The Officer's Girl

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The Officer's Girl Page 19

by Leigh Duncan

  They could build a life with that.

  The realization of how close they’d come to losing each other propelled her straight into his outstretched arms.

  “I was so scared that I’d lost you,” she whispered. She stood on tiptoe to search his face. “Don’t ever scare me like that again.”

  “Never,” he swore without hesitation.

  One word. Despite the summerlike heat, she’d been cold ever since the day they’d called it quits. Yet with that one word, he had chased away the chill.

  Brett brushed his lips against her hair. “I’ll do anything to keep you. Anything at all. Ask me something I can promise.”

  She knew just the thing. Stephanie pressed close enough to feel the way his heart pounded in his broad chest. “Will you stay with me?” she asked.

  “Forever,” he murmured as she clung to his solid strength. “I’ve got you forever.”

  Though she felt safe in his arms, she had to be sure. “And you love me? The way I love you?”

  “With all my life.” A fire that matched her own blazed in his eyes. Swearing he’d never let go, he bent down.

  Anticipation built to a fever pitch within her and Stephanie rose to meet Brett halfway. Full of promise, his lips brushed hers. He tasted of salt and cola, and she opened to him, eager to immerse herself in his kisses and follow wherever that led.

  Behind them, someone coughed.

  Brett stilled. His blue eyes peered down at her. “Why do I have the feeling we’ve got an audience?” he muttered.

  Stephanie stole a quick look past his shoulder. Sure enough, Tom stood a not-so-discreet five feet away with the twins, Brett’s little guys and Mary crowded behind him.

  “Sorry to interrupt, you two,” Tom said with a smug grin. “It’s time for the fishing derby.”

  “Already?” Brett grumbled. He leaned close enough that his breath sent shivers of pleasure rippling through her. “We were just getting started,” he whispered.

  Stephanie smiled up at the face she would never tire of seeing. At their first opportunity, they’d pick up their interrupted kiss where they’d left off, but for now, they both had obligations to fulfill.

  “Looks like we’ll have to finish this later. Think you can handle that?” she asked. Her heart raced at the way his eyes smoldered, promising more. Raining kisses on her cheeks and nose, Brett pulled back.

  “I can handle anything with you beside me.” He pressed her close to his side and swung them around to face the others.

  Tom aimed a thumb toward Mary and the children. “The girls are eager to fish with their Unca Brett. So are the boys. Are you ready for this?”

  “I am now,” Brett answered. He aimed an elbow in Tom’s direction while his arm at her waist tightened enough to let Stephanie know he intended to keep her close. “Ready, girls? Ready, boys?” he called to the children.

  “Ready,” four voices chorused in unison.

  “Then let’s go catch us a marlin,” he dared.

  Brett’s touch skimmed from her waist to her fingertips. Folding her hand in his, he led them toward the fishing pier and their future. As they stepped from beneath the shaded pavilion, Stephanie checked the sky for storm clouds, a habit she’d developed since moving to Florida. It looked as if the weatherman had miscalculated again—there was no sign of the predicted thunderstorms. From where she stood, clear skies and bright sunshine stretched all the way to the end of the ocean.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-5252-7


  Copyright © 2010 by Linda Duke Duncan.

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