Til' Death Do Us Poisoned (Weddings, Marriage & Murder Culinary Cozy Series Book 1)

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Til' Death Do Us Poisoned (Weddings, Marriage & Murder Culinary Cozy Series Book 1) Page 4

by Susan Baker

  “I want to talk about Ellen,” he said. “I am not in love with her and that kiss never should have happened. She has been pursuing me for months and I just gave in during a weak moment.”

  “I have no control over whom you kiss, like I said, I was just surprised,” Maria said, feeling a flush coming on. She tried to breathe evenly and calm herself.

  “I was hoping maybe you would have coffee with me some afternoon or maybe a glass of wine?” Ian asked, his voice starting to melt her reserves.

  “Err, I am not sure, I am working on investigating this case,” Maria said and took a sip from her drink. “Anyway, I am not looking to get seriously involved with anyone.”

  “But I am not anyone, we have worked together for three years and I have not dated anyone. I have been waiting for you,” Ian said in his most disarming voice.

  “But you and Ellen..,?” Maria asked.

  “I told you, that is nothing,” Ian answered.

  “I am not sure if it is wise to date someone I am working with, not that you asked me,” Maria said, feeling her words tangling together like tight elastic bands around a skinless ball that had been exposed.

  “You know I thought about that, that is why I have been very slow in asking you out. But I just feel happy when you are around and besides, I think we would be good together. I am not asking for anything serious at first, just one date, just a drink,” Ian said.

  “I will think about it, first I need to get this murder solved,” Maria said, the red dots on her cheeks deepening as she stole looks at Ian, trying to figure out if he was sincere. Somehow she knew he was, but her protective hackles were always up around any man, even Ian. Before she had landed the job at Atlantic Resorts seven years ago, she had dated off and on, but none of her relationships were serious except one two-year relationship with an artist. Her tenure at Atlantic had been more of the same, a few dates, but nothing serious. She remembered the frightening experience she had with her uncle Dale, her father’s flirty brother. She had blocked out the details of the abuse, but the overall fear of men stayed with her. She tried to smile and looked again into Ian’s blue eyes.

  “Maybe later this week, I will let you know,” Maria almost stammered. She had no problem giving Ian orders and managing him, but this was something else. She was strongly attracted to him and this fact made her feel disjointed like she was floating in air. She was used to being in control, feeling grounded. She did not like this feeling of slipping control.

  “So have you learned anything during the murder case?” Ian asked.

  “I have a couple more suspects, I found out recently that both Scott daughters dated Alex Steeple. I have talked to Melinda, but I need to talk to Amy Scott,” Maria answered.

  “She was the maid of honor?” Ian asked.

  “Yes, she read the poem, did you hear it?” Maria asked.

  “There are speakers in the kitchen so we could time everything, but I don’t remember a poem, how was it?” Ian asked.

  “Considering the fact that he dumped her to date her sister, it was very sweet,” Maria said. “She said she wrote it and it was nice. I watched her during the wedding video and she looked very sad,” Maria said.

  “Did she look angry?” Ian asked.

  “Good question, I will find out when I talk to her,” Maria said, standing up to indicate to Ian it was time to go. He took her cue and walked to the door.

  “Once again about Ellen,” Ian started to say.

  “Like I said, I was more surprised than anything. As far as I am concerned, it is over,” Maria said, kindly.

  “I hope you will forgive me and give me a chance,” Ian said and made his way to the elevators. Maria stood by her door and watched him leave. Boy he was handsome, she thought for the hundredth time. She still didn’t trust him. People didn’t just “fall” into passionate kisses, there was something behind that kiss and Maria still held, perhaps too close, the vision of Ian and Ellen together. Maria decided to give the investigation a rest for the day. She called Lindsay and wished her goodnight, promising to come in the morning for a visit. It was after eight, and Maria did not have much of an appetite. She grabbed a bag of chips from the vending machine and tried to go over the case. Soon she fell into another troubled sleep watching a cop drama.

  The next morning Maria went to see Lindsay to tell her about Ian and Ellen and their conversation in Maria’s room. Lindsay let her in and they sat down. Maria still had mixed feelings about Ian and decided to pour her heart out to Lindsay.

  “I went to see Ian yesterday and I caught him with Ellen,” Maria started.

  “Define what you mean by “with,” were they together?” Lindsay asked.

  “They were in a passionate lip lock, did you know they were an item? Did you know she liked him?” Maria asked her friend.

  “Ellen cares about Ellen, and I find it hard to believe that she is in love with Ian. You are really sweet on him, aren’t you?” Lindsay asked.

  “I thought we were sweet on each other, although nothing has happened. That is probably my fault, but you know my past and I am afraid to get involved with anyone, not even Ian,” Maria said, almost sadly.

  “I think it is time you reached beyond your horrible past and embraced love. You had a horrible experience with a bad uncle, a man who should have been locked up. But he was the one responsible, not you. You are beautiful and funny, not to mention smart. In the five years we have worked together you have had about four dates, and they have led to nothing. Hey I am not saying my love life is much better, but I did have a tortured relationship for a couple of years. I am just not sure I am the marrying kind,” Lindsay said. Lindsay was referring to a long distance relationship she had with a businessman from Las Vegas. Since the team at Atlantic Resorts traveled all over the east coast and the Midwest, Lindsay only saw Oscar a few times a year. But for a while she had been madly in love. The relationship had ended badly though and Lindsay had not dated for a year.

  “What makes you think I am the marrying kind?” Maria asked.

  “It is just a feeling I have. And let’s talk about Ian. Ok, maybe he kissed Ellen from loneliness or in a weak moment, but he likes you. I have seen the way he looks at you and he is in love,” Lindsay said.

  “He came to my room last night to try and explain about Ellen, he said it was a “heat of the moment” kind of thing, that it was a mistake,” Maria said.

  “Do you believe him?” Lindsay asked.

  “I think so, maybe, I am not sure. How do you accidentally kiss anyone, I can’t imagine doing that. He asked me to go for coffee or for a drink,” Maria said.

  “So go with him, it is just a drink, what can it hurt?” Lindsay asked.

  “But I can barely even look at him, I can’t imagine anything serious happening between us. Besides we are co-workers and should not get involved,” Maria stated, not believing her own words.

  “Everyone meets their future mates at work, or at least many people do. I met Oscar at a function we gave. It is just human nature to work together and have attraction to someone of the opposite sex. The problem is you sweetie, you need to open up, let yourself go a little, give Ian a chance,” Lindsay said.

  “Maybe,” Maria said. She looked at her watch and realized she was almost late for her meeting with chief Appleby. “I gotta go Linds, I will see you later.” The two women hugged goodbye and Maria went to her room and ran a brush through her dark wavy hair. She decided she looked ok and closed her door behind her. She would be just in time to meet with Appleby. When she reached the restaurant he was waiting for her. The hostess led them to a seat and they sat down, facing each other. Appleby asked Maria if she wanted lunch and she ordered a chef salad while he ordered a club sandwich. They both ordered iced tea. When the tea was delivered Appleby had a series of questions for her.

  “Is everyone still on lockdown, does everyone in the wedding party know they have to be available for questions?” Appleby asked.

  “I think everyone knows
they are to stay put until we get some answers. I have not noticed anyone trying to flee,” Maria answered honestly. “I hope we can find some answers fast so everyone can go home.”

  “What have you found out so far?” Appleby asked.

  “Well I had a short interview with the bride, Melinda Scott, but it was cut short. I plan to see her later today,” Maria said as their food arrived. Maria was hungry and took a bite of her chef salad, which was full of ham, roast beef, and hard-boiled eggs. It was delicious with a tangy ranch dressing.

  “Why did she cut the interview short?” Chief Appleby asked. Maria wondered if she should tell Appleby about Thomas Ward and her conversation with him. She didn’t know Appleby well and decided to keep her suspicions to herself for the time being. She also decided to keep the note she and Lindsay had found in Melinda’s room until she could get handwriting samples from all the members of the wedding party including some wedding participants like Rebecca Carl. She did share her conversation with the bride’s father, Edward Scott. She decided a fifty/fifty approach would be wise right now.

  “So what did you find out about Mr. Scott, he is worth a fortune right?” Appleby asked, eating his club sandwich.

  “He is a high powered lawyer, but I think his fortune comes from oil from his vast holdings in a number of oil companies. Yes, he is very rich and so is his daughter,” Maria answered.

  “How did he feel about his prospective son-in-law?” Appleby asked simply.

  “Not good, Edward didn’t think highly of him at all. He thought he was a money-grubber, his words, only after his wife’s fortune,” Maria answered.

  “Would he have wanted Alex Steeple dead, is he the murderous type?” Appleby asked.

  “Well sir, I don’t know what the murdering type is, but if I had to guess, I would say no in Edward Scott’s case, he has too much to lose to waste his time on a bad marriage regarding his daughter. But, and this is a big but, he doesn’t seem sorry he is gone from Melinda’s life,” Maria answered.

  “Who else do we have?” Appleby asked.

  “Well there is the bride, I still need to interview her further, and I need to talk to the kitchen staff and other members of the wedding party,” Maria said, a little vaguely, working to not cast deadly aspersions on Ian who prepared the cake. She didn’t mention Amy Scott who she planned to see this afternoon. She still had to see Rebecca Carl as well.

  Let’s interview Ms. Scott together and then Ian. After that, I have to get back to the precinct. She is meeting us at one in the conference room off the lobby. I will be back to interview more of the wedding party tonight. Everyone is still campussed until we get some answers. Someone poisoned that piece of cake and only that piece of cake. I need to interview everyone who had anything to do with the cake, preparing it, serving it etc. We are still waiting for fingerprints on the plates and the champagne glasses. This is a small town and results are slow to come in .

  “There is one more person of interest,” Maria said.

  “Who,” Appleby asked spearing final bite of greens thickly coated with dressing.

  “A waiter, a young kid who I didn’t approve. He helped to serve the cake,” Maria said.

  “So if you didn’t approve him, how did he get on the wait staff?” Appleby asked.

  “I am thinking last minute replacement,” Maria said.

  “When we ask the kitchen staff, we will sure as heck find out,” Appleby said.

  “My thoughts exactly,” Maria echoed.

  After lunch, which Appleby insisted on paying for, Maria and Appleby met Melinda in the conference room next to the restaurant. Her long blonde hair was worn down today and the look on her wide cheeked and attractive face was sad. Maria could not tell if it was put on or not. Chief Appleby started the questions.

  Miss Scott, your husband was poisoned so someone really wanted him dead, do you have any idea who that could have been, and I want you to really think. Who at the wedding party could have wanted Alex dead?”

  “I have no idea officer, Alex was the salt of the earth, friendly to everyone and all over good guy. Everyone liked him except my dad, and maybe Amy,” Melinda answered.

  Why did your dad have negative feelings toward him and would he have any reason to hurt him? And Amy is your sister?” Appleby asked.

  “My dad thought Alex was out to get my money, and I could not talk him out of that feeling. But my dad would never have hurt Alex, not in a million years. He is always unhappy with my choices in men and I have no control over that, but he is a bear of a man, in a cuddly way, not a murderer,” Melinda answered. Maria rolled her eyes inwardly. A cuddly bear of a man is not how she would describe Edward Scott.

  “And your sister, why did she dislike Alex?” Appleby asked.

  “Alex dated Amy before he dated me. I think their relationship only lasted a year or so, but dad says she has been heartsick ever since, just moping around the house and all that,” Melinda answered.

  “Do you think your sister would have harmed Alex, say poisoned a piece of wedding cake?” Appleby asked.

  “So it was poison, I knew it! He was just fine before he had that piece of cake,” Melinda exclaimed.

  “Yes, the cake was poisoned, with cyanide, but only his piece. Once again Ms. Scott, do you think your sister would have harmed Alex?” Appleby asked.

  “Amy, goodness no, she is a mousy sort of girl. In fact I don’t know how she and Alex ever started dating to begin with. It was an odd pairing and they had nothing in common,” Melinda stated.

  “What do you mean?” Maria asked.

  “I mean he was deep into sports and was always open to new things. He ran a gym for goodness sakes. Amy didn’t even like to walk. He liked to go out and have a good time if you know what I mean. Amy was a homebody, and I am sure they clashed over that,” Maria said. “Still they went out for a year and I am pretty sure she had a real thing for him. But all is fair and love and war, right? He chose me and I was the lucky one,” Melinda said wistfully. Chief Appleby took another tact.

  “Think Miss Scott, really think. Did anyone want you or your new husband dead?” Appleby asked.

  “Absolutely not,” Melinda answered. “He was a prince and I will miss him and the wedding guests were all friends of ours, I knew all of them, except Alex’s ex, and I can’t think of anyone who would want to hurt me.”

  “Who is Alex’s ex and why was she at the wedding?” Appleby asked.

  “Her name is Rebecca Carl, she is kind of hostile but she didn’t seem threatening. She and Alex have remained friends I guess. I only spoke with her a couple times and found out she ran a high end clothing shop in Manhattan. She and Alex went out for a year and they broke it off right before he and I started dating again,” Melinda said. “I guess the trajectory would be Amy, me, Rebecca and finally me again. It sounds kind of crazy doesn’t it? But that was Alex, he had to have a girlfriend and he wasn’t the type to be alone.”

  “Why did the two of you break up the first time?

  “My dad, he was dead set against us being together, but after he and Rebecca broke up, and he didn’t tell me much about her, he and I met up again and I decided he was the one for me,” Melinda explained.

  “Is she the jealous type?” Maria asked.

  “Alex and I broke up for a year, and he and Rebecca went out, that is all I know. Rebecca, like all of us, lived in New York City. He said he met her at his gym, but again, I know nothing about her. I thought she was just his in between girl, he said he never got over me. I don’t know if she was the jealous type or not. I was surprised to see her at the wedding but you had to know Alex. He didn’t have enemies and stayed friends with everyone he had ever gone out with, I am surprised I did not see other college girlfriends there,” Melinda said with a half smile. “He was generous of heart and just a big teddy bear.

  “Did Rebecca Carl say anything to you?” Maria asked, still pressing the point.

  “I don’t think so, like I said, I can’t say she was exactly f
riendly to me, but that is to be expected. But again, she didn’t seem threatening,” Melinda answered. “You will have to talk to her.”

  “If you think of anything else, either Miss Winfred or I will be around. Here is my card with my number, I am always available, call me if you think of anything that could help us find your husband’s murderer,” Appleby said and he and Maria stood up to leave. Maria and Chief Appleby left the conference room.

  “Before I go I would like to talk to Ian Lake, he prepared the cake, right?” Appleby asked. “I would also like to talk to the kitchen staff who were on duty the night of the wedding.”

  “Ian or the kitchen staff first, we are close to the kitchen so we could interview the staff first and then go to Ian’s room and interview him,” Maria said, glad she did not have to talk to Ian alone. “The staff first,” Appleby said. They went into the kitchen and talked to the head chef, a guy named Max Baylor, who was on duty when the reception was held.

  “Sir, my staff and I cooked the dinner that night and I helped Mr. Lake with the cake,” Max answered.

  “How many people were in the kitchen cooking and serving during the reception?” Appleby asked.

  “I would say about 20 people in all, eight kitchen staff workers and twelve servers plus Miss Winfred’s team of course,” Max said nodding to me. I introduced myself. “By the way, I am Maria Winfred. I am the events manager of the Atlantic Resorts and I was in charge of the reception.”

  “Glad to meet you,” Max said shaking my hand.


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