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Wrangler Page 9

by Dani Wyatt

  Jessie shouts a greeting coming down from the porch at Enrique with whomever else she’s got pulling in to help this year. There’s too much work here for just one man, so each year brings new faces.

  I never pay much attention; they are usually older men, keeping to themselves, and just here for the few months of work. Soon enough they’ll want to get themselves back to where they come from where there’s usually a family waiting somewhere.

  I step back inside and gather up the eggs and push the door open on the coop, breathe in deep once I’m outside. The air in there is never a treat.

  From across the couple acres between the barns and the house, Jessie’s leaning on her cane, standing by Enrique’s blue Toyota. Two men are standing with her, their backs to me. But from this angle I immediately recognize Enrique.

  He’s come here must be three years now. I’m 5’6”, give or take, and he’s a couple inches under me. He always wears the same black Cowboy hat and Wrangler jeans, and has a tattoo on his forearm of a heart with an E and a V inside it —Enrique and Vanessa— a symbol for his wife; I can even see the shape of it from where I am. He’s nice. Kind. Peaceful sort of. I like having familiar faces around.

  The man standing next to him is tall as a carthorse, and he looks strong but lean, not too bulky. I don’t recognize him from the back, but I can tell he’s younger than most of the workers that come out here for the harvest. Beige cowboy hat, worn jeans, standard outfit for these parts.

  You would think more of the workers would be young, but ours isn’t a big operation. We don’t pay as well as some of the bigger farms and most of the younger guys want that sort of work. So, we usually draw the older guys, a bit slower moving, but they get the job done.

  I fiddle and fuss around the coop for a while longer. Avoiding going over to where they are chatting. They are far enough away I may be able to sneak around the back of the house and do the meet and greet another time.

  I step out from the back of the coop, glance over to see whoever the new worker is settle into his truck and pull it back toward the cabin where he’ll be staying. A sigh of relief, Enrique is familiar, but I am just not in the mood for new faces right now. Jessie sees me and starts to holler.

  “Rachel! Come on over here, honey.”

  Jessie waves me over. I tug the hem of my plaid shirt down, trying to straighten it, then brush a little dirt off my hands. Then I shift gears and fuss with the top of my shirt. The buttons always seem to lose their grip over my triple D’s at just the wrong time. These babies have a mind of their own, so I’ve learned to layer a tank top under my shirts.

  Enrique’s bright smile lights up when he sees me and it immediately turns my lips into an equally large smile of my own.

  “Hi, Enrique, nice to see you again.” I greet him with a hug, then step to the side and shift on my feet, suddenly more than a bit self-conscious knowing someone new is here and from the bit of a glance I got, he’s young, and at least from the back side, hot even if he’s already across the yard by the cabin.

  “They’re going to get started today. The new fella already getting settled and Enrique, you do the same. Supper at 6:30 tonight remember. Enrique already knows that though, don’t ya?”

  “Yessum. Thank you, ma’am.”

  Still, I can’t help my eyes wander over toward the silver pickup to see the new hand carrying an olive green stuffed duffel into the cabin.

  I know I should be looking, he’s lookable even from a distance, and I’m young and I should be interested right?

  I hate that a few minutes with the bearded wonder last night has me feeling so attached. Whoever that girl was that flew up in the pickup last night, screaming about a blow job, she made me feel like an idiot. Mountain man is taken, or if he’s not taken he entertains other women, and just the thought of that makes the ache in my chest deeper.

  Jessie prattles on to Enrique about everything that needs to be done today, the emergency stop on the hay baler’s still acting up, the first cutting hay needs to be first on the list, the twine needs to be loaded into the big machine.

  She keeps on but my head is still filled with Mountain Man. The mess of it makes me shift my weight back and forth, my hands first on my hips, then down at my sides, then around my waist.

  Geez, I look like I’m doing the pee-pee dance. Calm down.

  A strange vibration is going on. A tightness in my thighs and a low buzz in my ears. I want the thoughts of him to go away.

  After last night, I want nothing to do with this new cowboy hat wearin’ wrangler that will be here for the next couple months. I’ve learned my lesson. It’s all book boyfriends for me from here on out. They never let me down and they seem to enjoy my curves.

  I stomp away without another word, my resolve to guard my heart renewed. Not everyone is meant for love. My life is meant for something else. Something that’s more suitable, that can’t hurt me. I just have to find it.

  Chapter Eight


  Last night I wouldn’t have thought it possible, but she’s even more jaw-dropping in the day time. She didn’t see me, but I sure saw her. I dropped my duffel bag in the cabin, looked out and hell if she’s not standing there talking with Jessie and Enrique. I recognize her from a country mile.

  This morning I came over to Plythesville to their feed store. I drive up, get inside and I overhear Enrique, and he’s in there talkin’ about how they need another hand out at the farm he works every fall. This sweet lady, Jessie, comes in and now here I am, standing here and I’ve got a fucking hard-on the size of a sequoia in my pants.

  Because she’s here.

  Right here.

  Holy fuck.

  Talk about a brick to the head. I say a silent prayer, thanking God for once again giving me another chance with her and promising not to screw up again.

  I’m sure everyone hears my heart ramming around inside my chest right now. Just the sight of her is doing things to me. I wonder if she’ll recognize me. Courtney took almost an hour this morning cutting the beard and hair off. The results ain’t half bad, even if she loved saying ‘oops’ a few times when she had the clippers going.

  But now the sun is lighting up her face and that voice in my head won’t shut up.

  She’s mine. Make her understand.

  Those words are racing around inside me like mustangs at the round up.

  I duck just inside the cabin door and watch. My muscles are tight; I’m even staring down poor Enrique, making sure he’s not putting his eyes on her. Or breathing too close to her. I know I’m losing my mind, but that’s a bronco I’m more than willing to ride into the sunset.

  She’s fussing and fidgeting... I like that she’s a little uncomfortable, a bit out of order. It only seems to draw me to her. Like she needs me. Because I sure as hell need her.

  Something came along and gave me a third chance with her today and I’m not blowing it this time. That warning label on the blue boner pill bottle says erections lasting longer than four hours are dangerous and you should seek medical attention.

  Ha. Fuck, I’ve been hard since last night and I’ve never felt better.

  But what do I do? Blurt out, Hey, I’m the guy from last night. Remember, I sucked your delicious cum off my fingers?

  I’m sure she assumed Courtney was my girlfriend or some hook up, and I don’t want to start out like that. How’s she supposed to know I’ve been fucking celibate for more than five years?

  I have to tell her – no way am I starting off our life together on a lie. I just have to find the right time.

  Our life together.

  There I go again, Jesus.

  My dick is knocking at my zipper and it’s sending shooting pains all the way up into my ears. He’s been asleep so fucking long he’s back with a vengeance.

  Everything about her says she’s the one I’ve been waiting for. That’s cheesy as fuck, but hell if that isn’t the damn thought that’s crossing my mind.

  Then it dawns on me. A
story my mom told me about her and Dad.

  The day she graduated from high school, my dad went with the family to attend the ceremony as his sister was graduating as well. She remembers the first time they saw each other. She said it was like he was looking at a ghost, and it scared her half to death but it also gave her a feeling she’d never had before.

  The next day, she was at her new job in town at the ice cream shop and when she walked into work her first day, there he was, sitting at one of the stools at the counter. Mom went about her work, and the other workers asked him if he wanted anything. Each time he politely said, “Not yet,” and winked at my mom.

  She was new and wasn’t allowed to take the customers’ orders, that was for the established girls; mom was just there to scoop the ice cream and clean the counters.

  After a couple hours of Dad just sitting there, the manager sauntered over and told him if he didn’t order something he would have to leave. He asked him one more time if he was ready to order, and once again, he winked at my mom and said, “Not yet.”

  So, they asked him to leave and he did.

  The next day, he was back. Same seat, same reply to the other waitresses. He would arrive a half hour before mom’s shift, stay two hours, then leave. After about a week the manager gave up fussing with him and let him sit there because he was quiet and didn’t bother anyone.

  Then one day, one of the regular waitresses called in sick and the manager put Mom on taking orders. She said her stomach was in knots because sure as every other day, there he sat, hands folded on the counter with that pleasant look in his eye. Mom gathered up her courage, stood in front of him and asked, “You’ve been coming in here for a week. Have you decided what you want yet?”

  She said he smiled, and she felt the ground shake at the look in his eye.

  He waited a long moment, took a deep breath and said to her, “I knew what I wanted a week ago. But I couldn’t get it from any of the other ladies here; I was waiting for you to offer. So, yes, I know exactly what I want.”

  Mom said, after that, it was only three more weeks and he had a ring on her finger and they had their happily-ever-after. Seems he’d asked everyone in the graduating class who she was and what she did in her spare time. When he found out about her job, he said he decided to sit there as long as it took to win her. Mom also said Dad’s mom had told her a similar story about my grandfather. Seems the Butler men know what they want when they see it, and waiting for what’s right is in our blood.

  I hitch my hat low and jump off the porch heading back where the three of them are chatting. Her eyes flit my way for just a moment and I want to be there close to her, but she spins on her heel as I get closer.

  Now, standing here watching her turn and walk away from Jessie and Enrique, it takes all my control not to break into a gallop and swing a lasso over her. Enrique told me Jessie had a niece, Rachel. She’s no Lori. Her fake name makes me smile. She’s one hundred percent Rachel. And one hundred percent mine.

  When I come up on them, Jessie is watching Rachel’s hasty retreat behind the house. “Sorry about my niece.” Jessie, the sweet lady who owns the place lights up in a smile. “Don’t know what’s gotten into her.”

  I’ll be what’s gotten into her soon enough.

  I’ll be in there and never want to leave. I return Jessie’s smile and add a nod. “Nothin’ to apologize for, ma’am.”

  Her eyes rove over my face, unblinking. The old lady’s sharp, I’ll give her that. Finally, she nods with a knowing blink of her milky blue eyes. “So, Enrique knows the drill around here by now.”

  “Yes, Miss Jessie,” Enrique answers stuffing his hands down in his pockets. “I’ll bring him up to speed. We’ll get started right away tunin’ up the machines, then go on getting everything rolling.”

  “Thank you so much for coming back again this year, Enrique. I know you’re not a field hand, and you’re sure kind to help an old lady out. You and Vanessa keep so busy with your kids and running your antique store, I’m surprised you have time for me, but I’m glad you do. Not too many of the regular workers want this job, that’s for sure. Not a big enough game for them. And I know what I pay isn’t what you could get elsewhere, but you know if I could afford it I’d give you more.”

  I try to think of something off-putting as they chat away, catching up. Working all day with my cock at full staff is not going to be comfortable. I glance once more in the direction of where Rachel disappeared, the thought of the sway of her quickened steps twitching the curves of her behind as she turned the corner makes me want to follow.

  When I got back to Roger’s last night, I thought about giving in and stroking out her effect on me, but it didn’t feel right. She’s the one that’s going to make me cum. I’m saving it all for her.

  I imagine her belly round, full of me, and I nearly lose my footing because I can’t believe that thought had just crossed my mind.

  For the first time since I got back, I know what I’m going to do.

  Chapter Nine


  The ranch hands get treated like family around here. We eat supper with them, and when it’s lunch time I take food out to them while they work. Aunt Jessie hollers for me around three o’clock to take some food out to the guys. It was past lunch time when they got here, but she can’t help herself. She said take them a late lunch so I’m packing the truck and heading their way.

  She feeds them well, too. The basket of lunch is overflowing with ham and cheese sandwiches, potato salad and iced down sweet tea along with a couple of bottles of Coke. I’ve got the basket secured into the passenger seat of the truck as I head down the side of the field toward the combine noise. The pickup jerks and rattles on the uneven dirt and my boobs bounce and jiggle right along with it.

  Jessie told me the new worker’s name is Chad and I expect I’ll have to know that.

  Getting close, I shake my head, then holler out the window as I come into voice range. “Y’all hungry?” I yell over the noise, trying to sound nonchalant.

  After all, I don’t want to invite any attention from this Chad. It’s stupid, but the fire that I felt last night was one of a kind. I may be an idiot, but there was something there and the thought of anyone else just falls flat.

  Chad’s enthusiastic voice greets me. “Hell yes! Bring it on over.”

  Chad jumps down off the combine sounding far more eager than I expect. Every muscle in his shirtless torso flexes and pops as he lands on a patch of dirt next to the machine.

  As he comes up, he’s grinning as wide as the brim of his hat. “You’re the best part of the day.” He has these perfect white teeth, straight as a stem of corn, and I still cannot shake the familiarity he seems to elicit.

  “Nice to hear.” I smile back, keeping things distant and polite as he approaches.

  I want that mountain man. The whiny voice in my head sounds like a toddler having a tantrum.

  But, I can’t lie to myself and pretend there isn’t something familiar, some vibration that gives me the same feeling as last night.

  For a second, I think his friendly joking is moving into flirting territory. Then I catch a glimpse of myself in the side mirror of the truck.

  My hair looks like I’ve been riding on the back of a motorcycle and my shirt and my cheeks are smeared with dirt from pulling carrots.

  Enrique gets to me first. “Miss Rachel? I told your aunt this morning and not sure she told you, but Vanessa and the kids are coming tonight to make dinner. Celebrate your birthday. She’ll make all your favorites. They’re leaving her mother’s place this afternoon, stopping by here on their way back home. Tomorrow they’ve got to get back to running the store, but they’ll spend the night here.” Enrique has a big family. His wife, Vanessa, and their five children always visit once or twice during the months while Enrique works. They’re fun and friendly; they laugh and she cooks to-die-for tamales and all sorts of food... But she knows I love her tamales, it’s Enrique’s family recipe. My ass get
s bigger just thinking about it.

  “Sure. That’s great. You cooking up at the house then?”

  “Yes. We’ll make a fire outside...drink some wine or some beer. You up for a little party?”

  His face lights up so much all I can see is his smile.

  “I’ll be here.” I answer.

  “Good.” Chad answers as he comes into closer view around the front of truck. “Then I will definitely be there as well. I wouldn’t want to miss your birthday.” His eyes are not just looking at me, they’re regarding me. Only one other man has looked at me like that, and that was last night.

  He licks his lips, I see the blue eyes flicker and something clicks at the exact moment he steps closer, leans into me, his lips close to my ear.

  “Last night wasn’t enough for me Dove. How ‘bout you?” My head is spinning when he leans even closer. “Not nearly enough. And that girl that came up in that pickup? She’s the sister of my friend I was with at the bar. More like my sister. I’m sorry if you thought otherwise, I would have had her tell you that herself, but by the time I turned around you were down the road.”

  He hitches his thumbs in the front pockets of his jeans and stands straight. A gleam of sweat covers his naked chest. The dark hair over his pectoral muscles calls for my hands and I’m trying to process everything he just said.

  He grins at my discomfort. “I’ll see you tonight.”

  With that his hands leave his pockets, he tips his hat at me and walks away, following Enrique back up onto the massive piece of machinery, the lunch basket dangling from Enrique’s hand.

  The rest of the afternoon I’m buzzing inside and I’m already on my second pair of panties.

  How could he be here? This is crazy. Now that I know it’s him, I’m having trouble walking straight.

  Aunt Jessie has to scold me twice, my daydreaming making me burn two batches of corn cakes she wanted to make to contribute to tonight’s dinner.


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