocky harsh place in the northeast of the Sive continent. It has few villages and no ruling body. The country is unwanted so is left alone. The only things that come from the Frozen Lands are fish and blue quartz.

  Gai Drevally. High Clan King, (Gay Dree-vally) – He is a half breed and believes that all breeds of Goblin are equal. He is well liked among the Goblin race.

  Galvalou (Gal-vah-loo) – Home of the Dark Clan deep in the Ber Woods in the east of Atlant. A huge manor house mostly built from powerful magic. Over nine thousand Dark Clan live in the city with close to two thousand servants and workers.

  Gamblet (Gam-b-let) – A country that fears that its boarders will be breached by the Empire. With no ruling monarch the country relies on the Council of Atlantia to set its laws. They select a mayor to guide the country and the head of the army has total control of its defense. It is a country on the verge of war with the Wet Lands to the north.

  Gareth Zian (Ga-reth zy-an) – He is the queen of Atlant’s personal bodyguard. He is older than her at sixty-two suns but he is still strong and his mind is sharp. He is one of the great generals of the age. The queen keeps very few secrets from him.

  Garnock Stoke VI. King, (Gar-nok Sto-k) – The King of Common and a proud man. His health has been declining in recent months. He is overweight and known for his fondness for sweet cakes.

  Ghost on the Rock – See Hakamen Needles.

  Ghouls – Some of those given the power of darkness can bring the dead back. They are mindless and follow the orders of whoever creates them.

  God – The great unknown being who calls upon the Elementals to sculpt worlds for mortal men and other creatures.

  Goddess Star. The, – A huge star appeared in the Northern sky after the void was broken. A voice spoke to the peoples of Atlantia of a man and a prophecy. It was the one and only time that the voice was heard. The star remained and since that day it was been dubbed the Goddess Star.

  Goddess. The, – Stories are told that a Goddess lives in the bright star in the Northern sky. Legends and prophecies speak of those she has touched. It is unknown if the Goddess really exists.

  God-King. The – See Darlonious Diln

  Gods. The – An unknown set of beings who in some of the old legends and myths are told to have watched over the many worlds that surround the void.


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