My Son's Wife

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My Son's Wife Page 8

by Shelia E. Bell

“Rena, tell me. What exactly happened with Frankie? Who did she assault and why?”

  “I don’t know all the details,” Rena lied.

  There was no way Rena was going to tell Audrey that Frankie jumped on some female who called herself confronting Frankie about another female. Rena would never be the one to divulge what she knew to any one in the Graham family, not even Stiles. If they wanted to know anything, they’d have to hear it from Frankie.

  Rena stopped daydreaming and tuned back in to what Audrey was saying.

  “I understand that you don’t want to tell Frankie’s business. So I won’t bother you about it anymore.” Audrey took another small bite of cheesecake before pushing the remaining dessert away from her. “Are you ready to go and find a dress and shoes for church?”

  “I think so. As much as I’ve eaten, I hope I haven’t gained a pound while sitting here,” Rena laughed while getting up from the table.

  Audrey laughed. “I want to find something chic. Let’s go back to that first store we looked in. I think I saw something that might just be what I’m looking for.”

  “I’m right behind you,” remarked Rena. The two ladies left out of the restaurant. At that moment Audrey Graham couldn’t be happier.

  It was almost four thirty in the afternoon when the ladies left the mall with an armful of shopping bags filled with clothes, shoes and jewelry. On the way back to Emerald Estates, while Audrey drove her midnight blue Altima, she skillfully maneuvered the conversation toward the subject of Stiles.

  “Rena, since Frankie is obviously not a topic of conversation you want to indulge in, tell me, what you think about Stiles.” Audrey slanted her eyes in Rena’s direction for a brief second before refocusing on the road.

  “Stiles is a nice man, but then again, he always has been. He’s going to be good for Holy Rock.” Rena admitted with a smile on her face.

  “My Stiles is quite a man. But I mean, what do the two of you have going on?”

  “Audrey, are you trying to insinuate that Stiles and I are involved?” Rena queried and diverted her eyes toward Audrey. “What would make you think that?”

  “Child, it’s apparent the two of you like each other. Take it from someone who knows. I know my Stiles and I know you quite well too, my dear. Y’all are smitten by each other. There’s no denying it.”

  Rena saw the slight smile that covered Audrey’s face.

  Audrey remained quiet. This was just what Audrey had longed for. Rena would be the perfect wife for Stiles. And if there was anyway she could help them to realize it, then she was going to do it. Pastor wouldn’t have to know a thing. Not one thing.

  On Rena’s way from Emerald Estates, after dropping Audrey off, her cell phone rang. It was Stiles.

  “Hey, you,” he said when he heard her voice.

  “Hey, yourself,” Rena responded.

  “Are you still hanging out with my mother?”

  “No, as a matter of fact, I left about five minutes ago.”

  “Why don’t you stop by the apartment? That is, if you don’t have anything else scheduled. I’d like for you to critique my message for Thursday night.”

  “Oh, you’re going to preach Thursday night, huh?”

  “Yep, Pastor said he wanted me to get as much training as possible. I only hope that I can be as great a preacher as he is some day. The man knows how to deliver the word of God.”

  “He sure does. But honestly, from the times I’ve heard you, I don’t think you’re going to have a problem following in his footsteps.”

  Stiles blushed over the phone. “So, are you going to come over? I promise it won’t take long. That’s another thing Pastor is teaching me. He says I should keep my messages short and simple. He said it doesn’t take all night long to tell people what thus says the Lord.”

  “I heard that.” Rena grinned as she spoke. “Expect me there in, oh say, about fifteen minutes.”

  “All right. I’ll see you then.”

  Rena closed her flip phone and headed in the direction of Frankie’s apartment.

  Exactly sixteen minutes later, she pulled into the apartment’s parking area. This would be the first time she’d been there since Stiles had moved into the unit a month ago.

  She knocked on the door and Stiles answered almost immediately. When she stepped inside the apartment she was amazed at the transformation. Stiles had totally redecorated the apartment. What used to be a drab, dull colored, lifeless apartment was now a bright, cheery looking space filled with live plants, a new chocolate sectional, with scented candles lit throughout the living room and kitchen. Rena slowly walked around, enchanted by what she saw.

  “So, I take it you like my decorating skills,” Stiles said with his hands clasped behind his back as he walked behind Rena.

  “I don’t know what to say. This place looks like a totally different apartment.” Rena continued to walk around, going down the hallway before stopping and turning around. “May I?” Rena looked at him and then refocused her eyes in front of her.

  “You may,” he answered.

  She walked to the bedroom. What used to be decorated bedding in mix-matched items from the thrift store was now color coordinated in vibrant shades of purple. Curtains, comforter, and an area rug all made the room look like a space right off of HGTV.

  “I must say that I’m quite impressed.”

  “You have no idea how that makes me feel,” he said in an almost inaudible, endearing whisper that made Rena’s stomach flutter.

  She turned around, stepped away from the bedroom and went back into the living room. “Another talent you’ve kept hidden from me, huh? Tell me, what other secrets are you keeping?”

  “I promise that whatever they are, when revealed, you’ll be just as pleased. Can I get you something to drink?” he offered.

  “Just a glass of water, please.” She needed something to put in her hands and in her mouth. She felt like she was coming off as a tease.

  Stiles went into the kitchen and returned with a glass of water for Rena and a soda for himself.

  “I can’t seem to get enough of these,” Stiles told her as he raised the glass of cola up to his thin, curvy lips.

  “I used to be that way about colas too. But I finally weaned myself off of them. Now I try to drink more water.” Rena took a swallow of the ice cold water.

  “Stiles, this apartment is just, simply. I don’t know what to call it. Simply fabulous.” Rena glanced around again as she took a seat on the sectional.

  “Thank you, again my lady.” He bowed as if he was acknowledging credit for a great performance.

  Stiles took a seat on one of the bar stools at the kitchen island.

  “Did you and my mother enjoy your shopping spree? And did you leave anything for the other shoppers?” he teased.

  “The answer is yes and yes,” replied Rena.

  “That’s good. I’m sure my mother had a great time. She loves to shop. Plus, being out with you, I’m sure did her a world of good. It’s the kind of stuff she’d love to do with Frankie, but, well you know how that goes.”

  “Yeah, I know.” Not wanting to talk about Frankie, Rena flipped the subject quickly. “Now what about this sermon you want me to hear? I’m going to warn you. I’m a tough critic. No holds barred.”

  “Uh, oh. I just may have gotten myself in trouble. I thought you would be easy prey. Now you’re telling me that you’re not going to give me a break.” Stiles chuckled loudly. Rena loved to hear him laugh.

  Stiles walked over to a small desk, in the corner of the living room, next to the window. It was a desk that Frankie already that she kept cluttered with unopened bills, papers and junk. Now the only thing on it was a table top lamp, a manila folder and a pen and pencil holder. Stiles picked up the folder and walked back toward the kitchen. Standing in front of Rena, he opened the folder and began his message. The more he read, the less he had to read. He got off the stool and walked around with his notes in hand but barely looking at them.

p; Rena sat on the sectional and listened intently at the handsome preacher standing before her. He looked so confident, so self-assured. The words he spoke touched her deeply. She thought of Frankie as Stiles talked about the forgiveness and the love of God. She thought about her own faults and shortcomings, of the mistakes and wrong turns she’d made throughout her life. She listened as Stiles talked like he was standing before a sanctuary full of people.

  “There is therefore no condemnation in Christ Jesus,” Stiles said in closing.

  Rena was in awe at the man before her. Something stirred within her spirit. A feeling she’d never felt before. The words drew her into him more and more. Stiles Graham had captivated her heart in more ways than one.

  When he finished, sweat poured from his face. He sat down next to Rena. The message had drained him. She had seen the same thing happen to Pastor when he preached. She stood up and went into the bathroom, returning with a cold towel, she wiped the sweat off of his face. Rena went into the kitchen and poured a glass of orange juice and took it to Stiles.

  “Here, drink this. It’ll help place some of the nutrients back into your system.”

  Reaching for the glass, he looked up into her eyes and they locked. She quickly dropped her head.

  “Thanks,” he whispered and sipped the juice.

  “That was a powerful word. You allowed God to speak through you tonight.”

  “Rena, when I’m speaking the word of God, I can’t explain the joy within my spirit. It’s like I can’t stop. I have to tell anybody who’ll listen about God’s love.” Drops of moisture still clung to his forehead. His whole face spread into a smile.

  Rena watched his lips as they puckered when he talked. His hands moved around as he used them to describe various points about his message. She was mesmerized by him, drawn into him by his gentle spirit. His desire for God’s word and the eagerness he had to please the Lord. Rena looked at him. For the first time, there were no shadows across her heart. A bottomless peace and satisfaction filled her spirit and she realized that Stiles Graham was the man for her.


  In jealousy there is more of self-love than love. – F. de la Rochefoucauld

  The night Rena listened to Stiles’ sermon marked the turning point in their relationship. She began to let her guard down. Rena couldn’t deny that she enjoyed being with him. For once, she felt good about going out in public with Stiles. No more stares and whispers from people when they saw her and Frankie together. Rena felt uncomfortable when Frankie insisted that she accompany her to places frequented by homosexuals. Rena didn’t want to be associated with them because as far as she was concerned, she wasn’t gay. She was Frankie’s best friend, and that was all. Being with Stiles had changed all of that. She was happy, carefree and on top of the world.

  Rena relaxed on the sofa, next to Stiles. It felt good and right, for once, to have someone other than Frankie at her apartment. She and Stiles exchanged friendly banter while they waited on the pizza and Buffalo wings Rena had ordered. They planned to spend the evening watching DVDs. She loved that Stiles filled her days with good conversation and her nights with dinner, movies and his sermons.

  When the food arrived, they prepared to enjoy their time together. With their shoes off and sitting back on her couch, they waited for the first movie to start.

  “If this isn’t a good one, remember you picked it out.” Rena nudged Stiles in the side. He grunted.

  “Uh, you’re the one who picked it. I got this one.” Stiles waved “The Pursuit of Happyness” under her nose.

  “No, you didn’t,” she challenged in a joking tone.

  They chitchatted back and forth until the previews ended and the movie started. Stiles slid closer to Rena, and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

  She tensed.

  “I’m not going to hurt you. I promise,” he whispered in her ear. “I just want to be close to you, that’s all.”

  “I know. It’s not you. It’s me, Stiles.”

  “Come on, lighten up. Let’s enjoy the movie.”

  Rena did as he said. She laid her head against his arm. Stiles smiled with pleasure but their romantic moment was short-lived by the shrill ring of the phone.

  Rena raised her head up, straightened up and reached for the phone on the table in front of her.

  The recorded voice said, “This is a collect call from an inmate of a correctional facility. Press one to accept the call. Press two to reject the call.”

  Rena pressed one and waited. Placing her hand over the phone, she whispered, “It’s Frankie.”

  “What’s up?” Frankie asked her in a not so pleasant tone.

  “Nothing, I’ve just been working hard. How are you doing?”

  “Obviously you don’t care how I am. You haven’t been to see me at all this week. What’s up with that?”

  “I told you, I’ve been working hard, and with that comes long hours. I shouldn’t have to tell you that. Things have really been hectic this week. But I’ll be there Monday. I promise.”

  Rena looked back over her shoulder at Stiles, who observed how tense she’d become after talking to Frankie for less than thirty seconds.

  “I guess you forget that I know you better than anyone, Rena. You don’t sound right. Tell me what’s really going on with you? For the past few weeks, you’ve been acting weird. I just haven’t said anything. But I’ve been listening and I’ve been watching you. There’s something different in your voice. And you look, I don’t know, guilty or something when I do see you. You wouldn’t be messing around on me?”

  “Girl, please. I don’t have time for this. You know good and well that it’s nothing like that.”

  “Oh, it’s like that, huh? Now you don’t wanna to talk to me. Is somebody there?”

  Out of nowhere, Stiles spoke up, right on cue as if he’d heard what Frankie said. “Tell my little sister her big brother says, hello.”

  “Who is that?” Frankie screamed, and a stream of expletives spilled from her mouth like a waterfall.

  “Stiles. He said to tell you, hello. We were just sitting here watching a couple of DVDs.”

  “What’s he doin’ over there?”

  “You have two minutes…” the recorded voice on the line said, interrupting their conversation.

  “Answer me, Rena! What is my brother doing over there?”

  Words wedged in Rena’s throat. She couldn’t say anything with Stiles sitting next to her, practically breathing down her throat, and Frankie on the other end cussing her out.

  “Frankie, the phone is going to cut off. Look, I’ll be there Monday after work. I promise. Now wait, say hello to Stiles before your time runs out.”

  “Don’t….” Frankie was about to tell her not to put Stiles on the phone. But the next voice she heard was her brother.

  “Hey, sis. You okay?”

  “What kind of question is that? I’m locked up, in case you forgot. So no, I’m not okay,” she snapped. “Seems like if you were so concerned, you’d be paying me a visit or something. But I see you already paying visits. You and Rena got something going on, huh?”

  “Not yet, but believe me,” he said and grinned. “It’s not because I’m not trying.” He winked at Rena while he talked to his sister.

  Ohmigod, she must have asked him something about me and him. Rena thought.

  Frankie was fuming. She was about to tell him that Rena belonged to her but the phone went dead.

  “Hello. Hello.” Hearing the dial tone, he hung up. “Boy, did she sound bent out of shape,” Stiles said. He went to the kitchen to get some pizza.

  “She’s just tired of being behind bars. Plus, I didn’t get a chance to visit her this week. I should have made time to go and see her.”

  He walked back into the room where Rena sat trembling and almost in tears.

  “Rena, you can’t run to the jail every visiting day. Don’t get me wrong, I love my sister. But she got herself into this mess. You do the crime; you have to do the tim
e. That’s just how it works. Sometimes we tend to think that when we go to God and ask Him for forgiveness that everything is squashed. Well, God does forgive and he does forget. But we still have to pay the consequences for the sins that we commit. It’s the same with Frankie. We all love her, but the fact still remains, she broke the law and she has to pay for what she did. But we can’t do time with her, Rena, and that’s exactly what you’re doing. You’ve been a true friend to my sister for all these years, and I commend you for that, for sticking by her. But now,” Stiles sat the pizza on the table and knelt down in front of Rena.

  Rena’s hands were shaking as he took them inside of his and gently massaged them back and forth.

  “But now,” Stiles repeated. “You need to take time for yourself.”

  Rena looked at him. “I know everything you said is right. But I can’t seem to break away from her. She’s counted on me all of these years. I know you all don’t understand, but it’s like me and Frankie are joined at the hip. I can’t turn my back on her.” She flung out her hands in simple despair.

  Stiles gently used one hand to caress Rena’s face gingerly. Her eyes automatically closed at the first stroke of his touch. He moved in closer to her, his lips scathed hers. Rena’s body released a soft gasp as the warmth of his tongue parted her lips. Stiles moved his hands over her shoulders and brought her down toward his body. The space between them was sealed when Rena wrapped her arms around him.

  Stiles held her trembling body, reveling in the softness of her skin and the fragrant aroma of her body. When he pulled away from her, their faces were flushed. He kissed Rena lightly on the lips again before standing up and reclaiming his seat next to her.

  “How about some pizza?” He picked the plate up and passed it to her. Rena grabbed a piece, and looked away, then picked up her glass of tea and took a swallow.

  The rest of the evening Stiles and Rena enjoyed watching DVDs. The last one was a suspense thriller. Both of them enjoyed trying to figure out who the killer was. By the time they finished watching both movies, there was one slice of pizza left and a couple of buffalo wings.


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