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Selfish Page 8

by Shantel Tessier

  I pull my hand from hers and turn around to say hello and meet her friend when I come to a halt. The very same woman who I fucked just a few hours ago stands in front of me. Her head is bowed, and she has one hand in her long blond hair while the other is covering her face. But I don’t have to see her blue eyes to know who she is. The marks on her upper arms and the bite mark on her inner thigh that her short shorts barely cover give her away. And my cock instantly hardens. Fuck me! Today must be my lucky day! Happy birthday to me indeed!

  “That’s great!” She sighs heavily. “But can you keep it down …?” She lifts her head as her hand drops off her face, and her eyes catch mine. She recognizes me instantly. Her bloodshot but still beautiful blue eyes widen, and her mouth goes slack as she inhales sharply. “What the fuck are you doing here?” she demands.

  “Funny! I said the same thing,” Conner growls.

  “What …?” My sister starts, but I interrupt her.

  “Sasha!” I say with a smile. “Lucky seeing you here.” I clap my hands excitedly. What are the odds?

  “Sasha?” My sister repeats the word with a frown.

  “Uh …” The beautiful woman takes a step back toward her room.

  “Why did you call her Sasha?” Conner asks, clearly confused. “Sasha. Why does that name sound familiar?” He asks himself, and then his eyes widen as he chuckles.

  I point at the woman in front of me. “Because that’s her name,” I state already annoyed by the idiot.

  “That’s Ashlyn,” he corrects me.

  I shake my head. “I think I know her name. I spent all night and morning with her.” Her face goes pale at that.

  “What?” Conner and my sister both ask at the same time.

  An awkward silence fills the room, and I look around confused as fuck, waiting for someone to explain the elephant in the room to me. “Wait a second.” My sister breaks the silence. “This is the sex God?” My sister asks as she tries to hold in a laugh. She points at me. “This is my brother, Ashlyn,” she informs her.

  I smile myself. “Sex God, huh?” So she hasn’t been gone for more than a few hours, and she is already talking about me.

  Conner starts to laugh as he slaps his hand over his stomach. “This is priceless. Who knew you would fuck Ryder.”

  “Ryder?” Ashlyn snaps. “You said your name was Ry.”

  “I go by Ry,” I say with a careless shrug. “But I’m having problems figuring out how you get Sasha out of Ashlyn.”

  “Sasha is the fake name she uses when she meets men at bars,” Conner informs me.

  Ashlyn narrows her eyes on his. “Shut the fuck up, Conner. I’m too tired to put up with your shit today,” She yells, her blue eyes narrowed and her hands fisted down by her side. Even exhausted, she still has that same fire in her she had last night when I saved her from the guy at the bar.

  “Obviously,” He says, crossing his arms over his chest and looking her up and down. I can’t tell if it’s with disgust or jealousy that she spent the night with me and not him. I tighten my jaw. I don’t like the way he looks at my sister, let alone Ashlyn. “Now we know that it was because you spent the night fucking Ryder.” Her body starts to physically shake with anger, her eyes burning holes into him. “I can’t wait to tell Bradley about this,” he adds.

  She lets out a growl as she runs toward him. I quickly move to step in front of her and wrap an arm around her waist, catching her just before she jumps on him. I carry her back into the open bedroom door and kick it closed behind me. Pushing her back, she stumbles before falling onto the bed. She lies there panting and looking up at me with hatred in her blue eyes as I hear my sister and Conner start getting into it.

  “That’s the second time I’ve saved you in a matter of twenty-four hours,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest as I guard her door. She’s not getting out. “I’m guessing this is a common occurrence?”

  “Oh, please,” she snaps, rolling slowly off the bed. “He’s a fucking pussy.” She spits the words out, and if I could, I would clap. Finally, someone else feels the same way about him as I do. But that would hurt my sister, so I keep them crossed over my chest.

  She huffs as she spins around and walks into her adjoining bathroom. I choose to follow her. She’s mumbling profanities as she shoves her shorts down her legs sans underwear. My eyebrows shoot up. “Really? You wanna go another round … is it five or six?” I ask already reaching for my belt. The same belt that I used on her this morning.

  Her blue eyes narrow on me, and she lets out a huff. “I’m going to take a shower,” she states.

  “Want me to join you?” I ask with a charming smile.

  “No! I think we’ve spent enough time together naked!”

  I move to stand in front of the white countertop and lean back against it as she pulls her tank top up and over her head. I watch her undress as if we’ve been doing this for years. She definitely isn’t shy, and I figured that out real quick last night. And I love that in a woman. She opens the glass shower door. Stepping in, she turns it on and proceeds to shower. I can clearly see her through the glass door. She steps under the sprayer and leans her head back as she wets her hair. I watch as the water runs over her perfect tits and down her flat stomach …

  I clear my throat. “Who’s Bradley?” Conner had mentioned him.

  She sighs heavily. “It doesn’t matter. And why are you still in here?”

  I beg to differ and ignore her question. “Boyfriend,” I assume.

  “I told you last night that I don’t have a boyfriend,” She states as she bends over to pick something up off the floor of the shower. I imagine standing behind her. My hands in her hair and my cock inside her …

  I clear my throat again and adjust my tight jeans. “Yes. But you also told me your name was Sasha. So it’s not too far-fetched for me to believe that you lied to me about a boyfriend.”

  She shoves open the glass shower door to look me in the eyes. A growl forms deep in my throat as I take in her soaked and amazing body. My eyes focus on her tits; they’re not the biggest I’ve touched nor the smallest. If I had to guess, I’d say a B. Perfect for my hands to squeeze. Both pink nipples hard from the cold air now hitting them. A single drop of water gets my attention as it runs down her flat stomach and continues to her shaved pussy. I lick my lips without thought, wanting to taste her again.

  “Bradley is my best friend. Who I fuck!” Just her saying that word makes me think of her begging me to fuck her like she did last night. She squirmed under my touch as I kissed her neck and sucked her breasts. God, I’m hard as a rock. “He is not my boyfriend. I do not have a boyfriend in any way, I assure you.” She then yanks the glass door, slamming it shut again.

  I wanna be one of those friends of hers who she allows to use for pleasure. The water shuts off, before she pushes open the door again stepping out. Her blond hair is wet sticking to her chest and shoulders, and I can’t help look over her several times. “Look, about last night. Let’s just forget it. You’re obviously here for Becca, and I don’t want what we did to ruin that.” She stands there dripping wet, and all I can think is no. I can’t forget it. Was it that mediocre for her to forget it? If so, I need to prove her wrong. “After all, we had rules,” She reminds me and then walks to the countertop as if she’s dismissing me and my opinion of this situation. I move away to allow her access.

  “Rule.” I correct her being; just one night. But as I stand behind her, I’m unable to keep my eyes off her round ass. As the memories of us last night replay in my mind, I know I’m gonna need more than one night. What can I say—I’ve always been a rule breaker.


  I stand in front of Ry buck naked and not giving two shits. It’s not as if he hasn’t already seen every inch of me. I’ve never been one to be shy in front of anyone anyway.

  I brush my teeth and watch him in the bathroom mirror. His eyes are on my ass, my legs, and he checks out my tits in the mirror. And as I watch his eyes darken, I can’t
help but notice the bulge in his pants. Not even his jeans can hide how hard he is for me. Another round wouldn’t be so bad . . .

  He presses my back against his hotel door the moment it shuts, I’m already kicking off my shorts. “Rules,” I manage to say as his hands rip my tank top up and over my head. Then he’s pulling on my bikini strings before it falls to my feet.

  “Like a safe word?” He asks as his lips kiss all over my chest eagerly. His hands grab mine and pin them above my head as his lips move to my neck. “How about taco?”

  I can’t help but laugh at that. “No. Rules.”

  He stops kissing me and pulls his face away from my neck to look down at me, his hands still pinning mine above my head. “Is this gonna be a list of things you will and won’t do?”

  I smile. I’ll do anything you want to do. Instead, I say, “No. We need to be clear on something.”

  He nods, taking in a deep breath. “Name it.”

  I want to be very clear about what we’re doing here. That’s how shit gets out of hand, and no matter how wet I am right now or how badly he wants me, we need to make sure we’re on the same page. “I don’t need to know you, and you don’t need to know me. This is just sex. Just this one night …”

  “Okay.” He answers without thought, and then his lips hit mine, but at the last second, he pauses. “You get a rule. I get a question.”

  “What is it?” I’ll answer anything right now.

  “Top or bottom?”

  I smile. “Either or.”

  He smiles back. “That was a test, and you passed.” His hands let mine go, and he grabs my ass. Pulling me off my feet, he’s soon carrying me off to his room.

  I cannot believe the guy I hooked up with last night and this morning turned out to be Becca’s brother. I mean when I saw him standing in my hotel room, my first thought was that he had followed me back to my room. My second thought was to call the cops, and then when Becca said her brother was here, I wanted to crawl under the bed and hide. I had let her brother fuck me. Then I came back and told her that he was a sex God. She is gonna kill me! And although I love the heat I see in his eyes, and I would love nothing more than for him to put his hand on my back and bend me over this counter …

  I take a deep breath. We had a rule. One night only—plus, my friendship with Becca is so much more important to me than some lay. I spit out my toothpaste and rinse my mouth. I turn around and grab a towel off the rod. He reaches out and yanks it out of my hands before I can dry off with it. “Give that to me,” I demand, pushing my hip out.

  “Make me,” He says with a smirk on his face. I hate how attractive he is. And I hate that he’s enjoying this so much. He looks like he got twelve hours of sleep, and I still look like shit and am exhausted.

  I look down at his jeans and I smile. Reaching out, I grab his hard cock. He hisses in a breath as he leans forward and the towel falls to the floor.

  I smile as I bend down to pick it up. “That was cold,” he says, but he’s smiling.

  I return it. “I can play dirty.”

  “I like dirty,” he says, as his eyes rake over me again; my pussy tightens as his tongue slowly licks his lips. I quickly dry myself off, needing to get out of here. Another minute and I will be begging him to take me. I walk out of the bathroom without looking behind me.

  Throwing on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, I storm out of my room to find Becca and Conner still arguing in the living room.

  “I’m not gonna apologize, Conner,” she snaps.

  “I need to talk to you,” I say, coming to stand between them. Becca looks up at me and it breaks my heart to see the unshed tears in her eyes. She’s trying so hard not to let them fall. She nods her head once and I take her by the hand and then pull her over into her bedroom for us to be alone. After closing the door, I turn to face her. “I’m so sorry, Becca! I had no idea that Ryder was your brother. I mean what are the odds? Just so you know, if I would have known who he was, nothing would have happened between us. And I promise it won’t happen again.”

  She stares at me for a few long seconds while I hold my breath. Becca means the world to me. She is not only my best friend but also my sister. And my heart sinks when a tear runs down her cheek. I’ve hurt her and I don’t know what I can possibly do to make it better. “Becca. Please believe me,” I plead as if my life is on the line. “I’m so …”

  She bends at the waist as she places her hands on her knees. She cries out and I place my hand on her shoulder. “Becca?” I ask in a panic. Is she okay? Is she having a breakdown?

  She snaps upright and I realize that she’s not crying but laughing. Hysterically. “Becca?” Now, I’m even more concerned. What is going on? “Talk to me, Becca.”

  She continues to laugh as she reaches up and wipes the tears from her reddened cheeks. “I’m not mad at you.” She shakes her head quickly. “Seriously, it’s okay that you slept with him.”

  “What?” I ask confused. “The look on your face when you found out that I had slept with him—”

  She cuts me off and surprises me by pulling me in for a hug. I slowly wrap my arms around her and give her a gentle hug, wondering what in the hell is happening. When she pulls back, she has a smile on her face, but a few tears still run down her face. She wipes them off and speaks. “Do you know how many of my friends have slept with my brother?” She doesn’t let me guess. “Several of them. I’m not mad that you did it. I mean I was shocked. Hell, I was in shock that he was in our hotel room. But not mad at you.” She shakes her head. “I do think it’s gross that you find him attractive.” She nods her head quickly, and it makes me smile. “But not mad at you. You’re my best friend, Ash. I would never let a man come between our friendship. Not even my brother.”

  This time, I pull her in for a hug. “Why were you crying out there?” I still ask concerned for her.

  She pulls away from me. Her smile fades, and her face falls as she lets out a long sigh. “It’s just … Conner,” she whispers. “He is mad that Ryder is here.”


  “They don’t get along. Actually, they hate one another.” She runs a hand through her dark hair. “And then last night …” She stops herself.

  I let out a sigh. “What happened?” I ask; clearly, I missed something. He was an ass when we were all in the living room, but that’s nothing new.

  She just shakes her head. I know she doesn’t wanna talk about it, so I let the subject go. For now.

  I place a hand on her shoulder. “It will all be okay. Your big brother is here, and we’re in Panama City.” I place my arms out wide. “What could go wrong?”


  We make our way down to the first floor to have breakfast at the complimentary buffet. Thankfully, things aren’t awkward between Ryder and me. I truly believe that Becca doesn’t care that I slept with him, but I can feel the tension between Conner and Becca. And so can Ryder. He keeps looking at Conner like he wants to punch his lights out. While in the elevator, I wanted to grab Conner from behind and hold him still to give Ryder the advantage to beat the shit out of him. Even though I have no doubt Ryder wouldn’t need the help. He outweighs him in muscle and in height.

  Ryder and Becca talk as we make our way through the buffet line. He tells her all about New York and about how their parents are doing, which is mainly about their father. Ryder seems as close to their mother as Becca is. I catch Conner giving him death glares that I know Ryder can feel, but at this very moment, he’s ignoring him. His sister is the center of his attention. I think it’s sweet that he came all this way just to surprise her.

  I set my plate down. Looking away from Conner, I pull my phone out of my back pocket when I feel it vibrate.

  Brad: You still alive?

  Me: Yes. Sorry about that. I text Bradley. I never did text him back last night.

  He responds as I sit down at the table Ryder has picked for us.

  Brad: It’s okay. I know you’re partying your ass off. But you can deliver
your apology on your knees when you get back.

  Typical man.

  Me: Is there any other way? I joke.

  Brad: Damn, I wish every woman thought as dirty as you did.

  Me: What can I say? I’m one of a kind.

  Brad: And that is why you’re my best friend. Call me later.

  I place my phone on the table next to my plate and start to eat my scrambled eggs as I watch Becca get up from the table. “Where’s she going?” I ask no one in particular. We just sat down …

  “She forgot ketchup,” Ryder answers me.

  Before I can say anything, Conner speaks. “Was that Bradley you were talking to?”

  I roll my eyes. “That’s none of your business.” I turn my head to glare at him. Of course, the bastard sat down next to me. For as much as he hates me, he sure does like to aggravate me.

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” He places his hand on his chest in an act of sincerity. “I was under the impression that you liked to make your sexcapades public knowledge.” He looks over at Ryder; this time, a smile on his face.

  “Watch it!” Ryder warns Conner with a growl.

  I let out a long sigh and then snap. “I’m really getting tired of your shit, Conner.”

  “Maybe I’m tired of hearing about you being a fucking whore,” he snaps back.

  “Conner …” Ryder stands quickly from his chair; it squeals as it moves against the floor.

  “Ryder!” I look up at him and shake my head. “He’s not worth it,” I tell him before looking back at Conner.

  “You won’t touch me anyway,” Conner spits at Ryder, ignoring me. “You wouldn’t wanna hurt the princess.” Geez, Conner is usually an ass, but he’s taking it to the extreme today. What in the hell happened last night between him and Becca that I missed?

  Ryder moves away from the table and starts to walk around. I look around quickly. Shit! I can’t let Ryder touch Conner. As much as I would love to see it, that would crush Becca and she’s already upset as it is. Before shit throws down right here in front of everyone, I make a quick decision before Ryder does something that he regrets. I mean besides me.


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