Lokai's Curse

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Lokai's Curse Page 7

by Coulter, J. Lee

  “If Seonaid knew the truth she would not be able to hide it. She has no guile in her heart. These attackers must believe that their plans are going smoothly so they have to believe him dead. It is imperative that you do not tell her.”

  Diedre nodded. “For how long?”

  “For as long as it takes. Come Sprite, I want you away from here. I will take you home.”

  She shook her head in refusal. “I would not be any safer there. Since I know about Garrick, let me go to the palace.”

  Lokai’s brow rose. Her idea had merit. She and the babe would be safe and she could calm Garrick’s worries. It would be beneficial to all.

  “Very well. The king will be here shortly to protect Seonaid and the bairns. We will leave when he arrives.” He glanced at Seonaid asleep on the bed. “She sleeps soundly. I hope she will forgive me someday for what I have done.”

  Diedre gave him an odd look. Why would she not forgive him? He is keeping them all safe. She shrugged. “I spelled her to have a restful sleep. She will wake in a few hours.”

  He grunted his approval. As they left the chamber he set two guards inside, passing a stern look at Moran. Diedre punched his arm.

  “Do not be upset with him, Lokai. What else could he do?” She giggled. He knew she was right. There is no defense against Diedre and her ‘charms’.

  They found King Alred awaiting them in the great hall. Diedre’s face lit up as she hurried to him as fast as her rounded belly would allow.

  “Father!” she cried as he embraced her in a bear hug, his eyes misting. “I have missed you so!”

  He held her out from him to look her over. With a mischievous grin he replied, “Not all of the time, I think.”

  She slapped at his hand, laughing. He glanced at Lokai raising a brow in question. He shook his head brusquely. He knew Alred was asking about Natasha. Just as he knew he would have sensed her presence if she were there. They would have to be patient.

  “How is Seonaid and the bairns?”

  “As well as can be expected, Father. I made her lie down and rest.” She sighed. You will stay with her? Lokai is taking me to the palace until the danger is passed.” She gave him an imploring stare. “She will need your strength to withstand her loss. It will not be easy.”

  “This I know. I, too, have gone through such a loss…when her mother died.” He glanced at Lokai in question. “You are taking her to the palace? Is that wise?”

  His eyes settled on his wife. “She knows, Sire. And besides it being the safest place to leave her…she could help calm our guest.”

  Alred glared at him. “How could you-?”

  “Oh bother! Do not be angry with him! I figured it out for myself.”

  Her father ground his teeth. “We will not speak of it!”

  “An excellent idea!” She beamed at him. “Shall we go husband?”

  Alred cleared his throat shaking his head. “There is one more thing that must be done before you leave.”

  Lokai arched his brow in question. He was not aware of anything else that needed to be accomplished.The king called in the guardsmen that were present in the castle to bear witness to his next act.

  “Kneel before me, Lokai.”

  He did as he was commanded bowing his head. Alred removed his crown holding it high above his head. “I wish for all Fae present to bear witness to the passing of the Fae Realm to Lokai, King of the Fae!” Diedre gasped as his strong voice rang across the hall. He placed the crown on Lokai’s brow then bid him to rise. A golden scepter topped with a huge black opal appeared in his hand. Alred held it out to Lokai. “With this scepter I pass all of the powers of the kingdom to King Lokai!” Lokai was stunned as he took possession of the scepter and watched his former king bow down to him.

  “All hail King Lokai!” Everyone present repeated the salute.

  “Why now, Father? You have many good years left.” Her blue-green eyes were awash in tears. She was happy for Lokai but sad for her father.

  “It is time, daughter, and Lokai is ready. It is a precaution as well. In case Athor reaches me…he still will not possess the kingdom.” He did not mention that her mother might lose interest in this scheme if the throne was beyond her grasp. He clasped arms with Lokai. “Protect it well, Lokai.”

  He gave a curt nod in response. He was too overwhelmed at the moment for words. Lokai took Diedre’s hand and left for the palace.


  The ebony-haired laird paced restlessly in the palace gardens…frustration oozing from every pore. He did not like having no control over the safety of his family. The king expects too much! Alred’s reasoning was sound but it did not make the situation any easier for him. He slammed his fist into his open palm.Damn the Fates for this dilemma!

  Just then the atmosphere began to waver before him as Lokai and Diedre appeared. They must bring news! Good! We will be done with this quickly. He stood with his arms crossed over his broad chest as he waited for them to speak.

  “Garrick! You look well…for a dead man.” Her grin faltered as he shot a look of venom her way. Alright…he is definitely not in the jesting mood. “Your family is well. Father is with them.”

  “What of Natasha? Was she inside the castle walls?” He sent a swift glance at Diedre’s curious look.

  Lokai shook his head. “She was gone when I returned. Perhaps she will return later but I do not think so. She knows she will be recognized if Alred sees her. Come…let us break our fast while we discuss our next move.”

  Diedre’s ears perked up at the mention of food. She had not eaten for hours and she was famished! Her mouth watered as she began remembering all the sweets the palace cook concocted. Lokai took her arm, leading her to the hall as he sorted out the options in his mind.

  When she was seated at the dais a myriad of sweet delicacies appeared before her. Her hand darted toward a tray of cherry tarts but by the time it had reached her mouth it turned into a boiled egg. Her mouth went into shock at the unexpected flavor and texture. She choked, spitting out the food, while Lokai pounded her back.

  “What trick is this, husband? I know I retrieved a cherry tart. Did we acquire a new cook who does not know her trade?”

  He shook his golden head. “No, Sprite, it is the same cook. I switched the food.”

  She sputtered, turning her wide eyes on him. “What game is this? Are you trying to starve me?”

  Lokai placed his hand on her stomach, gently massaging it, as he answered her. “The bairn needs sustenance…not sweets.”

  “So do I…and my sustenance is sweets! Now stop being silly and let me eat. It will not harm the babe to taste the pleasures of life.” She reached for another tart.

  With a flick of his pinky it transformed into a brussel sprout dripping in butter. He gave her a wicked grin, his eyes sparkling in mirth. They repeated the exchange for several minutes before Diedre became truly angry. She glared at her husband.

  Through gritted teeth she asked, “What…pray tell…am I allowed to eat, husband?”

  He grunted his approval. “You may eat meats, vegetables and fruit. You will drink either milk or water, nothing else.”

  Her mouth fell open as she listened to him. “Are you mad? I will starve to death!”

  Lokai rolled his eyes. “You exaggerate, Sprite. It is the same as you have been eating all these past moons. The babe is small…you must eat healthier food.”

  “Exactly! I have eaten what was available and this is the result. Now give me my sweets so our babe will grow fat.” He sure walked into that trap with his eyes wide open.

  He straightened his spine as he bellowed. “You will do as I say, wife! What you say may be true but the problem is that you ate it so sparingly. The results would be different if you had partaken more.” His eyes softened at her stricken look. “If you do as I say, I will allow one sweet a day. Agreed?”

  She smiled. “Agreed.” He could not watch her every moment…she would have her sweets. She turned her attention to the trencher before h
er as Lokai rotated toward Garrick.

  He was obviously distraught. His eyes were blood-shot from lack of sleep, his face haggard from worry. Lokai placed his hand on his shoulder.

  “You should eat as well, Brother. You have yet to fully recover.”

  Garrick eyed him with tortured eyes and asked in a hollow voice, “Why? Seonaid will nae join me and I am powerless to leave this place.” He swept his arm about the chamber. “Ye have managed ta take away my reason for living as you gave me endless life!”

  That stung! Lokai grimaced. “You do not know your wife very well if you believe that she would forsake you over this.” He shook his head.

  Garrick took a deep breath. Self-pity was not going to accomplish anything. Lokai did save his life. He did not deserve this treatment. He sighed. Somehow this would all work out…he must believe that.

  “Please forgive me, Lokai. Tis a difficult adjustment for me. I do nae mean ta sound ungrateful.”

  “Think nothing of it, Garrick. I do understand your pain. Now, eat something, for I have a request of you and I need your wits about you.”

  He arched a black brow. What could he possibly do for Lokai? He was Fae, after all, and had magic at his command. He shook himself mentally, and then began to eat.

  Chapter VIII

  “Ye want me ta do what?” Garrick roared in disbelief. He paced to and fro throwing his hands about in frustration. “We can hardly stand each other!”

  Lokai smiled to himself. “I can think of no one more suited to dealing with Diedre than you. You are aware of her tendencies to get herself in trouble. She will not be able to get anything past your watchful eye. Please, Brother, do this for me as I watch over your family. When I retrieved her, she had my second in command shaking in his boots and ready to tell all. She cannot do that with you.”

  “Aye, that is true.” His chest puffed up for a moment, then he frowned, shaking his head. “Twill nae work. She will nae listen ta me.”

  “She will listen…she has to obey her king. And I worry for the bairn. He is small in her womb. Use that for leverage if she does not obey you.”

  Garrick was stunned for a moment. Did he say “King”? He grinned at his brother-by-law. “King?”

  Lokai’s back straightened regally.“Yes…her father has stepped down from the throne. I am now the king and Diedre is queen…but do not let that deter you in holding her accountable.”

  He gave a brusque nod. “Very well, King Lokai. I will do my best but ye may find her locked in your dungeon upon your return.”

  “As long as she is still breathing I will be satisfied. I thank you, Garrick. Now I may leave in good conscience and capture the traitors.” He left in a twinkling to seek out his wife.

  Garrick shook his head as he ran his hand through his hair. He just knew that this was going to be a disaster. After all…it involved Diedre.


  Lokai’s gaze softened as he watched his wife napping in their chambers. He knew he was fortunate to have her. There had been many Fae men vying for her attention but her father saw where her heart lay. That she truly loved him humbled his heart.

  He frowned as his perusal of her landed on her rounded stomach. He made light of the size of the babe around Diedre but he was concerned. It was too small. He held his hand a hair’s breath away as he examined the fetus. Its heart was strong and steady and it seemed to be in good health. As it turned in her womb, Lokai gasped. The cord was wrapped about its…no…his throat. The bairn will die if he does not intervene, of that he was certain!

  He brought his other hand up, closing his eyes, as he pictured the procedure he must perform. His hands phased out of eyesight as he gently reached into her womb grasping the cord with two fingers. With a feathery touch, he held his son’s head as he slipped it over his tiny skull. Satisfied…he withdrew and examined him again. He smiled to himself as he felt the heartbeat grow stronger and the babe more restless.

  Diedre stirred. She smiled sleepily up at her husband, running her fingers through his golden locks. “Did I wake you, Sprite?”

  She shook her head. “No, Lokai. Hunger pangs woke me. I find that I crave some of the pheasant we had at our last meal…topped with cherries.”


  “Mm-hmm…perhaps with honey drizzled over it. That sounds heavenly.”

  Lokai was stunned. It sounded horrible. But if that is what she desires…he would give it to her. At least it was healthy food. He produced the meal for his wife and watched in amazement as she eagerly gobbled it down, licking the honey from her fingers as she finished. He gulped, his stomach clenching, as his eyes fastened onto her pink tongue darting between her lips and fingers. He reprimanded himself for letting his thoughts wander in that direction. He did not have time for this.

  He cleared his throat and mentally beat down his cock as he explained why he had come.

  “I will be rejoining your father soon, Diedre. I want you to stay in the palace while I am away.” She opened her mouth to protest but he stilled her with a finger to her moist lips. “I would appreciate it if you would keep Garrick distracted while I am gone. He worries for his family.”

  Diedre nodded thoughtfully. “I do not understand why he must hide, Lokai. And if I do not comprehend the reasons…how much more so will he be bewildered?”

  He sighed. She was right, of course, so he tried to explain once more. “If these traitors think everything is going well they will continue with their plans. They are bound to make a mistake as their over-confidence grows…then we will have them.”

  “But you will be using Seonaid and the bairns as bait!”

  Lokai cringed. His wife was too smart for her own good. He gave a curt nod. With a stern look, he replied, “It may appear that way but they are well protected. There will be no danger to them. Whatever you do, do not say such a thing to Garrick. He would go berserk! Promise me, Diedre.”

  “I do not like it. Tis not fair to Seonaid or Garrick!”

  “All the same…you will obey your king’s orders!” He stiffened, crossing his arms.

  “I had forgotten that you are now king. Of course I will obey you.” Tears stung her eyes at the harsh words. She had thought they were speaking as equals, that her opinion mattered. Apparently, she was mistaken. “When do you leave?”

  His stance softened as he pulled her into his arms holding her close. “As soon as I receive a proper kiss from my wife.” His head lowered as his lips met hers in a passionate kiss. Her knees buckled under the onslaught. Desire raced through her veins as he slowly pulled back. Her breath was shaky as he gave her some last minute instructions.

  “I have asked Garrick to look after you while I am away so please do not give him a hard time. It will calm him if he is diverted.”

  “Very well, husband, if you wish it.”

  He smiled at her…pleased that she was being agreeable for a change. With a quick peck on the lips, he murmured, “Be sure to keep our babe well-fed and rested, Sprite. I will return as soon as I can.” With that…he was gone.

  Diedre stomped her tiny foot in frustration. Oh bother! Now how will I let Seonaid know about Garrick without disobeying my king? I will have to give it some thought. She was in deep contemplation as she went in search of the cook to find something to eat.


  Seonaid awoke refreshed but disoriented after her sleep. Then she remembered Garrick’s cry. She hugged his pillow to her face inhaling his scent as fresh tears began to flow. Garrick, my love, where are you? What has happened?

  She received no answer. Her heart shattered within her aching breast. Aching? She needed to go feed her children. She rose wearily from the bed, making her way to the nursery. Her ears perked up as she neared the chamber, hearing familiar voices within. She rushed into the room expectantly only to have her hopes crushed as she spotted Alred and Lokai deep in discussion.

  “Lokai?” Her voice all but a whisper. “Have you…f-found my husband?”

  He turned slowly to f
ace her. This was the hardest thing he had ever done. He only hoped that she would forgive him someday. “Yes Countess…I found him.”

  Seonaid’s fist flew to her mouth to stifle a sob as she saw her answer in Lokai’s eyes. Her body trembled as her heart ripped in two. She steeled her body as she asked for details.

  “What happened to him? I wish to see him.”

  Lokai shook his head looking to Alred for assistance, then back to her. “No Countess, that would not be wise. He was shot in the back with a bolt and suffered much mutilation when he fell. He would not wish for you to view his damaged body.”

  “He was murdered? Why?”

  “To retrieve the Spear of Destiny. It is missing.”

  Seonaid’s mind whirled. This could only mean that Athor yet lives! She looked to her father in a silent plea. This could not be happening. What should she do? How can she go on living without her heart? Her soul mate? Her chin began to quiver as she struggled with her new reality.

  “Da…?” And the dam burst as Alred enfolded her trembling body in his arms.

  “Shhh…my sweet. We will survive this. All will be well…I promise. Right now you must think of the bairns. They need you.” He murmured in his melodious voice as he stroked her coppery hair. She nodded as she sobbed into his golden tunic.

  Her throat constricted as she replied, “Aye Da. I ken it. It-it is so v-very hard though.”

  He raised her chin with his finger looking deeply into her green eyes. “We will get through this, my sweet. I will help you. Do not forget that I know your pain. I lost your mother…remember?” He wiped a tear with his thumb as she nodded. “Come now, I hear hunger in the bairns’ cries.”

  Lokai breathed a sigh of relief as Alred took control of Seonaid. It was his job to distract and protect her and the babes while Lokai sought Athor and Natasha. After seeing his family’s raw pain he would make them rue the day that they dared to attack them!


  “Where have you been?” Natasha spit out between clenched teeth as she glared at Athor. “I have been waiting for almost two days! I thought you had been caught!”


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